AP Art Term 1

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Form- • Gandharan style (Hellenistic influence) • Colossal images of the Buddha Function- • Influence of the belief of Buddhism being spread along the Silk Road Content- • Powerful folds of the drapery-due to its style • Carved all the way around in the area by its feet o Meant for believers to be able to circumambulate in a clockwise direction Context- • Location: Bamiyan, Afghanistan • Medium o Cut rock with plaster and polychrome paint • Time: 400-800 CE • Destroyed by the Taliban in 2001

182. Buddha

Form- • 5 prongs o 3 prongs= tree of life, reindeer antlers= shaman • Metalwork • Natural imagery Function- • Worn for ceremonial rites of Silla royalty during the Three Kingdoms Period • Also worn during burial ceremonies o Conveys social status of the occupant in the afterlife Content- • Brings together cultures from all over the Silk Road and puts it into this crown • Tiny gold disks and jade ornaments represent fertility and abundance • Shows the practice of Shamanism before Buddhism was fully introduced in this area Context- • Three Kingdoms Period • Location: Silla Kingdom, South Korea • Time: 15th to 16th century CE • Medium o Gold and jade • Gold used for queens and silver used for kings

196. Gold and jade Crown

Form- • Relief sculptures o Narrate Buddha's teachings (Dharma), depict Buddha's past lives (Jataka tales), and Buddhist scriptures (sutras) • Symbolize the cosmic map Function- • Built as a monument to the Buddha • Narrative to help guide you o A physical and spiritual journey to a high state of consciousness Content- • Moving clockwise up and around • 504 statues of the Buddha • 9 platforms as you ascend in sets of 3 • 72 stupas • 1460 relief statues Context- • Location: Central Java, Indonesia • Sailendra Dynasty • Medium o Volcanic-stone masonry • Gunadharma was a poet, thinker, and architect of this temple • Time: 750-842 CE

198. Borobudur temple

Form- • Egyptian esque o Cut into the hill side • Architecture comes from the Greeks o Hellenistic and Late Imperial Art Function- • Commercial center connecting the Silk Road from Asia to Europe Content- • First thing you see is the Treasury as you enter into Petra • Great Temple o Longitudinal o Peristyle o Cella as a theater o Draws upon different cultures Context- • Time: 400 BCE- 100 CE • Medium o Cut stone • Complex water systems in case of floods • Capital of the Nabataeans • In a valley with only one road to access it

181. Petra, Jordan: Treasury and Great Temple

Form- • Calligraphy on the cloth covering the cube (Kiswa) • Corner points on the cardinal points Function- • Meant to hold the relics of Muhammad • Walking meditation in a counter clockwise motion • Place of pilgrimage- hajj o One of the pillars Content- • Pre-Islamic the Kabba was filled with pagan god statues and the Black Stone o Muhammad cleansed it when he returned Context- • Location: Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Islamic o Set in a mosque • Pre-Islamic monument • Medium o Granite masonry, covered with a silk curtain, and calligraphy in gold and silver wrapped thread • Time: 631-632 CE

183. The Kabba

Form- • Covered in gold from the offerings people bring Function- • Bring offerings to pay tribute to the Buddha • Pray in the presence of this statue before they die because its energy will transform them and help at the time of death Content- • Most likely built in India based on style • Just being in the presence of this statue brings good merit o Liberation through seeing Context- • Location: Lhasa, Tibet • Yarlung Dynasty • Enshrined in the Jokhang Temple • Medium o Gilt metals with semiprecious stones, pearls, and paint • Embodies the soul of a nation • Time: 641 CE

184. Jowo Rinpoche

Form- • Octagonal centralized plan • Arcades and colonades • Heavily decorated on the outside Function- • Pilgrimage site (site specific) o Location of where Abraham prepared to sacrifice his son Ismail o Night journey of Muhammad • Not a mosque but rather a political monument • Protects and honors the rock Content- • Mosaics contain no human figures or animals Context- • Location: Jerusalem, Palestine • Islamic Umayyad • Medium o Stone masonry and wooden roof decorated with glazed ceramic tile • Time: 691-692 CE

185. The Dome of the Rock

Form- • Late Imperial Roman • High relief Function- • Depicts the batter of Rome vs the Goths for someone's coffin Content- • Romans remained idealized while the Goths are ugly Context- • Medium o Marble • Time: 250 CE • Marks the change from Roman cremations to actual burials

47. Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus

Form- • Forty feet above the ground Function- • Ziggurat is used to elevate the temple o Shows importance • Religious place of worship Content- • Usually in the center of the city • To enter the temple you must ascend o Getting closer to the heavens Only priests and kings were allowed to enter Context- • Location: Sumerian • Time: 3,600-3,000 BCE • Medium o Mud brick and glazed the sides of the bricks to make it look nicer

12. White Temple and its Ziggurat

Form- • Figures are all animated and moving • Etruscan Function- • Depict a dining room celebration Content- • Tomb contains all household supplies • Gender is distinguished by color Context- • Medium o Tufa and fresco • Location: Tarquina, Italy • Time: 480-470 BCE

32. Tomb of the Triclinium

Form- • Depicts an animal on the stone • Naturalistic Function- • Show that the animals roaming the world were powerful and worshipped by the people Content- • Animal on the stone is to maybe represent a religious belief • Animals are seen as great and sacred beasts Context- • Location: Southern part of Africa (Namibia) • Medium: o Charcoal on stone • Small scale due to the Paleolithic era o Limited technology o Nomadic lifestyle • Name was given because the cave's name is Apollo 11 • Time: C. 25,500-25,300 BCE o Carbon dating • Discovered around 1969 • 7 works were discovered

1. Apollo 11 Stones- Paleolithic (migratory)

Form- • Has very unusual physical differences • Bilateral/symmetrical Function- • Fertility figure o Shaman Content- • Double headed o Duality of life and death • Symbol of fertility Context- • Location: Central Mexico • Time: 1,200-900 BCE • Medium o Ceramic • Scale is very small

