anthro mod 3

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Broca's and Wernicke's areas refer to:a)parts of the brain connected with speechb)geographic regions of Western Europec)geographic regions of the Near Eastd)none of the above


What is the connection between ultraviolet radiation and the production of vitamin D in humans?a)Ultraviolet radiation stimulates the production of vitamin D in our bodies.b)Ultraviolet radiation stops our bodies from producing vitamin D.c)There is no connection between ultraviolet radiation and the production of vitamin D in our bodies.


Which Upper Paleolithic tool making technique involves removing waste flakes by "pushing them off"?a)pressure flakingb)percussion flakingc)forced air flakingd)all of the above


Which of the following statements is true of the Cro-Magnon people of Europe?a)They probably migrated into Europe from elsewhere.b)They were the first people to migrate into the Americas.c)They eliminated the Neandertals within a thousand years of coming into contact with them.


A _________________ is a regional, social, or ethnic group that is distinguishable from other groups in a society by the fact that its members share a common identity, food tradition, dialect or language, and other cultural traits that come from their common ancestral background and experience.a)cultureb)subculturec)multi-ethnic society


Human culture is ___________________ .a)partly inherited geneticallyb)entirely learnedc)limited to relatively rich societies with sophisticated technologiesd)all of the above


Levallois flakes were intended to be:Click here to see a Levallois flake illustration a)waste flakes produced in the process of manufacturing stone hand axesb)preforms for making specialized toolsc)neither of the above


Sickle-cell trait was selected for by nature in west and central Africa because:a)it provides some immunity to anemiab)it provides some immunity to malariac)neither of the above


Which of the following statements is true about melanin?a)Its primary function is to increase the penetration of ultraviolet radiation through the skin.b)Skin may vary seasonally in the amount it contains.c)People with high concentrations of it in their skin are at a greater risk for skin cancer.


Humans respond to environmental stresses:a) biologicallyb) culturallyc) both biologically and culturally


Some Upper Paleolithic cave art and bone artifacts have sequences of incised marks or ticks that look like tallies. What did the tutorial suggest that the makers of these things were counting?a)days between menstrual cyclesb)the number of big animals killed by huntersc)changes in the phases of the moon


Stone awls were most likely used by Neandertals to:Click here to see a stone awl illustration a)chop down treesb)hunt bears and other large animalsc)make holes in softer materials like leather


The Inuits of Alaska, Northern Canada, and Greenland traditionally ate foods that were very high in:a)lactoseb)lactasec)fatsd)vegetables


The first discoveries of Neandertal fossils were in:a)Germany in 1856b)England in the 1880'sc)several Western Europe countries during the early 1800's.


The ice age cave paintings in Western Europe were made by:Click here to see an ice age European cave painting a)Neandertalsb)Neandertals and Cro-Magnonsc)Cro-Magnonsd)none of the above


What did the tutorial suggest as the main function of Upper Paleolithic cave paintings in Europe?a)to educate children about the characteristics of animalsb)to depict their godsc)to increase the likelihood of success in hunting


Which of the following statements is true?a)Genetic adaptation and the various types of adjustments to environmental stresses are always distinct phenomena.b)Adaptability to specific environmental stresses rarely varies from person to person.c)Our cultural technology has allowed us to adapt to new environments without having to first evolve biological adaptations.


Which of the following is a likely consequence of cultural evolution?a)culture lossb)better healthc)greater intelligenced)all of the above


All human cultures evolve over time. Which of the following things is most responsible for this?a)culture is an adaptive mechanismb)culture is instinctivec)culture is cumulative


Both the regional continuity and the replacement models of modern human evolution accept that:a)all humans have their ultimate roots in Africab)The immediate ancestor of modern humans were archaic humansc)a and bd)none of the above


Culture change occurs as a result of ________________ .a)diffusionb)inventionc)both of the aboved)neither of the above


The Masai people live in ______________ .a)South Americab)Australiac)Africa


The early tool making traditions are often referred to as being paleolithic. What does "paleolithic" literally mean?a) technologically simpleb) stone toolc) old stone


Which of the following physical traits are characteristic of modern humans but not of Neandertals?a)heavy, protruding brow ridgesb)low, sloping foreheadc)pointed chins


Which of the following statements is true concerning Upper Paleolithic cave art in Europe?a)It did not include pictures of predator animals.b)It did not include pictures of humans.c)It was at its peak of sophistication at the time the last ice age was winding down--i.e., 15,000-10,000 years ago.


