AP EURO Chapter 15

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Glorious Revolution

(1688)Seven English nobleman invited William of Orange to invasion England. William and Army raises an army and invade England while James, his wife and their son fled to France. In 1689, the Convention Parliament claimed that James had Rome the contract and declared the throne empty and was then offered it to William and Mary, who accepted it along with a declaration of rights. -Historians view this as the end of the struggle between the king and Parliament. Parliament had demolished the divine right theory of kingship and confirmed it's right to participate in the government.

Great Northern War

(1701-1721) Peter reorganized his army a,ong Western lines. His army defeated Charles' army at the battle of Poltava in 1709. The war s dragged on for twele hears. The Peace of anystadt in 1721 gave for al recognition of what peter had achieved: gained Estonia, Livonia, Karelia.

Vienna and the Ottoman Empire

1529 was the first attempt by the Ottoman Empire, led by Suleiman the Magnificent, to capture the city of Vienna, Austria. The siege signalled the pinnacle of the Ottoman Empire's power and the maximum extent of Ottoman expansion in central Europe. Thereafter, 150 years of bitter military tension and reciprocal attacks ensued, culminating in the Battle of Vienna of 1683, which marked the start of the 15-year-long Great Turkish War. The Battle of Vienna took place in Vienna on 11th and concluding on the 12th of September 1683 after the imperial city of Vienna had been besieged by the Ottoman Empire for two months.

Bishop Jacques Bossuet

A French theologian who was one of the chief theologians of absolutism. He wrote his ideas in his book calked Politics Drawn from the Very Words of the Holy Scripture. He argued that government was divinely ordained so tht humans could live in an organized society. God established King's and God ruled everyone through them. The King's power is absolute.


A form of government in which the sovereign power or ultimate authority rested in the hands of a monarch who claimed to rule by divine right and was therefore responsible only to God.

Oliver Cromwell

A leader of the Parliament side and had his crusaders well disciplined and trained.he had a victory in the first and second phase of the war. -After the war, he faced opposition in E gland from the radical minded groups who wanted to push their agendas, such as the levelers. But he crushed the radicals by force". He had to dismiss Rump Parliament because they were too difficult to deal with. He destroyed the king and Parliament. -The army provided a new government when the Instrument of Government was drawn up. It was the written constitution of England. Lord protector(Cromwell's position) had executive power and legislative power was in aParloament, which was reinstituted. He dismissed Parliament again in 1655, and divided the country into 11 provinces. Each province had a major general who served as a military governor. He levied a 10% land tax on all former Royalists.

Saint Petersburg

A new city that Peter started to build after the Great Northern War. It ea his window on the west and a symbol that Ariadne was looking westward to Europe. The construction cost thousands of peasants their lives. Bt it was completed during Peter's lifetime and was the capital of Russia until 1917.


Advocated freedom of speech, religious toleration and a democratic republic, and wanted the right to vote for all male householders over the age of twenty one. Theynalso wanted annual Parliaments, women's equality with men, and government programs to care for the poor.

Bill of Rights

Affirmed Parliament's right to make laws and levy taxes and made it impossible for King's tooppose or do without Parliament by making it that standing armies could only be raised with Parliament's comsentl the rights of citizens to petition the sovereign, keep arms, have s jury trial, and not be subject to excessive bail. Helped fashion a system of government based on the rule of law and a freely elected Parliament. It did not settle the religious questions.

Poland's Sejm

Also known as the polish Diet and it was a two chamber assembly in which landowners dominated the few townspeople and lawyers who were also members. To be ledges to kingship, prospective monarchs had to agree to share power with the Sejm in matters of taxation, foreign and military policy and the appointment of state officals and judges. The power of the Sejmhad disastrous results for the central monarchical power because most of the members of the Sejm wanted to ensure the authority of the central authority wouldnt affect their local interests. The meetings of the Sejm could be stopped by a single dissenting member in 1652.


