AP Chapter 16: Changing Balance of World Power

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expeditions, foreign, asia

This was a crucial shift that reflected a preference for traditional _______________ rather than distant ________ involvements. Chinese merchant activity continued to be extensive in southeast _____.

neolithic, metals, language

With a __________ technology, and no use of _____, the Hawaiians created a complex culture on their islands. Without written ______, their legends and oral histories provided a shared set of stories and values.

arab, mongol, turkish

Within the Middle East itself, ________ and then ________ decline created new opportunities for _______ conquerors and migrants.

culture, politics, philosophy, arts, islamic

________ in the Middle East shifted, along with ______. An earlier tension in _______________ and the ____ yielded to the predominance of the ________ faith.

genoa, canary, classical, madeiras, azores, 1351, barcelona

Early in the 14th century, other explorers from _______ rediscovered the _______ Islands, in the Atlantic, populated by a hunting-and-gathering people. These islands had been known vaguely since the __________ times but had never been explored by Europeans. Genoese sailors also visited the _________ and probably reached the more distant _______ by _____. Soon after this, ships from northeastern Spain, based in the port of ____________, sailed along the African coast as far south as present-day Sierra Leone.

1187, separately, arabs, asians

Europeans are first known to have used the compass in _______, and Europeans may have invented the compass ____________, but it is far more likely that they learned about its use as a result of contacts with ______ or _______.

polynesia, 1400, expansion, migration, conquest

A second culture that was later pulled into the expanding world network involved ____________. The key Polynesian theme from the 7th century to ______ was __________, spurts of __________, and _______ that implanted Polynesian culture well beyond the initial base in islands such as Tahiti, Samoa, and Fiji.

harem, succession, eunuchs, bureaucratic, coastline, compass, maps, vessels

China's Ming emperors retained a large ______ of wives to ensure ___________, and ___________ were needed to guard them without the threat of sexual rivalry; many gained _____________ powers well beyond this service. Zheng He's expeditions usually hugged the ________, but he had an improved ______ and excellent ____ as well as huge _____ that contained ample supplies--even gardens-- as wells as goods for trade.

ibn rushd, averrroes, greek rationalism, european

In Muslim Spain, philosopher ____ ______, known as ________, espoused ____________ __________________, but his efforts were largely ignored in the middle East. In fact, ____________ scholars were more heavily influenced by his work.

cruder, exports, imported, gold, 1400, gold famine

In exchange for luxury items, Europeans mainly had ______ goods to offer: wool, tin, copper, honey, and salt. The value of European ________ almost never equaled the value of what was __________ from Asia. The resulting unfavorable balance of trade had to be made up in _____, but western Europe had only a limited supply. By _____, the constant drain to Asia was creating a _____ _____ that threatened the whole European economy with collapse.

americas, china

Independent developments in the __________ and elsewhere figured into the world changes, as did the crucial policy decisions in places such as _______.

master plan, ethnocentric

It is tempting to see some sort of ____ _____ in the various changes that began to occur around 1400. People who emphasize an __________________ approach to world history, stressing some inherent superiorities in Western values, might be tempted to simplify the factors involved. A series of complex coincidences provided a more accurate explanation.


Italian writer of the 14th-century; wrote Divine Comedy, with both religious (souls tormented in hell) and Renaissance symbolism.

larger world, european

Polynesia would be the last of the major isolated cultures to encounter the _______ _____ currents brought forcibly by __________ explorers in the late 18th century.

vasco de gama

Portuguese captain who sailed for India in 1497; established early Portuguese dominance in Indian Ocean.

technology, european, gunnery, ship, henry, trade woes

Several elements of the world history transition deserve attention. ____________ played a role, as opportunities to copy Asian developments were supplemented by ____________ initiative, particularly in _______ and ____ design. The role of individuals such as Prince ______, must be compared with the impact of more general forces, such as Europe's international ____ ____

italy, medieval feudalism, 1400, renaissance, greece, rome

Significant changes in Europe, away from characteristic postclassical patterns, started in _____. __________ forms had never fully taken hold here. Cities were livelier and more independent, and institutions like ________________ did not gain ground. In ______, Italy was in the midst of a vital cultural and political movement known as the ______________, or rebirth-referring to revival of styles and themes from classical ________ and _________.

feng shui, nature

Some believe the Chinese first used compasses in the practice of _______ ____, which was a set of design principles by which people could align their living quarters with the forces of _________.

caliphate, 1258

The decline of Arab strength was symbolized by the fall of the last Arab ________ in _____.

arabs, merchants, africa, mongols

The decline of the _____ reduced the vitality of Africa's key traditional contact with the international network, although African _________ remained comfortable in dealing with North Africa and the Middle East. In contrast to the Europeans, ________ had no exchange with the ________. Even as Africa enjoyed substantial continuity, its power balance with western Europe was beginning to change, and this became a source of further change.

western europe

The most dynamic new contender for leadership in transregional trade was _________ ______.

