Anthropology 101 - 2002 CSN Essentials of Cultural Anthropology Chapter 5

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Historically, race relations in the United States have been primarily centered on white and black relations. Place the major events in this narrative in order from the first to the most recent account.

-"whiteness" defined in first public document -emanicpation makes slavery illegal -KKK formed -illegal interracial marriage is overturned

Approximately what percent of the human genetic code produces the variations of skin color, hair texture, eye shape, and other visible characteristics associated with race?


The U.S. Census has been taken every ten years since 1790. Tracing the evolution of racial categories on the U.S. Census helps to understand changing views on racial identity in the United States. Place the census descriptions in order from first to most recent.

3 racial categories- cannot chose your own race 5 categories- includes Chinese and Indian 8 categories- Hindu 14- Hispanic

Racial systems were challenged and reshaped in the postcolonial period through a variety of movements. Match each movement to the country or countries where it took place.

Anti-apartheid movement - South Africa Civil rights movement - United States Racial democracy - Brazil

Low-income and minority communities are often subject to racial discrimination at the hands of local government policies and actions. However, in recent years, communities are fighting back and winning battles to protect and improve their neighborhoods. Identify whether or not these are ways in which communities can be politically active for their own benefit.

Beneficial Way Communities Can Be Politically Active create community associations organize protests engage with public planning process Not a Beneficial Way for Communities to Be Politically Active refuse to cooperate with local government

Race and racism are far from eradicated in American culture. African Americans continue to be subject to violent incidents, such as those listed here. Match the incident with the location where it took place, to highlight the widespread and ongoing struggle of black Americans.

Cleveland, Ohio Twelve-year-old Tamir Rice was killed by police at a playground. Baltimore, Maryland Freddie Grey died in police custody. Staten Island, New York Eric Garner was choked to death by police during his arrest. Charleston, South Carolina Nine people were killed by a gunman in an African Methodist Episcopal Church.

Identify these processes as beginning either during the colonial period or the postcolonial period

Colonial Period use of "race" to justify the transatlantic slave trade invention of classifications of people based on phenotype Postcolonial Period Anti-racist national movements challenged institutionalized violence and racism. National liberation movements struggled to end occupations by foreign powers.

Identify these processes as beginning either during the colonial period or the postcolonial period.

Colonial Period use of "race" to justify the transatlantic slave trade invention of classifications of people based on phenotype Postcolonial Period National liberation movements struggled to end occupations by foreign powers. Anti-racist national movements challenged institutionalized violence and racism.

This cartoon, published in 1902 in the magazine Judge, shows anti-immigration sentiment in the United States at the time. Identify which concepts are directly exhibited in the cartoon and which are not.

Concept Exhibited in the Cartoon nativism racism Not a Concept Exhibited in the Cartoon colonialism miscegenation

Many anthropologists and other social scientists study and analyze racial relations in the United States in order to work against racism that continues today. Match each study with the correct description.

Critiques the current U.S. call for color-blindness and suggests that it perpetuates racial inequality. Racism without Racists (2010) chronicles an African American community's organized resistance of racially discriminating policies. Black Corona (1998) Lists and describes various ways whites receive preferential treatment throughout all aspects of life "White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack" (1989) Investigates the experiences of African Americans who face racial discrimination despite their higher social class. Living with Racism: The Black Middle-Class Experience (1994)

Identify whether or not these statements define the rule of hypodescent.

Defines the Rule of Hypodescent that someone with any black ancestor is considered black. That children of "mixed" marriages are automatically assigned to the "lower" racial category. Does Not Define the Rule of Hypodescent that someone with "one drop" of white blood is considered white. That children of "mixed" marriages are automatically assigned the "higher" racial category.

While the United States and Brazil are the largest multiracial countries in the Western Hemisphere, race has been treated differently in each country. Identify whether the following statements apply to Brazil or the United States.

Describes Race Relations in the United States -has applied the rule of hypodescent -has barred interracial marriage Describes Brazil -uses hundreds of categories and terms for various races -race intersects closely with class, and racial categories can be shifted

Racism manifests itself in society in various ways. Identify the following as examples of individual or institutional racism.