Culture is ____________________ .a)the same thing as societyb)limited to humansc)possessed only by malesd)none of the above


Which of the following statements is true about human skin color?a)It ranges from pure white to pure black.b)It is primarily due to the presence of a pigment called melanin which is found in all normal humans.c)It may be due in part to the presence of blood flowing near the skin.d)B and C


The ability of the environment to somewhat mold our bodies as we grow is due to our:a)physiological plasticityb)limited adaptabilityc)cultural technology


When some paleoanthropologists classify Neandertals as Homo neanderthalensis, they are implying that these people were:a)in a different species from modern humansb)a different variety of modern humansc)not humans


Which of the following statements is true?a)The fact that cultural evolution can occur faster than biological evolution has altered the effect of natural selection on humans.b)People are pre-adapted by their genes to acquire particular cultures.c)none of the above


Gloger's Rule implies that:a)there should be a random distribution around the world of people who have low concentrations of skin pigmentationb)dark skin has an advantage for people who live in far northern latitudesc)over many generations, natural selection is largely responsible for changes in human skin color


Lactase deficiency is:a)equally common throughout the worldb)at its highest frequency in Europec)at its lowest frequency in Asiad)none of the above


When anthropologists study other societies, they need to suspend their own culture-based judgments. What is this kind of approach called?a)cultural relativityb)ethnocentricc)diffusion


How can we best account for the fact that, contrary to Gloger's Rule, millions of dark complexioned people live in temperate and even arctic latitudes today?a)When a population of light skin people moves into far northern regions, natural selection makes their skin dark in only a few generations.b)Gloger's Rule is wrong.c)Human societies have been very active in migrating around the planet in recent centuries.


The first modern Homo sapiens in Southwest Asia date to shortly after 100,000 years ago. When did they first appear in the fossil record of East Asia and Europe?a)250,000 years agob)100,000 years agoc)60,000-40,000 years agod)30,000-15,000 years ago


Those individuals who inherit a trait that provides a biological advantage in responding to a particular environmental stress:a)are less likely to surviveb)are less likely to pass on their genes to the next generationc)neither of the above


Which of the following statements is true concerning our understanding of the evolution of modern humans?a)There is no longer any doubt about which model is correct.b)There is no fossil evidence that challenges the replacement model.c)none of the above


Which of the following statements is true of Neandertals?a)Their brains were smaller on average than the brains of modern humans.b)They had pointed chins like most modern Homo sapiens.c)They had relatively large brow ridges and noses.


Which of the following statements is true of culture?a)Languages are cultures.b)Archaeologists dig up culture in their excavations.c)Culture is a powerful human tool for survival.d)all of the above


A nearly complete Neandertal skeleton was discovered at La Chapelle-aux-Saints, France in 1908 and analyzed by Marcellin Boule from 1911 to 1913. Which of the following statements is true of that find?a)It resulted in nearly half a century of incorrect assumptions about Neandertals.b)It was misinterpreted to be a relatively modern human, possibly an old Roman.c)It was really a woman who had very likely died in child birth.