1400, regional kingdoms, mali, songhay, 1464, 1591

The overall result of change affect even societies where existing patterns persisted. Sub-Saharan Africa was not experiencing great political or cultural shifts around ______. _________ ___________ fluctuated: The empire of _____ fell to regional rivals, but another Muslim kingdom, _______, arose flourishing between ____ and _____. African political and religious themes persisted for centuries, but the context for African history was shifting.


When had compasses for navigation been introduced by?

chinese; tang dynasty

Who first developed the compass? When?

ibn al-wardi

A Muslim scholar who died of the plague in 1349 who claimed that the plague is for Muslim's martyrdom and reward and for the disbelievers, a punishment and rebuke.

petrarch, christopher columbus, personal, exploration, conquest

A general "Renaissance spirit" could also spur innovation. Whereas people such as _______ defined human ambition mainly in cultural terms, other urban and commercial leaders, including seafarers such as Genoa's _________ _______, might apply some of the same confidence and desire for ___________ glory to different areas, such as _________ or __________.

jean de venette

A monk who died of the plague in 1368 who wrote that the Jews were blamed for the plague and that it changed the world for the worse.

zhu yuanzhang, beijing, ming, brilliant, 1644, expansionism

A rebel leader from a peasant family, ______ _____________, seized the Mongol capital of _____ and proclaimed a new _____, meaning _______, dynasty that was to last until ______. The dynasty began with a burst of unusual ________________.

science, 1460, christ, financial

A student of astronomy and nautical _______, Henry sponsored about a third of Portuguese exploration before his death in ______. His mixture of motivations--scientific and intellectual curiosity; desire to spread the name of _______ to unfamiliar lands, and ________ interest--reflect some of the key forces in PC Europe.

iberian, christian, spain, 1400, castile, aragon, marriage, 1469

Along with Italy, a key center for change by the 14th century was the ___________ peninsula, where ________ military leaders had for several centuries been pressing back the boundaries of the Muslim state in ______. Soon after ______, major regional monarchies had been established in the provinces of _______ and ______, which would be united through royal ________ in _____.

italian, cultural, florence, grace, ethnic, behavior

Although it had political and commercial roots in _________ cities, the Renaissance was first and foremost a __________ movement, launched in ________ and manifesting itself in literature and various arts. The Renaissance focused on a new interest in stylistic _____ and a concern for practical _____ and codes of ______ for urban gentlemen.

society, 8th, new zealand, home islands

Another group of Polynesians migrated thousands of miles of the southwest of the __________ Islands, as early as the ______ century, when canoes or raft crews discovered the two large islands that today make up _________ __________. The original numbers of people were small but were supplemented over the centuries that followed by additional migrations from the Polynesian ______ _____.

gradual, incomplete, roman, trade, market, 1400

Arab decline was _______ and _______, and cannot be compared with the dramatic fall of the _________ empire. The reduced dynamism in _____ did not take the Arabs out of major world ______. Middle Eastern commerce rebounded somewhat by _____.

reputation, glory, roman, 14th, banking, trade

Artists and writers became more openly ambitious for personal __________ and _____. Italy was the center of initial Renaissance culture because it had more contact with ______ tradition than did the rest of Europe and because by the ___ century it led the West in _________ and _____.

landlords, peasantry, 1100, serfs, labor, produce

As authority of the caliphate declined, ___________ seized power over the ____________. As a result, from about ______ onward, Middle Eastern peasants increasingly lost their freedom, becoming _____ on large estates, providing the _____ and ___________ landlords now sought.

