AP Euro Ch. 18 Quiz

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What war plunged France into financial crisis?

War of the Austrian Succession

Bacon argued that new knowledge had to be pursued through _____.

empirical, experimental research

What was Madame de Châtelet's greatest work?

translation and commentary of Newton's Principia

True/False? The Enlightenment was profoundly secular.


True/False? The scientific method was capable of discovering the laws of human society as well as those of nature.


Who was Peter the Greats's youngest daughter?


What book showed that human beings could use the process of reasoning to expand their knowledge?


Who wrote, "I must enlighten my people, cultivate their manners and morals, and make them as happy as human beings can be, or as happy as the means at my disposal permit"?

Frederick the Great

What was the international language of the educated classes in the 18th century?


What were philosophes?

French word for philosophers

Who discovered the four moons of Jupiter?


Who wrote "Siderus Nuncius" ?


Who wrote "Two New Sciences" ?


Who formulated the law of inertia and what did it state?

Galileo ; stated that rest was not the natural state of objects and objects continue in motion unless stopped by an external force

Who consolidated the experimental method and conducted controlled experiments to find out what actually did happen in the world?

Galileo Galilei

Who was burned at the stake for stating that the universe was infinite?

Giordano Bruno

Who did Catherine select as her new lover?

Gregory Orlov

What college became the main center of scientific activity in England in the first half of the 17th century?

Gresham College

What book was found in more private libraries of the 18th century than any other book?

Historical and Critical Dictionary

Who said that life is "nasty,brutish , and short"?

Hobbes in Leviathan

Who concluded that nothing can ever be known beyond all doubt and that humanity's best hope was open-minded toleration?

Pierre Bayle

Who was the most famous skeptic?

Pierre Bayle

What Pope allowed Galileo to write about different possible systems of the world as long as he did not presume to judge which one actually existed ?

Pope Urban VIII

What countries were ruled by the most influential of the new-style (enlightened) monarchs?

Prussia, Russia, Austria

What rebellion was a decisive turning point for Catherine'a reign?

Pugachev's rebellion

What French philosopher made his first great discovery in mathematics while serving in the Thirty Year's War in 1619?

René Descartes

Who was greatly influenced by Diderot and Voltaire?

Swiss Jean-Jacques Rousseau

What war was fought because religious freedom was an intolerable idea in Europe in the early 17th century?

Thirty Year's War

What was Voltaire's real name?

François Marie Arouet

Who was the father of Frederick II "the Great"?

Frederick William I

What was the Enlightenment known as?

"Age of Reason"

What did Catherine praise Voltaire as?

"champion of the human race"

What was Newton called by John Maynard Keynes?

"last of the magicians"

What were the common people known as?

"the people"

Who claimed that he was "only the first servant of the state"?

Frederick the Great

Who wrote, "If I have seen further [than others], it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."

Sir Isaac Newton

What were the 3 reasons that the Enlightenment reached its highest development in France?

1) French was the international language of the educated classes 2) French absolutism and religious orthodoxy remained strong, but not too strong after Louis XIV's death 3) French philosophes asked fundamental philosophical questions

What were the three main goals of Catherine during her reign?

1) bring the sophisticated culture of western Europe to backward Russia 2) domestic reform 3) territorial expansion

What three things did the Copernican hypothesis state?

1) nightly movement of the stars was a result of earth's rotation 2) the universe was a staggering size 3) characterized earth as just another planet and destroyed Aristotle's idea that the earthly world was different from the heavenly one

What did Kepler state in his three laws of planetary motion?

1) orbits of planets at elliptical not circular 2) planets do not move at a uniform speed 3) the time it takes a planet to make its complete orbit is precisely related to its distance from the sun

What were salons?

elegant private drawing rooms in which social gatherings of the great and near-great were held

In the early 1500's, what great Greek philosopher of the 4th century B.C. were European ideas about the universe primarily based on?


Who believed in a geocentric universe?

Aristotle and Ptolemy

Who wrote "System of Nature" ?

Baron Paul d'HolBach

After which war did Frederick's government promote the reconstruction of agriculture and industry?

Seven Years' War

Who wrote "Historical and Critical Dictionary"?


Who was the most famous and influential popularizer of the Enlightenment who set out to make science witty and entertaining and as easy to read as a novel?

Bernard de Fontenelle

Who offered to publish the Encyclopedia in St. Petersburg after it was banned by the French government?


Who westernized the thinking of the Russian nobility?


