AP Comparative Study Guide Mexico

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Describe the relationship between interest groups and corporatist state.

In a corporatist state, interest groups are chosen by the government and consulted before they make policy. There are fewer groups that compete for influence than in pluralism, as there is usually one for each sector such as labor or agriculture. They are officially approved by the state and sometimes protected by it as well.

Describe the relationship between interest groups and pluralist state.

In a pluralist state, power is split among many groups that compete for the chance to influence policymaking. There are many groups and they must work outside government structures, so tactics must be used to pressure government to shape policy toward their interests.

Identify Ethnic Groups In Mexico

(1) Mestizos: a blend of european / spanish with native amerindian, large populations in the north (2) Amerindian: natives, large populations in the south, usually poorer than mestizos

Define political ideology. Describe the political ideology of each of the major Mexican political parties (PRI, PAN, PRD)

(1) PRI was founded as a coalition of elites trading favors and power from one to another. Entrenched in the Mexican tradition and has catered to rural interests. It has centrist political ideologies as a party that is also close to the Church. Has a corporatist structure and appeals to (1) rural people (2) Southerners (3) Less educated (4) Older (5) Poorer (2) PAN (National Action Party) is to the right and was created to represent represent business interests. Advocates regional autonomy and less gov't intervention in the economy. Appeals to (1) northerners (2) middle class professional/business (3) Urban (4) highly educated (5) religious (3) PRD is a leftist party which suffers from internal division and lack of focus. Calls for more reform and social justice, appealing to (1) Young (2) Politically Active (3) Central states (4) Some education (5) Smaller town to urban

What is the difference between economic liberalization and political liberalization

Economic Liberalization occurs through privatization (expanding private ownership of property), marketization (allowing free-market principles to govern the economy), less government intervention in the form of taxation and regulations, and foreign investments. Political Liberalization occurs in a state that progresses from a procedural democracy to substantive democracy through democratic consolidation.

Identify forms of political participation in Mexico, including the role of political parties, voting, interest groups, protests, NGOs & civil society.

(1) Political Parties: Patron-Client System Strong under rule of PRI Lessened with modernization (2) Protests - 1968 Student Protests in Tlatelolco Plaza -- Gov't responded by co-optation - accommodating protesters demands by including them in political process - 1994 Zapatista Uprising in Chiapas -- Chiapas = poor southern Mexican state -- Amerindians upset, feeling ignored after NAFTA -- President Fox attempted to incorporate Zapatistas into gov't -- Federal gov't currently supplies electricity & water to villages Zapatistas control - 2006 Protest in Oaxaca (teachers' strike turned protest of elections and authoritarian rule) Demanded resignation of governor (3) Voting Behavior: - Before 1990s, PRI controlled elections on local, state, and national levels - Voting rates were high (patron clientelism: political support for economic favors) - Competing parties since 1930s - Highest voting turnout in 1994 (78%) but have declined since then (around 60%) (4) Interest Groups - PRI practiced state corporatism - interest groups were divided into three sectors (labor, peasants, middle class) - popular one today is Educational Workers' Union (5) Civil Society History of civil society even under PRI - Political parties are primary civil society organization in urban Mexico -- They sponsor sports clubs, youth activities, and celebrations for communities - PRI's downfall started in civil society with discontented businessmen who were not incorporated into the gov't system - Growth of Protestant churches in recent decades demonstrates openness of civil society (6) NGOs & Professional organizations are common and esp active in Mexico City -Unions are powerful (esp those associate with PRI)

Describe the difference between primary, secondary, and tertiary economic sectors. How do they help measure the level of develop in a country

(1) Primary Sector (agriculture): part of the economy that draws on raw materials from the natural environment, largest in low income, pre-industrial nations (2) Secondary Sector (industry): part of the economy that transforms raw materials into manufactured goods. Sector grows as societies industrialize, causes a migration from rural to urban areas (includes refining petroleum or turning metals into cars) (3) Tertiary Sector (services): part of the economy that involves services rather than goods. Sector grows with industrialization and comes to dominate post-industrial societies (includess construction, trade, government, transportation). The economic sectors help measure the level of development, as a high percentage of laborers in the tertiary sector are a sign of high development.

