AP Computer Science Test Practice

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What is iteration?

A repetitive portion of an algorithm which repeats a specified number of times or until a given condition is met.

What will be displayed as a result of the code below? myPoints <-- 2 myPoints <-- 5 myPoints <-- myPoints + 1 DISPLAY(myPoints)


var myNumbers = [32, 64, 33, 0, 15, 26, 3] What is the value of myNumbers[1]?


What is pair programming?

A collaborative programming style in which two programmers switch between the roles of writing code and tracking or planning high level progress

What are Computing Systems?

A group of computing devices and programs working together for a common purpose.

What is a Boolean expression?

An expression that can be evaluated as either true or false

Why is traversal with a for loop a good method for accessing and updating items in a lengthy list?

Because you want to process every item in the list in a similar way, you can use a loop to iterate through every item and take some action with it.

What are the similarities and differences between the binary and decimal systems?

Binary and decimal systems both express ways to quantify something but binary system includes only two numbers whereas decimal systems include 10 numbers.

What is Fault Tolerant

Can continue to function even in the event of individual component failures. This is important because elements of complex systems like a computer network fail at unexpected times, often in groups.

What is a digital divide

Differing access to computing devices and the Internet, based on socioeconomic, geographic, or demographic characteristics

What protocol is used to transmit web pages over the internet?

HTTP(HyperText Transfer Protocol)

What are the unique numbers the internet assigns connected devices?

IP Addressess

How is a Creative Commons license different from a regular copyright?

It allows your work to be shared, reused, and remixed to help spark more creativity.

Each time we add another bit, what happens to the amount of numbers we can make?

It doubles

What is a logical operator?

It is a word used to join if statements together And: both statements must be true Or: only one statement must be true Not: the statement is not true

How does programming language differ from every-day language?

Less wordy and more direct

Which form of compression is best used to preserve quality of the file?

Lossless Compression

Which form of compression is best to save storage space?

Lossy Compression

What is debugging?

The process of locating and reducing the number of defects or errors within the code.

What is data abstraction?

The process of managing complexity in programs by giving a collection of data a name without referencing the specific details of the representation.

How do sequential programs differ from event-driven programs?

The run in the order they are listed out

What is the value of score? var score score <- 3 score <- score + 1 score <- "The score is: " + score

The score is: 4

Why is it important for element IDs to have meaningful names?

To easily recognize and name functions when calling out to those elements.

What does the "!" symbol represent?


What is a traversal?

the process of accessing each item in a list one at a time

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