anthro exam 2 videos

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which science was used to explain and counter that "threats"?

eugenics, wipe out other blood lines--> only themselves--> thought saving humanity

what happened to the og people of Tasmania in the 19th century?

europeans thought they have been "left behind", uniquely savaged--> can be treated as animals - killed, raped, kidnapped them - death toll of black war was at risk of aboriginals being wiped out

what was the environmental reason and economic reason for the Great Famine in India in 1870s?

forced them to grow wheat and rice to be sold to markets - put into concentration camps--> starved--> couldn't work--> died

what did Samuel Morton believe about race?

he asserted that whites and negros belonged to different species

C.H read believed that anthro knowledge could be useful in aiding what?

he believed that the utility of anthro is for "private enterprise" such as the great trading and colonization companies, observing.

In Descent of Man what did Darwin realize?

he realized that the many physical similarities among humans, chimps, and gorillas can best be explained by a common bio ancestry

what famous museum did Franz Boas work for beginning in 1896?

he took on the position for the American Museum of Natural History

when were the boarding schools for Native Americans established? Why?

in 1880s, federal government began a campaign to assimilate Native Americans. Government set up boarding schools on reservations worldwide. "Kill the Indian, save the man." - campaign to destroy communication and cultures of all things Indian

where is the Rosebud Reservation?

in South Dakota

what did the authors in the December issue of Nature believe about cognitive enhancing drugs?

in the article, they believe cognitive enhancing drugs should be viewed on the same general category as education, good healthy habits and info tech- ways that out uniquely innovative species tries to improve itself

what is the "scariest part" of Murray's vision?

is the privileged 20% schooled in virtue and humanistic learning, and inevitably in their own superiority

what is indirect rule? what was it preferred over direct rule?

is the situation in which European colonial administrators appointed local natives to serve as mediating officials, or chiefs, to help them control local communities. This meant using local native chiefs to serve as gov. agents and intermediaries and creating them when they did not already exist. Direct rule by European officers was culturally insensitive and prohibitively expensive.

what is the drug adder all prescribed for?

it is prescribed for attention deficit disorder

what might be an argument against healthy people taking performance enhancing drugs?

it really is a form of sickness, for an addiction - side effects like: addiction, racing heart, increased anxiety and insomnia - if well to do people buy cognitive enhancers while others can't afford them.

what do most people believe about "race"?

most people assume that race is an objective, natural category into which most individuals with certain physical characteristics can be placed.

according to Murray what percentage of current college students belong in college?

only about 20% of them should go on in colleges, the others are incapable of doing college level work

where did the human lineage begin?

our human lineage began in Africa

what three things do most scholars credit for our success in colonizing new regions?

1. a combination of our tech prowess 2. our ability to communicate complex messages through language 3. transmission of new ideas and behaviors to new generations through social learning, through learning the culture of previous generations.

what are the three reasons that cast doubt that races are objectively definable biological groups?

1. genetic studies show that the genetic variation within a given race far exceeds the variation between the races. Same racial category are about as likely to be different from each other in total genetic makeup as 2 different races. 2. most differences that we attribute to race are only skin deep. The sets of traits we use to define races lead to one kind of racial classification, but we would have a different classification if we used different traits 3. how many races are there? elderly would say there's only 3: Mongoloid, Negroid, and caucasoid. However, different cultures sometimes develop different racial classifications of people.

what are three reasons why it matters we understand that race is a cultural construction?

1. given the past and current realities of racial division 2. confusing "race" w/ other kinds of differences that have nothing to do with physical differences 3. race currently is a part of the way people identify themselves. Is important part of an individual social identity.

According to Colonel A.H> Lan-Fox Pitt-Rivers, what are the two practical and humanitarian aspects of anthropological knowledge?

1. how to salvage the ethnographic data that were being destroyed by colonial expansion 2. how to increase the practical value of anthropology forth empire

what four physical and emotional effects did aboriginals suffer due to these policies?