1291, vivaldis, gibraltar, indies

As early as _____, two Italian brothers, the _______ from Genoa, sailed with two galleys through the Straits of ______________, seeking a western route to the _____, the spice-producing areas of south and southeast Asia. They were never heard from again.

military, priests, slaves, isolation, polynesia

As in Hawaii, tribal ____________ leaders and _____ held great power in Maori society; each tribe also included a group of ______ drawn from prisoners of war and their descendants. All of these achievements were accomplished in total __________ from the rest of the world and particularly after 1400, substantial isolation of each major island grouping from the rest of _______________.

1405, 1433, zheng he, muslim, muslims, eunuch

Between _____ and their terminations in ______, these expeditions were commanded by the admiral _____ _____. A _________ from Western China who was well suited to deal with ________ in southeast Asia on the Indian Ocean trade route. He was a ________, castrated for service at the royal court.

black death, china, 14th, china, 30, india, middle east, 1348, 1375, 30, peasant

Bubonic plague, or ______ ______, surfaced in various parts of _____ in the ____ century. In _____ it reduced the population by nearly ____ percent by 1400. Following trade routes, it then spread into _____ and the _______ ______. The plague's worst European impact occurred between ______ and _____, by which time ______ million people, one-third of Europe's population died. The resulting economic dislocation produced bitter strikes and _______ uprisings.

1400, byzantine, ottoman turks, 1453

By ______, the structure of the Middle East was in disarray. The ___________ empire still existed, but it was in rapid decline, pressed by invading _________ ____. The Turkish capture of the imperial capital, Constantinople, in ______ effectively ended the empire.

merchants, transregional, european, italian, north african, mecca, indian ocean, muslim

By the 15th century, _________ from many societies were competing for roles in ___________________ trade. In the Med, ____________, and particularly the __________, merchants were active; even _____ _____ pilgrims to ______ often booked space on Italian ships. In the ____ _____, merchants from India and southeast Asia, most of them _______, rivaled Arab activity.

genoa, asia, governments, tax, commerce

By the 15th century, ships, particularly from the western Italian city of _______, which was less placed than Venice for eastern Med trade and the resultant links to _____, were ready for new role. Ambitious city-state ____________ encouraged new ventures, eager to collect more _____ money and promote ____________ as one of their explicit functions.

zheng he, yunglo

Chinese Muslim admiral who commanded series of Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf, and Red Sea trade expeditions under third Ming emperor, _________, between 1405 and 1433.

commercial, scholar gentry, ming, economic, foreign, asia

Chinese leaders were suspicious of any policy that would unduly elevate ______________ activity as opposed to rule by the _______ ______. _____ emperors consolidated their rule over the empire's vast territory, and internal _________ development continued as well, with no need for _______ products save for goods from southeast _____.

valued, textile, porcelain, agricultural, population

Chinese products continued to be highly ______ in the world market. Industry expanded, with growth in the production of ______ and _______; ongoing trade with southeast Asia enriched port cities _________________ production and ____________ increased.

settlements, cultural, trading, 20, high, lost

Chinese trading groups established permanent ______________ in the Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia, where they added to the ______ diversity of the area and maintained a disproportionate role in local and regional _________ activities into the ____ century. Manufacturing levels remained _____. Nevertheless, China's chance to become a dominant world trading power was ____, at least for several centuries.

art, revenues, officials, purity, 15th, church-run, inquisition, mission, support

Close links between church and state, portrayed in _____, provided ________ and _______ for the royal government. In return, the government supported church courts in their efforts to enforce moral and doctrinal ______. Later in the ____ century, this interaction led to the reestablishment of the ___________ courts of the ____________ in Spain, designed to enforce religious orthodoxy. In other words, Spain and Portugal were developing effective new governments with a special sense of religious ___________ and religious _____________.

lodestone, needle

Compasses undoubtedly originated from the discovery of naturally magnetized iron, or _________________, that could then be used to fashion a _______ that would point north.

arab, chinese, mapmaking, 1400, 1498, vasco da gama, india

Contacts with ______ merchants and with the _________ provided knowledge of the compass and astrolabe. European _____________, improving steadily during the 14th century. Because of these advances, as well as mistaken geographic assumptions, Europeans were ready in the decades after ______ to undertake voyages. In _____, the Portuguese explorer _____ _____ _____ was the first European to reach _____ by sea, preparing Portuguese entry into the Indian Ocean.