A woman who has become taller than her parents as a result of good nutrition during her growing years is an example of:a)developmental adjustmentb)long-term acclimatizationc)seasonal acclimatizationd)all of the above


Compared to most other animal species, humans:a)live in more environmental zones around the worldb)live in fewer environmental zones around the worldc)are not as flexible in their adaptation to environmental extremes


Compared to what it was before the end of the last ice age (about 10,000 years ago), the rate of human culture change is now _______________ .a)fasterb)slowerc)about the same


Genetic change in response to an environmental stress is more likely to occur if the stress is:a)severe and constant over many generationsb)mild and constant over many generationsc)severe and short-term


If the replacement model of modern Homo sapiens evolution is correct, then:a)all modern Chinese are descendents of Africans who left Africa around 70,000 years ago or a bit earlier.b)skin color and other physical differences between human populations today must have begun with Homo erectus.c)both of the above


In which of the following models of evolution is it proposed that all modern Homo sapiens share relatively modern African ancestry and that all other lines of humans that had descended from Homo erectus became extinct?a)replacement modelb)regional continuity modelc)neither of the above


It was suggested in the tutorial that the peculiar wear pattern on the incisor teeth of a Neandertal skull found at the French site of La Ferrassie was due to the habit of:a)chewing leatherb)eating tough raw meatc)grinding down the teeth with a rock to enhance personal beauty


Lactose intolerance is usually due to:a)lactase deficiencyb)lactase surplusc)enzyme conflict


Prior to Columbus, the darker complexioned human populations lived: Map Help a)mostly in the middle latitudes, between 20 degrees north and south of the equatorb)only south of the equatorc)only in Africad)A and C


"Beringia" refers to:a)a land connection between Siberia and Alaska during the height of the last ice ageb)a type of DNA evidence supporting the replacement model of modern Homo sapiens evolutionc)a prominent region of the skull found on Neandertals but not modern humans


"Encephalization" is another word for:a)the brain increasing in size over and beyond that explainable by an increase in body sizeb)punctuated evolutionc)mosaic pattern of evolution


Approximately 8,000-10,000 years ago, our ancestors invented agriculture. Which of the following things was a consequence of this development?a)a more controllable and dependable food supplyb)the creation of villages, towns, and ultimately citiesc)the emergence of new kinds of political systems.d)all of the above


The Neandertals apparently were the first humans to:a)adapt to subarctic conditionsb)make stone tipped spears for huntingc)paint animals on the walls of cavesd)a and be)none of the above


The Upper Paleolithic tool making traditions:a)were produced by both Neandertals and modern Homo sapiensb)began around 100,000 years agoc)were only used by European Cro-Magnon peopled)none of the above


The basis of many Upper Paleolithic stone tool forms was the blade flake. Blade flakes are:Click here to see a blade flake illustration a)thin, roughly parallel-sided flakes that are at least twice as long as they are wideb)preforms for the manufacture of many different kinds of toolsc)nearly standardized shapes that were struck off assembly line fashion from a prepared core usually by punch flakingd)all of the above


Using a fire to warm your body on a very cold day is an example of:a)developmental adjustmentb)long-term acclimatizationc)seasonal acclimatizationd)none of the above


Societies are ____________________ .a)groups of interacting organismsb)only found among humansc)created only by technologically sophisticated peoples such as those in the industrialized nations of the worldd)none of the above


The La Chapelle-aux-Saints man was a:a)40-50 year old man who had severe crippling arthritis that would have made walking difficultb)Neandertal dwarf buried in Shanidar Cave, Northern Iraqc)cannibal victim found in Moula-Guercy Cave, France


The Neandertals lived mostly in:a) Europeb) South Africac) Asia


The Paleolithic has been divided into three successive stages of development based on sophistication of technology. Which one is the oldest?a)Lower Paleolithicb)Upper Paleolithicc)Primolithic


The old Chinese practice of permanently changing the foot shape of daughters by tightly wrapping them with cloth in early childhood is an example of: a)developmental adjustmentb)long-term acclimatizationc)seasonal acclimatizationd)all of the above


Which of the following statements is true of the Cro-Magnon people?a)They were big game huntersb)Their most advanced weapon for hunting large animals was a short jabbing spear.c)They specialized in the hunting of large solitary animals because herd animals required too much effort to kill.


Which of the following statements is true of the Mousterian Tradition?a)It was created by the Neandertals and some other humans living at the same time.b)It was marked by the progressive reduction in the use of flake tools as large core tools, such as hand axes, became more common.c)It was primarily an adaptation to tropical environments in Africa.


