ANTH 111: Quiz Answers

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Ongka's Big Moka addresses numerous themes related to cultural anthropology. In your own words, what are some of these themes and how can they help to illustrate culture as holistic and cohesive?

Not a clue... Theres many themes that illustrate culture as holistic and chohesive. One would be that the previous monka was may years ago (i think 10) and there was plenty of preparations for Ongka to plan the next one. Theres things like the mokas that are given to the different tribes, which are very importatnt to these people in their culture. Other things like no materialistic things are also given as mokas like fame, success, and status are a few. There's plenty of things that make the culture holistic and cohesive. recieved a (3.7/7)

Which of the following is not an example of magic?

A fisherman using the same net each time he fishes.

Which is an example of a rite of intensification?

A funeral

The _________________________ is a third gender category that is commonplace in numerous Native American cultures.


Which characterizes cultural ecology?

Cultural ecology examines the human relationship to the natural environment.

Which individual is known for providing a comprehensive early definition of culture and for contributing to the classical evolutionist perspective?

Edward Tylor

Based on our discussion of ethics and fieldwork, in your own words, what are some of the major ethical considerations associated with conducting ethnographic research?

Ethical considerations include those of the American Anthropological Association, the personal ethics of the researcher, and the ethics of the host community. Anthropologists should strive to maintain good relations with the host community and to limit having a negative impact on the community. Ultimately, the well being of consultants is of utmost importance.

According to our reading on technology and ethnography, cell phone technology has little impact on ethnographer/consultant relations.


All Native American groups were organized into tribes prior to European conquest and colonization.


All cultures evolve through a set number of stages.


All cultures have only two gender categories that correspond to male and female.


All societies naturally evolve from bands to tribes to chiefdoms to states.


Anthropologists study dinosaurs.


Based on the world system model, countries in the southern hemisphere are most frequently characterized as core nations.


Clans tend to be smaller and exhibit less continuity than lineages.


Contemporary anthropologists recognize five distinct races based on phenotype.


Displacement refers to the ability to change linguistic forms dependent upon context.


Ethnographic research can be conducted in a short period of time with limited effort by passing out surveys and having limited interaction with consultants.


Ethnographic research can only be conducted in far away exotic locations.


Foraging is a recent adaptation and is a direct response to urbanism and high population density.


Franz Boas supported classical evolutionism.


Gender always has a direct correlation to biological sex.


Industrialized agriculture leads to overall health and fitness in human populations.


Linear British Diffusion is the best explanation for the existence of pyramids in Egypt and also Mexico.


Matrilineal descent is the most common form of descent.


Race is based on clearly defined biological parameters.


Sexual dimorphism refers to culturally different standards of gender.


The U.S. Census reflects fixed racial categories.


The XY chromosome pair would result in an individual that is biologically female.


Which is associated with tribal societies?

Foraging and horticulture.

Hypodescent is a common in the United States. Which best exemplifies the concept of hypodescent?

Former President Barack Obama is widely recognized as the US's first African American president even though his mother was Caucasian.

Who is the "Father of American Anthropology"?

Franz Boas

Which is true?

Functionalism argues that culture serves to fulfill basic needs.

Which statement is correct?

Humanity made a significant shift from foraging to domestication and cultivation around 12,000 years ago.

Which is not a characteristic of all economic systems?


According to our lecture, what are some of the challenges associated with applied anthropology?

Making sure that the etherical concerns are addressed, like not over innovating within a group of indigenous people, as well as making sure not to under differentiate within a group, basically making sure that real help is actually given. (received 3/3)

In your own words, why is map-making an important field method for cultural anthropologists?

Map-making gives ethnographers a task that requires movement throughout the community of study. It "forces" the ethnographer to engage with the local community. This is valuable for establishing relationships with community members. Map-making also allows the ethnographer to gain insights into the use of space and the layout of the community. It can also be used to formulate questions about the community of study.

Which anthropologist is credited with examining culture and personality in Samoa?

Margaret Mead

Which of the following reflects the concept of endogamy?

Marriage as related to the Indian caste system.

Which statement accurately reflects our discussion of marriage and kinship?

Marriage is a culturally defined institution that varies from one society to another.

Which statement accurately reflects our discussion of anthropological theory?

No single theoretical perspective is inherently correct, and most cultural anthropologists use a variety of theoretical perspectives to explain cultural similarities and differences.

