Anthropology quiz 2

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Chimpanzees and humans share what percentage of DNA similarity? A. 90% B. 95% C. 97% D. 98%


14. Darwin's theory was known as the theory of: A. natural selection B. natural variation C. animal evolution D. circumnavigation


The comparison of the anatomical structures of a human arm to the wing of a bat is an example of: A. homology B. taxonomy C. analogy D. phylogeny

A. homology

8. The "Great Chain of Being" was first developed by: A. Herodotus B. Aristotle C. Galileo D. Sophocles

B. Aristotle

Which scientist developed the Systema Naturae? A. Aristotle B. Carolus Linnaeus C. Jean Lamarck D. Charles Darwin

B. Caroulus Linnaeus

4. What is the difference between evolution and theories of evolution? A. evolution is a fact, but some people prefer to see it as theory B. biologists accept evolution as a fact, but theories explain how it works C. evolution explains all change and the theories explain contemporary change D. there is no difference between these two

B. biologists accept evolution as fact, but theories explain how it works

Who proposed that animal populations remained stable over time because of the high proportion of animal offspring not surviving to maturity? A. Gregor Mendel B. Charles Darwin C. Thomas Malthus D. Charles Lyell


Homo describes a human _______________. A. order B. homology C. genus D. species

C. genus

3. Evolution can be described as: A. an anti-Creationist account of the origin of life B. the foundation of culture in contemporary society C. the major organizing principle of the biological sciences D. the major organizing principle of the social sciences

C. major organizing principle of biological sciences

Of those listed below, which is the broadest taxonomic category? A. family B. order C. phylum D. species

C. phylum

Invoking traditional events, such as the flood in the book of Genesis, to account for species disappearance is an example of: A. exploitation B. system of nature C. Great Chain of Being D. catastrophism


Which of the following best describes the "Great Chain of Being" approach? A. a creation myth discovered by the Greeks in the 1st century AD B. an early scientific description of the inanimate world based on form C. a classification of animate life-forms only, with humans at the very top D. a categorization of animate and inanimate forms based on observable similarities

D a categorization of animate and inanimate forms based on observable similarities

17. Animals with a generalized anatomy, relatively large brain, and grasping hands and feet are known as: A. chordates B. mammals C. vertebrates D. primates

D. primates

29. Which Old World monkey is of special interest to paleoanthropologists because it lives in savannahs like those in which we expect ancestral humans may have lived? A. baboons B. chimpanzees C. lemurs D. bonobos


34. Among primates, adolescence is generally marked by: A. migration of males or females to new social groups B. onset of extremely aggressive behavior towards new members C. display threats and "bluffing" behavior to mark territory D. changing behavior that has no pattern


34. Which of the following is not one of the four base pairs? A. glucosamine B. cytosine C. adenine D. thymine


56. A small group of people with several colorblind individuals move from the mainland move to a previously uninhabited, secluded island. Two hundred years later 5% of the people of the island have color-blindness. This is an example of: A. founder effects B. population bottleneck C. mutation D. gene flow


62. Why does a bulky body tend to conserve more heat than a slender one? A. it has less surface area relative to volume B. it has more surface area relative to volume C. it has more fat regulation D. it is more layered, with fat covering muscles


64. The allele for sickle-cell anemia is found primarily in areas where there are large populations of mosquitoes bearing: A. falciparum malaria B. parasitic dysentery C. smallpox D. yellow fever


A person's hair color is determined by at least two genes. Hair color is an example of: A. polygenetic inheritance B. genotype C. genome D. DNA


Cell division that involves exact replication of parent cells is called: A. mitosis B. mitochondriosis C. meiosis D. cloning


Chance fluctuations of allele frequencies in the gene pool of a population are evidences of: A. genetic drift B. gene flow C. mutation D. directional selection


Evidence from ancient skeletons suggests that the first mammals appeared over _______________ million years ago, while the earliest primates first evolved approximately _______________ million years ago. A. 200/65 B. 265/150 C. 175/65 D. 100/5