Which of the following statements is true?a)People usually are unconscious of their culture in their daily lives.b)There are always a few people in small-scale societies who know all of their culture.c)In most societies, boys and girls are taught the same things about their culture.


Which of the following things is true of the Neandertals?a)They put powdered hematite on the bodies of their own dead.b)They probably were not intelligent enough to have a belief in an afterlife or any other religious beliefs.c)They probably did not have speech.d)none of the above


Which of the following was true of the Neandertals?a)They created open-air camps with temporary shelters.b)They lived deep in caves and did not have open-air camps.c)Because they cooked their meat, Neandertals lost much of the nutrient value in it. As a consequence, they had to consume far more of it in order to survive.


Who first defined culture as "that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society?"a)E. B. Tylorb)the author of this tutorialc)Tylor Edwardsd)none of the above


Why weren't the Neandertal fossils recognized as the bones of an earlier form of human until the 1860's?a)The concept of evolution was not widely accepted by scientists until then.b)The existence of the bones was kept secret until then.c)Charles Darwin was strongly opposed to the idea.


A diet that has an adequate amount of carbohydrate calories but extremely little protein will likely cause ____________ in a child.a)marasmusb)kwashiorkorc)rickets


An Upper Paleolithic "burin" was a:a)compound toolb)tool for making other toolsc)harpoon with a detachable pointd)kind of portable art carved from stone


Compared to modern Europeans, Neandertals were generally:a)tallerb)heavier boned and more muscularc)less able to walk bipedallyd)a and b


Ethnocentrism refers to the fact that _________________ .a)some cultures are actually better than othersb)people usually believe that their way of life is superior, and they are somewhat condescending or even hostile toward other culturesc)the technologically simpler societies usually feel that their cultures are inferior


Many people get an upset stomach and diarrhea when they drink milk. A common cause of this problem is:a)calcium intoleranceb)milk sugar intolerancec)butter fat intoleranced)none of the above


The Lower Paleolithic includes which of the following tool making traditions?a)Oldowanb)Oldowan and Acheulianc)Acheuliand)Acheulian and Mousterian


The Neandertals lived ________________ years ago.a)460,000-410,000b)130,000-28,000c)20,000-10,000


The archaeological evidence now strongly indicates that the first people in the Americas arrived there _____________ years ago.a)50,000b)20,000-15,000c)8-5,000


The break-up of the former empire of the Soviet Union into largely ethnic based nations is an example of ___________ .a)globalismb)tribalismc)none of the above


The first convincing evidence of regular human fire use dates to ____________ years ago.a)1.5 millionb)400,000c)40,000


The genetic evidence for a "mitochondrial Eve" best fits the ________________ model.a)regional continuityb)replacementc)neither of the above


Upper Paleolithic European "Venus figurines" were:Click here to see a Venus figurine a)life size carvings of womenb)ritual objects symbolizing female fertilityc)created by the Neandertals


Which of the following evidence has been put forward recently in support of the contention that Neandertals were members of the same species as Homo sapiens?a)The fact that there are no anatomical differences between modern humans and Neandertalsb)The discovery that 1-4% of the DNA in modern Europeans and Asians came from Neandertalsc)neither of the above


Which of the following statements best characterize the evolutionary dividing line between Homo erectus and modern humans?a)The transition occurred rapidly, over a few thousand years.b)It began by 800,000-700,000 years ago.c)There was no transition since Homo erectus were early modern humans.


Which of the following statements is true about adaptations and adjustments? a)Adjustments and adaptations are both equally likely to occur in response to mild short-term environmental stresses.b)Adaptations may be biologically inherited.c)Adjustment refers to cultural response to an environmental stress.