Identify social cleavages in Mexico. Classify them as coinciding or cross-cutting

(1) Urban vs Rural (2) Social Class (3) Mestizos vs Amerindians (4) North vs South * have been cross cutting in the past, but recently coinciding with north mestizos vs south amerindians

Describe how civil liberties have increased in Mexico in the last 20 years.

(pg 402) Controversial election of 206, response to 2013 state and local election campaigns. As Mexico has moved away from the authoritarian and one party gov't, there has been a recognition that people have different opinions and the government has to protect these people, their political rights and their civil liberties

Describe current major public policy issues in Mexico today. - Include pollution, corruption, inequality, drugs, human rights

Growing gap between rich and poor Rapid and unplanned urbanization NAFTA does not allow free flow of labor across borders

Describe one organized response from Mexican citizens to economic globalization

Built Maquiladoras, a manufacturing zone created just south the border of the U.S. They produced good primarily for U.S consumers and a number of U.S companies have established plants in the zone to transform imported, duty free components, or raw materials into finished industrial products

The bureaucracy is extremely large in Mexico. Most people who work in government, such as employees of schools and state-owned industries, are generally paid very little but are guaranteed jobs.Those at higher and middle level have a great deal of power and stay in office as long as superiors have confidence in them. Bureaucrats were tied to the patron client system and often accepted bribes to promote private business deals. Overall, the role of the bureaucracy and its entire infrastructure was to support the domination of PRI in politics. The Para-statal sector (composed of semiautonomous or autonomous government agencies) was huge under PRI as they produced goods and services that private individuals would do in other countries. PEMEX is a large one, but after the economic crisis of 1982 the number of parastatals has dwindled.

Describe the relationship between the government and the military. Who holds the power? What role has the military played in Mexico?

The President used to select his successor, but this practice was ended. Also, Mexican presidents used to be considered above criticism, and used to manage Congress since it was a rubber stamp institution.

Describe the role of the bureaucracy in Mexico.

The upper house is called the Senate with 128 members. Members are directly elected for a six year term, with three senators elected from each state and federal district using FPTP with 2 having majority and 1 is the next highest vote. The rest are chosne through proportional representation

Describe the role of the judiciary, including the status of judicial review.

Define Corporatism. What role did it play in the domination of the PRI

Corporatism is an arrangement in gov't officials interact with people/groups outside the gov't before they set policy, as the state determines which groups have influence and makes sure they are not as powerful as the government. Corporatism played a big role in the domination of the PRI. Due to the one party system and the domination of the PRI in the political system, the infrastructure of the bureaucracy and interest groups invited into the policymaking process were also dominated by the PRI, tied by clientism and strengthening the PRI. (Their support of the PRI strengthens the party). Interest groups were brought under the umbrella party, represented there and able to hold positions of responsibility and give input.

Historically, military generals held power in politics, which led to violence and instability. Today, the military is now under civilian control as it is marginalized from centers of political power. In the relationship between the military and the government, the government has the power as generals' rotate regional commands and there is a slight patron client system between them so generals can have economic power.

Define bicameralism. Describe the role of the Congress in Mexico, both historically and currently.

Explain Dependency Theory. How does it relate to Mexico

Dependency Theory: theory holds that the economic development of many countries in the world is blocked by the fact that industrialized nations exploit them and their resources. This problem is solved by establishing independence, and many LDCs have experimented with forms of socialism as a response. The United States and their investments in Mexico and their oil has made Mexico's economy very dependent on the U.S.