What princess from Anhalt-Zerbst became the empress of Russia after ordering the Orlov brothers to murder her husband Peter?

Catherine the Great

Who wrote "I did not care about Peter, but I did care about the crown" ?

Catherine the Great

Who was the father of Maria Theresa?

Charles VI

What was Fontenelle's most famous work?

Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds

Who believed in a heliocentric universe?


Who published "On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres" ?


Who argued that the human mind is really nothing but a bundle of impressions and that impressions originate only in sense experiences and our habits of joining these experiences together?

David Hume

Who invented geometry?


What was the name of Galileo's 1632 publication in Italian which openly lampooned the views of Aristotle and Ptolemy and defended those of Copernicus and caused Galileo to be tried for heresy by the papal Inquisition?

Dialogue on the Two Chief Systems of the World

Who wanted the Encyclopedia to "change the general way of thinking" ?


Who edited the "Encyclopedia:The Rational Dictionary of the Sciences, the Arts, and the Crafts"?

Diderot and d'Alembert

What two thinkers represented key aspects of the improvement in scientific methodology?

Francis Bacon and René Decartes

During what war was Maria Theresa forced to cede almost all of Silesia to Prussia?

European War of the Austrian Succession

True/False? Few religious authorities opposed the Copernican system to a greater or lesser extent until about 1630.

False. All religions

True/False? Voltaire was a revolutionary, not a reformer.

False; he was a reformer not a revolutionary

Who writes that "each star may as well be a different world" ?


Who wrote "Eulogies of Scientists" ?


Where did the Enlightenment reach its highest development?


Who was the greatest early propagandist for the new experimental method?

Francis Bacon

Who believed that if serious thinkers were granted the freedom to exercise their reason publicly in print, then enlightenment would surely follow?

Immanuel Kant

Who made a sharp distinction between the "truly enlightened public" and the "blind and noisy multitude"?

Jean Le Rond d'Alembert

Who was Tycho Brahe's brilliant young assistant who believed that the universe was built on mystical mathematical relationships and a musical harmony of heavenly bodies?

Johannes Kepler

Who created an amazingly accurate timepiece that permitted precise calculations of longitude at sea which became the world's best shipboard clock?

John Harrison


John Locke

Who wrote "Essay Concerning Human Understanding" ?

John Locke

Who wrote "Second Treatise of Civil Government" ?

John Locke

Who was titled the "revolutionary emperor"?

Joseph II

Who discovered elliptical orbits?


Who was the brother of Joseph II, who was forced to cancel Joseph's radical edicts in order to re-establish order after Joseph's death?

Leopald II

What event led some people to ask if ideological conformity in religious matters was really necessary?

Louis XIV's expulsion of the French Huguenots

Who said "The magistrates are my officers... In my person only does the sovereign power rest" ?

Louis XV

Who said "What I should like most is to be loved"?

Louis XVI

Who gave generous financial aid to Encyclopedists and helped save their enterprise from collapse?

Madame Geoffrin

Who owned one of the most famous salons?

Madame Geoffrin

Who wrote, "I would reform an abuse which cuts off, SO to speak, half of the human race. I would make women participate in all the rights of humankind, and above all in those of the intellect." ?

Madame de Châtelet

Who did Voltaire live with?

Madame du Châtelet

Who was the mother of Joseph II?

Maria Theresa

Who wrote "Progress of the Human Mind"?

Marie-Jean Caritat "the marquis de Condorcet"

Who was the daughter of Wollstonecraft who wrote Frankenstein?

Mary Shelly

Who came up with the idea of seperation of powers?


Who wrote "The Persian Letters" ?


Who wrote "The Spirit of Laws"?


What thinker urged that Jews be given freedom and civil rights?

Moses Mendelssohn

Which two Protestant countries became "proscience" ?

Netherlands and Denmark

Which scientist was a devout unorthodox Christian who saw all of his studies as directed toward explaining God's message?


Who published "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy" ?


Who was considered the greatest scientist of them all?


What city in Southern Germany was a historic center of commerce and culture and played a pioneering role in early astronomical advance?


In 1764, who had to give consent to levy taxes rather than the king?

Parlement of Paris

Who said "Man is born free,but everywhere he is, he is in chains"?


Who wrote "The Social Contract"?


True/False? Most of the philosophers hated all forms of religious intolerance.


True/False? Newton was intensely religious.


What philosopher lost part of his nose?

Tycho Brahe

Who believed that all planets revolved around the sun and the entire group of sun and planets revolved around the earth-moon system?