Amsterdam was the financial and commercial capital of Europe by the 17th century. There was an urban expansion plan that increased te territoris and added three large canals. They prepared plots for the tall, narrow fronted houses. The canals made it possible le for merchants and artisans to use the upper stories of their houses as storerooms for their items. They had vast fleets of ships and ships were also important carriers of products to other places. Dm Square was where Amsterdam merchants unloaded their cargoes shrew ll goods that weighed more thatn 50 lbs were recorded and tested for quality. It was also the chief Oort for the Dutch West Indian and East Indian trading companies. It was also the principal supplier of military goods in Europe. -Trading profits provided money for ivestment. The Excbange Bank of Amsterdam was a public bank in northern Europe. The Amsterdam Stock Exchange was also founded. Towards the second half of the century, instead of wearing dark colors, they wore more elaborate clothing because they started to reject the Calvinist heritage

Treaty of Karlowitz

Austria took control of Hungary, Transylvania, Croatia and Slovenia, establishing an Austrian Power in southeastern Europe. But it never became highly centralized because there were too different many national groups.

"Divine Rights"

Belief that the monarchs got their power directly from God and are responsible to know one except God.

the Restoration

Charles II returned to England. The restoration of the monarchy and Ouse of Lords occurred. Parliament kept a lot of power it had won:role in government acknowledged, necessity for consent to taxation, arbitrary courts abolished. Anglican Church was reinstated as official Curchill of England. Laws passed to forfeit Catholics and a puritan Dissemters to conform to the Anglican Church.

Peace of Utrecht

Ended the War of Spanish Succession. Cnfirmed Philip V as the Spanish ruler and initiated a Spanish Bourbon dynasty. The Soanish , Milan and Napkes were given toAustria and Brandenburg-Prussia apgained territoriesl England received Gibralrar and the Afrench possessions in America of anewfoundlandm Hudson's Bah Territoy and Nova Scotia.

John Locke

He argued against the absolute rule of one man. He wrote Two a treatises of Government. He believed that humans lived inna state of equality and freedoml he believed people established a government to ensure the protection of their rights.

Louis XIV's wars

He wanted to increase royal power and wanted military glory, which led to war. In 1667, he began his first war by invaded Spamish Netherlands and Franche Cmte, the alliance of the Dutch,English and swedes forces Louis to sue for peace in 1668 and accept a few towns in the Spanish Netherlands. He never forgave the Dutch fo the triple alliance, so after isolating the Dutch, they invaded the United Provinces. this led Brandenburg, Spain and HRE to form a coalitio that forced Lous to end the Dutch war. France received Franhe Comte from Spain. -He moved to the HRE and annexed the provinces of Alsace and Lorraine and then occupied the city of Stasbourg. This creation of the League of Augsburg, consisting I'd Spain, the HRE , the United Provinces, Sweden and England, led to his third war -third war consisted of an 8 year struggle which brought economic depression and famine to France the treaty of Ryswick ending the war forced Lous to give up most of his conquests in the empire, -the War of Spanish Succession(1702-1713) was over the Spanish throne. Charles II had left the throne to Lous XIV, but Phil V took over tahere was suspicion that there would be a unification of France and zsoain. England, the United a provinces, Habsburg Austria and German sates opposed Frane and zsoain in the war the French forces were defeated at Blenheim in 1704 led by John Curchill and duke of Marleborough. The Pece of Utrecht ended the war,

Louis XIV

He was an absolutist, and took the throne after Mazarin died(1661). A lot of people did not have faith in him, inluding his mother. He created the court of Versailles. This set the standard for monarchies and aristocracies. He called himself the Sun King because he was the light of all his people.

Peter the Great

He was an unusual character. He admired European technology and gadgets and wanted to bring them to Russia. His first priority was to reorganize the army and create a navy, he employed both Russians and Europeand ad officers and had peasants for 25 years of service, he built a standing army of 210,000 men. He formed the first Russian navy. He reorganized the central government, he created the Senate to supervise the administrative machinery of the state while he was away at military campaigns. The senate was like a ruling council, but ic aused Peter to borrow the Western institution of boards of administrators what had seocific functional Peter dicier Russia into eight provinces. He warned a sens of civi duty but ins forceful personality created fear in people. He demanded all members of the landholding class serve in either military or civil services. In 1722, he instituted the Table if Ra is to create opportunities for non nobles to serve the state. Al civil offices were ranked acceding to foureen levels. Every official was required to start at level 1 and work his way up. When a non noble reached level 8, he was considered a noble. Peter obtained mercantilistic policies. He relied om raisin taxes, imposing burdens on peasants. He abolished the patriarch and created a body called the Holt ausomod to make decisions for the church. He also brought back Western customs. Beards were to be shaved and coats shortened. Peter allowed men and women to mix and women were able to marry o their free will. -He wanted to "open a window to the West"Peter attacked Sweden in the summer of 1700 with the help of Poland and Dnmark, Charles smashed the Danes, Poles andRouted the Russia army St the Battle of Narva. -He modernized and westernized Ariadne to the extent that it became a great military power and important member of the European state system. But the e way Peter forced European practices on them, so they distrusted it.