Describe ways in which Mexico has experienced both

Economic Liberalization: Reform and partial privatization of PEMEX, as in 2014 the government began the process f inviting private oil companies to to bid for new oil exploration blocks as the government hopes foreign and private companies will time up with PEMEX. Political Liberalization: 2002 election law required political parties to sponsor women candidates. The development of a competitive multiparty system and their mixed electoral system of FPTP and PR also increases representation. Econ lib 1985 Russia and Mexico: Economic Liberalization includes the privatization of industry, market forces to control economy, less gov't intervention (taxation/tariffs, regulations), and foreign investment. Mexico joined NAFTA, while Russia and Mexico both joined the WTO. 1 policy econ lib Russia and Mexico each: Boris Yeltsin institutes shock therapy, opening state owned industry to private property. Results in the rise of Oligarchs.There has also been a relative opening of Russian economy to foreign investment, privatization (increase in private property. The concept of state corporatism (pg 237) is still in place (in Mexico too). In Mexico, the partial privatization of PEMEX liberalized the economy. describe political liberalization, policy in each since 1985: (Both PRI and United Russia are umbrella parties with no clear ideology, created just to be the president's party. They intend to capture the middle class) Both Mexico and Russia have a multiparty system. Mexico has legislation to sponsor women in politics. In having mixed systems (FPTP and PR), Mexico and Russia intended to broaden the representatives in government. compare consequences of econ. lib. on social classes in Russia and Mexico: Results in the expansion of a solid middle class, due to the market forces on the economy. Also, the poor and unskilled, who are at the very bottom of the social class, struggle in a society that has liberalized economically as the gap between the rich and the poor widens. Competition also creates jobs as well.

Economic Globalization

Economic globalization is the increasing economic integration and interdependence of national, regional, and local economies across the world through an intensification of cross-border movement of goods, services, technologies and capital.

Describe the pattern of internal migration in Mexico.

Economic opportunities in the industrial cities of the north lead many to seek jobs in maquiladoras (assembly factories). The shift from rural to urban population areas during the late 20th century disrupted traditional Mexican politics, including the patron-client system.

Describe how colonial rule impacted the development of Mexico.

From 1519 to 1821 Spain controlled Mexico with an authoritarian government in which the Spanish placed their subjects in an elaborate social status hierarchy with the Spanish on the to pand native Amerindians on the lowest level. Lasting influences include (1) Cultural heterogeneity, as a mix between the colonizing Spanish and native Amerindian, mestizos, soon resulted in the North as the south remained primarily Amerindian. (2) Catholicism, missionaries spread throughout Mexico and today about 83% of the population is Catholic (3) Economic Dependency, since colonial policy was designed to extract a "New Spain" and to economically benefit the Spanish as a colony, Mexico was dependent on their mother country.

The judiciary is the weakest branch of government with little power, as it is not independent from the executive branch and while the SC has status of judicial review, it will not go against government policy. Mexico follows code law (a system of written rules of law divided into commercial, civil, and criminal codes). There is a Supreme Court with justices nominated by the President and approved by the Senate. Currently there are 11 justices who are supposed to serve for life, but resign after an election so president can pick new judges. At the local level judges are viewed as corrupt

How does it compare to China's judiciary?

Mexico had a one-party system under PRI

How does it compare to Russia's party system? Russia technically has a multi party system with one party dominance, as Unite Russia is the party of the President and dominates the legislature.

The President serves a single, six year term known as a sexenio. A President cannot serve a second term. What powers (constitutional and de facto) does the President have? The President of Mexico has very strong powers, including (1) Initiate legislation by introducing bill into either house (2) Assign legislative priorities (3) Extensive appointment powers (4) foreign policy (5) create government agencies (6) Make policy by decree (7) Grant pardons (8) Name cabinet and can replace them (9) veto legislation (10) Manage patronage system (informal power) between 11929-1992, all presidential leg was approved by Congress (rubber stamp) (11) Have Senate remove governor

How have these powers been limited in recent years?

The president is both the head of state and head of government as there is no vice president.

How is the President chosen?

China has a four tiered "people's court" and a nationwide "people's procuratorate" provides prosecutors and defenders. Rule of law exists and the conviction rate is extremely high as well as the amount of executions. Both judiciary's have struggled with instituting rule of law

Identify legal reforms that have been made in recent years.

