AP Euro: Chapter 13 Study Guide

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Dante Alighieri

- 1265-1321 - Florentine poet/writer - note: humanists often pictured wearing red robes and a leaf crown on heads - set standard for Renaissance literature - wrote in vernacular and everyone looked at his writing(he also had his own little dialect) - created Divine Comedy- 3 parts of the afterlife(purgatory, inferno, and paradiso); includes religious and political commentary * set the path for humanism; made it so many people could read and learn about literature

Francis Petrarch

- 1304-1374 - famous humanist - dedicated life to solitude - lived in Italy and Avignon, so he wrote about religion a lot, especially the papacy in Rome and Avignon - called the Father of Humanism - wrote about Ancient Greek/Romans, and a woman named Laura - influenced by classical poetry - wrote book titled On the Solitary Life * considered the first humanist; revived the styles of classical authors

Great Famine

- 1315-1322 - lots of rain due to little ice age in Europe - made it hard to grow and store wheat bc it was so wet(has to be v dry) - many moved to cities to get jobs—> $$=food; led to overcrowding * ruined crops = starving population = weakened population so they're not prepared for Black Plague

Ciompi Revolt

- 1378 - Florence, Italy - ciompi=wool workers - ciompi were so low class that they weren't even allowed to form a guild * revolt let to the creation of a guild for them, and a new distribution of power in the city until the upper classes once again ruled govt. by 1382

Joan of Arc

- 1412-1431 - French - sees vision from God saying to lead army- goes to dauphin, tells him this - after persuasion, she convinces him that she's legit - leads army to victory at Orleáns- holdout city to English - then goes after Paris but is captured by Burgundy, who turns her over to English - Eng. accuse her as a witch and burn her at stake - years later she is called a Saint * caused the turning point in the Hundred Year's War- English winning to French winning

War of the Roses

- 1455-1485 - pits Lancaster against York(parts of England) * Henry VII(Tudor Dynasty) makes peace between Lancaster and York by marrying family into York

Black Death

- 1st outbreak between Black/Caspian Seas - came on rats/fleas on ships from Asia(China & Mongolia) - bacteria called Yersina Pestis spread through fleas/biting people/animals - fleas also got into traded goods on ships - spreads to Genoa, then W. Europe, then Russia - takes 2- 6 days for symptoms to show - some go to Poland to avoid plague - diff. types: main are pneumonic & bubonic; v contagious - takes 2-4 days until death - urban crowding/poor sanitation(waste everywhere) - didn't bathe and thought bad smells would drive it away - 1/3 to 1/2 populaton dies(75-100 mil); some areas lose 90% - medicine is poor/unhelpful- often made it worse - thought cause was god's wrath-flagellants beat themselves to make it go away - blamed one's sins and Jews(persecuted and killed many- Jews fled to Poland) - also thought stars caused it, or poisoned air - optimistic to pessimistic shift- all people thought about was getting plague - Macabre(Dance of Death)- procession of people going to their graves * population weakened significantly-still small after 100 yrs; economy boosted-more jobs & more food; standard of living rises-transition from wheat to barley; more variety/quantity of food & laborers can negotiate higher wages; feudalism begins to end-peasants no loner tied to land; birth rates climb; better education & more universities added

Julius Caesar

- 49 BCE: conquered Rome(crosses Rubicon River) - 44 BCE: declares himself dictator for life(Republic—>dictator) - called a tyrant, murdered * established the Roman empire; did many great thing for empire until dictatorship(land, govt., innovations, law codes, architecture)

Greek Golden Age

- 500-300 BCE - time of warfare and major achievement * more peaceful than normal; not a ton of war; people had generally good lives; not as much poverty/struggle as usual; allowed for more development-more prosperous

Roman Republic

- 5th-1st century BCE - overthrew monarchy in 5th century BCE - Representative government: 2 consuls- Senate(Patricians) & Assembly(Plebeians) * made change from non-representative to representative govt. w/ different parties

Athenian Democracy

- Athens was cult. center of world; values individualism, art, philosophy; not about that Sparta life - power to common people(no representatives in voting), any male could vote, majority rule * focused more on creative works than on war or conquering everything; lead to more inventive things

Theodosius I

- Catholicism is state religion - 285 E/W Rome splits - divides empire among 4 sons=weakening, rivalries between them - 476 empire falls * signif. weakened Roman empire when he divided it into 4, triggered many problems that led to fall of Rome