Flexible and changing behavioral patterns among non-human primates interest scientists because they provide clues about: A. the earliest development of human cultural behavior B. the psychological challenge that non-human primates face C. migration behavior and possible human physical developments D. the evolution of the great apes


Genetically, tarsiers are most closely related to: A. lemurs B. apes C. lorises D. prosimians


Interbreeding allows for A. gene flow B. genetic drift C. founder's effect D. guanine


The sense of smell is vital for _______________ in their location of food sources. A. ground-dwelling, nocturnal mammals B. tree-dwelling, diurnal mammals C. ground-dwelling, diurnal mammals D. tree-dwelling, nocturnal mammals


What British primatologist is most known for studies of chimpanzees? A. Jane Goodall B. Frans de Waal C. Stephen Jay Gould D. Dian Fossey


What do we call the ability to grasp and manipulate objects between the thumb and other digits? A. Opposability B. Prehensility C. Brachiation D. Radiation


Which of the following does not accurately describe the primate visual system? A. nerve cells integrate the images derived from each eye B. visual field is three-dimensional, registering height, width, and depth C. nerve connections in the back of the eyes process visual information D. eyes sit next to each other on the same plane with overlapping visual fields


Which of the following is a true statement? A. the shape of the primate collarbone varies between species B. the collarbone (clavicle) in primates is long and narrow allowing flexible movements C. the collarbone (clavicle) in primates is short and stout allowing for firm posture D. primates do not have collarbones


Which of the following is the most solitary ape? A. human B. gibbon C. bonobo D. orangutan


Who was responsible for providing the principles of heredity? A. Gregor Mendel B. Charles Lyell C. Thomas Malthus D. Charles Darwin

a mendel

How would you best describe a genus? A. a group of like species B. a subdivision of species C. a sub-species D. archaic forms of species

a. a group of like species

Mendel discovered that inheritance was particulate, not: A. blended B. separated C. molded D. selected

a. blended

28. A portion of the DNA molecule containing a sequence of base pairs that encodes a particular protein is known as a: A. gene B. allele C. double helix D. chromosome

a. gene

31. Which of the following best describes gorillas? A. They are the largest ape, bipeds, carnivores, and big "bluffers." B. They are the largest ape, knuckle-walkers, vegetarians, and big "bluffers." C. They are the largest ape, knuckle-walkers, vegetarians, and aggressive. D. They are the largest ape, knuckle-walkers, carnivores, and big "bluffers."


An example of polygenetic inheritance is: A. blood type B. skin color C. weight D. sex


During meiosis, genes are divided into: A. 2 new cells B. 4 new cells C. 6 new cells D. 8 new cells


In evolutionary terms, what kind of force is mutation? A. negative because mutation decreases chances for survival B. positive because it provides variation for selection C. neutral because variation does not matter in the long run D. mutation cannot be evaluated in these terms


In humans, climatic adaptation involves: A. body build only B. body build and cultural adaptation C. diet only D. none of the above


Monkeys, apes, and humans are grouped together as: A. hominoids B. anthropoids C. prosimians D. hominids


Most of the advances in heredity at the molecular level have occurred during what time period? A. latter part of the 20th century B. early part of the 20th century C. latter part of the 19th century D. early part of the 19th century


Scientists have found that carrying sickle-cell anemia (meaning, one is heterozygous) protects the individual from: A. chicken pox B. malaria C. pneumonia D. common cold


Sickle-cell anemia is found in highest frequencies in populations from: A. western Africa B. central Arica C. southern Africa D. Scandinavia


The principle that variants of genes for a particular trait retain their separate identities through the generations is called: A. natural selection B. law of segregation C. law of heredity D. law of independent assortment


Today, from a molecular approach, primates are frequently divided into two groups: A. rhinoceros/rhinencephalon B. strepsirhines/haplorhines C. strepsirhini/diodarhini D. hominids/prosimians


What do we call the factors that separate two breeding populations? A. fission factors B. isolating factors C. punctuated equilibria D. cladogenesis


What statement best describes the role of ethics in field research of non-human primates? A. field research is unethical for primatologists B. ethics is not as significant an issue for primatologists as for cultural anthropologists C. ethics is more important to research on primates in captivity than those in nature D. field studies raise important ethical issues for primatologists