Russia is a hybrid regime with both authoritarian and democratic components. One party dominance is still exists with Russia with United Russia. Also, Russia is a semi presidential system as compared to Mexico's presidential system. Russia is also a federal state and the lack of independence in their judiciaries is similar.

Identify the current President of Mexico.

Define Import Substitution Industrialization. Describe policies followed by Mexico that reflect ISI.

Import Substitution is based on the belief that governments in poorer countries must create more positive conditions for the development of local industries. So these countries can compete with advanced industrial democracies, the government must restrict imports by setting quotas or imposing heaving import taxes. This makes people by locally and the demand will stimulate the growth of domestic business to the point tht it will be able to compete globally.

How do migration patterns in Mexico compare to migration patterns in China? What are the political and economic effects of each?

In Mexico it is from south to North, rural to urban. Caused people who were loyal to the PRI in the South to be influenced by PAN and caused them to change parties In china it is from rural to urban, caused tremendous economic growth for China but also caused resentment in rural areas where they held protest because they thought the go to was not looking out for them

Enrique Pena Nieto took office in 2012

Is the President Head of State, Head of Government, or Both?

Explain the difference between LDC's and NIC's. Which one does Mexico qualify as

Less Developed Country's, also known as LDCs, form a larger category than newly industrialized countries. They have experienced political and economic change but have not developed distinct characteristics of advanced democracies. LDCs all struggle with economic issues (poverty, low GNP, trade dependency, and weakness in infrastructure) and most are currently developing fragile democracies (many are still ruled by dictators, military leaders, or hereditary monarchs but any with absolute rulers have been challenged in some way by democratic movements. Newly Industrialized Country's are countries that have experienced both economic growth and democratization, a process known as compressed modernity. Mexico qualifies as a Newly Industrialized Country, and is a model for Less Developed Countries.

Describe how political rights have increased in Mexico in the last 20 years (same as civil liberties)

Machismo: men dominate politically, economically, and socially. Women are subject to men. Gov't opposes this by making a law to make sure women are represented in political life. Women have the right to express their opinion

Explain the significance of oil in Mexico's economic development.

Mexico has an abundance of oil, silver and other natural resources. PEMEXis Mexico's government owned oil company. Mexico was heavily dependent on oil prices remaining high, allowing the government to borrow heavily. But when the price of oil plummeted in 1982 to did Mexico's economy, leaving them in unbelievable amounts of debt.

Identify the type of regime and political structure in Mexico.

Mexico has been categorized as a developing or transitional democracy since 2000 and has a federal political system with its territory being divided into 31 states and one federal district (Mexico City). The government specifically has three branches with a president, bicameral legislature, and an independent judiciary in theory but not practice. There is a corporatist interest group system and a multiparty system with a history of one party dominance

Part 2: The Making of the Modern State What is unique about Mexico's geography and population

Mexico is one of the geographically diverse countries with high mountains, coastal plains, high plateaus, fertile valleys, rain forests and deserts, and is three times the size of Texas. Mexico has a 2,000 mile long border with the US and is rich in natural resources such as oil and silver. Regarding population, Mexico has 122 (114) million people, with 60% being Mestizo and 30% Amerindian.It is the most populous Spanish speaking country and in the top ten overall. Mexico has also urbanized rapidly with 78% of its population living in urban communities, and Mexico City alone having 20 million people.

Which one is now more democratic? Why?

Mexico's party system is more democratic as three parties are well represented in the legislature and elections for the presidency appear competitive.

