Anthropology Online Tutorial Embedded Quizzes

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Which of the following is generally true of pastoralist societies in East Africa?

Cattle functioned as their special purpose money in the pas

the kula ring was

a closed trading system among the trobriand islanders in which only recognized senior male trading partners from each island could be expedition leaders

formal market places are rare in isolated small scale societies because

all of the above

which of the following things ate usually considered to be important gifts in small sacle socioeties with non market economies

all of the above

which of the following things occurred at traditional kwakitut potlatches

all of the above

which of the following are exampless of economic redistributive systems

all off the above

if after several minutes of negotation, you gree to trade threee musc CD'S with a friend for his used copy of the textbook needed in your cultural anthropolgy class, it would be an examplpe of


Standard economic analysis is inadequate in explaining how and why non-market economies function within societies that have them because ____________________________________________ ?

economic profit is not the major motive for exchanging and distibutating goods . and services in these societies

which of the following would fit the definition of balanced reciprocity in north america today

exchaning christmas gifts with your best friend at a offic party

the most common form of exchange in non market economies between friendly small scale socities is

face to face barter

marshall sahlins observes that there are three distinct types of reciprocity that occur in human societies around the world. which of the following statements is a description of what he describes as generalized reciprocity

gift giving without expectation is a immediate return

according to this tutorial the crucial difference between gifts and sales is that

gifts create and strengthen social relationships while sales usually do not

which of the following statements is true of commerce between small scale societies in the past

it involved more institionatlizdd balanced repocrity than is found generally int he international trade system today

Which of the following statements is true concerning the introduction of general purpose money into societies that have non-market economies?

it makes it easier to carry out and trade and gives individuals the ability to accumulate wealth

Which of the following are characteristic of non-market economies?

none of the above

special purpose money consist of

objects serve as a medium of exchange in only limited contexts

which of the following statements is true of the reciprocal gift exchanges in all socioties

participants in gift exchange agree to receive a gift and repay it with another

men in indigenous societies of new guinea wanting to increase their personal status and influnece over others organized large ceremonies similar to the kwakiut potlatch. the most importnat things that were given away during these ceremonies in new guinea were?


What are the major components of any society's economy?

production, distribution, and exchange

some economic exchanges are intended to distribute a society wealth in a different way than exists at present. these are called

redisributitive exchanges

which of the following would fit the definition of negative reciprocity in north america today

selling flashlight batteries at triple the normal price during a prolonged blackout caused by a wide spread electrical power failure

what normally functions as rudimentary credit institutions in non market economies

social ties including kinship

proprietary deed has been strongly supported by

the US and Canadian national; cultures which are European in origin

gift giving is a common form of non market exchange within small scale societies. which of the following statements is true concerning this sort of exchange?

the primary motivation for this form of economic exchange in small scale societies is not economic but social

which of the following things resulted from international commerce during the last two centuries

there has been an enormous redistribution of wealth to the industrialized nations located mostly in the northern hemisphere

which of the following statements is true concerning non-market economies

they are typically found in small scale societies

which hof the following statements is true of non market economies

they can only survive in isolation from the market economies large scale societies

which of the following were inteded functions of the Kwaituit potlatch ceremonies in the 19th century

to celebrate major life events in a family

the concept of ownership in which land and other property rights are restricted by the overriding rights vested in the community as a whole is called?


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