AP Euro- Chapter 12, European Society in the Age of the Renaissance

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In his famous work, the Decameron , what author portrayed a world society?


Cosimo escaped from the tower that was his prison by ____________ the guards.


Brunelleschi personally lay some of the _____ on the dome because what he proposed was so revolutionary that the brick masons were afraid the technique would fail and they would die.


_________________, who built the dome of the Florence Cathedral, was both architect and engineer.


Name the artist commissioned to build the magnificent dome on the cathedral in Florence.

Brunelleschi was tasked with building the dome of a Florentine cathedral.

What two taxes did Charles VII initiate?

Charles VII initiated taxes on specific goods and land that would be a primary source of income for the monarchy until the French Revolution in 1789.

The Renaissance begins when Cosimo de Medici and his friends search Europe for _____________. Simply reading pagan authors like Socrates and Plato punishable by excommunication from the church.

Classical Manuscripts

Brunelleschi used _____________ as supports for the first time in 1000 years, creating a revolution in architecture.


Although Brunelleschi examined the construction of the dome of the Roman Pantheon, he couldn't use the same techniques because of the size of the dome and because the recipe for making ____________ had been lost.


T/F: Botticelli's paintings like The Birth of Venus are religious rather than humanistic.


T/F: Girolamo Savonarola was a Dominican Priest who worked for Lorenzo.


T/F: Lorenzo de Medici married Clarice Orisini because she was beautiful and he was in love with her.


T/F: Lorenzo de Medici ruled Florence through influence rather than by law or an elected position.


T/F: Michelangelo and Botticelli fought against Savonarola.


T/F: Monks hired by the Pazzi killed Guiliano by shooting him to death.


T/F: The Pazzi, a rival banking family, tried to have Lorenzo and his sister killed Easter Sunday 1478 in the Florence Cathedral.


T/F: When Lorenzo died in 1492, Savonarola forgave him on his deathbed.


Popes could excommunicate (throw from the church and damn forever) Christians guilty of __________, which was believing anything other than what the church preached.


Florentine's came to watch the construction of the dome. One of the things that amazed them was Brunelleschi's use of the classical orders of ___________, which hadn't been used since the fall of Rome.


In early renaissance Italy, art manifested what?

Art manifested wealth and power

Seventy percent of all Renaissance __________ lived and worked in Florence.


Lorenzo Valla is known as the father of-

Modern Historical Criticism

Define: Renaissance

A French word meaning "rebirth", used to describe the rebirth of culture of the classical antiquity in Italy during the fourteenth to sixteenth centuries.

Define: Humanism

A program of study by Italians that emphasized the critical study of Latin and Greek literature with the goal of understanding human nature.

Define: New Christians

A term for Jews and Muslims in the Iberian Peninsula who accepted Christianity; in many cases they included Christians whose families had converted centuries earlier.

The ____________ banking family, who resented the power of the Medici, had ____________ arrested.

Albizzi; Cozimo

Define: Debate About Women

Debate among writers and thinkers in the Renaissance about women's qualities and proper role in society.

Define: Popolo

Disenfranchised common people in Italian cities that resented their exclusion from power.

The bronze sculpture of David by ________ was the first free-standing statue created since ancient Rome.


What artist revived the classical form of sculpture?

Donatello revived the classical form of sculpture.

What laid the basis for the Renaissance?

Economic growth laid the basis for the Italian Renaissance, merchants that gained political power used their money and power to hire talent as potions of the art. Especially trade. Political developments.

Define: Patronage

Financial support of writers and artists by groups or individuals, often to produce specific works or styles of work.

Brunelleschi was jailed and forced to stop work on Il Duomo (the dome) when his patron was found guilty of treason against _____________.


The humanist poet, _________________, saw the 14th century as a new golden age and called the previous 1000 years the ____________.

Francesco Petrarch; the Dark Ages

Brunelleschi also devised a way to alter the _________ on pulleys so the oxen could pull the 1700-pound sandstone beams 250 feet into the air and return them to the ground without changing direction.


Once Il Dumo was finished, Cosimo organized the ____________________ of Florence, which brought people from all over the word to his city; included were scholars who knew and could translate the ancient Greek texts that Cosimo and his friends had been searching for.