James II

He was originally the king Of Scotland, but was then left the throne to Engand from his cousin Elizabeth. He did not know the government or customs of English. He made the absolutism beliefs his own, which alienated Parliament, because they were used to the balance of power. Parliament refused his requests for additional monie Medes to meet the increased cost of government. The puritans wanted James to eliminated the episcopal church, but James needed the support from the bishops of the Anglican church, so he refused.

Thomas Hobbes

He wrote the Leviathan, which was published in 1651. He claimed that in the state of nature human life was poor before organized society. People contracted to form a commonwealth of government to prevent themselves from eating each other. The commonwealth placed it's power into the hand ps of sovereign power and it had unlimited power. The subjects were not to rebel.

Fredrick William and the Great Elector

Laid the foundatio for the Prussian state. He built a competent and efficient standing army. By 1678, he had a 40,000 msn army that absorbed more than half of the state's revenues, he established the General War Commissariat to levy taxes for the army and oversee it's growth and training, it evolved inti an agency for civil government too. The new bureaucratic system befame his chief instrument for governing the state. He made a deal with the nobles. This led to serfdom. He follow mercantilism policies. He laid the ground work, and his son, Fredrick III was granted the tieless of King of Prussia

the Romanovs

Michael Romanov was the new tsar and begn the Rmanov dynasty. The tsar was at the top of society and was divinely ordained.

the house of Orange

Occupied the stadholderate in most of the seven provinces and favored the development of centralized government with themselves as hereditary monarchs. They were opposed by the State general, which was an assembly of representatives from every provoke who advocated a decentralized government .

Test Act

Passed by Parliament in 1673, specifying that only A glicans could hold military and civil offices.

English Civil War

Phase 1(1642-1646)-Parliment was victorious in this phase. The creation of the New Model Army was the most important part of their victory. It was composed of mostly extreme Puritans who believed they were doing battle for the Lord. This phase ended with the capture of Charles I -There was a split in Parliament the Presbyteruan wanted to disband the army and restore Charles I with a Presbyterian state church. the more radical independents, marched on London in 1647 and began negotiations with the kingl Charles flee and went to get help from the Scots -Phase 2(1648) they were angered at the King's treachery, and the war ended with Cromwell's victory and the capture of Charles. Presbyterian embers in Rump Parliament of the House of Commons who tried to condemn Charles on the counts of treason. He was beheaded in January 1649


Powers typically attributed to European witches include turning food poisonous or inedible, flying on broomsticks or pitchforks, casting spells, cursing people, making livestock ill and crops fail, and creating fear and local chaos.

Edict of Fontainebleau

Provided destruction of Huguenot churches and the closing of Protestant schools. This led to 200,000 Huguenots defying prohibition of France and went t other places, which made these places stronger because many of them were artisans.

the Orthodox Church

The Eastern Orthodox Church is one of the oldest religious institutions in the world, teaching that it is the continuation of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church established by Jesus Christ in his Great Commission to the apostles, and practicing what it understands to be the original faith passed down from the Apostles (Holy Tradition). United in communion with the Latin Church for the first half of its history and with the Oriental churches for the first quarter of its history, Orthodoxy spread throughout the Roman and later Byzantine Empires and beyond, playing a prominent role in European, Near Eastern, Slavic, and some African cultures. Its most prominent episcopal see has resided in Constantinople since that city's founding in AD 324, centuries before the East-West Schism around 1054. Nevertheless, Orthodoxy has no Papacy or bishopric of similar authority. The commonly-used but unofficial designation of "eastern" derives from its geographical placement in relation to the "western" churches, which became (Roman) Catholic, and the historical function of Constantinople as the capital city of the eastern part of the Roman Empire.