10. Tlatilco female figures

Form- • Pot shards o Pieces of pottery that are found in an archeological dig • Neolithic o Geometric design Function- • Designs were found on the sides of pot o Used to decorate pots or vases Content- • Dente Stamp o Makes the design onto the clay Context- • Location: Lapita, Solomon Islands, Reef islands • Time: 1,000 BCE • Medium o Terra Cotta (incised)

11. Terra Cotta Fragment

Form- • Low Relief with twisted perspective • Combo of image and text • 3 registers on front...4 on the back • Horus lands on papyrus which signifies conquering Function- • Used as a make-up holder Content- • Two sides o Front side Narmer is wearing a red crown which signifies Lower Egypt and is shown by the hierarchic scale • Shown bigger in the piece Two rows of decapitated enemies with their heads tucked away-shows power Two lions necked around each other (intertwining)- show union of upper and lower Egypt o Reverse side Hieratic scale signals Narmer's importance (boldly silhouetted against a black ground) Wears crown of upper Egypt while striking the enemy (shows firm control) Bottom shows gazelle trap and aerial view of a city- shows control over country and city Context- • Found in the temple of Horus • Time C. 3000 BCE • Narmer was a pharaoh who unified Upper and Lower Egypt o "Bull"- knocking down walls • Medium o Greywacke • Old Kingdom

13. Palette of Narmer

Form- • Prayerful figures • Bilateral symmetry o At rest • Prayers in Cuneiform are written on the back Function- • They are offering prayer on our behalf Content- • Both men and women o Anyone from Sumerian society o Someone from high society • Hands are folded • Emphasis on the eyes o Eyes are the gates to the soul Context- • Found inside temples • Location: Square Temple at Eshnunna, Sumerian (Iraq) • Time: 2,700 BCE • Medium o Gypsum inlaid with shell and black limestone

14. Statues of votive figures

Form- • Surrealism/ Cubism • Vegetal forms suggest sugar cane/bamboo • Dense, Ambiguous space, fragmented geometry/nature • Crescent shaped masks recall African and Oceanic masks • Femme Cheval/Four Women o Spirit possession Function- • Large painting created at a time in which Lam is illustrating many texts related to Surrealism & Negritude (Aimee Cesare Content- • Santeria (hybrid religion: o Transformation of vegetal, human, and animal forms, • Scissors used by Santeria priests. • Magic Realism more than Surrealism? • Post colonialism: o Oblique references to history of slavery in Cuba Context- • Person: painted upon his return to his homeland after years in Spain and France. • Jungle/Plantation Landscape; • Shown in NYC in 1943 • Medium: Gouache

142. The Jungle- Wilfredo Lam, 1943

Form- • Small scale • Symmetrical Function- • Could be a portrait of the person in whose tomb it was discovered in Content- • Holds tools of papyrus and a reed brush to write something down • Flab shows lower class than the pharaohs Context- • Being a scribe showed special skill in Egyptian cultures o Literate • Looks more realistic o Lower in class the more realistic the figure looks • Medium o Paint, crystal eyes, and limestone • Time C. 2500 BCE • Found in a tomb • Old Kingdom

15. Seated Scribe

Form- • Spirals in a counter clockwise motion Function- • Help reconnect with ancient art • Emphasis on the journey Content- • Transformation of seasons • The piece can disappear due to the change in tide • Forever changing • Going away from the mountains and into the water Context- • Entropy o Always in change • Medium o Mud, salt crystals, and rock • Time: 1970 • Artist: Robert Smithson • 1500 ft into the water • Can walk on it • Location: Great Salt Lake

151. Spiral Jetty

Form- • Two sides • Twisted perspective Function- • Show the social class on one side • Other side shows the powerful military of Ur Content- • One side o Shows a theocracy order with the top row as the highest social class o People below the king and priests are bringing tribute to them o Represents peace and prosperity • Other side o Shows that the only way to achieve peace and prosperity is to have a strong military presence o Images show that they are humiliating the captured enemies o Last row shows a "moving picture" of a chariot running of their enemy Context- • Location: Sumerian • Time: 2,600-2,400 BCE • Medium o Wood inlaid with shell, lapis lazul (found in Afghanistan), and red limestone (Persian Gulf) • Size of a suitcase • Didn't survive so they guessed putting it back together

16. Standard of Ur from the Royal Tombs of Ur

Form- • Square base with 4 sloped edges with triangular face Function- • Funerary temple to hold the pharaoh and his belongings • Protect the pharaoh from grave robbers- doesn't work Content- • Built on the West side of the Nile o Western side represent death because sun sets this way • Context- • Built by Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure o Khufu being the oldest and largest • Medium o Polished limestone • Time C. 2500 BCE • Old Kingdom

17. Great Pyramids (Menkaure, Khafre, Khufu)

Form- • Wood with screws, nails, blades, cowrie shell, and other materials, 46" high, • Geometric abstraction, emphasis on belly and neck; • Figure is reused and accumulates materials. Each one is unique. Function- • Power figure used to address a range of issues that may arise in the community: in oath taking and healing, social strife, political unrest. • Container Content- • A container to be filled with powerful materials, and then activated to work on the behalf of patron(s), fierce enforcement and/or vigilant protection. • Materials may include special earth, seeds, stones, animal parts, feathers, leaves then covered by a cowrie shell Context- • Created by a sculptor and a nganga with those who commission the work; kept by the nganga. o Nganga is a priest who makes the Power Figure o Every Nkisi is unique • Artist: Kongo people • Time Frame: Late 19th Century • Medium: Wood and metal

