Anth Midterm Set

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c. display

10. What is chest slapping by gorillas an example of? a. reassurancegesture b. submission c. display d. involuntarybehavior e. affiliativebehavior

a. Uracil

11. Which of the following nitrogenous bases in not found in DNA? a. Uracil b. Guanine c. Thymine d. Adenine e. Cytosine

e. A prehensile tail

12. _________ is seen in some New World monkeys, but not in any Old World monkeys. a. A grasping hand b. Quadrupedalism c. An arboreal lifestyle d. Color vision e. A prehensile tail

b. catastrophism

13. What is the view that the extinction and the subsequent appearance of more modern forms could be explained by a series of disasters and creations known as? a. natural selection b. catastrophism c. use-disuse theory d. uniformitarianism e. descent with modification

e. human skin color

14. Which of the following is not inherited in a Mendelian fashion? a. ABO blood type b. Marfan syndrome c. achondroplasia d. phenylketonuria e. human skin color

d. a and c only

15. Enzymes a. are proteins b. are major constituents of body tissues c. initiate and direct chemical reactions d. a and c only e. none of these

b. polymerase chain reactions

16. Scientists use ____________ to produce many copies of small DNA fragments, such as those obtained at crime scenes or from fossils a. transcription b. polymerase chain reactions c. nondisjunction d. trisomies e. random assortment of alleles

b. Classification

17. What do we call the ordering of organisms into categories, such as orders or families? a. Evolution b. Classification c. Parallelism d. Analogy e. Generalization

c. Psychological

18. Which of the following is not one of the subfields of anthropology in the United States? a. Cultural b. Physical c. Psychological d. Archaeology e. Linguistics

d. all of these

19. Genetic drift a. is a random change in allele frequencies b. has its greatest effect in small populations c. includes the phenomenon of founder's effect d. all of these e. a and b only

c. Evolutionary systematics and cladistics

2. Which two primary schools of classification are discussed in the text? a. Generalized and specialized b. Organic and inorganic c. Evolutionary systematics and cladistics d. Cladistics and non-cladistics e. Ancestral and derived (modified)

b. phenotype

20. What is the physical manifestation of gene action? a. genotype b. phenotype c. phenotypic ratio d. genotypic ratio e. independent assortment

e. all of these

21. Grooming a. plays an important role in the day-to-day life of nonhuman primates b. is an affiliative behavior c. occurs in a variety of contexts d. reinforces social relationships e. all of these

b. insects.

22. Vertebrates include all of the following except: a. birds. b. insects. c. amphibians. d. mammals. e. fishes.

c. Africa, southern Asia, and Japan

23. Where are Old World monkeys found? a. Africa and northern Europe b. Mexico and South America c. Africa, southern Asia, and Japan d. India and southern Asia only e. North America and Mexico

d. Genetics

24. The scientific study of gene structure and action and the patterns of inheritance of traits from parent to offspring is called a. Gerontology b. Genealogy c. Chemistry d. Genetics e. none of these

a. is composed of a nitrogenous base, a sugar, and a phosphate unit

25. A nucleotide a. is composed of a nitrogenous base, a sugar, and a phosphate unit b. is the same thing as an RNA molecule c. codes for the production of an amino acid d. can include the nitrogenous base uracil e. a and b only

d. did not know how to care for infants

26. Monkeys raised without mothers in captivity a. were able to form lasting affectional ties b. displayed completely normal parenting behaviors as adults c. displayed normal sexual behavior d. did not know how to care for infants e. were socially normal as adults, provided they received adequate nourishment

e. marsupials.

27. The order Primates includes all of the following except: a. monkeys. b. prosimians. c. humans. d. tarsiers. e. marsupials.

d. Adaptive radiation

28. What is the term for the rapid expansion and diversification of groups of organisms into newly available ecological niches? a. Generalization b. Homology c. Parallel evolution d. Adaptive radiation e. Specialization

e. they vary greatly from species to species.

29. Homeobox genes are associated with all of the following except: a. they interact with other types of genes to determine characteristics. b. they are a type of regulatory gene. c. there are several different kinds of homeobox genes. d. they are highly conserved and maintained over evolutionary history. e. they vary greatly from species to species.

e. a and c only

3. Sexual selection: a. a type of natural selection operating only on one sex in a species b. is the study of sexual intercourse between primates c. is the result of competition for mates d. determines male and female social hierarchy e. a and c only

b. reproductive success.

30. Fitness, in an evolutionary sense, refers to an individual's: a. strength. b. reproductive success. c. aggressiveness. d. size. e. age at death.

b. is learned

4. Cultural behavior a. has never been observed in nonhuman primates b. is learned c. is purely genetic d. has only been observed in chimpanzees e. has only been observed in bonobos

c. don't always completely inactivate recessive alleles

5. Dominant alleles a. usually cause the underproduction of an enzyme b. always produce the most desirable phenotype c. don't always completely inactivate recessive alleles d. are always the most common allele in a population e. were discovered by Charles Darwin

a. anthropoidea

6. Which taxonomic category includes monkeys, apes, and humans? a. anthropoidea b. tarsiformes c. lemuroidea d. ateloidea e. hominoidea

a. Jean Baptiste Lamarck

7. change. Who preceded him? Charles Darwin was not the first to conceive of a theory describing evolutionary a. Jean Baptiste Lamarck b. Erasmus Darwin c. Comte de Buffon d. all of these e. none of these

c. assembly of a mRNA molecule

8. In protein synthesis, the process called transcription is which of the following? a. manufacture of tRNA b. assembly of polypeptide chains c. assembly of a mRNA molecule d. production of amino acids e. manufacture of ribosomal RNA

a. fixity of species

9. What is the belief that species do not change but are the same as when first created known as? a. fixity of species b. the Great Chain of Being c. heliocentrism d. uniformitarianism e. natural selection

d. production of variation followed by natural selection

Evolution can be described as a two-stage process that includes which of the following? a. genetic drift followed by migration b. natural selection followed by migration c. recombination followed by mutation d. production of variation followed by natural selection e. none of these


True or False: All anthropoids have a rhinarium at the end of their nose which enhances their sense of smell.


True or False: Colobine monkeys specialize in eating mature leaves, and are referred to as "leaf-eating monkeys."


True or False: Epigenetic factors that affect an individual's genes are confined to only one generation.


True or False: Humans and Old World monkeys both have a dental formula.


True or False: In major cities throughout Europe and the U.S., illegal bushmeat is readily available.


True or False: In species that form monogamous pairs, males are dominant to females.


True or False: Large primate groups are advantageous because they increase the likelihood of early predator detection.


True or False: Male bonobo chimpanzees hold the dominant positions of power in their communities.


True or False: Much of what we know about the history of life comes from studying fossils.


True or False: Nondisjunction can occur in the autosomes but never occurs in the sex chromosomes.


True or False: Polygenic traits account for few, if any, of the readily observable phenotypic variation seen in humans.


True or False: Scientists who use the behavioral ecology approach believe that primate behaviors have evolved through the operation of natural selection.


True or False: The most critical mechanism of evolutionary change is natural selection.


True or False: The most important aspect of mtDNA is the fact that it is not subject to mutation.


True or False: The process of translation during protein synthesis occurs at the ribosomes.

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