1. most grew up in hostile environment without family ties or cultural identity 2. as adults, many suffered insecurity, lack of self esteem, feelings of worthlessness 3. lacking a parental model, many had difficulties bringing up their own children 4. the scale of separation also had profound consequences for the whole aboriginal community

Richard Lewontin's findings which were milestones in Race and Biology discovered what about genetic variation?

85% of all variation among human beings is between any 2 individuals within any local population, of the small amount of variation in our genes, there is apt to be as much difference between teammates and opponents. Any 2 individuals within any so called race may be as different from each other as they are from any individual in another so called race.

which was the First Nation to end slavery?


According to Kevin Grover, the Bureau of Indian Affairs sought to do what?

Bureau of Indian Affairs committed these acts against the children entrusted to its boarding schools, brutalizing them emotionally, psychologically, physically, and spiritually.

what do we now know about the fate of the first hominids to migrate out of Africa?

Migrated out, breeding, isolated lineages. Its thought that the first lineages led to genetically distinct races. However it is not true, those lineages just died out, there was a second migration of homosapiens.

If race does not account for patterns of genetic variation what does?

Our recency as a species and the way we have moved and mated throughout our history does

what "dream" connected German experts in race hygiene with race scientists and social darwinists of the Age of Empire?

dreams of racial genocide, just like their predecessors

in the 19th century, which country feared the "mass migration" of lower races?


which CT Uni was featured in this article?


Where did the World's Columbian exposition take place? What was it meant to commemorate?

WCE took place in Chicago. It marked the 400th anniversary of Columbus' discovery of America

What did the Plessy v Ferguson decision establish?

established "separate but equal" as the law of the land

all modern humans are products of what?

all modern humans are products of the second migration

in 1849, what did historian Thomas Carlyle argue about inequality of races?

appeal for some kind of form of slavery - those who know should rule the don't know, men rule women, white rule black...

what was the great chain of being"?

assumed natural categories on a hierarchy established by God or nature--> "race" was a mode of classification linked specifically

which dangerous race lived Amon the British elites in mid 19th century?

criminal races

where did Germany first employ the use of concentration camps?

south west Africa, most deadly was at a place called Shark Island

what part of Murray's argument has educators, "up in arms"?

that its almost impossible to raise academic ability, to turn the below average into even the slightly less below average. Its only the "educational romanticism" that makes us think we can.

what term did the UN use to describe the policy of the Australian government?

the actions of the authorities at that time amounted to genocide

which schools were "actually worse" than the federally run schools?

the catholic schools

What has maintained all of humankind as a single species?

the continued sharing of genetic materials has maintained all of humankind as a single species`

to which logical end did the nazis use the ideology of race?

the extermination of 11 million people of "inferior races" and other unspeakable brutalities of the Holocaust

concerning newly freed people, what was the "second step" after abolition of slavery?

the next step is to send storm troopers, the missionaries into Africa and Caribbean to finish off the chopper. These are heathen who have to be brought into the fall of christianity. civilize, imperialize--> indigenous culture destroy

anthro argue that present day inequalities between so called racial groups are products of what?

they conclude that present day inequalities consequences of their biological inheritance but products of historical and contemporary social, economic, educational, and political circumstances.

what recommendation made by the UN did the Australian government refuse to follow?

they refused to follow the inquiry's recommendation that a tribunal be set up to assess compensation payments for the stolen children

what do most anthro know about "race"?

they say race is not an objective and natural category, but a cultural classification of people based on perceptions and distinctions that arise more from culture than from bio. They believe its a cultural construct rather than a biological reality.

why were 10000 aboriginal children from their families between 1910 and 1970?

they were taken from their parents in the misguided belief that aboriginals were doomed and saving the children was the only humane alternative.

what was the real native problem?

understanding the "laws" of cultural development would give administrators "control over the social forces"

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