Explain the significance of the Revolution of 1910. How does it compare to China's revolution

Mexico: In the Revolution of 1910, Reformers end the dictatorship of Diaz with a military coup, hoping to break the dependency of Mexico on foreign governments. What began as a conflict and power struggle among elites turned into a Civil War as populist forces joined. This overall set off a period of warlordism and popular uprising. To defeat Diaz, caudillos (political /military strongmen from different areas of the country) challenged each other for power. Emiliano Zapata led a peasant revolt in central and southern states with his manifesto defining radical agrarian reform and Pancho Villa combining military and warlordism in the North. Its influences include (1) Patron Client System surrounding caudillos (2) Constitution of 1917 (3) Conflict with the Catholic Church (4) Establishment of the PRI. In summary, The Revolution of 1910 resulted in years of violence, and the creation of the PRI as an umbrella party and a one-party state. China: Communist revolution beginning with the Long March in 1934-1936 as Kai Shek's Nationalist's pursued Mao Zedong unsuccessfully. After WWII a Civil War broke out between the two sides with Mao eventually winning and establishing the People's Republic of China in 1949 as a one -party authoritarian state and Kai Shek being forced to Taiwan where he claimed to lead the true government.

Define neoliberalism. Describe neoliberal policies implemented by Mexico. Why were they implemented and what were the effects of these policies

Neoliberalism is a strategy that calls for free markets, balanced budgets, privatization, and limited government intervention in the economy. The partial privatization of PEMEX to an extent exhibits a neoliberal policy as the control of the government on the oil company was loosened, inviting foreign and private companies to team up with PEMEX. President Miguel de la Madrid also privatized man public enterprises, and President Salinas returned banks to the private sector back in 1990. More recently Mexico established NAFTA which elimanted trade barriers between MEX,US, and CAN

Define Clientelism (patron/client). What role did it play in the domination of the PRI

Patron Clientism is a system in which the state provides benefits or favors to a single person or small group in return for public support. Patron Clientism kept control in the hands of the PRI since they decided who got favors and who did not. The PRI worked with caudillos and their camarillas (hierarchical networks through which offices and other benefits were exchanged) so that heads of camarillas served in the cabinet and distribute favors to peasants, particularly in rural areas, benefits for their support of the PRI.

Describe characteristics and consequences of the rule of Porifiro Diaz.

Porifiro Diaz staged a military coup in 1876 and instituted himself as president on the basis that he would not serve more than one term, and subsequently stayed in office for 34 years, creating an authoritarian regime an ruling as a dictator. His reign from 1876 to 1911 is known as the "Porfirato", and his influences include (1) Stability (2) Authoritarianism, with his dictatorship not allowing sharing of power among elites (3) Foreign Investment and economic growth, cientificos (group of young advisors who believed in bringing scientific and economic progress to Mexico) encouraged foreign investment, especially from the US and entrepreneurship, which resulted in the growth of business and industry. (4) Growing Gap between the rich and the poor.

How have they changed throughout Mexico's history?

Power was traditionally centralized with a previously authoritarian (Authoritarian tradition based on the colonial structure set up by Spain and from the strong arm tactics by military-political leaders of the 19th century) government.Mexico was also traditionally a state corporatist structure that entails a central,authoritarian rule that allows input from interest groups outside of the government.Mexico was also previously one party state with PRI dominating elections How do they compare with Russia?

Explain how PPP helps to measure a country's economy.

Purchasing Power Parity is a statistical tool that estimates the buying power of income across different countries by using prices in the United States as a benchmark. PPP takes into consideration the fact that some countries are more expensive to live in than others, and its is usually expressed as per capita per figure.

What impact do these issues have on the political and/or economic development of Mexico?

Reforms: Sharp cuts in government spending Debt reduction Privatization President Fox proposed a bold immigration initiative that included a guest worker program, amnesty for illegal immigrants, and an increase in visa issues\d

Describe one gov't policy in repsone to economic globalization

Signed NAFTA and WTO WTO/GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, a multilateral agreement that attempts to promote freer trade among countries NAFTA The goal of The North American Free Trade Agreement was to more closely integrate the economies by eliminating tariffs and reducing restrictions so that companies can expand into all countries freely

Describe the major ideas of the Constitution of 1917. How do they address problems in Mexico at the time it was written

The Constitution of 1917 was created by conflicting factions from the Revolution and overall set up a structure for democratic government with three branches and competitive elections. It guaranteed agrarian reform, social security, right to organize in unions, minimum wage, eight hour workday, universal secular education and adult male suffrage. The power of foreign investor was also limited as only Mexican citizens or the government could own land or rights to natural resources.The power of the Catholic Church was also limited as anticlericalism, opposition to the power of churches/clergy in politics. Limiting foreign investors and other reforms addressed the frustration peasants felt as the gap between the rich and the poor widen.

