Ap Chapter 22-24 Quiz

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Who invented the spinning Jenny? A. Richard Arkwright B. Samuel Crompton C. Andrew Ure D. James Hargreaves

(D) James Hargreaves

In the nineteenth century what did Eugene Delacroix's work typically feature A. Dramatic, colorful scenes B. Portraits of the rich and powerful C. The transforming power of industrialization D. Gentle Wordsworthian landscapes

(A) dramatic, colorful scenes

According to the doctrine of laissez faire the government should intervene in A. All aspects of economy B. Industry but not in agriculture C. The economy as little as possible D. Agriculture but not in industry

(C) the economy as little as possible

In their war of independence against The Ottoman Empire, the Greeks ultimately won the support of A. Austria, Prussia, Russia B. Austria C. The Netherlands and Great Britain D. Great Britain, France and Russia

(D) Great Britain, France and Russia

This artist coined the term "Realism" A. John Constable B. Eugene Delacroix C. Thomas Smith D. Pablo Picasso E. Gustave Courbet

(E) Gustave Courbet

The romantic movement was characterized by A. A belief in emotional exuberance and unrestrained imagination B. The application of the scientific method to the study of nature C. An emphasis on Reason D. A life that was restrained and orderly

(A) A belief in emotional exuberance and unrestrained imagination

In 1848 what reform did the French Government refuse that created a sense of class injustice A. Electoral reform B. Land redistribution C. Repeal of high tariffs on imported food D. A minimum wage

(A) Electoral reform

As the nineteenth the upper middle class A. Tended to merge with the old aristocracy B. Formed tighter bonds with the rest of the middle class C. Retained its frugal attitudes D. Increasingly turned toward socialism

(A) Tended to merge with the old aristocracy

What caused the Revolutionary reduction in the size of European families A. The family's desire to improve its economic and social position B. The effectiveness and availability of birth control C. The pursuit of careers outside the home by married women D. The epidemic of infertility related to environmental contamination

(A) The family's desire to improve its economic and social position

What was the core concept of social Darwinism A. The human race was driven by an unending economic struggle that would determine the survival of the fittest B. Genetics provided the mechanism by which favorable characteristics are passed on to future generations C. Darwin's evolutionary theory could best be proved by careful examination of the vast amount of numeral data collected by governments in recent decades D. Gustav Le Bon was correct in asserting that strong, charismatic leaders could easily manipulate mass crowds

(A) The human race was driven by an unending economic struggle that would determine the survival of the fittest

At the Congress of Vienna, the victorious allies A. Were guided by the principle of the balance of Power B. Resurrected the HOly Roman Empire C. Treated France harshly D. Established constitutional monarchies in the areas conquered by Napoleon

(A) Were guided by the principle of the balance of power

Victor Hugo's political evolution was exactly the opposite of Wordsworths whose A. Youthful radicalism gave way to middle aged caution B. Immature nihilism evolved into an optimistic acceptance of things as they were C. Aggressive nationalism changed to a pacific universalism D. Utopian socialism transmuted into a convinced anarchism

(A) Youthful radicalism gave way to middle aged caution

In the nineteenth century Edwin Chadwick gained fame as A. A union trade leader B. An advocate of improved public sanitation C. A proponent of mass migration to the countryside D. An influential follower of Karl Marx

(B) An advocate of improved public sanitation

Romantics and early nationalists investigated folk songs, folk tales and proverbs in order to A. Disprove the value of folk wisdom in their promotion of Enlightenment rationalism B. Find the unique greatness of every person in its folk culture C. Identify fundamental stories and themes that could be used by governments to manipulate the population D. Demonstrate the superiority of their culture over other cultures

(B) Find the unique greatness of every person in its folk culture

In December 1825 some three thousand Russian army officers inspired by liberal ideas staged a protest against which new Tsar? A. Paul B. Nicholas I C. Peter III D. Ivan IV

(B) Nicholas I

Thomas Malthus argued in his "Essay on the Principle Of Population" (1798) that A. The productivity of the Industrial Revolution would result in a rise in the standard of living B. Population tends to increase beyond the means of subsistence C. Government programs are necessary to prevent distress D. Capitalism will prevent distress through an increase in productivity

(B) Population tends to increase beyond the means of subsistence

What was Georges Haussman's contribution to nineteenth century life A. Developing the antiseptic method B. Rebuilding Paris C. His realistic novels of lower class life D. Pioneering the use of electric streetcars in Europe

(B) Rebuilding Paris

The romantic poet William Wordsworth conceived of poetry as the A. Coded identification of social norms designed as a puzzle to be solved B. Spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling recollected in tranquility C. Light and airy demonstration of wit meant to express social conflicts D. Structured use of rhyme and meter to clarify the expression of ideas

(B) Spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling recollected in tranquility

David Ricardo's iron law of wages states that A. Wages always move in proportion to productivity in the workplace B. The pressure of population growth will always sink wages to subsistence level C. Wages of the working class always rise as a percentage of the wages of the upper classes D. Population growth creates more highly talented people who produce greater products