Cultural and political movement in western Europe; began in Italy c. 1400; rested on urban vitality and expanding commerce; featured a literature and art with distinctly more secular priorities than those of the Middle Ages.

americas, polynesia, international, 1400, separateness

Developments in the ___________ and __________ were not affected by the new international exchange. During the next period of world history, these regions all were pulled into a new level of _____________ contact, but a world balance in _____ must emphasize their ________________.

ferdinand, isabella, military, religious, infantry, feudal, christianity, jews, arabs, church

Even before the marriage between ___________ and ______________, Spanish and Portuguese rulers had developed a vigorous __________ and ___________ agenda. They supported effective armies, including ______ and _____ cavalry. And they believed that government had a mission to promote _________________ by converting or expelling ______ and _____ and by maintaining doctrinal purity within the ______.

1400, expeditions, 1405, india

Far more unusual was a new policy, adopted soon after _____, of mounting huge, state-sponsored trading _________ to southern Asia and beyond. A first fleet sailed in ______ to ____, with 62 ships carrying 28,000 men.

sugar, asia, cotton, tobacco, atlantic, slaves, africa, portuguese

First, the Portuguese introduced ______, an item once imported from _____ but now available in growing quantities from western-controlled areas. Other crops such as ____ and ______ were introduced to the _________ islands. To produce these market crops, the new colonists brought in _______ from northwestern _______, mainly in _______________ ships.

china, international trade, shipping, export, mongol, 1368

For a brief time, _____ asserted new leadership in _______________ ____. This activity reflected earlier gains in Chinese ______ and China's longstanding focus on manufacturing for _____. Rebellions in China drive out the deeply resented ________ overlords in _____.

1300, 1400, hawaiian, society, 1778, polynesia

From the 7th century until about ______ or ______, recurrent contacts remained between the _________ Islands and the larger ________ Islands group, allowing periodic new migration. From about 1400 until the arrival of European explorers in ____, Hawaiian society was cut off even from ____________.

muslim, ottoman, crusader, acre, 1291, traders, egyptians, intermediaries

Furthermore, there were legitimate fears of a new _______ threat. The ____________ empire was taking shape, and Europeans began to fear a new Muslim surge. Even before this, the Muslim capture of the last __________ stronghold (the city of _____ in the Middle East), in ______ gave Muslim ______, particularly ________, new opportunities to act as _______________ in Asian trade, for there were no western-controlled ports left in the eastern Med.

atlantic, 1433, bureaucrats, costs, mongols, beijing, policies

Historians wonder if one expedition might have rounded Africa to at least glimpse the _____, but China's emperors called the expeditions to a halt in ______. The __________ had long opposed the new trade policy, out of rivalry with other officials such as Zheng He, but there were deeper reasons as well. The ____ seemed unacceptable given the continuing expenses of the campaigns against the ______ and establishing a luxurious new capital in ______. A new emperor also wanted to differentiate his ______ from those of his predecessor.

byzantine, islamic caliphate

In 1200, the Middle East was still dominated by two powerful empires, the _________________ in the northwest and the _________ _________ through much of the Middle Eastern heartland.

ottoman turks, byzantine, islamic

In 1453, the ________ ______ captured Constantinople, effectively completing the destruction of the ____________ empire and creating a new ________ political power.

al-ghazali, destruction of the philosophers, aristotle's, religious, human

In the Middle East proper, a more typical philosopher, __________, in a book revealingly titled the __________ ____ ____ ___________, now claimed to use _________ logic to show that it was impossible to discover _______ truth by _______ reason.

nature, people, religious, secular, giotto, formalism, stiffness

Innovation flourished in visual arts and music as well; the subject matter of art moved toward _________ and ______, including cityscapes and portraits of the rich and powerful, whether the themes were ________ or _________. Florentine painter _______, led the way, departing from medieval ___________ and ___________.

middle east, asia, chinaware, coins, vessels, navy, long-distance, nine, indian ocean, perisan gulf, red sea

Later voyages reached the ______ _____ and the eastern coast of _____, bringing _________ and copper ______ in exchange for local goods. Chinese shipping at its height consisted of 2700 coastal _____, 400 armed _______ ships, and at least as many _____________ ships. _____ great treasure ships, the most sophisticated in the world at the time, explored the ___________ _____, the ______ ____, and the _____ ___, establishing regular trade all along the way.

sufi, god, science, diminished

Muslim ______ scholars wrote excitedly of their mystical contacts with _____ and the stages of their religious passion. Islamic _______ continued, but its role was _______________.