172. Power Figure (Nkisi n"kondi) - Hunter

Form- • Hand held wooden board with either beads or metal rods attached to it • Shape of the wooden board is to represent a turtle which represents royalty Function- • Illustrates the historical chronicles of the Luba people • Each board is unique and represents the divine revelations of a spirit medium in sculptural form Content- • Masses of beads and shells attached to the wooden board which represent stories about the Luba people • On the lukasa's "inside" surface (the front), human faces represent chiefs, historical figures, and mbudye members. The rectangular, circular, and ovoid elements denote organizing features within the chief's compound and the association's meeting house and grounds. Its "outside" surface displays incised chevrons and diamonds representing the markings on a turtle's carapace. Context- • Artist: Luba people, Mbudye Society (political elites of the Luba people) • Time Frame: 19th and 20th Century • Medium: Wood, beads, and metal • Only the Mbudye Society can translate these Lukasas

177. Lukasa (memory board)

Form- • Pharaoh is portrayed with feet stacked o Looks ideal, athletic, and youthful o Wears head cloth • Queen with feet next to each other o Looks young • Symmetrical Function- • Statue that represents King Menukaure and his queen Content- • Two different figure represented as one o Symbolic of embrace • Shows they are part of the upper class because of the unrealistic proportions of the figures Context- • Medium o Slate with traces of paint • Time C. 2500 BCE • Old Kingdom

18. King Menukaure and Queen

Form- • Islamic, Persian architecture • 4 Iwan mosque o Vaulted space that opens on one side to a courtyard • "Bubble wrap" roofing o Covers its hypostyle interior Function- • Functions as a primary congressional mosque • Center of the city connecting together parts of the city Content- • Shares walls with other buildings surrounding it • Single inner courtyard • Movement within the mosque becomes a journey of discovery and a stroll across time o Creative brick arrangements, intricate motifs in stucco (decorative coating), and intricate tile work • Iwans have colorful tile decoration and Islamic cusped niches Context- • Location: Isfahan, Iran • Time: 700 CE • Medium o Stone, brick, wood, plaster, and glazed ceramic tile • Seljuk, Il-khanid, Timurrid, and Safavid Dynasty • Qibla iwan is on the southern side of the courtyard o Two cylindrical minarets next to it

186. Great Mosque (Masjid-e Jameh)

Form- • Calligraphy- highest art form • Geometric and vegetal motifs • No human or animal figures Function- • Word passed down by the Angel Gabriel Content- • Chapter is called "The Spider" o Title is in gold ink • Read from right to left in a counter clockwise motion • Red dots above certain words is to show a vowel being used • 5 gold circles are used to end a verse Context- • Location: North Africa or Near East • Time: 8th to 9th century CE • Abbasid • Medium o Ink, color, and gold on parchment (vellum) • Made for a wealthy patron • Highly skilled artist

187. Folio from a Qur'an

Form- • Islamic, Persian style • Landscaping style is Chinese • Illuminated manuscript Function- • Shahnama- epic poem, "Book of Kings" Content- • King in disuise in someone else's court is tested to prove who he actually is o Fight and kill the great horned beast (Karg) • Mace and arrows shows significance of power in the King • Silk Road- cultures are blending within the illustration • Wearing a robe made of European fabrics Context- • A part of the Folio from the Great Il-Khanid (Late Mongol period) • Time: 1330-1340 CE • Written in Farsi • Medium o Ink and opaque watercolor, gold and silver on paper • National book of Islam

189. Bahram Gur Fights the Karg

Form- • A sculpture at the top of the stele • ¾ of the stele is text Function- • Divine law code • He has the power to enforce the law, but the power to set the law is divine o Divine authority Content- • How Hammurabi was able to receive the laws from the Sun God, Shamash • Shamash is represented seated and bigger. Also is gesturing to Hammurabi to take the law codes from him Context- • Location: Babylon • Time: 1762-1750 CE • Medium o Basalt- volcanic rock • Trophy of war • First real law code

19. The Code of Hammurabi

Form- • Shahnama- epic poem • Silk Road style o Landscaping is Chinese • Individual people in the painting aren't individualized Function- • Show what good leadership is and what it's about Content- • Told that his son will die because of the evil in the world • Clothing is what identifies people Context- • Folio from Shah Tahmasp • Artist: Sultan Muhammad • Written by Ferdowsi • Time: 1522-1525 CE • Medium o Ink, opaque watercolors, and gold on paper

190. The Court of Gayumars

Form- • No figures • 16 pendants around the center • Geometric patterns • Inscription of a poem o Tells the date and who commissioned it • Enormous size cuases the viewer to walk all the way around to absorb all the details Function- • Placed in the shrine of a building with its matching pair • Used to decorate an area (Mosque, shrine, and homes) Content- • Illusion of a heavenly dome with lamps reflected in a pool of water full of floating lotus flowers • Two mosque lamps of different sizes is meant to show perspective effect Context- • Maqsud of Kashan was the one you commissioned this carpet • Time: 1539-1540 • Medium o Silk and Wool • Name taken from the town Ardabil o Home of the Sufi saint, Safi al-Din Ardabil (Sufism is Islamic mysticism) • Had a matching pair

191. The Ardabil Carpet

Form- • On a hill o On an important economic crossroad • Circle o Walking meditation Function- • Stupa- Earthened mound that holds relics o Relics of Buddha Content- • North Gate (each gate is placed on a compass point) o Brackets o Portrays the life of Buddha (past lives • Mandala Plan o Cosmic map o Circle • Common symbolic representation of Buddha are his footprints or a lion Context- • Sanchi, Madya, Pradesh, India • Buddhist • Maurya Period, Late Sunya Dynasty o Time: 300-100 BCE • Medium o Sandstone on dome

192. Great Stupa at Sanchi

Form- • Four pits and a tomb Function- • Help protect the afterlife of the emperor Content- • Each soldier was planned before being placed there • Every soldier is different Context- • Emperor is Qin Shihuangdi o Ruthless ruler Obliterated everyone o Organizes a massive bureaucratic project • Medium o Painted terra cotta • Qin Dynasty • Time: 221- 209 BCE