- Christianity was originally persecuted by Romans - 312 converts to Christianity - passed Edict of Mulan: protects Christians, you can't kill 'em * very important figure who converted to Christianity(which Romans were against); claimed to see cross in sky right before he won imp. battle and gained power

Hundred Year's War

- England barely owns any land on the continent, but gains more and more power over France - starts bc Charles IV of France is fighting w/ English bro in law, and he has NO SON to succeed him - Charles IV dies-now have to find new king - closest male heir is Edward III(son of English king)-he has claim to BOTH French and English thrones - French don't want Charles V, so throne given to Philip VI- fights to take back French lands - war fueled by patriotism and greed(want power) - English dominating for 1st 90 yrs- have stronger leaders/kings & better weapons(longbow>France's crossbow) - England gains more French land in Crecy, Poitiers battle - in Agincourt, Henry V defeats French but then French slowly drive out English - Burgundy is established and aligns w/ England bc they're winning and bc they're major trade partners(wool) - Burgundy then switches to France's side when France begins winning later on - Philip VI turns out to be weak ruler, and Charles V is strong(is able to get $ to pay soldiers) - Joan of Arc leads army to victory at Orleáns but is captured after failed attempt to get Paris- is burned at stake * by end of war, English are completely off the continent; devastation of land due to mercenaries pillaging; power shift to France and Burgundy; end of Papal Schism; Chivalry ends(no more knight w/ sword!); Ottoman Conquest of Constantinople ends Byzantine Empire; uprisings by the poor-Jacquerie & Wat Tyler's Rebellion- both in which peasants are mad about taxes so they rebel(are both violently suppressed)

Wat Tyler's Rebellion

- English peasants angry about taxes to fund war so they rebel - rebellion is put down and leaders are executed * while unsuccessful, the peasants retuned to their lords and were able to bargain for better terms


- French peasants angry about the mercenaries(Free Companies) & taxes for the war decide to rebel - nobles reacted w/ violence and killed them * unsuccessful like most rebellions


- Greek philosopher - metaphor for an annoying 3 year old- made everyone mad(questions!) - believed wisdom=justice so wise should rule - people didn't like him, went through trial and execution(could have saved himself but didn't) * kickstarted philosophy and really brought the people into it; taught others to be great philosophers


- Spain - during ruling of Ferdinand and Isabella - wanted religious uniformity and purity - persecuted the converses-Jews who converted to Christianity - since they were no longer Jews, they were instead persecuted as heretics - said all Jews had to either convert or leave spain - after conquering Granada (Muslim), they demanded that the Muslims either adopt Christianity or leave * Jews and Muslims had to convert, leave, or die; purpose was to achieve purity and uniformity of religion


- after 3 major crises(Black Death, Hundred Years War, Great Schism), Europe wants to come out of Dark Ages-are now looking for beauty in life - the church is now less strong, and monarchs are stronger(are making alliances) - people are questioning things - Dante Alighieri important figure around start of humanism - classical revival- Latin books liberated from monasteries - Latin/Greek knowledge, humanities, ancient philosophy, and *educated citizenry(included women!) are taken from the books - humanism introduced - famous humanists include Francis Petrarch and Christine de Pisan * new age after Dark Ages that enlightens people and drives them into a better society; people are wanting to learn more and are getting a better understanding of life and other things; more widespread creative thinking; new music and art


- artist during the Renaissance - painted The Birth of Venus, where Venus is portrayed in nude * one of first to show her nude; drew inspiration from others


- began as idea that men or knights will go to war out of patriotism and to show glory * changed after Hundred Year's War- no more knights w/ swords(not as useful of a weapon anymore), chivalry develops into code of manners/respect/rules for knights to follow


- believed sins were causing plague - beat/whipped themselves to relieve of sins - thought it would end the plague - imitated Christ's suffering * made church mad bc people were turning to the flagellants instead of the church

Urban VI

- chosen by the cardinals to be the pope after Gregory XI dies - abuses position as pope and takes away power from cardinals - this leads the French to elect another pope, Clement VII * bc Urban VI takes power from cardinals, French get angry and elect Clement VII, and the 2 popes start fighting, which draws the whole of Europe into a fight

Philip VI

- chosen to be king of France when Charles IV bc French didn't want Charles V to rule - declared Guyenne(area around Bordeaux-only small part of continent belonging to English) to be his * Edward III in return declared himself the king of France, starting the war