Example of Individual Racism A white man shouts, "I hate blacks" and kills a black man. A white woman protects her wallet when a black man sits next to her. Example of Institutional Racism New York City public schools with mainly minority students receive less funding than suburban public schools with mainly white students. The Plessy v. Ferguson court case ruled that segregation was legal.

Racialization is the process of categorizing and attributing supposedly racial qualities to people based on perceived characteristics. Identify whether or not these are examples of racialization.

Examples of Racialization the creation of the category "Middle Eastern" as a race in the United States European immigrants in the United States calling the Chinese immigrants "Yellow Peril" Not an Example of Racialization the court dismissal of a Chinese man as a reliable eyewitness due to his race the use of microaggressions against minorities

Intersectionality studies the intersection of various factors that shape an individual's access to opportunities as well as societal patterns of stratification. Identify whether or not these are major factors that are part of intersectionality.

Factor Considered in Intersectionality Studies -class -gender -race Not a Factor Considered in Intersectionality Studies -Age

Intersectionality studies the intersection of various factors that shape an individual's access to opportunities as well as societal patterns of stratification. Identify whether or not these are major factors that are part of intersectionality.

Factor Considered in Intersectionality Studies class gender race Not a Factor Considered in Intersectionality Studies age

Race is a biological concept rooted in genetic differences between people.


- refers to the inherited genetic factors that provide a framework for an organism's physical form, while - refers to the physical expression of genes as a result of genetic interaction with the environment.

Genotype Phenotype

White supremacy refers to the belief that whites are biologically different and superior to people of other races. Identify whether or not the following practices have been enforced legally in the United States.

Has Been Legally Enforced in the United States counting slaves as fractions of people segregation prohibition of interracial marriage Has Not Been Legally Enforced in the United States microaggressions

The U.S. Census form changes over time. In its current form, how does it treat Hispanics differently than other groups?

Hispanics are an ethnic group that could be of any race.

In Brazil, the - colonial government did not forbid -, nor did it apply the rule of -. This resulted in Brazilian society developing many racial categories, such as -.

In Brazil, the Portuguese colonial government did not forbid miscegenation, nor did it apply the rule of hypodescent. This resulted in Brazilian society developing many racial categories, such as pretinha

White privilege refers to the benefits and opportunities that whites enjoy based solely on their skin color and perceived race. What does anthropologist Jane Gibson's study of low-income whites in Florida suggest about white privilege?

Not all whites experience equal amounts of white privilege

White privilege refers to the benefits and opportunities that whites enjoy based solely on their skin color and perceived race. What does anthropologist Jane Gibson's study of low-income whites in Florida suggest about white privilege?

Not all whites experience equal amounts of white privilege.

Racial tensions in the United States have often been on display in Supreme Court hearings over racial segregation in educational institutions. Match each description to the court case it describes.

Plessy v. Ferguson took place in 1896 ruled that state-sponsored segregation in public schools was legal Brown v. Board of Education took place in 1954 ruled that state-sponsored segregation in public schools was illegal

In Brazil, the - colonial government did not forbid -, nor did it apply the rule of -. This resulted in Brazilian society developing many racial categories, such as -.

Portuguese miscegenation hypodescent pretinha.

When they first immigrated to the United States in the nineteenth century, Irish, Italian, and eastern European immigrants were seen as inferior and not "white." Today, these European groups are seen as white. Identify whether or not these are possible ways that some people could move into a "higher" racial category.

Possible Way to Move to a Higher Racial Category moving upward in social class marrying someone of a "higher" race Not a Possible Way to Move to a Higher Racial Category marrying someone of the same race changing legal definitions of race

_____is the process of categorizing, differentiating, and attributing a particular racial character to a person or group of people.


Identify whether or not these are possible reasons why it is difficult for people in the United States to acknowledge the continuing existence of racism.

Reason People believe that mainstream U.S. society is a meritocracy. Color blindness is seen as a solution to racism in the United States. Not A Reason U.S. laws are enforced equally regardless of race. There is no longer institutional racism in the United States.

A person's genetic makeup cannot be determined simply by phenotype (physical traits). Identify whether or not these are reasons why racial stereotypes like "White Men Can't Jump" or "Asians Are Better at Math" do not have any biological basis.