Identify reforms made to the electoral system starting in the 1990s. Explain how they have made Mexico more democratic.

The IFE (Federal Electoral Institute) was created in 1996 as an independent regulatory body to safeguard honest and accurate election results. Its functions include (1) Campaign finance restrictions (2) critical media coverage (3) international watch teams (4) election monitoring by opposition party members. In addition, all parties receive gov't funding and have access to the media. Both these steps ensure equal opportunity and resources are available to all parties. 2002- election law requires 40% of congressional ballot for each party is made up of women

Why was the PRI formed, what purpose did it serve, and how was it able to dominate for 70 years

The PRI (Institutional Revolutionary Party) was formed by President Calles in 1929 as he brought caudillos together under one political party to bring stability through agreement to pass around the power from one leader to the next as the presidency change and only lasted one sexenio. Other leaders would be given major positions in the government to establish influence in the umbrella party. In creating the party the revolution was institutionalized by stabilizing conflict between leaders. The PRI was able to rule due to the one-party system established, the existence of patron-clientism, and corporatism. pg 374

What was the significance of the 2000 Presidential Election

The election of 2000 brought PAN into the presidency with Vicente Fox, defeating PRI for the first time in 71 years the president was not from the PRI. This win signifies the development of a truly competitive multiparty system in Mexico. THIS ELECTION MAY HAVE MARKED THE DECLINE OF PATRON-CLIENTISM AND THE BEGINNING OF A TRUE DEMOCRATIC STATE

Describe the economic policies that favored this patterns

The liberalization of trade and the economic opportunities it brought to industrial cities of the north lead many to seek jobs in the maquiladoras(assembly factories). The NAFTA agreement also helped expanded Mexico's relationship with the United States, creating jobs in maquiladoras in the north.

Describe the political consequence of migration for Mexico

The migration from south to north and from rural to urban disrupted the patron-clientism system as the traditionally strong support from rural areas where the patron clientism is still in control was weakened with followers leaving PRI lost its influence on rural residents as they moved north where PAN is influential.

There is now Amparo, which is a writ of protection, and in 2008 a reform was introduced stating oral trials would now replace processes that was conducted on paper. This means that lawyers would now have to argue before the bench rather than slip a piece of paper across it.

What type of party system does Mexico currently have?

Congress is a legitimate branch of government with the presence of opposition parties and debate.

What is the lower house called? How many members? How are members chosen?

The PRI rule, Congress was a rubber stamp for the President's legislature.

What is the relationship between the executive and legislature now?

The lower house is called the Chamber of Deputies and includes 500 members. The Deputies are directly elected for a three year term through a mixed system with 300 being elected through first past the post and the remaining 200 chosen through proportional representation in which the 2 highest parties in each district

What is the upper house called? How many members? How are members chosen?

The President is directly elected by citizens in all 31 states and the federal district through FPTP with a simple majority no run off.

What is unique about the President's term?

Mexico now has a competitive multi-party system

What type did it have during the rule of the PRI?

Bicameralism is the existence of two houses in a legislature. Historically, Congress was a rubber stamp as all presidential legislature was passed from 1929-1992. Today Congress in Mexico has a legitimate role as a place of debate between different parties.

What was the relationship between the executive and legislature under the rule of the PRI?

What role do women play in Mexico's government? How has the government taken steps to insure their inclusion?

Women play a large role in government as many have run for president, and become governors and congress women. In 2002 the gov't passed an electoral law stating 40% of balloted candidates for each party must be women

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