193. Terra Cotta Warriors

Form- • 4 registers • T-shaped silk banner • Bi- a disc with a hole thought to represent the sky • Representation of depth and space in the image Function- • Covered the innermost coffin of elite families in China • Identify the dead during mourning ceremonies or burial shrouds used to aid the souls to their afterlife Content- • Heavenly realm- at the top o Sun, Moon, Dragons, Crow • Lady Dai and her attendants o Earliest known portrait to a specific individual in Chinese art Embroidered silk dress is how she is identified o Flanked by dragons- represents the afterlife • Body of Lady Dai and mourners • Underworld- at the bottom o Goats, snake, fish Context- • Location: Han Dynasty, China • Medium o Painted silk • Time: 180 BCE

194. Funeral Banner of Lady Dai (Xin Zhui)

Form- • Over 100,000 Buddha sculptures • Buddha is the Vairocana Buddha: universal Buddha (Buddha that all Buddha emanate from) • Low relief carvings • Softer and rounded carvings and serene facial expression o Buddha • Engaging, animated, and realistic masculinity o King and guardian • Inside the caves are carvings of accurate portrayals of individuals o Monks trying to achieve Enlightenment Function- • Place of worship in China due to it becoming the official religion Content- • Vaisravana on the left o Guardian figure • King on the right o Holding a stupa • Texts on the side explain why it was carved • Halo on the main Buddha • Relief carvings might commemorate historical events Context- • Location: Luoyang, China • Tang Dynasty • Medium o Limestone • Shows that the state has accepted Buddhism • Time: 493-1127 CE

195. Longmen caves

Form- • Animals depicted over the walls of the cave o Cows, bulls, horses, and deer • Naturalistic o Animals are seen in their natural state Function- • Religious belief o Views animals as a powerful being Full of life and energy • Naturalism o Painted on the wall as animals just running around Content- • People are always coming back to it (seasonal) • Rarely humans or dead animals are seen on the walls o Animals are sacred Context- • Location: Lascaux, France • Medium: o Paint on the rock wall (red and charcoal) Limestone • Big scale and found deep within the cave • Time: 15,000-13,000 BCE • Discovered: 1940

2. Great Hall of the Bulls- Paleolithic

Form- • Simple, rectangular, flat-roofed building • Outside of the temple had a hypostyle hall (vast hall filled with columns) • Symmetrical • Gateway with pylons o Enormous entrance and sloping walls • Axial plane (longitudinal) o Straight line journey Function- • Used to praise the god Amun-Re Content- • Only pharaoh and priests were allowed in inner room cause that was where the god was • Gateways were meant to signify a leave from this world and an entrance to a new world Context- • New Kingdom • Location- Karnak, which is near Luxor, Egypt • Time C. 1550 BCE • Medium o Cut sandstone and mud bricks • East side of the River

20. Temple of Amun-Re and Hypostyle Hall

Form- • Axial plan • Ascended a long, straight ramp to a second court • Colonnade followed by a hypostyle hall behind it o Row of columns supporting a lintel or a series of arches Function- • Designed to use for funerary rites and commemorative ceremonies Content- • Chapels dedicated to Hatshepsut, her father, and the gods Ra and Ra-Horakhty • Innermost sanctuary is cut deep into the cliff Context- • New Kingdom • Medium o Sandstone o Also partially carved into the mountain side o Red Granite • Discovered between 1473-1458 CE • Location Luxor, Egypt • Hatshepsut o She helped rule for her underage son Thutmose III o Presented as a male king because there was never a female ruler before

21. Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut

Form- • Sunken Relief • Combo of image and text • Rays at the top of the piece o Represent divinity • Fluid bodies Function- • Portrait of Akhenaton and Nefertiti playing with their three daughters o First domestic scene Content- • New Amarna style with Akhenaton o Elongated style o Curvy Context- • New Kingdom • Medium o Limestone • Akhenaton o Radical Reformer o Changed name due to a reform in their god Amenhotep IV o Eliminated the priest class, made new social structures and religion • Time C.1350 BCE

22. Akhenaton, Nefertiti, and three daughters

Form- Random lines across the chart Function- • Chart is meant to be memorized • Used to represent different ocean currents surrounding the Marshall Islands Content- • Lines made of wood connected by fibers o Made to represent some islands or currents Context- • Location: Marshall Islands, Micronesia • Time Frame: 19th to 20th Century • Medium: Wood and Fiber)

221. Navigation Chart

Form- • Bright orange fabric placed all around Central Park for 23 miles. A total of 7,503 gates Function- • To bring a sense of joy in a post 9-11 New York Content- • Something that causes the audience to realize something is missing from the location after the piece of art is gone • Makes an impression on the viewers mind Context- • Location: New York City, US • Artist: Christo and Jeanne Claude • Time Frame: 1979-2005 o Had a hard time getting it approved • Medium: Nylon, Fabric, and Steel • Funded independently)

224. The Gates (Temporary piece, Site Specific)

Form- • Banner hanging from the ceiling, waves, and on the walls o Waves- opened book, hand bound Sea o Banner hanging- 3 large scrolls Sky o Panels on the wall Landscape • Block printing o Non-elitist Function- • Meant to combat the power and authority of the Chinese state Content- • Text is indecipherable o Meant to look like Chinese characters but doesn't make any sense • Creates 1000 new characters o Carved wooden blocks of the characters and printed them on paper Movable type Context- • Artist: Xu Bing (propaganda artist) • Mixed-media installation • Time: 1987-1991 CE • Medium o Paper and ink

229. A Book from the Sky

Form- • Amarna Style • Hieroglyphic inscriptions Function- • Holds the body and possessions of King Tut Content- • Crook and flail represents the god Osiris • Combo of vulture and cobra signifies the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt (headdress) Context- • Medium o Gold, colored glass, and semiprecious gemstones • Discovered in 1922 • Tut o Died at a young age (17 yrs) mostly due to genetic defects because of royal inbreeding o Moves the capital back to Thebes after Akhenaten

23. Tutankhamun's tomb

Form- • Imperial Rome • Basilica o Place to do business • Two libraries o Greek and Roman Function- • Holds all the forums and markets Content- • Grand entrance into a courtyard with a statue of the leader on horseback • Column of Trajan o Commemorates a military event o Celebrates the victory in the Dacian (Romania) War o Propaganda to show Pax Romana rather than brutality o Continuous narrative Context- • Location: Rome, Italy • Time: 106-112 CE • Medium o Brick and concrete (architecture) o Marble (column)