Reason Why Racial Stereotypes Have No Biological Basis -Genes that influence physical traits are not linked to any other genes. -Genes that influence traits like intelligence and artistic abilities do not respond quickly to environmental pressures. Not a Reason Why Racial Stereotypes Have No Biological Basis Genes that influence both physical and other traits are directly correlated. Genes that influence physical traits change at a much slower rate than genes that influence other traits.

A person's genetic makeup cannot be determined simply by phenotype (physical traits). Identify whether or not these are reasons why racial stereotypes like "White Men Can't Jump" or "Asians Are Better at Math" do not have any biological basis.

Reason Why Racial Stereotypes Have No Biological Basis Genes that influence physical traits are not linked to any other genes. Genes that influence traits like intelligence and artistic abilities do not respond quickly to environmental pressures. Not a Reason Why Racial Stereotypes Have No Biological Basis Genes that influence both physical and other traits are directly correlated. Genes that influence physical traits change at a much slower rate than genes that influence other traits.

A racial ideology is a set of ideas about race that justify and normalize discriminatory actions. Identify whether or not these are situations shaped by racial ideologies

Shaped by Racial Ideologies -white colonists' beliefs that slavery was natural -European settlers' beliefs that they had the right to "civilize" the American West Not Shaped by Racial Ideologies police officers' beliefs that they could cut off poor whites' livelihood in Florida upper-class Dominicans' beliefs that they are black

A racial ideology is a set of ideas about race that justify and normalize discriminatory actions. Identify whether or not these are situations shaped by racial ideologies.

Shaped by Racial Ideologies white colonists' beliefs that slavery was natural European settlers' beliefs that they had the right to "civilize" the American West Not Shaped by Racial Ideologies police officers' beliefs that they could cut off poor whites' livelihood in Florida upper-class Dominicans' beliefs that they are black

Anthropologists often use the plural term racisms. What does this term refer to?

The variety of ways race has been constructed among people of different places

Anthropologist Donna Goldstein explored how poor Brazilian women use humor to cope with persistent brutality. Which describes Goldstein's observation of poor Brazilian domestic workers' "laughter out of place"?

They laughed at different things than their employers while watching TV together.

Race relations play out differently depending on a variety of historical, cultural, and social factors. Match each racial situation to the country to which it pertains.

This country developed a legal system called "apartheid" that established white dominance as a key governmental structure. South Africa This country defined the dominant category as "Aryan" or "Caucasian" and legal debates were important in defining who belonged to these privileged groups. The United States This country has many nuanced racial categories and has been referred to as a "racial democracy." Brazil

Chinese immigrants first arrived in the United States in large numbers during the 1850s. Identify whether or not the initial wave of Chinese immigrants experienced racial prejudice in these particular ways.

Way Chinese Immigrants Experienced Prejudice They were called derogatory names. They were treated with hostility by federal and state governments. Not a Way Chinese Immigrants Experienced Prejudice They were stereotyped as better at math. They were not allowed to have jobs.

The first example of the term white can be traced to a public document written in Virginia in 1691. Identify whether or not these are major ways in which white privilege was subsequently invented and reinforced in Virginia in the 1700s.

Way White Privilege Was Invented Whites were given more legal privileges. Whites were counted as whole people in censuses. Not A Way White Privilege Was Invented Whites were given financial assistance from the government. Whites usually earned more money than blacks.

Contemporary worldwide expressions of racism, and the notion of race itself, are historically rooted in which practice?


Identify the best definition of racism.

institutional patterns and policies as well as individuals' thoughts and actions that create or reproduce unequal access to power, privilege, resources, and opportunities based on race

A person may express racism through - beliefs or - actions. These may be acts of commission or acts of omission, but anthropologists refer to both as -.

prejudiced discriminatory individual racism

A person may express racism through - beliefs or - actions. These may be acts of commission or acts of omission, but anthropologists refer to both as -.

prejudiced, discriminatory, and individual racism

Identify whether or not these reasons are why it is impossible to distinguish clear genetic boundaries between one human population and another.

reason -human variation changes gradually in a geographic continuum. -Humans are 99.9 percent genetically the same. -Humans have been exchanging genetic material for 200,000 years.

Beginning in the 1400s, many European countries began colonial activities to further their economic power. Identify the correct definition of colonialism.

the use of military, economic, and political power beyond a country's borders to enhance its global power

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