hawaii, 7th, canoes, pigs, flora, fauna, fisheries, vegetable, hunting

One channel of Polynesian migration pointed northward to the islands of _______. The first Polynesians reached these previously uninhabited islands before the ____ century, traveling in great war _______. The canoes carried all that was needed to settle on new lands, including ______. these were to wreck some havoc on native _____ and _____ in Hawaii, but at the same time, Hawaiians created a land use system incorporating coastal _______________, mid-mountain __________________ crops, and highland ________ that supported a sustainable lifestyle.

postclassical, urban, commerical, population, technologies, asia, payments, muslim

One explanation for Europe's new activity would emphasize the gains made in later __________ centuries, particularly in terms of _____ and _____________ growth, despite ________ setbacks. These gains could now be combined with new ______________ learned from _____--especially weaponry. The final ingredient was the realization that innovations were essential to meet the balance of _______ problems and concern about reliance on _________ traders.

francesco petrarch

One leading 14th-century writer, ________ ______, not only took pride in his city and his age but explored the glories of personal achievement with new confidence.

francesco petrarch

One of the major literary figures of the Western Renaissance; an Italian author and humanist.

conquests, venice, adriatic, exploring, asia, muslim

One response to the growing Muslim threat was a series of ____________ by the city-state of _______ along the eastern coarse of the _____________. A more important response was to begin _________ alternative routes to _____ that would bypass the Middle East and the feared and hated __________ realms.

interpretation, territories, trade, decline, unusual

One result of the Chinese decision to end expeditions, today, is an interesting challenge to ________________. To Western eyes, accustomed to judging a society's dynamism by its ability to reach out and gain new __________ or ____ positions, China's decision may seem hard to understand--the precursor to _______. But to the Chinese, it was the ambitious expeditionary flurry that was _______, not its end.

perspective, gothic, greece, rome, statues

Other painters beginning later in the 14th century, started to introduce _______________ while using new colors and other materials. In architecture, favor shifted away from ______ to a classicism derived from _________ and _______. Vivid, realistic ___________ complemented the new palaces and public buildings.

mongol, trade, seagoing, indian ocean, china, europe

Overland travel became more difficult and dangerous without _________ political protection. ______ and its motivations did not diminish in importance, but inevitable new emphasis focused on ___________ routes, particularly in the _______ ______. Two societies, first _____ and then ______, sought to take advantage of the new opportunities involved.

foreign, khans, asia, mongols, contact, africa, warfare, merchant, military, commerical

Political stability and an openness to _______ visitors by the great _____ helped Westerners learn of _______ technologies, ranging from printing to the compass and explosive powder. Western Europe had ideal access in the Mongol period. It was not disrupted by the __________, but it was in active _____, unlike sub Saharan _________. Internal European _______ and ________ zeal made western Europe an eager learner, for the Asian technologies promised to respond to both __________ and __________________ needs.

agricultural, fishing, volcanic, vegetation, fabrics, grass, caste, priests, nobles, commoners

Polynesians in Hawaii spread widely across the islands in _____________ clusters and _________ villages amid the __________ mountains. Hawaiians were inventive in using local ___________, weaving ______ as well as making materials and fishing nets from _____. Politically, Hawaii was organized into a _______ system with _____ and _____ at the top, who reserved many lands for their use. ______________ were viewed almost as a separate people, banned from certain activities.

castile and aragon

Regional kingdoms of the Iberian peninsula; pressed reconquest of peninsula from Muslims and ultimately united under the Spanish monarchy.

medieval, 1400, monarchy, governments, hundred years, nonaristocratic, government

Several key advances of __________ society were not really reversed by the troubles of the decades around _____. The strengthening of feudal ________ provided more effective national or regional _________________ for much of the west. The _______ _______ War between Britain and France stimulated innovations in military organizations, including __________________ soldiers recruited and paid directly by the royal __________, that enhanced central political power.

christian, muslim, commercial, church, capitalism, technology, ironwork, timekeeping

Strong regional monarchies took hold in parts of Spain and Portugal as ____________ leaders drove back the _______ rulers of this region. The growth of cities and urban economies continued to spur the _____________ side of Western society. Even the _______ had made its peace with such key principles of ______________ as profit-seeking. ________________ continued to advance, particularly in ______--used for bells and weapons--, and ________________.