Swidden horticulture:

is associated with tribal populations and requires less investment than agriculture.


is most strongly associated with band and tribal populations and is used for healing.


is socially constructed and takes on three or more forms in numerous cultures.

The primary responsibility of the cultural anthropologist:

is to limit the impacts on the culture of study while not causing harm.

The term intersexed:

is used to refer to individuals where there is a discrepancy between external genitalia and internal reproductive organs.

Franz Boas is:

known for promoting historical particularism.

You want to study immigrant adaptation to the United States. You decide to conduct research in Chicago, Boston, Indianapolis, and Dallas. Your research is:


Which is not a characteristic of language:


The standard time for a cultural anthropologist to conduct research is:

one year.

Which of the following is not a sub-field of anthropology?


The cornerstone of ethnographic fieldwork is:

participant observation.

The following diagram illustrates: (bunch of triangles and circles 2 on top of 12)

patrilineal descent.

The Yanomamo:

practice bride service and patrilocal residence.

Contemporary cultural anthropologists:

promote cultural relativism.

The case of the Pima:

provides insights into the impact of dietary change on the health of Native Americans.


refers to a set of socially recognized roles and responsibilities between two or more individuals.

The concept of the nation:

refers to a shared sense of collective identity and belonging based on shared history, ancestry, culture, and symbols.


refers to cultural similarities and differences.

Which word contains a bound morpheme?


The study of myth structure as related to human cognition is associated with:


You are conducting research in the Samoan Islands. You note that a prominent practice is for young men to produce yams to give to their brothers in law. In doing so, they exert a significant amount of energy in production. The return value is that they gain respect and prestige while also strengthening relations with brothers in law. This is an example of:


The marriage practice when a groom marries the sister of his deceased wife is known as:

the sororate.

Cultural anthropology is:

the study of contemporary culture.

The first step in conducting ethnographic research is:

to make a map.

You are an anthropologist studying political imagery and its relationship to culture. You interview individuals about their perceptions of political imagery. This research can best be classified as:

visual anthropology.


was first explained by Edward Tylor and is defined by a belief in the natural world being inhabited by numerous spirit entities.

Which is not a branch of Applied Anthropology?

Structural Anthropology.

Which group is associated with the practice of bride wealth?

The Nuer.

_____________________ is the geological epoch that began with domestication about 12,000 years ago and that is defined by increased pollution, climate change, deforestation, extinction, and a significant human impact on the environment.

The anthropocene

Which exemplifies neoliberalism?

The lifting of trade restrictions and regulations and the opening up global markets.

Which example illustrates best the concept of cultural imperialism?

The presence of KFC, ESPN, and Facebook in China, Peru, and India.

Which of the following is not a "new" direction in anthropological inquiry?

The study of kinship and marriage practices.

Which best characterizes the world system model?

The world system model recognizes capitalism as a global phenomenon that integrates various regions of the world referred to as core (center), periphery, and semiperiphery.

In conducting research with a political leader you would be best suited to conduct a formal or structured interview.


Pastoralism is associated with tribalism, social stratification, and loose social organization.


Race is a form of folk taxonomy that has significant social and cultural meanings.


Which is associated with socio-linguistics?

Understanding variations in language due to regionality, gender, and power.

As an anthropologist you are asked by government officials in Benin to provide a report regarding ritual practices amongst tribal groups native to the country. A holistic report will include:

X. A history of ritual as a cultural practice. X. Accounts from various community members. X. A discussion of the function of the ritual. d. All of the above.

Which is a result of globalization?

X. An increase in intercultural communication. X. A breakdown in political boundaries. X. Increased migration. d. All of the above.

Which of the following is not a pre-fieldwork consideration?

X. Feasibility. X. Timeline. X. Dangers. X. Finances. e. All of the above are pre-fieldwork considerations.

Which exemplifies the concept of culture as symbolic?

X. The waiving of the flags of countries participating in the Olympics. X. The use of language to communicate ideas. X. Written text in your anthropology textbook. d. All of the above.

A capitalist economic system:

X. Work is isolated/alienated from one's social essence. X. Labor is a commodity. X. Individual gain (profit) is of utmost importance. d. All of the above.

In which is achieved status present:

X. band societies. X. tribal societies. X. state societies. d. all of the above.

Chimpanzees differ from humans in their ability to create speech as a result of:

X. differences in brain structure and function. X. genetic differences. X. differences in structure and function of the vocal tract. d. all of the above.

