AP comp quarter 1 final (no lit terms or 30 commandments)

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6 writing process

add intro and conclusion

7 writing process

add transition sentences

1 writing process


circular argument fallacy

argument is just repeating what they already assumed beforehand its not arriving at any new conslusion

E. key to success

ask questions

bandwagon fallacy

assumes something is true or good because other people agree with it

ad hominem fallacy

attacking someone's personal characteristics proves nothing about the truth of falsity of their claims

D. order of paragraph

connect to topic

4 writing process

draft the body of the paper

appeal to pity fallacy

emotional appeals, not relevant to whether something is true or false

B. order of paragraph


C. order of paragraph


D. key to success

fight procastination

hasty generalization fallacy

general statement without sufficient evidence to support it

2 writing process

group items

appeal to authority fallacy

happens when we misuse an authority

either or fallacy

limiting the options to two when there are in fact more options to choose from

slippery slope fallacy

moving from a seemingly benign premise or starting point and working through a number of small steps to an improbable extreme

A. key to success

new type of writing

3 writing process

outline body of paragraph

9 writing process

proofread the paper

10 writing process

publish/turn in the paper

5 writing process

revise the body of the paragraph

8 writing process

revise the entire paper

straw man argument fallacy

someone attacks a position the opponent doesn't really hold

A. order of paragraph


post hoc fallacy

when you mistake something for the cause just because it came first

C. key to success

writing is a process

B. key to success

your opinion is weak

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