Which of the following are not considered hominoids? A. humans B. lemurs C. siamangs D. bonobos


Which of the following causes is not a primary reason today for primate endangerment? A. habitat destruction B. collection for souvenirs C. hunting for bush-meat D. use of animals in medical labs


Which of the following is more arboreal? A. baboons B. orangutans C. gorillas D. chimpanzees


Which of the following is not routinely associated with new reproductive technologies, such as genetic testing? A. a shift in cultural practices surrounding pregnancy B. potential to label disabled people as undesirable C. increased incidence of genetic assessments D. lowered incidence of pregnancy


Which of the following topics would best be approached by studying primates in their natural habitat? A. language-learning skills B. social dynamics C. comparative intelligence D. conceptual capacity


55. Founder's Effect is a type of: A. gene flow B. genetic drift C. natural selection D. environmental selection

b genetic drift

Geneticists believe that humans have approximately how many functioning genes? A. 1,062 B. 25,000 C. 15,000 D. scientists have no idea how many genes humans have


26. What was different (or unique) about Gregor Mendel's approach to gardening? A. he was a scientist and worked to create commercial plants B. he took systematic notes and was able to identify patterns of heredity C. he bred garden plants to obtain higher yields D. he worked to breed garden plants in order to obtain better varieties

b. he took sysematic notes and was able to identify patterns of herdity

13. All of the following favored the emergence of the Primate Order except: A. extinction of dinosaurs B. mild climate C. glaciation D. spread of dense tropical forests


25. Which of the following represent the primate group, Prosimians? A. loris, tarsier, marmoset B. siamang, tarsier, lemur C. tarsier, loris, lemur D. lemur, loris, siamamg


49. All of the following are evolutionary forces except: A. genetic drift B. gene flow C. genetic cloning D. mutation


51. What variable force is most important to adaptation over time? A. founder's effect B. genetic drift C. random mutation D. gene flow


60. Adaptation can best be described as: A. an inherited form of anemia caused by a mutation B. dominant characteristics in the gene pool C. a series of beneficial adjustments to the environment D. the introduction of alleles from the gene pool of a non-native population


69. A sustained directional shift in a population's average characteristics is called: A. cladogenesis B. genetic drift C. anagenesis D. speciation


Approximately how many years of evolutionary history are shared by Old World monkeys and apes, including humans? A. 4-5 million years B. 8-10 million years C. 40 million years D. 65 million years


Approximately what percentage of the primate species is considered to be endangered today? A. 25 B. 40 C. 50 D. 100


For an arboreal primate, which sense is most important in locating food? A. hearing B. taste C. vision D. smell


Mammals have all of the following characteristics except: A. a diaphragm to assist in breathing B. a four-chambered heart C. a combination of nasal and mouth cavities D. milk from mother's mammary glands


Speciation through adaptation is generally believed to occur at a pace called: A. homeobox adaptation B. punctuated equilibria C. Darwinian gradualism D. adaptive evolution


The continuous gradation over space in the form or frequency of a genetic trait is known as a: A. homozygote B. polygene C. cline D. adaptive trait


The main structural protein for skin, bones, and teeth is: A. thymine B. adenine C. collagen D. guanine


What kind of theory is "catastrophism"? A. 17th-century scientific hypothesis B. 18th-century scientific theory C. 19th-century humanistic idea D. 20th-century scientific concept


Which group of primates is most associated with having a prehensile tail? A. prosimians B. apes C. New World monkeys D. Old World monkeys


Which of the following is not a common part of the evolutionary journey of a species? A. patterned adaptation B. convergence into a common species C. divergence from a common ancestor D. random change


Which of the following is not a criterion that Linneaus used to determine classification of species? A. sequence of bodily growth B. body function C. prior classification D. body structure


Which of the following statements best describes the primate brain? A. it has an increasingly integrated cerebellum that restricts primates to only the most adaptive environments B. it has an increasingly integrated cerebral cortex that restricts primates to only the most adaptive environments C. it has an enlarged cerebral cortex that provides the basis for flexible behavior patterns D. it has an enlarged cerebellum that is responsible for flexible behavior patterns