(b) The pressure of population growth will always sink wages to subsistence level

How did the expansion of the Industrial Revolution Affect the work life of the middle class A. The middle class increasingly used their ownership of business to distance themselves from active roles in the economy B. The middle class established a range of new professions which required specialized knowledge and advanced education C. Increasingly undermined by wealthy industrialists the middle class turned into wage laborers with a standard of living barley above that of the laboring poor D. The middle class left management positions in large positions in large private and public organizations believing them to be beneath their dignity

(B) The middle class established a range of new professions which required specialized knowledge and advanced education

What did the Mines Act Of 1842 prohibit A. The use of Irish laborers in English mines B. Underground work for all so,so and girls as well as boys under ten C. Night work in the mines D. Work shifts longer than eight hours

(B) Underground work for all so,so and girls as well as boys under ten

The tendency to hire family units in the early factories was A. A government sponsored response to urbanization B. Usually a response to the wishes of the families C. Replaced by a system of pauper apprenticeship D. Outlawed by the Combination Acts

(B) Usually a response to the wishes of the families

Karl Marx argued that socialism would be established A. Through electoral victories and control of legislatures B. By violent revolution C. By the cooperation of all the classes to alleviate poverty and exploitation D. Through the efforts of Enlightened rulers

(B) by violent revolution

Who were the Luddites A. Irish peasants who formed secret societies against British landowners B. Dutch Agricultural workers who rebelled against their falling standard of living in comparison to the urban workers C. British handicraft workers who attached factories and destroyed machinery they believed were putting them out of work D. Scottish highlanders who formed community groups that worked building railroads across Great Britain

(C) British handicraft workers who attached factories and destroyed machinery they believed were putting them out of work

The Carlsbad Decree Of 1819 A. Established a free trade zone within the German Confederation and offered economic privileges to member states B. Created a legislature that united all of the German states but left real decision making authority with local rulers C. Defined an idea of German nationalism built around a common language, culture, and set of values D. Required members of the German confederation to root out subversive ideas and to spy on liberal and radical organizations

(C) Defined an idea of German nationalism built around a common language, culture, and set of values

What was the breakthrough implication of Louis Pasteur's work A. Human dietary habits affected immunity to diseases B. Diseases were passed to humans through airborne agents that could be eliminated by moving sources of filth and decay away from humans C. Diseases were caused by specific living organisms that could be controlled D. Most human diseases were the result of molds that occurred naturally in human environments

(C) Diseases were caused by specific living organisms that could be controlled

The British Corn laws of 1815 were enacted with the goal of A. Lowering tariffs on grains in order to provide inexpensive food for the poor B. Allowing reciprocal trade between Britain and the United States marking the formal end of hostilities following the war of 1812 C. Forbidding the importation Of foreign grain unless prices in Britain reached very high levels, selfishly benefiting the aristocratic landowners in Britain D. Permitting the importation Of food products into Britain only if they had not been cultivated or harvested with slave labor, marking the beginning of British actions to end slavery

(C) Forbidding the importation Of foreign grain unless prices in Britain reached very high levels, selfishly benefiting the aristocratic landowners in Britain

How did the nature of marriage change by the late nineteenth century A. Men increasingly saw marriage as a social relationship that left them free to pursue companionship and romance elsewhere B. Married couples managed their relationship as a business affair which gave priority to money and financial calculation C. Married couples increasingly developed stronger emotional ties and based marriage decisions on sentiment and sexual attraction D. Women increasingly divorced husbands as new laws gave them greater rights over children and over the household finances

(C) Married couples increasingly developed stronger emotional ties and based marriage decisions on sentiment and sexual attraction

This artist pioneered Expressionism and spent a lot of time in the South Pacific A. Honor Daumier B. Vincent Van Gogh C. Paul Gauguin D. Walter Kandinsky E. Camille Pissarro

(C) Paul Gauguin

Why did Klemens Von Metternich as an Austrian foreign minister have to oppose the spread of nationalism in Europe? A. As a classic liberal, he feared that it would lead to intolerance and violence B. Austrias rulers feared the power of a resurgent nationalist Ottoman Empire C. Austria pursued a policy of free trade which was incompatible with economic nationalism D. Austria was a multiethnic Empire and the spread of nationalism among its different ethnic groups threatened to dissolve the empire

(D) Austria was a multiethnic Empire and the spread of nationalism among its different ethnic groups threatened to dissolve the empire

Composers in the romantic movement A. Adopted folk music as the foundation for classical symphonies B. Decreased the size of orchestras to small, intimate groupings that could better complement each musicians emotions while performing C. Abandoned well structured and used a wide range of forms to evoke powerful emotions D. Developed a series of key models and structures in order to create an emotional repertoire in their music

(D) Developed a series of key models and structures in order to create an emotional repertoire in their music

How did the French provisional government respond to the worsening depression and rising unemployment in 1848 A. It expanded the size of the army to provide employment B. It provided free bread and cheese rations in all of the major cities C. It ordered the deportation of all non French citizens D. It established national workshops to provide employment in public works projects

(D) It established national workshops to provide employment in public works projects

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