General Council

Define: Signori

Governments ruled by one man in Italian cities like Milan; also refers to these rulers.

The linchpin for the development of nation/states was a strong-

Monarchy was the linchpin for the development of nation/states.

Name the new Renaissance movement that stressed the personality and uniqueness of a person.


What rescinded "the pragmatic sanction"?

It was revoked to improve relations with the Holy See. The Concordat of Bologna.

The Florentine government hired who to create the sculpture of David?

Michelangelo has hired to create the sculpture David.

Cosimo de Medici's patronage of Baldesari Cossa paid offwhen Cossa became Pope ___________.


What ruler initiated a series of policies that revived the French monarchy?

King Charles VII, a frail, indecisive ruler that revived the French monarchy after the 100 years war.

Why was Louis XI called the "Spider King"?

King Louis XI was called the "Spider King" because of his treacherous character.

Define: Courts

Magnificent houses and palaces where signori and other rulers lived, conducted business, and supported the arts.

For more than two centuries, Italian city states were ruled by?

Merchant oligarchs and signori.

Tell one way in which Norther Humanists differed from the Italians?

Northern Humanists differed from Italians because their focus was more towards religion where Italians shifted their attention to nature.

Define: Christian Humanists

Northern humanists who interpreted Italian ideas about and attitudes towards classical antiquity and humanism in terms of their own religious traditions.

When Cosimo died in 1464, the Florentine's declared him ________________, father of the fatherland.

Pater Patriae

Artists depended on what for survival?


Marcella Fantoni: "Patronage is great for the production of art but totally irrational from an economic view. _____________ is a political strategy... high political competition...."


What prevented the centralization of power in Italy?

The centralization of power in Italy was hindered by loyalty to the city states, geography, and the balance of power.

Brunelleschi also invented linear _____________. According to Jeremy Brotton, this invention changed the way we SEE creating a modern way of looking at the world.


In his essay, On the Dignity of Man, what Florentine writer stressed that man had no limits on what he could accomplish?

Pico della Mirandola

When Cosimo was finally asked to return to Florence, he had even more power and prestige. The Medici banks became the most important banks in Europe as they collected money for the ________.


Cosimo's patronage of Brunelleschi helped the family gain _________________.

Power and Prestige

The ____________ was a satire of worldly wisdom written by?

Praise of Folly; Erasmus

What secular humanist used wild and gross humor?


Florence was proud to be the only __________ in Europe; but the government was often corrupt.


A basic concern with the material world instead of with the eternal word of spirit is known as-


Define: Communes

Sworn associations of free men in Italian cities led by merchant guilds that sought political and economic independence.

T/F: After Lorenzo's death, Savonarola gained control of the city; his bands of "skinhead" teens roamed the city beating up prostitutes, burning homosexuals, and harassing anyone wearing jewelry, makeup, or elaborate clothes as well as anyone still owning dice or cards.


T/F: All of the artists that the Ninja turtles were named after (Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael, Donatello) worked for the Medici family.


T/F: Botticelli's painting La Prima Vera (the spring), which was based on classical mythology rather than the Bible, explored new and possibly dangerous artistic ground.


T/F: Eventually Botticelli either changed his mind about what subjects are appropriate for painting or he feared the repercussions his art might bring because he threw some of his own paintings on Savonarola's "Bonfire of the Vanities."


T/F: For 20 years, the Florentines benefited from Lorenzo's public generosity, his "spending virtuously" on buildings, art, festivals, and entertainments.


T/F: In the "Bonfires of the Valentines", Savonarola and his followers burned books, makeup, clothes, wigs, art, and jewelry.


T/F: Lorenzo established the first art school in Florence.


T/F: Lorenzo survived, and his supporters hanged the conspirators-including two relatives of the pope-from the government building windows.


T/F: Lorenzo visited his enemies in Naples alone, bribed them, and defeated the Pope's attempts to destroy Florence.


T/F: Savonarola believed that nude paintings and non-religious art were evil.