Which of the following statements is true concerning Upper Paleolithic cave art in Europe?a)It was made and seen only by adult men.b)There seems to have been ritual ceremonies connected with the art.c)There were no female representations


Which of the following statements is true concerning different populations of humans?a)They are all about equal in their ability to handle environmental stresses such as high altitude.b)They are not equal in their ability to handle these stresses.c)They all are normally exposed to about the same sort of environmental stresses.d)B and C


"Venus figurines" were made __________________ years ago.a)100,000-75,000b)75,000-37,000c)35,000-10,000


Developing a suntan in response to ultraviolet radiation from the sun during the summer months is an example of: a)developmental adjustmentb)long-term acclimatizationc)seasonal acclimatizationd)none of the above


The efficiency of stone tool making methods is often compared in terms of the amount of cutting edge that can be obtained from a pound of stone. Based on this criterion, which of the following tool traditions was the least efficient? (You are looking for the one that got the smallest amount of cutting edge.)a)Acheulianb)Mousterianc)Oldowand)Magdalenian and other advanced Upper Paleolithic traditions


Which of the following is true of the melanin in human skin?a)It is obtained from the foods that we eat.b)It is produced by our livers.c)It is produced in our skin.d)Only Africans and other dark complexioned people have it.


Which of the following statements is true concerning human evolution?a)The first humans evolved in the cold temperate regions of the world because of the need to develop culture for survival in those areas.b)Culture is necessary for survival in the complex industrialized nations, but it is not in small societies that live by hunting and gathering wild foods.c)Culture is an adaptive mechanism for humans.


Which of the following statements is true concerning nutrition?a)People all over the world require about the same number of calories to maintain normal body weight.b)All human bodies process food in the same way.c)neither is true


Which of the following statements is true of human evolution?a)All parts of the human body evolved simultaneously into our modern form.b)The human brain increased to the modern size by 2.5 million years ago.c)There was a period of little or no growth in the human brain size beginning around 1.8 million years ago, lasting until about 800,000 years ago.


Which of the following statements is true of the earliest modern Homo sapiens?a)They first began to appear about 350,000 years ago in Africa.b)Their ancestors were the Neandertals.c)Their technologies were similar to those of early Neandertals.d)all of the above


Which of the following statements is true?a)The range of permissible ways of dressing and acting as a man or woman are relatively unlimited in traditional Moslem societies.b)It is likely that there still are some societies existing in total cultural isolation from the outside world.c)Cultures usually allow a range of permissible behavior patterns.


Where have Homo heidelbergensis and other archaic human fossils not been found?a)Africab)Europec)Asiad)North America


Which of the following statements is true concerning European Upper Paleolithic art in the period from 15,000 to 10,000 years ago?a)This was the time of the most elaborate Venus figurines.b)Tools were often decoratively carved and personal body adornments made of bone, teeth, and shell were very common.c)The most elaborate European ice age paintings were made.d)all of the above


Which of the following statements is true of the Cro-Magnon people?a)They were a late Neandertal population in Western Europe.b)Their skeletons generally were lighter than the Neandertals.c)They were similar in appearance to modern Europeans.d)b and c


Which of the following statements is true of the Neandertals?a)Their technology was not sophisticated enough to allow them to remain in Europe during an ice age.b)They are still living in some areas of Europe.c)They abandoned Europe after 75,000 years ago when the last major ice age began.d)none of the above


Which of the following statements is true of the Neandertals?a)They hunted big game animals rather than only scavenged dead ones.b)At times, they ate each other.c)They intentionally buried their own dead.d)all of the above


Which of the following statements is true regarding the Neandertals?a)They died out before the first modern humans evolved.b)They were not related to the archaic humans.c)They were not related to Homo erectus.d)none of the above


Which of the following things occurred in the northern hemisphere during the 5,000 years of final glacial melt at the end of the last ice age?a)Upper Paleolithic hunters became aware that they were causing the extinction of large animals and stopped hunting them before it was too late.b)The Cro-Magnon people became progressively less interested in fishing and marine mammal hunting.c)The Cro-Magnon people died off due mostly to starvation.d)none of the above


Which of the following things would be cultural universals?(Think in term of the way "cultural universal" is used in this tutorial.)a)the language that you speakb)the kinds of clothes that you wearc)the specific knowledge that you acquired in schoold)none of the above


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