Anthro Midterm

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life history traits

Characteristics and developmental stages that influence reproductive rates. Examples include longevity, age at sexual maturity, and length of time between births.

Life expectancy is an example of a _______ _________ trait.

life history

Steno's Law of Superposition proceeds with the idea that the __________ stratum is older.


Australopiths (basic facts)

"Lucy" found in Ethiopia, walked on two feet and climbed in trees

The average cranial capacity of modern humans is approximately...

1,300 cc

The dental formula of Old World monkeys is:

foramen magnum

A large opening at the base of the skull through which the brain connects to the spinal cord.

prehensile tail

A tail that acts as a kind of a hand for support in trees, common in New World monkeys.

dominance hierarchies

An observed ranking system in primate societies ordering individuals from high (alpha) to low standing corresponding to predictable behavioral interactions including domination.

Taung Baby (basic facts)

Australopithecus africanus or ​"southern ape of Africa", Raymond Dart noted the infant's distinct human-like features, including a smooth brow region with no trace of brow ridges, small canine teeth, and a forward-placed foramen magnum (where the spine joins the base of the skull) that indicated it was bipedal. The Taung Child was the first australopithecine ever found, lending weight to the idea that humankind was born in Africa.

Malapa Cave is the site of a late australopith formally named:

Australopithecus sediba

Bilophodont vs. Y-5 Molars

Bilophodont-Lower molars in old world monkeys that have two ridges Y-5: Hominoids' pattern of lower molar cusps

Cercopithecoidea (Old World Monkeys)

Cercopithecines: baboons, macaques, mangabeys Colobines: colobus, langurs, proboscis

Primate Cultural Behavior

Chimps are taught what is edible and how to acquire it. Female chimps from different groups may bring aspects of her mother's groups culture to the new group. This requires assessing a situation and selecting a good tool.

Taung Baby was discovered by Raymond ...


Diurnal vs Nocturnal primates

Diurnal primates are active during the day. The benefits include better visual foraging and visual communication. However, diurnal primates face increased predation, possible heat stress, and competition for food from birds and other primates. Nocturnal primates are primarly active at night. They are better protected from predators and have fewer competitors for food. However, they cannot forage as extensively and socializing is difficult. Nocturnal primates tend to utilize vocal communication during hours of darkness when sound travels better due to humid night air. Nocturnal primates also have enlarged eyes that allow more light to penetrate

Lucy (basic facts)

Discovered in Ethiopia, Australopithecus afarensis, Walked on two feet and climbed in trees

depth perception in primates (physiological characteristic for)

Forward facing eyes

Strepsirhini vs. Haplorhini (examples of, splits within)

Haplorhines have more developed brains.

potassium-argon dating

In archaeology and paleoanthropology, a technique of chronometric dating that measures the ratio of radioactive potassium to argon in volcanic debris associated with human remains.

Location of Lemurs


Old World monkeys (platyrrhini) characteristics:

Medium to large sized, "narrowed nosed", non grasping tail, trichromatic vision (color), 8 premolars, butt pad, more varied habitat from rainforest to desert, opposable thumbs, less monogamous, examples: baboons, guenons, macaques, mangabeys, patas, colobus, langurs, leaf-monkeys, proboscids,

The polish and striations on the edges of stone tools is called:


The formal classificatory name for chimpanzees is...

Pan troglodytes

Homo naledi was found by Lee Berger and his team at __________ ____________ Cave in South Africa.

Rising Star

Early hominins have been found predominantly in East and ______ Africa


Australopithecus sediba(location of)

South Africa

Homo naledi(location of)

South Africa

Autonomic =

physiological responses that aren't under voluntary control

Steno's Law of Superposition

The principle that the lower the stratum or layer, the older its age; the oldest layers are at the bottom, and the youngest are at the top.

characteristics of Tarsiers

They live in southeast Asia. lack a long snout and a rhinarium. Their ears and eyes are extraordinarily large for their heads. They produce ultrasounds to communicate with each other. These sounds are beyond the range of human hearing. Adding to their already odd appearance, tarsiers can rotate their heads more than 180°, like some owls. They have elongated hind feet and legs, like galagos, which give them the ability to leap nearly 10 feet (3 meters) in a single jump. This provides an advantage in hunting insects and in avoiding predators. They are strictly nocturnal and carnivorous.

Olduvai Gorge

a gorge in northeastern Tanzania where anthropologists have found some of the earliest human remains


a recurring period of sexual receptivity and fertility in many female mammals; heat. *sexual swelling in changes in color of genital area (visual cue) |Estrus does not occur if a female is is producing milk and nursing an infant (i.e. she is not sexually available).

Skeletal/muscle modifications that accompanied bipedal evolution

placement of the foramen magnum S-curved spine Bipedal pelvis Femur Bipedal feet (arches) Non-Divergent big toe

Nonhuman primates adopting orphans or protecting others during an attack are examples of ______________ behavior.


Brachiation (definition of, location)

arboreal locomotion in which primates swing from tree limb to tree limb using only their arms (example: Gibbon)

A molar with four cusps arranged in two parallel ridges is called a ______________ molar.


Primate locomotion by arm swinging is also known as...


what is Pan troglodytes?


Potassium-Argon is a _________________ dating method.


__________ __________ is measured in cubic centimeters.

cranial capacity

Female nonhuman primates do not come into __________ while they are producing milk and nursing an infant.



feeding on more than one trophic level

4 kinds of primate teeth

incisors, canines,lophs, and molars

________________ is an adaptive strategy where individuals produce fewer offspring and give increased parental care.


K-selection vs r-selection

k: -individuals produce fewer offspring -increased parental care (survival of offspring increased) r: -individuals produce a larger amount of offspring -reduced parental care

The presence or absence of sexually dimorphic traits in primates is a good indicator of ___________ structure.


The three types of bipedalism are occasional, habitual, and ______________.


The kind of bipedalism practiced by a living bonobo is called:

occasional bipedalism

Pre-Australopiths (examples of)

oldest hominids (or hominins) dating back to about 7 to 4.4 million years ago

If you habitually eat a variety of different foods, you are a(n).


altruistic behavior in primates

self-sacrificing behavior that benefits another individual

If a primate usually eats insects, one would expect them to forage in ____________ groups.


New world (Platyrrhini) Characteristics.

smaller, "flat faced", prehensile tail, monovision (except for Howler monkey),12 premolars, no butt pads, primary tree dwellers, thumb sits in line with other fingers, form more monogamous pair bonds/both show substantial paternal care of young examples: marmosets, taramins, howler monkeys, spider monkeys, woollys, titi monkey, capuchins, squirrel monkey, owl monkeys, sakis,

feature of communication unique to humans not found in other primates


The ___________ is named for the bone in its ankle and has highly specialized large eyes.


fishing is evidence of tool use by chimpanzees.



the branch of geology concerned with the order and relative position of strata and their relationship to the geological time scale.

Characteristics of Lorises

they live in India, Southeast Asia, and parts of Africa, they are arboreal and omnivorous and are only active at night, this allows them to have no food competition with diurnal monkeys and apes

Rhinarium means..

wet nose

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