central, local, control, isolation, americas, isolation, intervention

The Inca system, although far less brutal than that of the Aztecs, provided ongoing tensions between __________ leadership and _____ initiative. This complicated effective ______ of the vast expanse of the Inca domains. _______________ made change likely by the 1500s. At the same time, other cultures were developing in parts of the ____________ that might well have been candidates for new political leadership, if American history had proceeded in _________ or if European ____________ had been less sweeping.

maori, colder, harsher, art, 200,000

The Polynesians in New Zealand, called the _____, successfully adapted to an environment considerably ______ and ________ than that of the home islands. They developed the most elaborate of all Polynesian ____ and produced an expanding population that may have reached ____________ people by the 18th century, primarily on the northern of the two islands.

medieval, 1400, church, philosophy, aristocrats, feudal, court, jousting, armor

The West was changing in some painful ways. Key features of ____________ culture and society were being questioned by ____. The ____, which had long been one of the organizing institutions of Western civilization, was under new attack. Medieval ______________ had passed its creative phase. Warrior _________, long a key leadership group in _________ society, softened their style of life, preferring ______ rituals and ________ tournaments and adopting military ______ so cumbersome that real fighting was difficult.

15, bureaucracies, treasuries

The West's gradual emergence into larger world contacts during the ____ century was surprising in many respects. Westerners remained awed by the powerful ___________ and opulent _______ of empires in the traditional civilization centers such as Constantinople.

aztec, inca, 1400, gold, slaves, religious sacrifices, spaniards, 1500, intervention

The ______ and _____ empires ran into increasingly difficulties not long after ______. Aztec exploitation of subject peoples for ____, _____, and _________ _____, roused great resentment. What would have happened to the Aztec empire if the ___________ had not intervened after _____ is unclear, but it is obvious that disunity created opportunities for outside ___________ that might not have existed otherwise.

mongol, 150, overland, china, middle east, europe

The big issue in the 15th century involved the aftermath of the _________ era. For _____ years, the interlocking Mongol states facilitated _________ trade between_____, the ____ ______, and _____.

secular, dominant, realistic, nonreligious, divine

The early phases of the Renaissance stressed more ______ subjects in literature and art. Religious art remained ___________ but used more _______ portrayals of people and nature, and some ______________ themes surfaced outright. The doings of human beings deserved attention for their own sake, in the Renaissance view, not as they reflected a _______ plan.

ottoman turks, byzantine, europe, politics, persia, india

The emerging ______ ______ state soon mastered many of the lands of the old caliphate as well as the __________ corner, expanding into southeastern ________. The new empire gave renewed vitality to Islamic _______, and it would soon be joined by the two other Islamic empires, too, in ______ and _____.

world, western, 1400, italian, european

The full ramifications of the Renaissance feed into the next period of both ______ and _________ history. The movement was only getting started by ______. The wide range of _________ commerce and shipping proved to be one of the building blocks of ______________ outreach.

italy, high, arts, science, medieval

The impact of the early Renaissance must not be exaggerated. It had little influence outside of ______. Even in Italy, it focused on ______ culture, not popular culture, and on the ______; there was little initial interest in _______. And although it built on distinctive political and economic forms, it was not a full break from _____________ tendencies.

middle kingdom, north, mongolia, governments, tribute, asia, tang

The initial Ming rulers pressed to secure the borders of the ______ _____. This meant pushing the Mongols far to the ______, to the plains of what is now _______________. This meant reestablishing influence over neighboring _____________ and winning _______ payments from states in Korea, Vietnam, and Tibet, reviving much of the east _____ regional structure set up by the _______ dynasty.

arab, transregional, china, 14, russia

This Mongol system replaced earlier ____ leadership in facilitating _________________ trade. But Mongol defeat in _____, late in the ____ century, and new pressure on Mongol rulers in ________ and elsewhere unraveled this system.

europeans, economic, demographic, famine, 1300, disease

The lives of economic activities of ordinary _____________ were in disarray. This was a time of crisis, and Europe's expanding world role could not reverse the fundamental challenges to its internal ____________ and ________________ structure. Europeans began to suffer from recurrent ________ after ____ because population outstripped the food supply and no new food production techniques were discovered. Famine reduced _____ resistance, making Europe more vulnerable to the bubonic plagues that spread from Asia.