Contemporary ethnography has been impacted by globalization:

X. due to the fact that many ethnographers now focus on local/global connections. X. due to the fact that many ethnographers now focus on culture change as opposed to simply describing culture. X. due to the fact that ethnographers can use technology to study virtual worlds. d. All of the above.

Industrialized agriculture:

X. is associated with state societies. X. is associated with an increase in diseases of civilization. X. is associated with a surplus. d. all of the above

Culture is:

X. learned. X. shared. X. based on symbols. X. unique to humans. e. all of the above.

Which is a reason for language loss?

X. movement of people away from their homelands. X. the spread of global languages. X. a lack of cultural value placed on traditional languages. d. all of the above.

Rituals are:

X. symbolic X. patterned X. set aside from daily events/activities d. all of the above

Symbols are important for understanding culture because:

X. symbols attribute meanings to things, behaviors, and processes. X. symbols are shared by most members of a culture. X. symbols are used to communicate ideas. X. symbols are often arbitrary, but almost always agreed upon. e. all of the above.

Applied Anthropologists:

X. work in both urban and rural settings. X. attempt to apply anthropological knowledge to real world problems. X. work in such diverse fields as business, education, and medicine. d. all of the above.

Which of the following is not an affine?

Your mother.

Religion is best defined as:

a belief in the supernatural that is used to explain things beyond explanation.

Anthropology is:

a holistic discipline that dates back to the mid to late 19th century.

A diachronic study of language refers to:

a study of language from a historical perspective.

According to our discussion, the Yanomamo are:

a tribal society.

You are hired by the government of New Guinea to survey indigenous territories in the mountain interior. During a survey you encounter an abandoned village site. The site shows indications that it was occupied for an extended period of time (perhaps a couple of years) and the size of the site indicates that it may have supported as many as a few hundred people. Further investigations indicate abandoned fields where swidden horticulture was practiced. Based on this evidence, the correct conclusion would be that the site was occupied by:

a tribal society.

Applied anthropology:

aims to be equitible and often uses indigenous models in the process of solving societal problems.

You are conducting research amongst the Nuer of east Africa and you are asked to help to design classroom materials for Nuer children that will utilize Nuer cultural examples in the teaching of reading and writing in French. This is an example of:

applied educational anthropology.

Our case study of the Pima is an example of:

applied medical anthropology.

Tribal societies:

are characterized by social differences based on rank.

Differences in skin color:

are the result of biological adaptations to particular environments.

Status based on phenotype is:

ascribed status.

All of the following words have the same meaning; kabayo, caballo, cavallo, pferd, konj, kuda, chwal. Which words are cognates?

caballo, cavallo, and kabayo

You are conducting research in Australia with aboriginal Australians. In speaking with a consultant, you note that he speaks to you in English and then relays the information to other members of his group in a native language. What you are witnessing is:


People who experience a ritual together likely to establish a close connection referred to by anthropologists as:


The perspective that all cultures should be respected and understood on their own terms is referred to as:

cultural relativism.

The spread of ideas and technology across geographic space is known as:


As an anthropologist you are conducting research in highland New Guinea. You immerse yourself in the culture and you take part in the daily lives of individuals by doing such things as working in gardens, fishing, and maintaining the village residence. Your approach could be described best as:


You are a graduate student in anthropology studying life in a rural village in Thailand. You live with local residents and take part in their daily activities as well as having conversations with them about their lives. The manner in which you gather information can best be described as using an approach that is:


The tendency to view one's own culture as superior is known as:


Anthropological studies of a single culture are known as:


Foraging is associated with:

extensive and sustainable resource use.

The English term "uncle" indicates:

gender, generation, and collaterality.

Tribal societies have leaders who:

have influence, but not authority.

Skin color:

indicates ancestry.

The hypothesis that states that language influences culture is attributed to:

Sapir and Whorf.

All languages function to convey meaning.


All societies have some form of social structure.


Anthropologists that focus on the examination of past cultures through looking at material remains are known as archaeologists.


Applied anthropology focuses on addressing real world issues (problems) by using anthropological knowledge and techniques.


Bands are the oldest, and were once the most common, form of political organization.


Cultural differences are largely due to different ways of addressing basic human needs.


Dark skin color is an adaptation to equatorial areas with high exposure to UV radiation.


Ethnographic research can present the ethnographer with numerous ethical dilemmas and challenges and despite these challenges the most important thing is to limit the impact that research has on the culture being studied.


Fieldwork requires the anthropologist to be immersed in the local culture.


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