anthro final

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How is the human pelvis different from the pelvis of a nonbipedal primate?

A human pelvis is different than a non bipedal primate by the way that the bipedal pelvis is shorter, broader, and more bowl-shaped than the pelvis of a quadruped. This is the result of differences in the muscles that attach to the pelvis

Describe one of the threats to wild primate populations today.

A threat to wild primate populations today is humans hunting non human primates. Juveniles are often collected and sold in illegal pet trade, and adults that protect their children are often killed.

Name two East African australopithecines.

Anamensis, and Afarensis

Proconsul lived in Africa around 20 mya. It had Y-5 molars and a frugivorous diet. It also had some adaptations for arboreal quadrupedalism and was tailless. What living primate group is its closest living relative?


List two traits that are found in apes but not in other primates.

Apes have a Y-5 molar and larger brains for their body size.

I lived around 2.5 mya in eastern Africa. I had a small cranial capacity (around 410 cc), large molars, large zygomatic arches, and a sagittal crest. What species am I?

Australopithecus (Paranthropus) aethiopicus

The oldest australopithecine is ______

Australopithecus anamensis.

Based on evidence from Gona, Ethiopia, who may be the first stone tool user?

Australopithecus garhi

Describe the bipedal adaptations that can be found in the femur.

Bipedal adaptations that are found in the femur are that bipeds have femurs that angle in toward the midline of the body and center the knees under the body. While nonbipeds have straight femurs and knees positioned more toward the lateral sides of their bodies.

What is the savanna hypothesis?

Bipedalism was selectively favored in our ancestors when savanna grasslands expanded and forests receded.

Define brachiation.

Brachiation is a form of suspensory locomotion where movement occurs through arm-over- arm swinging.

I live in the forests of central Africa. I am arboreal and have a long tail. I have bilophodont molars, and I have a diet that includes a lot of leaves. Which type of primate am I?


According to the primate taxonomy provided in this lab, lemurs are more closely related to tarsiers than they are to lorises.


Tool use is unique to members of our own human lineage.


We know a lot about the brains of our extinct relatives because their brain tissue is regularly preserved through fossilization.


I have molars with shearing crests and a complex stomach. What type of diet do I have?


I live in the forests of Southeast Asia. I am arboreal and swing through the trees. I have Y-5 molars, and I eat a lot of fruit. I live in small social groups, where males and females work together to defend the territory and raise offspring. What type of primate am I?


What is the genus assigned to the largest primate that ever lived?


What is the definition of nonhuman primate culture?

Group-specific, learned behavior

Which of these species was the first to live outside of Africa?

Homo erectus

I lived on a small Indonesian island around 18 kya. I used stone tools to hunt animals, but I had a very small cranial capacity (around 400 cc) and a very small body. What fossil species am I?

Homo floresiensis

I lived in Europe around 200 kya. I had a long and low cranium, a large cranial capacity (around 1300 cc), and a very small occipital torus. What fossil species am I?

Homo heidelbergensis

Name one species that made Mousterian tools.

Homo heidelbergensis

Which Homo species has the largest average cranial capacity?

Homo neanderthalensis

I have molars with pointy cusps and a simple digestive system. What type of diet do I have?


I have long arms, a mobile shoulder, and very robust finger bones. What type of locomotion do I practice?


What is the only place on Earth where you can find lemurs living in the wild?


Describe one physical adaptation Neanderthals had for life in a cold climate.

Neanderthals in this extreme environment had large nasal openings that may have helped to warm the air when they inhaled.

Describe one feature that decreases in size between the australopithecines and early members of the Homo genus.

One feature that decreases in size between australopithecines and early members of Homo genus are more gracile. The robust features diminish.

Describe one sexually dimorphic trait in primates. Be sure to note how the trait appears in females and in males.

One sexually dimorphic trait in primates is that males often have larger body sizes than females do. As well as canine teeth and more robust cranial features.

Describe one trait that distinguishes the platyrrhines and catarrhines. (Be sure to describe how the trait varies between the two groups.)

One trait that distinguishes the two groups is new world monkeys have broad noses with nostrils to the side. Old world monkeys have downward facing noses.

