AP Bio M/C

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According to the data, the mice at 10°C demonstrated greater oxygen consumption per gram of tissue than did the nice at 25°C. This is most likely explained by which of the following statements?

Mice at 10°C had a higher rate of ATP production

According to the data, the crickets at 25°C have greater oxygen consumption per gram of tissue than do the crickets at 10°C. The difference in trends in oxygen consumption among crickets and mice is due to their

Mode of internal temperature regulation

Additional observations were made on day 21, and no yellow-leaved seedlings were found alive in either dish. This is most likely because

Unable to convert light energy to to chemical energy

Which of the following is the best prediction of the algal growth if nitrate is added instead of phosphate?

Up and straight across

Five new species of bacteria were discovered in Antarctic ice core samples. Which of the following phylogenetic trees is most consistent with the data?


The diagram above shows a developing worm embryo at the four-cell stage. Which of the following is the most plausible explanation for these findings?

A cell surface protein

In order to provide accurate volumetric measurements of oxygen gas consumption, the experimental setup should include which of the following?

A substance that removes carbon dioxide gas

The endocrine system incorporates feedback mechanisms that maintain homeostasis. Which of the following demonstrates negative feedback by the endocrine system?

After a meal, blood glucose levels become elevated

Strenuous exercise lowers the blood pH, causing the curves for both hemoglobin and myoglobin to shift to the right. This shift results in

An unloading of O2

Which of the following figures most accurately illustrates enzyme-mediated synthesis of new DNA at a replication fork?

Arrows backwards

The graph below shows the oxygen-binding saturation of each protein at different concentrations of oxygen... Which of the following statements is correct?

At 40 mm

The students are sampling a site in search of fossils from the devonian period. Based on chart, which of the following would be the most reasonable plan for the students to follow?

Collecting fossils

The first diagram below shows the levels of mRNA from two different genes (bicoid and caudal)... The second diagram shows levels of the two corresponding proteins... Which of the following conclusions is best supported by the data?

Bicoid protein inhibits translation

By discharging electric sparks into a laboratory chamber atmosphere that consisted of water vapor, hydrogen gas, methane, and ammonia... The results of Millers experiments beat support which of the following hypotheses?

Could have formed under early Earth conditions

The figure above shows several steps in the process of bacteriophage transduction in bacteria. Which of the following explains how genetic variation in a population of bacteria results from this process?

DNA of the recipient

Plates I and III were included in the experimental design in order to

E. coli cultures were viable

The most probable cause for the difference in mean stem length between plants in dish A and dish B is which of the following?

Elongation of seedlings

Which of the following best describes the physiological significance of the different oxygen-binding capabilities of hemoglobin and myoglobin?

Enhance movement of oxygen

Based on the diagram, which of the following best explains why the oak trees are later replaced by other trees?

Eventually other trees will grow taller than the oak trees

The tiny blue-eyed Mary flower is often one of the first flowers seen in the spring in some regions of the US... Which of the following statements best explains the data?

Flower color is an inherited trait

Experimental evidence shows that the process of glycolysis is present and virtually identical in organisms from all three domains, Archaea, Bactera, and Eukarya. Which of the following hypotheses could be best supported by this evidence?


Plates that have only ampicillin-resistant bacteria growing include which of the following?

IV only

Which of the following plates would have the highest percentage of bacteria that are expected to produce insulin?

IV only

Based on your understanding of the ways in which signal transmission mediates cell function, which of the following predictions is most consistent with the information given above?

In an environment with low fixed nitrogen

According to the results of this experiment, germination of tobacco seeds during the first week is

Increased by exposure to light

Which of the following statements best explains why there are fewer colonies on plate IV than on plate III?

Not all E. coli cells are successfully transformed

Which of the following graphs properly represents the humoral immune response when an individual is exposed to the same antigen more than once?

One little bump, then a big bump

Which of the following statements most directly supports the claim that different species of organisms use different metabolic strategies to meet their energy requirements for growth, reproduction, and homeostasis?

Plants generally use starch molecules

A human kidney filters about 200 liters of blood each day. If ADH secretion is inhibited, which of the following would initially result?

Produce greater amounts of dilute urine

Sickle-cell anemia results from a point mutation in the HBB gene. Such a mutation would most likely result in altered

Properties of the molecule

Testosterone oxidi-reductase is a liver enzyme that regulates testosterone levels in alligators... The data in the graph best support which of the following claims?

Reduces testosterone oxido-reductase activity in females

The chemical reaction for photosynthesis is... Which of the following is the most likely explanation?

Removing electrons and protons

Which of the following figures correctly depicts the interactions at the lac operon when lactose is NOT being utilized?

Repressor protein as operator

In a hypothetical population of beetles, there is a wide variety of color... The graphs below illustrate four possible changes to population... Which of the following includes the most likely change in the coloration of the beetle population after pollution and a correct rationale for change?

Shifted toward more darker colored beetles

Following is a food web... Developers have approved a project that will permanently reduce the primary producers biomass by 50 percent... Which of the following is the most likely result at the completion of the project?

The biomass of coyotes will be dramatically reduced

Paramecia are unicellular protists that have contractile vacuoles to remove excess intracellular water. Which of the following is the correct explanation for the data?

The contraction rate increases

Which of the following best supports the hypothesis that the difference in leaf color is genetically controlled?

The existence of yellow-leaved seedlings

Which of the following best explains why there is no growth on plate II?

The initial E coli culture not resistant

A pathogenic bacterium has been engulfed by a phagocytosis cell as part of the nonspecific (innate) immune response. Which of the following illustrations best represents the response?

The one with lysosomes

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