Conciliar Movement

- councils called (not just by the pope) - movement to have monarchs, clergy, or political leaders now get to make decisions - in 1408, a council was held to sort things out and try to achieve reunion-ended up making it worse by electing another pope(this new pope eventually steps down) - Council of Constance- finally ended Schism when both of the remaining popes are eliminated, and Martin V is elected * after a while, it succeeds in ending the Great Schism

Medici Family

- dominant power in Florence - powerful back - Cosimo=patriarch, also took over Florentine politics - grandson=Lorenzo "The Magnificent" - Lorenzo was patron of the humanities and the arts * Medici family was extremely powerful and wealthy for a v long time in Florence

Socratic Method

- don't tell—>lead to discovery - ask question, but don't give answers * made people crave to find out the answers themselves; pushed people to learn new things

Clement VII

- elected by French to be pope when Urban VI makes them mad by taking the cardinals' power * his fight with Urban VI leads to Great Schism

Christine de Pisan

- famous (female) humanist - widow who wrote for a living - lamented violence and wrote a hymn inspired by Joan of Arc * female among many men humanists

Jan Hus

- followers called Hussites(Bohemia) - wanted equality for all - pushed for communion for everyone, laity included - Hus was then lured to the church, condemned a heretic, and burned at the stake * wanted no longer JUST bread given to the common people for communion, they wanted to also receive wine


- followers of Jan Hus - largely Czech laity * Hus' death caused fight between Czechs and Germans(Sigismund called crusades against Hussites)- Hussites fled to Mount Tabor and lived according to the example of the first apostles; were later (by negotiation w/ Sigismund/his successor)incorporated into the Bohemian political system and finally won the right to receive both bread and wine for communion


- followers of John Wycliffe - helped in effort to translate Bible to the vernacular * were persecuted after Wycliffe died, but some took refuge underground and reemerged in Reformation


- glorification of what humans are capable of doing(humanity's potential unlimited)-goal of obtaining more knowledge - revive Latin/Greek to get Europe out of Dark Ages - caused by the confrontation and reaction to crises, the rediscovering of old texts, and the Gutenberg moveable type(1450s) - can now print books for people to read and learn from-most importantly the Bible - mainly literary * easier to learn things w/ printing press; humanism started to bring more people to want to gain knowledge and learn about classical Greece/Rome

Mehmed II

- grandfather=Mehmed I - decided to go after city of Constantinople - built fortress near it and launched an attack- a couple months later, his cannons destroyed the city's walls and took it over * this ended the Byzantine Empire; he then converted the churches to mosques; Constantinople now called Istanbul; formed Janissaries-military force; established roads- made trade easier and more profitable; kept expanding Ottoman empire

Hanseatic League

- hanse=city that relies on trade(located by coast) - cities protect e/o and trade together * all share the fear of the emperor taking their land

John Wycliffe

- in England - followers called Lollards - is against clergy and excommunication - anti-clerical(believes people should be running the church) - true believers, not corrupt priests who are in it more power and $$ should run church - him and his supporters translated the Bible into the vernacular - after his death, Lollards are persecuted in England * helped eliminate the need for the church- w/ Bible in vernacular, the people could read it themselves


- king controls church decisions * French king could control church's income/money & can appoint French bishops; less power to the pope


- land-based hierarchy - king, nobles, knights, peasants * peasants are tied to land- couldn't leave; church prevents peasant uprising by using fear-peasants listen to church

Ottoman Turks

- named after Osman I - converts to Islam, started between Mongol Empire and Byzantium - wanted to take over Constantinople and wage holy war against infidels(unbelievers) - took over Balkans and Anatolia - reduced Byzantine Empire to just city of Constantinople under Mehmed I - later won battle of Kosovo * eventually ended Byzantine Empire

Ockham's Razor

- named after William of Ockham - William thought power of church is in the congregation, not the pope or council - believed in nominalism-we should question the concepts and the names/ideas that are given to intangible things - Ockham's Razor= idea that simple explanations are superior to complex ones * made people start to doubt and question the church more

Leonardo Da Vinci

- painter, sculptor, scientist, anatomist, inventor... - "Renaissance Man" * tried to create a device to make people fly-put many ideas into play; also painted Last Supper and Mona Lisa


- people who went against the church/teachings of the church * if people wanted you dead, they'd likely accuse you of heresy and you'd be burned at the stake


- powerful use of emotion in his works - made sculpture of Christ after his death, laying across mary's lap- very realistic * tries to make you feel sad or guilty with his art pieces