45. Forum of Trajan

Form- • Hu-Nefer is identified o Repeated twice to show same frame continuous narrative • Multiple registers • Osiris is shown with the crook and flail Function- • Depicts the final judgement of Hu-Nefer and him passing the test Content- • Anubis guides Hu-Nefer to the scale to measure their heart against the symbol of Ma'at, goddess of truth, order, and justice o Heart is believed to be the seat of the soul • Right of the scale is Ammit, eater of the dead. • Thoth, ibis-headed, records the weighing of the heart • When you pass the test Horus presents you to Osiris • Hu-Nefer is finally accepted into the afterlife which is shown by the kneeling in front of the 14 gods of the underworld Context- • Time C. 1285 BCE • Medium o Painted papyrus • New Kingdom

24. Last Judgement of Hu-Nefer (Books of the Dead)

Form- • Pieces of paper to represent people and pasted onto a wall • The background in a colorful projection Function- • Supposed to include the audience o Involves their own shadow into the piece Content- • Questions the authority of history o African-American history o Racial stereotyping Context- • Artist: Kara Walker • Time Frame: 2001 • Medium: Cut paper and a projection onto the wall

243. Darkytown Rebellion

Form- • A literal crack in the floor Function- • Divided the room in two • Interacts with the sculpture and space Content- • Raises questions about immigration • Who is allowed to enter a country and who isn't Context- • Artist: Doris Sulcedo (Columbian artist) o Politically active • Location: Turbine Hall, London • Time Frame: 2007-2008 • Medium: In Situ and Installation • Title comes from the Bible, the Book of Judges

248. Shibboleth

Form- • Neo-Assyrian • Huge statues at the entrance of the citadel • Combination of a man, bull, and bird Function- • Serve as door jams or frames o Guardian figures • Protect people in the city from the enemy • Propaganda o Military or political Content- • Dynamic art • Crenellations along the walls to represent military power Context- • Location: Dur Sharrukin (modern Iraq) • Time: 720-705 BCE • Medium o Alabaster

25. Lamassu from the citadel of Sargon II

Form- • Long buildings are called stoa o Used for either business or political discussion • Covered places o Public markets • At the foot of the Acropolis, there is a road that leads up there Function- • Huge market place/meeting area • Temple o Used to pay tribute to Athena Content- • Participated directly with the government o Democracy Didn't vote representatives but rather participated directly • People with power or good speaking skills could easily have political power Context- • Medium o Architectural plan • Time 600 BCE- 150 BCE o Archaic through Hellenistic Greek • Location Athens, Greece

26. Athenian Agora

Form- • Similar style to Egyptian because of the staggered feet • Archaic Greek o Archaic smile Small grin • Nude o Not meant to draw attention • Generic faces o Used as a symbolic type, not a specific individual Function- • Grave marker of a fallen hero Content- • Greeks standard of beauty is a male nude (warrior) • Observational quality and observing the human body Context- • Medium o Marble with remnants of the paint • Time 530 BCE • Large scaled

27. Anavysos Kouros (Male)

Form- • Archaic Greek o Archaic smile Function- • Lit the way to the temple o Oil lamp would be help in its hand • Votive figure Content- • Simple dress • Clothed o Made her more lifelike • Represent a goddess either Athena or Artemis Context- • Time 530 BCE • Medium o Marble with painted details • Found in front of temples • Smaller size compared to the Kouros

28. Peplos Kore (Woman)

Form- • Etruscan but most likely made by a Greek sculptor • Archaic smile • Kouros type Function- • Help celebrate eternity o Held the ashes and not the bodies Content- • Male would have most likely been eating a pomegranate- symbol for eternal life • Woman is leaning against the male Context- • Time: 520 BCE • Medium o Terra Cotta

29. Sarcophagus of the Spouses

Form- • Shaped like a canine • Sacrum is the base of the spine • Camelid o Extinct relative to the camel Function- • Used as a mask either for fertility or hunting o Sacrum bone represents fertility o Representation as a canine is associated with hunting Content- • Sacrum is the sacred bone o Connects it to rebirth • Naturalistic o Small, but big enough to cover a mask Context- • Medium: o Bone • Location: Tequixquiac, Mexico • Time: 14,000-17,000 BCE • Discovered: 1870

3. Camelid Sacrum

Form- • Huge columns (36 in total) • Double sided stair case • Art work along the staircase • Hypostyle Hall o Type of Egyptian style architecture • 3 grand entrances (porticos) Function- • A gathering where government officials across the Persian empire meet to pay tribute Content- • Art work along the staircase o A picture of Darius (king) seated which shows he is powerful, and the way he is represented as bigger than everyone else o Behind him is Xerxes (son) who is the next biggest person o Then military officers are followed in size o Finally, a foreigner is pictured to show that they are paying their respect to their king o Incense towers in front of Darius Context- • Location: Persepolis (Iran) • Time: 520-465 BCE • Medium o Limestone • Babylon influenced Persian culture • Relief sculpture (from a flat surface

30. Audience Hall (apadana) of Darius and Xerxes

Form- • Etruscan temple • High podium • Roof sculptures • Single staircase • Columns raised on a base Function- • Place of worship • However, Etruscan celebration did not take place in temples but rather in nature Content- • Sculpture of Apollo • 3 cellas • Deep porch Context- • Medium o Wood, mud brick, or tufa (volcanic rock) o Terra cotta sculptures • Location: Veii, near Rome, Italy • Time: 510-500 BCE