Describe one trait that tarsiers share with lorises and lemurs. Describe one trait that tarsiers share with the anthropoids.

One trait they share is that they are nocturnal. One trait they share with anthropoids is the wet nosed rhinarium.

I am an adult female primate. I live in a territory with two adult males and our offspring. What type of social organization do I have?


Semibrachiation is made possible by the presence of what trait?

Prehensile tail

Which of the following traits is found in some New World monkeys and none of the Old World monkeys?

Prehensile tail

Which of the following adaptations for bipedalism is not known to be present in the available pre-australopithecine fossils?

S-shaped vertebral column

Name two South African australopithecines.

Sediba and Robutus.

Why have we been able to recover ancient DNA from a few Neanderthals but not from our other extinct relatives?

Some Neanderthals have died recently enough that their skeletons have not fully fossilized, where our other extinct relatives were fully fossilized.

I have arms and legs of similar length, robust hands and feet, and a short tail. What type of locomotion do I practice?

Terrestrial quadrupedalism

What type of material would you need to conduct radiocarbon dating?

The materials you would need are organic materials such as bone, shell, or wood. The method also relies on the radioactive isotope carbon 14.

Define fossil.

The traces or remains of an organism preserved in rock

The human S-shaped vertebral column is formed by two curves. Describe where these two curves are located.

The two curves are located at the thoracic region, and the lumbar region.

Describe one trait found in Aegyptopithecus that suggests it was an early catarrhine.

Traits that define Aegyptopithecus as an early catarrhine is the dental formula and brain size.

Describe the two tool forms associated with the Oldowan tool industry.

Two tools are choppers and flakes. Choppers are a large, heavy stone tool with a sharp edge where small pieces of rock have been removed. Flakes are a small piece of rock that has been removed from a larger rock and can be used as is or further modified into a specialized tool.

I lived in Africa around 15 mya. I had bilophodont molars and a frugivorous diet. I had some adaptations for terrestrial quadrupedalism. What fossil primate am I?


The fossil individual nicknamed Lucy was ______

a habitutal biped

Compared to Neanderthals, early humans had ______

a taller cranium and more vertical forehead.

Compared to chimpanzees, bonobos have:

a wider range of sexual practices.

Lorises ______.

are nocturnal

Compared to adapiforms, omomyoids:

are usually more nocturnal.

A gummivorous primate is likely to have a large body size.


An arboreal quadruped moves on all fours on the ground.


Mousterian tools are made from stone flakes that have an elongated, blade-like shape.


Relative dating provides a more precise age than chronometric dating.


Research conducted with primates in a zoo would be considered a field primate study.


While most male primates emphasize getting access to resources for their offspring, most female primates emphasize getting access to mates for reproduction.


You are observing two juvenile chimpanzees. When they first meet, they embrace. They then begin tickling each other and wrestling mildly. You would characterize this behavior as aggressive.


The kind of bipedalism practiced by a living chimpanzee is called _______

occasional bipedalism.

List three traits found in primates that distinguish them from other mammals.

opposable thumbs, forward facing eyes, and reduced sense of smell.

I am an adult female primate. I live in a territory with my offspring. My territory is separate from those of other females, so I don't see them often. An adult male has a territory that overlaps with mine, but we hardly ever spend time together. What type of social organization do I participate in?


A single-male polygynous group is likely to have more pronounced sexual dimorphism than a monogamous group.


According to the law of superposition, deeper geological layers are older than layers near the surface.


In a biped, the foramen magnum is positioned more anteriorly at the base of the skull.


Quantitative data refer to easily measurable information that facilitates comparisons.


Researchers agree that plesiadapiforms were the first primates.


Some researchers argue the robust australopithecines should be classified in a separate genus called Paranthropus.


Some researchers consider the African members of Homo erectus to be a separate species called Homo ergaster.


When food is sparsely distributed, primates tend to live in smaller groups.


As a group, the australopithecines lived around ______

4 mya to 1 mya.

The pre-australopithecines lived around _______

7 mya to 4.4 mya.

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