Holy Roman Empire

- present-day Germany - unified in name only - many rulers * many different kingdoms with their own kings, but only 1 emperor who ruled over them all; all of Europe afraid of them b/c if HRE unified, they'd be v powerful

Great Schism

- problem starts w/ Pope Gregory XI moving papacy from Rome to Avignon, France(made Romans mad bc having pop in your country is advantage-more protection, and more $ due to pilgrimages,etc.) - kings/monarchy are finally becoming stronger, not as afraid of pope anymore - Gregory XI dies & cardinals meet to elect new pope- choose Urban VI(Italian) - Urban VI takes power from cardinals, making them v angry, especially the French ones - France, Spain, and Italy are strongly Catholic - French decide to defy the rules and elect new pope, Clement VII, so now there's TWO POPES - the 2 popes fight over who is pope and excommunicate each other - countries have to pick sides(France, Burgundy, Scotland, Castile side w/ Clement VII & England, Poland, Hungary, and the Holy Roman Empire side w/ Urban VI & Portugal keeps switching sides) - everyone is excommunicated by the other side-excommnication becomes less scary - monarchy and clergy call a council meeting to solve issues and achieve reunion-they instead end up with, now, THREE POPES! - the newly elected one steps down and the 2 popes are left - both of the popes are eliminated and Martin V is elected as the new one - Martin V is recognized by ALL monarchs, and the schism is finally over!!! * many new groups formed due to corruption in the church: Lollards, Hussites, and people who followed Marsilius or William of Ockham; much change to church itself(ex: communion)

Greek Philosophy

- question accepted way of life: what? why? how? - natural laws govern world - focus on logic and reason, which made people angry * new way of thinking that made people question more and think more about life; made many mad b/c not used to that mindset

Gregory the Great

- r. 590-604, 14 yrs=long time for pope - made many papal reforms - papal power grows over next 900 yrs *powerful bc pope owns most of land=power; one of only people that can read the Bible(latin), give people fear of excommunication, can communicate with God

Louis XI

- r. France 1461-1483 - "The Spiderking" - made taxes, estates general, and industry(puts tax on salt-v important product at the time) * expanded French territory and consolidated its power; gallicanism established

Edward III

- son of English king - closest heir to Charles IV of France when he dies - has claim to both English and French thrones * declared himself king of France when Philip VI declared Guyenne to be his- kickstarted the war


- student of Plato - science and philosophy explain everything, rationality and logic are keys - scientific thoughts unchallenged for centuries * made one mistake among many great achievements: said earth is in middle & everything orbits around it


- student of Socrates - affected by Socrates' death, but had told Socrates to escape - Plato's Cave * Socrates never wrote anything down, got it from Plato; worked to get everyone involved; taught philosophy to others


- the earth and other planets orbit around the sun * opposite of what Aristotle believed(that earth is in center)

Jan Van Eyck

- use of oil paint - very DETAILED-painted things to look like how they actually are(not idealized people) * represents spread of Renaissance, shows wealthy areas & local influence


- want Jerusalem - pilgrimage and holy war - plan to retake holy land from Muslims- appeal for help from Alexius Comnenus - 1st crusade: plan to unite Europe under church & expand church power; only one w/ some success(captured Jerusalem but lost it again) - following crusades(total of 32-unofficial): not successful - failure due to poor organization, no motivation, underestimating of enemies, many armies w/ different languages & different areas/kings *does some good things such as opening trade routes east, obtain Arab knowledge, church unity/power solidified- church grows/comes out strong

Gregory XI

- was Pope - moved papacy from Rome to Avignon, France after much pressure - cardinals met to elect new pope(ended up choosing Urban VI) * the election of urban VI led the French to elect yet another pope, starting the Great Schism

Charles IV

- was king of France before war - died and had no son so take over throne - was already righting w/ the English king(his bro in law) - closest heir is Edward III-son of English king * major conflict bc Edward III has claim to both thrones and there are fights over who should rule what

The Republic

- written by Plato = his treatise on govt. - everyone has a place, hierarchy: workers, then guardians, then philosopher-kings at the top * goal to get everyone involved in society


- wrote "The Defender of the Peace" in 1324(during Avignon papacy) - said church power comes from the people - tried to change the organization and administration of the church * implied that the Christians themselves form church(not just the Pope), and that the pope should be elected by general council representing all Christians

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