31. Temple of Minerva

Form- • Calyx Krater o Type of the painted pot o Handles curve up like a flower's calyx • Sense of stiffness in the figures contrast the other relaxed side of the vase • Sense of depth perception Function- • Used as a punch bowl in social gatherings of rich and powerful men o Mix wine with water Content- • One side o Mortal woman named Niobe with 14 children 7 daughters and 7 sons Bragged to the goddess Leto that her children were better than Leto's children • Apollo and Artemis- take revenge for their mother o Killed all 14 children • Other side o Hercules (identified with club and lions skin) is actually a sculpture (contraposta) o Greek soldiers are offering tribute and prayer to protect them before going into battle Context- • Painter o Niobid painter • Time 460-450 BCE • Medium o Red-figure technique with white highlights

33. Niobides Krater

Form- • Due to size the statue needed to be held up- tree stump • Contrapposto o Action within resting position Shift in weight by the leg • Not meant to portray someone but rather the expressions/ideals held by the Greek Function- • Portray the physical perfections of a human figure Content- • Everyone is imperfect but brings together different body proportions to make physical perfection Context- • Artist o Polykleitos of Argos Establishes a set of rules to constructing an ideal human • Roman copy of the Greek original • Medium o Marble-Roman o Bronze- Greek • Time 450-440 BCE • Missing it's spear

34. Doryphoros (Spear Bearer)

Form- • Doric style columns Function- • To show their sophisticated taste o Civic Pride: Athena was their goddess because she offered them the olive branch Content- • Parthenon o Built to show sophisticated taste • Archaic Greek o Sculptures on the roof of the temple have the Archaic smile • Contrapposto Context- • Location: Athens • Medium o Marble • Author: Phidias • Time: 447-410 BCE

35. Acropolis

Form- • Spatial illusion • Contrapposto Function- • Help to relive a memory because there were no pictures of the afterlife Content- • Text in the entablature Context- • Artist: Kallimachos • Medium o Marble and paint • Time: (410 BCE)

36. Grave Stele of Hegeso

Form- • Hellenistic Greek o Tortain- New form of Contrapposto • Forward momentum counteracted by the powerful backwards thrust of her wings Function- • War monument o Naval victory Content- • Just landed on the ship due to her wings still being away from her body Context- • Medium o Marble • Time: 190 BCE

37. Winged Victory of Samothrace

Form- • Steep dramatic single staircase • Frieze o Continuous bland of sculpture around the altar • Elevation depicts the war on a grander level • Hellenistic Greek Function- • War monument dedicated to the Greek defeat of the Gauls Content- • Details Athena and Zeus leading the Olympians over victory of the Titans o Gigantomachy Titans vs Gods • Chaos of war • Smaller story of Telephose (founder of Pergamon) Context- • Location: Pergamon (Turkey) • Medium o Marble • Time: 175 BCE

38. Great Altar of Zeus and Athena at Pergamon

Form- • Incredible detail • Spatial illusions • Reversal of momentum seeing Darius retreating from the battle Function- • Depicts the last major defeat of the Persians Content- • Burning tree represents war • Both leaders look directly at each other Context- • Time: 100 BCE • Medium o Stone and glass tesserae Individual tile used to make a mosaic • On the floor of the House of Faun • Location: Pompeii, Republican Roman • Persian leader, Darius, orders his troops to retreat o Looks worried when fighting/retreating against Alex the Great

39. Alexander Mosaic

Form- • Richly decorated with paintings o Chiaroscuro Makes the paintings look 3D • Imperial Rome Function- • Front of the house is meant for the public o Atrium, offices, and shrine • Back of the house was for private use o Garden Content- • Shrine, Atrium • Garden Context- • Location: Pompeii, Italy • Medium o Cut stone and fresco • Elite upper class home • Time: 62-79 CE)) 42. Head of a Roman Patrician(((Form- • Republican Rome o Realism Function- • Mask of the Roman Congress leader Content- • Shows exquisite detail o Which determines that it was made during the Republic Roman period Context- • Congress leaders were the ones who's head's people would mold • Time: 75-50 BCE • Medium o Marble

39. House of the Vettii

Form- • A women who is wearing a horned hat • Naturalistic o Captured in the moment of her running • Dots painted on her body o Tattoos • No face Function- • Ritual o Spiritual god, shaman o Painted Content- • Wearing different animals parts which could suggest she is a powerful or spiritual person • Tattoos suggest the first form on art • A static figure but it is painted to suggest a dynamic movement Context- • Location: Tassili n'Ajjier, Algeria • Time: 6,000-4,000 BCE • Medium: o Pigment on rock

4. Running Horned Women

Form- • Hellenistic Greek o Idealized and held in the momentum • Heel is out and he is seated Function- • Aging boxer who remains this idealized person o Face does not agree with this comment but the body does • In an athletic figure Content- • Looks as though he is talking to someone • Can tell that he has been beaten Context- • Medium o Bronze with Inlaid copper Meant to show blood • Time: 100 BCE • Not many seated figures found during this time period

41. Seated Boxer

Form- • Imperial Rome o Perfect and idealized • Cupid riding a dolphin o Symbolism Descended from Venus Signifies a great naval victory Function- • Illustrate the first leader of Imperial Roman time Content- • Looks perfect and timeless • Over life sized • Breast plate shows the Pax Romana o Prosperity is achieved through the military o Gods and Goddesses looking on in favor of the Pax Romana Context- • Augustus was the first leader of Imperial Roman time period o Deified Raised to God status • Medium o Marble • Time: 1st century CE

43. Augustus of Prima Porta

Form- • Imperial Rome • Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian columns • Barrel Vaults Function- • Provide entertainment to the citizens of Rome o Theater o Gladiator battles Content- • Built right in the center of Rome • Two triumphant arches lead to the Colosseum Context- • Medium o Concrete, brick, and marble-like material • Retract the roof if they wanted to • Underneath has a complex system of elevators, cages, and alley ways • Time: 70-80 CE

44. Colosseum (Flavian Amphitheater)

Form- • Imperial Rome • Perfect spheres= cosmos • Rotunda o Circular building • Coffers in the ceilings o Used to have gold stars in them • No fluting on the columns Function- • Temple for the gods Content- • Oculus in the ceiling Context- • Medium o Concrete with stone facing • Time: 118-125 CE • Used to be on a platform with a single staircase

