AP Environmental Science Unit 7 Exam Review

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A state highway has constructed over wetlands. The state obtained a permit to fill the existing wetlands in accordance with the provisions of the Clean Water Act of 1972, and agreed to create another wetland. This trade-off appraoch to addessing an environmental issue is known as __________.

e.) important sources of arable land

All of the following are ecological services provided by wetlands EXCEPT: a.) important reservoirs of aquatic biodiversity b.) natural filters c.) sources of drinking water d.) storm buffers during hurricanes and other tropical storms e.) important sources of arable land


Approximately what percentage of freshwater is available for human use?


Approximately what percentage of the water on Earth is freshwater (solid and liquid)?

confinement of aquifers

As urbanization increases and natural soil surfaces are covered, the groundwater supply is reduced to _________.

Threats to the world's biodiversity

HIPPCO is an acronym that aids in remembering ____________.

increasing bacterial activity as organic matter decays

In a river ecosystem, dissolved oxygen concentrations drop quickly downstream from a point-source input of organic matter into the river. This effect is due to _________________.

b.) it decreases as the time passed before remediation increase

In the removal of a pollutant from wastewater, which of the following is true of the cost per unit of pollutant removed? a.) it decreases as the toxicity of the pollutant increases b.) it decreases as the time passed before remediation increases c.) it increases as the concentration of the pollutant decreases d.) it increases as the volume of wastewater decreases e.) it does not change over time or with the concentration of pollutant


Lakes characterized by high water quality and low concentrations of dissolved nutrients are classfied as _____

Large nutrient influxes from sewage treatment plants

Lakes near areas with high human population densities will frequently experience large growths of algae or other unwanted bacteria and phytoplankton, often due to a lack of secondary waste treatment. This is the result of _______________________.

Aral Sea, former USSR

Negative environmental impacts associated with large-scale hydroelectric projects have been demonstrated in what areas?

Most of the oceans lie outside the legal jurisdiction of any nation

One of the major problems with protecting marine biodiversity is _________.

Saltwater intrusion

Overuse of groundwater in coastal areas would MOST likely result in what?

e.) Recovery zone - normal levels of dissolved oxygen

Parts of a river associated with a point-source pollutant are shown below. Which of the combinations are incorrectly paired? a.) Clean zone - high levels of dissolved oxygen b.) Point of input - rapid increase of biological oxygen demand c.) Decomposition zone - only pollution-tolerant fish are found d.) Septic zone - most fish absent, low levels of dissolved oxygen e.) Recovery zone - normal levels of dissolved oxygen

i, ii, and iii

Reasons that human populations have settled in floodplains include which of the following? i. The soil in floodplains is usually fertile ii. The terrain in floodplains tends to be flat iii. Floodplains are close to rivers for transportation

Mitigation banking

The U.S. federal policy that allows for the destruction of existing wetlands as long as an equal area of the same type of wetland is created is known as ________.

20,000 kcal/m*2

The annual primary productivity of a particular wetland ecosystem is found to be 8,000 kcal/m*2 per year. If the respiration by the aquatic producers is 12,000 kcal/m*2 per year, what is the gross annual primary productivity for this ecosystem, in kcal/m*2 per year?

Ecosystem services

The consumption of mosquitoes by bats and the control of flooding provided by tropical forests in mountainous areas of Central America are examples of ____________.

In coral reefs

The greatest marine biodiversity is located in _________.

Photosynthesis by phytoplankton

The major biological source of dissolved oxygen in the ocean comes from ________.


The major cause for the decline in the worldwide catch of fish since 1990 is _______.


The natural aging process of a shallow lake or slow moving stream, as nutrients enrich the water body is called ________________.

has been contaminated by untreated human or animal waste

The presence of high levels of fecal coliform bacteria in a water source indicates that water ________________.


What are the underground caverns and porous layers of sand, gravel, or bedrock through which groundwater flows called?


What can occur if wastewater treatment plant effluent that contains nitrates and phosphates is allowed to flow into a body of water?

Cultural eutrophication from release of excess nutrients

What causes large areas f little to no oxygen in the Chesapeake Bay and the Gulf of Mexico?

Coastal development

What causes large areas of beach loss or erosion or migration of beaches to new location?

Population growth and burning of fossil fuels

What causes ocean warming and pH reduction leading to coral bleaching?

