Anxiety Quiz (30 questions)

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How would the nurse respond to parents who are concerned about separation anxiety in their 15-month old toddler?

"This is an expected developmental reaction."

A 10-year old child who is about to begin chemotherapy for acute myeologenous leukemia (AML) tells the nurse that he is old enough to refuse treatment. Which would be the most appropriate response?

"You seem frightened. Let's talk about it."

Which response is appropriate to a client scheduled for a muscle biopsy who states "They better give me a general anesthetic. I don't want to feel anything"?

"You seem to be worried about the test."

Which emotional aspect of a 4 year old child may become a coping mechanism if successful?

Throwing tantrums to relieve frustration

Which condition is an example of a disruptive behavioral disorder commonly encountered by school nurses?


Which action would the nurse take to make a client complaining of significant pain during an acute myocardial infarction more comfortable? (Select all that apply.) Placing the client in the semi-fowler position Reassuring and talking to the client to keep him or her calm Offering to massage the client's shoulders, arms, and back Assisting the client to participate in deep-breathing exercises Giving supplemental oxygen via nasal cannulaA

All of the above

A client is to undergo dilation and curettage and conization of the cervix for cancer appears tense and anxious. Which approach would support the client emotionally?

Asking whether something is troubling the client and whether she would like to talk about it

Which behavior would the nurse expect from a toddler who has never been separated from his parents but is admitted to the pediatric unit?

Crying relentlessly and consoled by no one but a parent

Which therapy has the highest success rate for people with phobias?

Desensitization involving relaxation techniques

Which emotion would the client be experiencing when they ask "Are you sure I'm ready to move?" just before being transferred from an intensive care unit to an intermediate care unit?


A nurse who is talking to a client suspects the client has agoraphobia. Which response by the client supports the nurse's suspicion? (Select all that apply.) Frequent word repetition Fear of walking in parking lots Withdrawal from friends and family Fear of venturing out of the house alone Refusal to use a public bus for transportation

Fear of walking in parking lots Fear of venturing out of the house alone Refusal to use a public bus for transporation

Which expected characteristic should the nurse consider when communicating with a client diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder?

Re-experiences the trauma in dreams and flashbacks

Which basis for behavior does the nurse identify when caring for a client diagnosed with OCD?

Unconscious control of unacceptable feelings

Which behavior would the nurse expect when approaching a toddler who was physically abused?

Exhibiting fear of physical contact initiated by anyone

Which symptom of mild anxiety would a nurse expect in a client who suspects that she is 6 weeks pregnant as she is waiting for her first obstetric appointment?

Increased alertness

A client expresses anxiety about beginning a new physical therapy regimen after orthopedic surgery. Which fact about anxiety explains why this client's apprehension can be an asset?

Increases alertness to the environment

Which effect of anxiety makes it particularly important for the nurse to reduce the anxiety of a client with heart failure?

Increases the cardiac workload

Which response would indicate mass hysteria to the nurse after a local disaster occurs?


Which characteristic of anxiety is associated with a diagnosis of conversion disorder?

Relieved by the symptom

Which approach by a multidisciplinary health care team caring for a child with ADHD is most important?

Setting limits on the child's behaviors consistently

Which approach is best after the nurse performs preoperative teaching for a client with stage 3 Hodgkin disease who is undergoing a splenectomy and appearing anxious?

State that the client seems anxious, and ask whether the client would like to talk for a while.

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