46. Pantheon

Form- • Continuous Narrative • Pendentives: Spherical triangle that points up, causing a sphere to have a square bottom o Dove with olive branches • Christ represented as the good shepherd in contrapposto Function- • Meant to hold the bodies of adults and children • Poorer citizens had tombs stacked on top of each other • Wealthier citizens had a carved out space big enough for a sarcophagus Content- • Combination of Old Testament prophecy and New Testament fulfillment • Every image dealt with some miracle performed by Christ • Cibicullum: Long, larger rooms • Loculi: Narrow and smaller rooms • Orant Fresco • Good Shepherd Fresco Context- • Location: Rome, Italy • Late Antique Europe • Time: 200-400 CE o Beginning of Christian Art • Medium o Excavated tufa and fresco • 3 stories deep • Many Christian martyrs are buried here due to the persecution of their faith

48. Catacomb of Priscilla

Form- • Enter through a Narthax • Apse which contains the nave at the opposite side from the entrance o Apsidal mosaic above the altar in the apse Function- • A place for Christian followers to worship in public Content- • Contains the earliest depictions of the crucifixion o On a carved wooden door • Longitudinal axis o So, the focus would be on the altar • Images of the Eucharist on the walls • Aisles on each side of the building Context- • Location: Rome, Italy • Time: 422-432 CE • Late Antique Europe • Medium o Brick and Stone with a wooden roof • No longer worshipping in private anymore due to the Edict of Milan (313 CE) • Repurposed Roman basilica • Used as an example to make Christian churches but with an added transept (an aisle across the middle to form a cross in the plan

49. Santa Sabina

Form- • In the shape of a human • Double sword • Neolithic o Looks very generic o Geometric Function- • Carried along the Arabian trading routes usually with incense Content- • Design was unique to this area • Could have a funerary meaning to it or meant for protection while merchants were travelling along the trade routes Context- • Time: Fourth millennium BCE • Medium o Sandstone • Location: Arabian Peninsula • 3 figures have been found

5. Anthropomorphic Stele

Form- • Neolithic style o Everything is stylized (generic) Function- • To hold something o Vase- among funerary objects Content- • Three parts to the bushel o Top part has cranes Seen with long necks because that was how they were seen by the people o Middle section has sleek dog How their hunting dogs were seen as o Bottom section has a goat Emphasized on the horns Both wild and domesticated form Context- • Found in a tomb o Sealed off and preserved • Medium: o Terra Cotta • Found in Susa, Iran • Time: 4,200-3,500 BCE

5. Bushel with ibex motifs

Form- • Illuminated manuscript o Pictures all done by hand o Dyed in purple to show royalty • Text is in Greek Function- • To tell a story depicted in the Bible o Rebecca and Eliezer o Jacob wrestling the angel Content- • Rebecca and Eliezer o Linear perspective o Continuous narrative o Details from the story are portrayed 10 camels with the city in the background • Jacob wrestles the angel o Classical relief o Opposite of linear perspective (mixing up of space) Context- • Vienna Genesis • Early Byzantine Empire • Medium o Animal skin with paint- Vellum o Letters are in silver (oxidized) • Time: Early 6th century CE • Codex

50. Rebecca and Eliezer at the Well and Jacob wrestling with the Angel

Form- • Octagonal plan • Basilica • Groin vaulted • Images of the people are going away from naturalistic o Frontal, don't care about proportions anymore Function- • Church with the focus on the center • Reestablish Orthodox Christianity to Italy o Images of Justinian and Theodora Content- • Mosaic- tesserae are wrapped in gold so when seen in candle light it shimmers then vanishes o Religious, Imperial, and military authority Christ symbol on the shield Slightly larger with feet overlapping Halo with the Bishop in the picture as well • A ton of windows to help light up the many mosaics on the inside of the church • New style of columns o Trying to find a new type of iconography Context- • Location: Ravenna, Italy • Early Byzantine Empire • Medium o Brick, marble, and stone veneer o Tesserae- individual pieces to form a mosaic • Time: 526-547 CE o Under the reign of Emperor Justinian

51. San Vitale

Form- • Held up by a series of half domes and a system of squinches and pendentums • Four minarets on each corner of the building • Longitudinal and centralized plan • Ionic columns Function- • Church later changed into a mosque Content- • Most of the mosaics in the church did not have many images on them but rather symbols • During a time when Christian art was avoiding figural images • Colored marble • Use of windows to help portray the dome as if it were suspended from heaven o Continuous light Context- • Location: Constantinople (Istanbul) • Time: 532-537 CE o Under Justinian's reign • Anthemius of Tralles and Isodorus of Miletus o Architects of the building o Mathematicians • Medium o Brick and ceramic element and mosaic veneer • Changed into a mosque by the Ottomans 1452

52. Hagia Sophia- Holy Wisdom

Form- • Not flat but bowed • Interlacing • Filigree Function- • Meant to hold fabric together Content- • Animals are portrayed on this jewelry o Fish- Cloisonne (filled cells) Represents Christ o Eagle Represents St. John Context- • Early Medieval Europe • Time: Mid-6th century CE • Medium o Silver gilt (covered with a thin layer of gold) worked in filigree with inlays of garnet and other stones • Found in a tomb produced for a women • Shows great metal-working skills

53. Merovingian looped fibulae (Frankish cultures)

Form- • 3D looking compared to the Iconoclastic style (flat) • Angles looking towards heaven with the light falling on the Virgin • Space is compressed but uses spacial recession o Shows that the realm Mary and Jesus are in is different than the realm that we are in Function- • Portray the Virgin and Christ protected by Saints and the hand of God Content- • St. George and St. Theodore are soldiers defending the faith (Christ) o Slay "dragons" aka evil • Mary averts her eyes from the viewer Context- • Early Byzantine Empire • Medium o Encaustic on wood Uses wax as the medium to carry the color • Time: 6th or early 7th century CE • Theotokos means God-bearer

