AP Chem Ch 7 Study Guide

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In a binary ionic compound, the total number of positive and negative charges must be :

a. hydrochloric acid b. cyanic acid c. chloric acid d. hydroiodic acid

Name the following acids: a. HCl b. HCN c. HClO3 d. HI

a. Copper (2) Oxide b. Diboron hexahydride c. Nitrogen trihydrogen

Name the following binary compounds: a. CuO b. B2H6 c. NH3

a. Iron (3) nitrate b. Tin (4) sulfate c. Potassium hypochlorite d. Sulfur hexafluoride

Name the following compounds: a. Fe(NO3)3 b. Sn(SO4)2 c. KClO d. SF6

a. carbon monoxide b. carbon tetrahyaride c. sulfur hexafluoride

Name the following covalent compounds: a. CO b. CH4 c. SF6

a. Aluminum Oxide b. Magnesium Nitride c. Rubidum Nitride

Name the following ionic compounds: a. Al2O3 b. Mg3N2 c. Rb3N

a. Cobalt (2) Nitrate b. Francium oxalate

Name the following ionic compounds: (Roman numerals only for d- block elements) a. Co(NO3)2 b. Fr2C2O4

a. Tin (4) Oxide b. Manganese (7) Oxide c. Cobalt (2) Fluoride d. Iron (3) sulfide e. Titanium (3) Fluoride

Name the following ionic compounds: (roman numerals) a. SnO2 b. Mn2O7 c. CoF2 d. Fe2S3 e. TiF3

a. Bonding between a metal and non-metal or the bond between a positive ion and a negative ion forming a binary compound. Usually an anion and cation b. end in the suffix "ide" c. bonding between a metal and a complex ion

Name three characteristics of an ionic bond.

1. Lithium cation 2. bromide anion

Naming Monatomic Ions: 1. Li+ 2. br2-

a. Ba3N2 b. Al2S3 c. MgCl2 d. Na3N e. Li3N

Write the chemical formula for the following ionic compounds: a. Barium nitride b. Aluminum sulfide c. Magnesium chloride d. Sodium nitride e. Lithium nitride

a. PCl3 b. CuCl2 c. CBr4

Write the formula for the following binary compounds: a. Phosphorous trichloride b. Copper (2) chloride c. Carbon tetrabromide

a. N3O2 b. FeI2 c. Li3(PO4)

Write the formula for the following compounds: a. Trinitrogen dioxide b. Iron (2) iodide c. Lithium phosphate

a. BCl3 b. SiH4 c. CS2

Write the formula for the following covalent compounds: a. Boron trichloride j. Silicon tetrahydride g. Carbon disulfide

a. Cu3N b. SnS2 c. Mg3N4

Write the formula for the following ionic compounds: a. Copper (1) nitride b. Tin (4) sulfide c. Manganese (4) nitride

a. HBr b. HSe c. H2CrO4 d. HNO3

Write the formula for the following ionic compounds: a. Hydrobromic acid b. Hydroselenic acid c. Hydrochromic acid d. Nitrous acid

a. Mn(NO3)3 b. Na(NO2)2 c. Cu(CH3CoO)

Write the formula for the following ionic compounds: a. Manganese (3) nitrate b. Barium nitrite c. Copper (1) acetate

Ionic Bonds

a. Bonding between a metal and non-metal or the bond between a positive ion and a negative ion forming a binary compound. Usually an anion and cation b. end in the suffix "ide" c. bonding between a metal and a complex ion

Steps in writing the chemical name ( ionic compounds)

a. Start with given formula b. Write name of each element in order it is given c. If cation is a d block element, determine its charge from the anion and use roman numerals in your chemical name d. Anion should end in "ide" unless it is a polyatomic ion

Steps in writing chemical formulas (Binary Ionic Compounds)

a. Use a periodic table of elements and of ions. b. Write the symbol and charge of the cation first (positive ion). c. Write the symbol and charge of the anion next ( negative ion) d. Use criss-cross method to balance for an electrically neutral compound.

binary acids

a. contain hydrogen and a nonmetallic element b. are an aqueous solution of the pure compound c. have prefix hydro, suffix ic


a. contain hydrogen, oxygen, and a third element b. name as though ionic then convert to the acid name

Look up "ate" name

a. number of oxygen decreases by one going down the chart b. acid name corresponds to name across the chart c. add hydrogen, balance with criss-cross rule.

Steps for writing formulas for binary molecular compounds

a. refer to periodic table of elements b. write symbol of each element c. use prefix system for naming

Covalent Bonds

a. sharing of bonds between two nonmetals b. end in "ide"

binary compounds

compounds composed of two elements are known as



ous acid


Chemical Formula

indicates the relative number of atoms of each kind in a chemical compound


naming system

1. Atoms in a pure element --( 0 ) 3. Fluorine -- (-1) 4. Oxygen (-2) 5. hydrogen (+1), (-1) with metals 6. Sum of oxidation numbrs in a neutral compound is 0.

oxidation rules

ate ate* ite


ic acid ous acid


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