Tycho Brahe

Who contributed to the Enlightenment with his great mass of data but was restricted by his lack of understanding of mathematics to make sense out of his data?

Tycho Brahe

Which of the philosophers was a deist(believes universe was created by God but remains apart from it and permits his creation to administer itself through natural law) ?


Who claimed that human beings "are very rarely worthy to govern themselves" ?


Who wrote, "It is the man who sways our minds by the prevalence of reason and the native force of truth, not they who reduce mankind to a state of slavery by force and downright violence... that claims our reverence and admiration." ?


What was the single most important factor in the creation of the world view of the Enlightenment?

scientific revolution

What were believed to move the 10 crystal spheres?


What were the two fields at the heart of the Scientific Revolution?

astronomy and physics

What is a world-view?

basic outlook on life

Why weren't philosophes and their imitators free to write as they wished?

because it was illegal in France to criticize openly either church or state

Why did philosophes distrust "the people"?

believed that the common people were deluded by superstitions and driven by violent passions

How did Montesquieu gain fame?

by using wit as a weapon against cruelty and superstition

Since madame du Châtelet was excluded from interchanging ideas with other scientists because she was a women, what did she focus on instead?

concentrated on speeding ideas of others

Who did the concept of the General will appeal to greatly after 1789?

democrats and nationalists

Rousseau attacked rationalism and civilization as ______, rather than liberating, the individual.


What duke favored Louis XV?

duke of Orléans

What does the law of universal gravitation state?

everybody in the universe attracts every other body in the universe in a precise mathematical relationship,whereby the force of attraction is proportional to the quantity of matter of the objects and inversely proportional to the quantity of matter of the objects and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them

What was the primary goal of the international science community?

expansion of knowledge

In 1616 the church officially declared Copernicus hypothesis ____.


What is a quintessence?

fifth essence

Who was "the public"?

french and European economic and social elites

What was empiricism?

general theory of inductive reasoning

Why was Frederick the Great considered an enlightened monarch?

he permitted freedom of the press

Who succeeded Louis XIV?

his 5 year old great-grandson, Louis XV

The scientific revolution of the 17th century was first and foremost an ______ revolution.


What did Enlightenment thinkers mean by the word "progress"?

it was at least possible for human beings to create better societies and better people

What is "valid knowledge" according to Diderot?

knowledge based on reason and the senses and not on tradition and authority

What was the key feature of the Newtonian synthesis?

law of universal gravitation

What was Gabrielle-Emelie Le Tonnelier de Breteuil known as?

marquise(madame) du Châtelet

The scientific revolution was "the real origin both of the modern world and modern ____."


What was the most important and original idea of the Enlightenment?

methods of natural science could and should be used to examine and understand all aspects of life (reason)

What kind of scientific questions did the Royal Society agree to discuss because religious conflicts became so intense?

neutral scientific questions

Knowledge meant _____.


What is modern science?

precise knowledge of the physical world

What did Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart do?

produced a vast range of symphonies, operas, and chamber music and played them at Princess de Conti's "English tea" gatherings

What did the Royal Society of London do?

published scientific papers and sponsored scientific meetings

What was a favorite word of Enlightenment thinkers?


What was the foremost cause of the change in world-view?

scientific revolution

Describe rococo.

soft pastels, ornate interiors, sentimental portraits, starry-eyed lovers protected by hovering cupids

What was the period between 1690-1780 called?

the Enlightenment

What were Rousseau's two fundamental concepts?

the General will and popular sovereignty

Who was Galileo employed by in Florence?

the Medici grand dukes of Tuscany

What did Locke's idea of the tabula rasa state?

the human mind is like a blank slate and human development is determined by education and social institutions

What was rationalism?

the idea that everything was to be submitted to the rational, critical, scientific way of thinking

Before the American Revolution, who did Enlightenment thinkers believe that political change best came from?

the ruler

What was the aim of the alliance during the Seven Years' War?

to conquer Prussia and divide up its territory

What was the primary interest of French philosophes?

to convert people to critical,scientific thinking (they were not concerned with politics)

Who was mostly impacted by the Enlightenment? Who did the Enlightenment not have much appeal for?

urban middle classes and aristocracy; urban poor and peasants

What was Cartesian dualism?

view of the world consisting of two fundamental entities, mind and matter (physical and spiritual)

How did philosophes spread their ideas to avoid being banned or burned?

wrote plays,novels, dictionaries and encyclopedias filled with double meanings

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