54. Virgin (Theotokos) and Child between St. Theodore and St. George

Form- Function- • Earliest known translation of the Bible Content- • Cross carpet page o Out of the chaos a cross forms o Creating the illusion of a third dimension in which the viewer can lose themselves in a meditative contemplation • Portrait page (Luke) o Holds a quill and looks prepared to write o A robe with purple with streaks of red o Gold halo around his head which indicates his divinity o Ox above his head is a symbolism of Luke • Incipit page (Luke) o "it begins" o Animal life, spiraled forms, and swirling vortexes Context- • Time: 700 CE • Early Medieval Europe • Medium: o Illuminated manuscript (Ink, pigments, and gold on the vellum) • Monks created these pages • Gospel writers symbolism: o Mark=lion, Matthew=man, John=eagle, and Luke=ox

55. Lindisfarne Gospels

Form- • Hypostyle mosque • Horseshoe arches with vaults above them • Voussoir- Wet stone that hold the arches up • Grid Vaulting • Mihrab- niche in the Qibla wall and is the most decorated (geometry and text) Function- • Roman temple (Janus) Christian ChurchMosque Cathedral Content- • Mosaics everywhere o Most likely done by Byzantine artists from Constantinople • Qibla Wall o The direction of where Muslims need to pray toward Mecca • 856 columns Context- • Location: Cordoba, Spain (intellectual center of Europe) • Umayyad • Medium o Stone masonry • Time: 785-786 CE

56. Great Mosque

Form- • Great carving skills Function- • Meant to hold cosmetics Content- • Contains both human and animal figures Context- • Umayyad • Medium o Ivory • Time: 968 CE • Meant to show class

57. Pyxis of al-Mughira

Form- • Italian gothic art- style • Illuminated manuscript o Heavily illustrated Function- • This book is what is read at the beginning of Passover Content- • The plagues of Egypt o Top left clockwise Painful boils, swarm of frogs, pestilence killing domestic animals, and wild animals invading the city • Scenes of Liberation (Exodus) o Upper right has three scenes Angel strikes a man Queen mourns her child Funeral of the first born o Israelites leave Egypt (Top left), contemporary knights chasing after them (Bottom right), Israelites safely cross the Red Sea (Bottom left) • Preparation for Passover o Maidens dancing and playing contemporary instruments (Top right), Master ordering the distribution of unleavened bread (matzoh) and haroset (Top left), House is prepared for passover (Bottom right), Sheeps are slaughtered (Bottom left) • About freedom and slavery (Remembering what ancestors went through Context- • Location: Late Medieval Spain • Time: 1320 CE • Medium o Pigments and gold lead on vellum • Showed wealth of the owners

64. Golden Haggadah ("Narration" or "Telling")

Form- • Complex arches Function- • Palace Content- • Court of the Lions o Courtyard with a garden and water Luxury site o 4 quadrants o Arched entrance • Channels of water run throughout the building Context- • Location: Granada, Spain • Nasrid Dynasty • Medium o White-washed adobe stucco, wood, tile, paint, and gilding • Time: 1354-1391 CE

65. Alhambra

Form- • All rectangular, square, circle, and a hole bore through • Neolithic Chinese o Face on the side of the Cong Stylistic Represents a Taotie- a mask meant to look like a dragon • Abstract designs Function- • May represent spiritual deities Content- • The square on the Cong represents the earth • Circles that are represented with faces o Combination of man and a beast Taotie Context- • Medium: o Jade • Location: Liangzhu, China • Time: 3,300-2,200 BCE • Found in graves

7. Jade Cong

Form- • First panel o Dark colors • Second panel o Bright color • Third panel o Sculpture Function- • Help relate to the patients at St. Anthony's hospital o Suffering shown in the painting is to help relate to the patient Content- • First panel o Dark colors are to represent the suffering that Jesus endured during the crucifixion • Second panel (opened during mass) o Bright colors are to represent that the suffering was over and the healing process was to begin • Third panel o Sculpture with a representation of a patient on the side Context- • Artist: Matthias Grunewald (worked for a monastery) • Medium: Oil on wood • Time Frame: 1512-1516 • Placed in a hospital • Triptych o Three panels

77. Isenheim Altar Piece St. Anthony

Form- • Post and lintel style o Forms a right angle • Cromlech- Circular arrangement of stones o Outer circle of stones o Inner circle in the shape of a horseshoe • Everything is equidistant from each other • Neolithic Function- • May to represent a calendar, clock • Burial place Content- • During the summer solstice, the sun comes through a specific area in Stonehenge Context- • Location: Wiltshire, England • Time: 2,000 BCE • Medium: o Sandstone • Stones have been known to come from Wales

8. Stonehenge

Form- • Centralized mosque • 8 big piers with a dome on top • Forms an octagon shape because of the piers • Squinches used for architectural support • Surrounded by 4 minarets Function- • Built to surpass the Hagia Sophia (when it was changed into a mosque) Content- • Meant to draw your eyes toward the ceiling • Dome seems weightless above the prayer hall o Platform (muzzin) disrupts the place below the dome Surpass Christian architecture • Geometry of the building refers to the earthly and heavenly spheres • Ottoman decoration Context- • Location: Erdine, Turkey • Architect: Sinan • Time: 1568-1575 CE • Medium o Brick and stone

84. Mosque of Selim II

Form- • Shaped like anteater Function- • Represent a sacred animal • Religious ritual o Spirit stones Content- • Great detailed work on the statue shows higher sculptural design • Reverence to the power of animals Context- • Location: Ambun Valley, Enga Province Papa New Guinea • Medium: o Greywacke (a type of stone) • Time: 1,500 BCE • Discovered: 1960s

9. The Ambun Stone

Form- • Republican Rome o Realism Function- • Mask of the Roman Congress leader Content- • Shows exquisite detail o Which determines that it was made during the Republic Roman period Context- • Congress leaders were the ones who's head's people would mold • Time: 75-50 BCE • Medium o Marble

Head of Roman Patrician

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