Alleles are: A. the cell nucleus B. structures that carry specific proteins C. alternate forms of a single gene D. pieces of DNA

c. alternate forms of a single gene `

comparison of the anatomical structures of wings on a bat to the wings on a butterfly is an example of: A. homology B. taxonomy C. analogy D. phylogeny

c. analogy

The cellular structures that contain genetic information are called: A. alleles B. genes C. chromosomes D. heritable units

c. chromosomes

What does Rayna Rapp's bio-cultural study of reproduction illustrate? A. the phenomenon of aggression among non-human primates B. the effect of genetic drift on rates of sickle-cell anemia transmission C. the complex interplay between biological knowledge and cultural practices D. the genetic similarity between humans and chimpanzees

c. complex interplay between biological knowledge and cultural practices

what was unique about the "system of nature" classification when it was first proposed? A. Aristotle classified humans just below angels B. von Linné classified humans just below angels C. Linnaeus classified humans with other primates D. Aristotle classified humans with other primates

c. linnaeus classifies humans with other primates

Sex cell division is called: A. independent assortment B. segregation C. meiosis D. mitosis

c. meiosis

Anatomical features that have evolved from a common ancestral feature are called: A. homologies B. taxonomy C. morphology

c. morphology

ince Type O Blood is co-dominant, a woman with Type O blood knows that OO is her: A. DNA B. genome C. phenotype D. genotype

c. phenotype

Charles Darwin was hired as a _______________ on the H.M.S Beagle. A. botanist B. navigator C. traveling companion D. medical doctor

c. traveling companion

22. Where are lemurs found today? A. Sub-Saharan Africa B. Malaysia C. Indonesia D. Madagascar


A creature that is active at night is considered to be: A. arboreal B. diurnal C. noxious D. nocturnal


A painful disease in which oxygen-carrying red blood cells change into abnormal shapes is called: A. anemia B. natural blood selection C. Trisomy 21 D. sickle-cell anemia


A second toe, called a "grooming claw," is found on: A. bonobos B. baboons C. marmosets D. lemurs


If two populations of primates were separated for a substantially long period of time by geographical changes, causing them, over time, to begin developing characteristics that distinguished them from each other, it could result in: A. allelic homogeneity B. gene flow C. anagenesis D. cladogenesis


The average rate of mutation per million is: A. 100 B. 20 C. 1000 D. 30


What do we call vision that allows three-dimensional perception? A. prehensile B. opposable C. binocular D. stereoscopic


Which of the following is not an evolutionary trend in primate skeletons? A. Eyes rotated more forward B. Reduction of size of snout C. More forward position for the opening at the base of the skull D. Hands and feet have five radiating digits


Which of the following is the most accurate statement? Humans are considered to be part of the Primate Order because: A. we descend from apes B. we are considered to be ancestors to the primates C. primates are considered to be our first ancestors D. we share a recent common ancestry


Which of the following represents an existing base pair? A. guanine and adenine B. thymine and guanine C. guanine and cytosine D. cytosine and thymine


Which of the following statements is false? A. evolution explains diversity through scientific language using hypotheses B. evolution explains diversity through scientific language using theories C. evolution can explain diversity and creation myths cannot D. creation myths and evolutionary accounts do not differ


_______________ is the formation of a new species and _______________ focuses on the evolutionary relationships between species. A. Macroevolution/microevolution B. Macroevolution/speciation C. Speciation/microevolution D. Speciation/macroevolution


Today, Darwin's evolutionary theory is supported by data from all of the following except: A. population genetics B. comprehensive understanding of heredity C. molecular genetics D. proto-genetics


10. A reproductively isolated population or group capable of interbreeding to produce fertile offspring is a: A. genus B. category C. family D. species

d. species

What is the evolutionary force that has kept populations from developing into separate species? A. founder's effect B. mutation C. random genetic drift D. gene flow

gene flow

If a young woman has blue eyes, this is her: A. DNA B. genome C. phenotype D. genotype


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