Flushing toilets

What constitutes the greatest percent of domestic water use in the U.S.?

Long line fishing

What fish harvesting method can be 80 miles long with thousands of baited hooks and often results in the bycatch of many ocean fish species?

An increased frequency of flooding in the river valley

What is MOST likely to result from destruction of wetlands surrounding a river?

Increased levels of plant nutrients

What is a common characteristic of lakes undergoing cultural eutrophication?


What is a measure of the amount of suspended material in water called?


What is an effective alternative to chlorine for disinfecting wastewater in a municipal treatment plant?

Coral reef damage

What is caused by boats improperly anchoring?

Trawler fishing

What is dragging huge nets across the bottom of the ocean that are weighted down to harvest bottom fish and shellfish?

A large-scale water diversion project

What is the Colorado River project?

Purse-seine fishing

What is the enclosing of a school of fish with a large net (used to capture yellow fin tuna) called?


What is the evaporation from the leaves of plants into the atmosphere called?


What is the freshwater form precipitation and snowmelt called?

Secondary treament

What is the process in which nitrates and phosphates are removed?

Primary treatment

What is the process in which water flows slowly through grit chambers allowing sand and small particles to settle out?

Water table

What is the upper surface of the zone of saturation called?

Runoff of nitrate compounds into bodies of water

What is the usual cause of cultural eutrophication in surface waters of both developed and developing nations?

e.) Water Quality Act of 1987

What law sets standards for the allowed levels of key water pollutants and requires polluters to obtain permits limiting how much of various pollutants they can discharge into aquatics systems?

Advanced treament

What type of treatment is not used except when warranted by local regulations?

Commercial extinction

When there is a depletion of the population of wild species used as a resource to a level at which it is no longer profitable to harvest the species is known as __________.

Abyssal zone

Where are photosynthetic organisms LEAST likely to be found?

Drift-net fishing

Which fish harvesting method is often called "ghost-fishing" because the huge nets are left for days to float in the ocean by themselves resulting in a large bycatch?

b.) cholera

Which of the common disease below is transmitted through contaminated drinking water? a.) Chicken Pox b.) Cholera c.) Flu d.) Measles e.) Lead Poisoning

d.) salinity

Which of the following factors is NOT a primary determining factor for whether an organism is found on the surface or in the middle of water column in the ocean? a.) temperature b.) dissolved oxygen c.) availability of light d.) salinity e.) nutrient availability

a.) runoff form a nearby hog farm

Which of the following is MOST likely to increase both the nutrient levels and the bacterial count of lake water? a.) Runoff from a nearby hog farm b.) Thermal pollution from a nearby power plant c.) Increased aeration of the lake water d.) Percolation of the water through soil to groundwater e.) Acidification of the lake water by acid deposition

a.) reverse osmosis

Which of the following is a valid method of desalination? a.) reverse osmosis b.) aquifer depletion c.) waterlogging d.) acid nitrification e.) cellulose framing

a.) ballast water discharge from a ship offshore

Which of the following is an example of a point-source pollutant? a.) ballast water discharge from a ship offshore b.) Runoff from parking lots c.) organic wastes from animal feed lots d.) Sediments from land erosion e.) nutrients from golf courses and lawns

b.) drip irrigation

Which of the following methods of agriculture irrigation results in the least amount of water by evaporation? a.) increased evaporation and transpiration b.) drip irrigation c.) laser-level irrigation d.) flood irrigation e.) gravity-flow irrigation

c.) sediments - unlined landfills

Which of the following water pollutants is incorrectly paired with its source? a.) oxygen-demanding wastes - sewage b.) organic chemicals - industry and farms c.) sediments - unlined landfills d.) heavy metals - mining reuse e.) thermal - electric power plants

d.) phosphates

Which of the following will result in accelerated eutrophication when introduced into streams, lakes, and bays? a.) bacteria and viruses b.) pesticides c.) herbicides d.) phosphates e. acid wastes and salts

Too many fish of reproductive age are harvested

Why has the maximum sustainable yield for ocean fisheries been exceeded?

On floodplains, high water tables make irrigation unnecessary

Why is agricultural production on floodplains often relatively high?

i and iii only

economic benefits of building large dams include which of the following? i. Storage of water for agriculture and domestic use ii. controlling floods upstream iii. Production of renewable energy

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