T/F: Six years after his fundamentalist backlash against the Renaissance and Lorenzo de Medici, Savonarola was excommunicated, tortured, chained, hanged, and burned. Florence had turned against the prophet after suffering years of plague, war, and starvation.


T/F: The Pazzi were killed or run out of Florence, but Pope Sextus sent an army against Florence to avenge the death of his relatives.


T/F: The current Pope, Pope Sextus, was in on the plot against the Medici.


T/F: The frescoes in the chapel of the Medici Palace advertised the family's power.


T/F: The system of patronage used by the Medici family to operate Florence and Tuscany, in which people are personally loyal to a family that looks out for them in return, was similar to the system used by the Mafia to control Southern Italy.


T/F: When Lorenzo returned to Florence, he was named "Il Magnifico" and asked to take over the government of Florence; he agreed.


T/F: When Lorenzo's banks began to fail, the "amici delle amici" (friends of friends) system of influence began to break down because there weren't enough personal favors to go around.


Name one effect of the Hundred Years War.

The 100 years war left France depopulated, commercially ruined, and agriculturally weak.

The humanist poet, Francesco Petrarch, saw the 14th Century as a new golden age and called the previous thousand years-

The Dark Ages

In his famous work, _________________, Boccaccio portrayed a worldly society.

The Decameron

The Hapsburg-Valois wars of the 16th Century were between what two countries?

The Holy Roman Empire and France

What was the inquisition?

The Inquisition was to search and root out New Christians to see if they were secretly performing the banned rights of the Jews. They did this through things like torture and seeing if people refused to eat pork.

Pope Alexander's son, Cesare Borgia,was the model for what work of Machiavelli?

The Prince

In his famous work _____________, what author explained how a ruler gained, maintained, and increased power?

The Prince; Niccolo Machiavelli

A revival of interest in classical literature was known as-

The Renaissance

Chapter Synthesis

The Renaissance contrasted with the late Medieval period despite certain continuities. This era of the 'Rebirth' of classical antiquity effected art, architecture, education, social structures, and people's attitude toward life. Following this explosion of culture, the reformation like the Renaissance looked back on times believed to be better than their own , offering opportunities for individuals to shape the world around them.

Chapter Contextualization:

The Renaissance was a movement in the 14th-16th centuries, during the late medieval period. The rise of the Renaissance began in Italy and with time spread across Europe. Giorgio Vasari was the first to use the term "Renaissance", works like his 'Michelangelo' were made to show that the classical past had been reborn.

What was the "Star Chamber" in England?

The Star Chamber was a judicial offshoot that dealt with aristocratic threats, it was called the Star Chamber because of the stars painted on the ceiling of the room.

What great series of wars occurred between the Houses of Lancaster and York?

The Wars of the Roses were a series of civil wars between the Houses of Lancaster and York, they fought for the English monarchy.

The Northern Italian cities were communes made up of what kind of people?

The communes were made up of free men who sought political and economic independence from local nobles.

What marriage was a big step towards the unification of Christianization of Spain?

The marriage of Queen Isabella of Castile and King Ferdinand of Aragon.

What group was excluded from power in the commons?

The popolo, disenfranchised common people that were kept from power in Italian cities.

Name the ruling that proclaimed the special rights of the French crown over the French church.

The pragmatic sanction of Borge.

Define: Virtú

The quality of being able to shape the world according to one's own will.

What is the origin of the word slave?

The word slave is Slavic and means 'unfree people'. Means Slavs, peoples the Spanish captured as slaves.

What happened to the status of upper class women during the Renaissance?

Their status declined.

What author wrote a book called, _________, about an ideal community?

Utopia; Sir Thomas Moore wrote Utopia, a book about an ideal community with religious tolerance where everyone did their fair share and lived in harmony.

The subject of early 15th century art remained ____________ but as the century advanced it became more ____________________.

religious ; realistic/ secular

The education of renaissance women was to prepare them for what?

Women that lived during the Renaissance were educated to prepare them for managing a household.

What product was a major factor in Florence's financial and population increase?

Wool was the major factor in the city-states population and financial increase.

The era's stunning technological invention __________________ c. 1445 was the printing press by _________________.

printing press; Johannes Gutenberg

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