sufi, religious, secular, religious

The new piety in the Middle East associated with the rising ______ movement contributed to a new _________ emphasis. In literature, attention to _________ themes, such as the joys of feasting and hunting, gave way to more strictly _____________ ideas.

international, network

The rise of the Ottoman empire did not restore full _________________ vigor that the Islamic caliphate wielded at the height of its powers. The empire did not become the sole hub of an international _______ as it had been before.

market, international, crusades, luxury products

The second international factor was the intensification of European problems in the existing world ______ and ______________________ arena. From the __________ onward, Western elites had become used to increasing consumption of Asian ________ _____, including spices such as cinnamon and nutmeg, silks, sugar, perfumes, and jewels.

organized, international, arabs, western, 1400, western, trading, americas

The shift in Chinese policy unintentionally cleared the way for another, in most ways less __________ civilization to work toward a new _______________ position. With the _____ in partial eclipse and with China retreating from its brief initiative, hesitant _____________ expansionism, ventured before _____, began to take on new significance. Within a century, _______ explorers and traders had launched an attempt to seize international _______ dominance and had expanded the international network to include parts of the ____________ for the first time.


The ventures of the Western conquerors were successful enough to motivate more extensive probes into the southern _______ as soon as technology permitted.

chinese, european, merchant, military

There is no question that the course of the world history might have been changed had the ___________ thrust continued, for the tiny ______________ expeditions that began to creep down the western coast of Africa at about the same time would have been no match for this combination of _______ and __________ organizations.

advantage, mongol, asia, technology

Two additional problems affected western Europe's international position, one a plus, the other a growing problem. New opportunities for imitation were an _____________. The ________ empire established in Asia and eastern Europe in the late 13th and early 14th centuries provided new access to _______ knowledge and _____________.

1430, navigational, ships, sailing, compass, astrolabe

Until _____, technological barriers prevented further exploration for alternative routes. Without adequate __________ instruments and better _____, they couldn't venture wider into the Atlantic. Efforts were underway to develop an oceangoing ______ vessel. At the same time, the crucial navigational problems were met by the ______ and the ______, used to determine latitude at sea by reckoning from the stars.

lands, henry of portugal, henry the navigator

Westerners, led by the Spanish and Portuguese, had begun to take advantage of the new _____ they had already discovered. A driving force for behind both the further expeditions and the efforts to make already discovered lands economically profitable was Prince ________ of ________, known as ______ ___ _________.

tax, declined, traders, coins, 1100, med

When agricultural productivity declined, _____ revenue ________, and the Arab and other Middle Eastern _______ began to lose ground. Few Arab ______ had been found in Europe dating from later than _______. European merchants began to control their own turf and challenge the Arabs in other parts of the _______________, gaining increasing initiative in this vital trading area.

cimabue, cimabue's,

While still a young apprentice to the painter _______, Giotto painted a fly on the nose of one of ________ portrait subjects, and it was so realistic that he repeatedly tried to swat it off before going back to work on the canvas.

tribute, troops, middle east, africa, zoo, unicorns, confucian

Zheng He's fleets must have impressed, even terrified his local rulers around the Indian Ocean, many of whom paid ______ to the emperor. For even though he brought gifts, he had well-armed ______ on his expeditions. Several missions visited China from the _____ ____ and ____. From Africa also came ostriches, zebras, and giraffes for the imperial ____, the latter became the ________ of Chinese fable. But Zheng He was resented by the __________ bureaucrats, who refused even to write much about him in their chronicles.

portugal, 1439, azores, madeiras, canaries, agricultural, cash

__________ by _____ had taken control of the ______ and had granted land to colonists. Soon Spaniards and Portuguese had conquered and colonized the _______ and _________ bringing western plants, animals, weapons, and diseases. European colonists set up large ____________ estates designed to produce _____ crops that could be sold on the European market.

italian, compass card, 1300, dissemination

___________ navigators introduced the ________ _____, which involved placing the needle over a set of indicators. Knowledge of the compass reached Scandinavia by ______, a further step in the long process of ____________________.

compasses, southeast asia, coastlines, venturesome

____________ were part of a growing Chinese effort to make contact with sources of spices and teas in __________ _______. Prior to that point, Chinese seagoing had been confined to ______________, but now it became much more __________________.

agricultural, estates, agriculture

______________ productivity suffered as a result of the landlord's new power and they turned to sucking what they could from their ______ rather than trying to develop a more vital _____________________.

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