antibiotic prepu questions

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A nurse works in a community setting and follows clients who have TB. Which clients would likely require the most follow-up from rifampin therapy?

An HIV-positive client

Beta-lactam antibiotics, such as penicillins and cephalosporins, fight infection by inhibiting development of the causative bacteria. What specific component development do these drugs affect?

Cell wall synthesis

A nurse is providing education to a client who is taking INH. The nurse is teaching the client to avoid which foods?

Cheese, dairy products, and bananas

A public health nurse interacts with many members of the community who are at risk for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). The nurse should anticipate the use of tetracycline in a client who is diagnosed with what STI?


An older adult client, diagnosed with community-acquired pneumonia, has been prescribed aztreonam. What action should the nurse perform before administering the first dose?

Confirm the client's allergy status.

The client is taking a fluoroquinolone and routinely takes cimetidine. The nurse identifies that cimetidine may have what affect on fluoroquinolones?

Decreased elimination of antibiotic

After teaching a group of students about aminoglycosides, the instructor determines that the teaching was successful when the group identifies which drug as the prototype for this class?


The goals for a client taking antitubercular drugs can include what goals?

Identification and treatment of adverse reactions. Client manages the therapeutic regimen effectively. Therapeutic response is achieved. Client and family demonstrate an understanding of the drug regimen.

A nurse is caring for a patient who is being administered penicillin. What are the common adverse reactions to penicillin a nurse should assess for?

Inflammation of the tongue and mouth

A client is prescribed penicillin V orally for a strep throat. What is the mechanism of action of this medication?

It inhibits cell wall synthesis.

When administering aminoglycosides, the nurse must be aware of which of the following adverse reactions?

Ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity

Michael, 25 years old, has had mitral valve regurgitation since age four, after having rheumatic fever. Michael is planning to go to his dentist to have his teeth cleaned. Because of Michael's history he will need to take antibiotics in conjunction with this procedure to prevent bacteremia. Which class of antibiotics will Michael most likely receive if he has no allergies?


The health care provider suspects a client may be infected with an antibiotic-resistant pathogen. The nurse caring for this client knows that what course of action is best used to determine whether this type of pathogen is present?

Perform culture and susceptibility tests.

A group of students are reviewing information about drugs used to treat tuberculosis. The students demonstrate understanding of the material when they identify which drug as a first-line treatment option?


The nurse is caring for a 6-year-old child who has pyelonephritis. The use of what group of antibiotics would be contraindicated due to the client's age?


A client, diagnosed with a genitourinary infection, is being treated with a fluoroquinolone. What is the advantage of a fluoroquinolone over an aminoglycoside?

The fluoroquinolone can be given orally.

A client asks why three medications are prescribed to treat his tuberculosis. The nurse informs the client of which reasons?

To prevent resistance

The nurse is giving discharge instructions to a woman who will be taking amoxicillin for treatment of acute otitis media. The nurse teaches the client that which symptom indicates the development of a superinfection and should be reported to the physician?

Vaginal itching and discharge

A 9-year-old client has been admitted to the pediatric unit after being diagnosed with pertussis. The pediatric nurse is processing the client's admission orders and notes that IV demeclocycline has been prescribed. After beginning this treatment, the nurse should confirm the results of what laboratory test?

blood urea nitrogen (BUN)

A nurse is caring for a 52-year-old client who has been diagnosed with a latent tuberculosis infection. The health care provider is considering ordering isoniazid (INH). The preexistence of what condition would require cautious use of INH in this client?

cirrhosis of the liver

Which medication is the drug of choice for Legionnaires disease?


What potential adverse reaction is most likely to develop during cefazolin therapy?

gastrointestinal upset

After teaching a group of students about the indications for use for aminoglycosides, the instructor determines that the teaching was successful when the students identify which type of infection as a primary indication?

gram-negative infections

A client with an upper respiratory infection has been prescribed macrolides. Which changes during an ongoing assessment would lead the nurse to notify the health care provider?

increase in respiratory rate sudden increase in temperature drop in blood pressure

A nursing instructor is preparing a teaching plan for a nursing pharmacology class on the action of fluoroquinolones. Which action would the instructor most likely include?

interfering with DNA synthesis in the bacterial cell

A 25-year-old woman is being treated with penicillin G as prophylaxis to prevent bacterial endocarditis prior to a dental procedure. The nurse should question the client concerning her the use of:

oral contraceptives.

What event triggers the development of a superinfection?

proliferation of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms

A client with a diagnosis of rhinosinusitis has been prescribed ciprofloxacin 250 mg SC b.i.d. When contacting the prescriber, the nurse should question the:


The nurse has administered a client's first scheduled dose of amoxicillin. What subsequent client report should prompt the nurse to seek the discontinuation of this drug?

shortness of breath

A nurse is speaking to a 62-year-old female client who has been started on sulfisoxazole, a sulfonamide antibiotic. The nurse should teach this client to contact the health care provider if the client experiences what adverse effect associated with the drug?

skin rash or itching

A client, being treated for latent tuberculosis (TB) on an out-client basis, tells the nurse, "I've been feeling pretty good lately, so I haven't actually been all that consistent with taking my drugs." Subsequent health education by the nurse should focus on what subject?

the need to consistently take the prescribed drugs in order to cure TB

A 7-year-old child has tonsillitis and is prescribed penicillin V, which is to be administered at home. The nurse will instruct the parents to administer the drug

with a glass of water 1 hour before or 2 hours after a meal.

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