the Fronde

The Parlement of Paris, masses of Paris and nobles of France were allies. The nobles of the Parlement of Paris started the firt Fronde. It broke out in Paris, but was ended by a compromise. The second Fronde began in 1650, which was led by the nobles of the sword who wanted to overthrow Mazarin because they wanted to secure their positions and increase their power. They were crushed in 1652 which was made easier when the nobles began fighting each other. The majority of France rallied the best hope for stability was for the power lay in thebhands of the crown

the Stuarts

The Stuart line of rulers started with the affection to the throne of King James VI of Scotland who became James I of England.

Jean-Baptiste Colbert

The controller of finances in Francel he sought to increase the wealth and power I'd France by using mercantilism. He wanted t decrease the need for imports and increase exports, so he tried t expand the quantity and improve quality of Frenchbmanufactured goods. He drew up regulations for the quality if goods and oversaw the training of workers, and he granted special privileges, including tax exemptions, loans and subsidies to individuals who established new industries. He built roads and canals. He raised tariffs on foreign manufactured goods to decrease imports. Some historians see his policies as unsuccessful because the taxes hurt the peasants and they were geared towards making the king more powerful, but they were self defeating.

Cardinals Richelieu and Mazarin

The government was dependent on royal minists because both Louis' were only boys when they were succeeded to the throne. Cardinal Richelieu was Louis XIII's chief minister from 1624-1642. He eliminated the military and political rights of the Huguenots, but preserved their religious rights, making the more reliable subjects. He understood the power of the nobles in France, so he sent out spies to uncover the nobles' plots and have the conspirators executed. The intendants and provincial governors had disputes, but the intendants usually won, which increased the crown power. He was not successful in economics though. The basic system was corrupt, but a lot of people benefited from this so theyfaced resistance when they tried toreform. Henalso increased the taille and crown lands were mortgaged gain. And wanted t face the rowan power of the Habsburgs, which led to increased expedintures.


The royal fourt that was the personal household of Lous XIV, location of central governmental machinery, the place where powerful subjects came to find favors and offices and thermion arena where aristocrats jostled for powerless. It was a place for King's government workwear. It became a symbol for the French absolutist state. It became home t the high nobility and royal princes, which had them excluded from real power. This alsonled to Louis having very little privacy. Ut he had a routine and jobless wanted to help the ing in his activities, the around these could lead to them obtaining offices. The royal people were expected to follow etiquette. There were also entertainment events.

Russian serfdom

The society was dominated by the upper class of aristocrats who managed to bind their peasants to the land. There was an abundance of land and s shortage of peasants,which made serfdom desirable. Townspeople were also controlled. Manu merchants werent allowed to move from their cities without selling their business or government permission.


The work of the Hohenzollerns dynasty. Three disconnected masses in western central and eastern Germany. Only a oersrin if apt he Hohenzollern ruler connected them. Foundation for it was laid by Fredrick William the great Elector. He built a competent snd efficient standing army. The nobles supported Fredrick's policies deceived from the agreement he made with them. He made a deal with the nobles that they had unlimited power ofer their peanuts, exempted the nobles from taxaton and awarded tem the highest ranks in the army and commissariat in return for Fredrick to be able to have a free hand in running the government. He follow the mercantilism policies, constructed roads and canals and used high tariffs and monopolies for manufacturers to stimulate domestic industry.


They were Protestants in the Anglican Church inspired by Calvinish theology. The ones in Parliament wanted James to eliminate the episcopal system of church organization used in the church of England. James refused because he realizes that he needed the support from the bishops of the Anglican Church. They were not easily cowed down and added to the opposition of the kingl a lot of the nobility had become puritans and a lot of these people formed a large part of the house of Commons, the lower part of Parliament and also held other positions.

Conscript Standing Armies

They were developed my Gustavus Adolphus. They were noted for their flexibility of tactics. They also used salvo so they all fired at the same time.

the Hohenzollerns

They were the family that had come to rule the insignificant principality in norhereatern Germany in 1415. In 1609, they inherited some lands in the Rhie valley in western Germany they dominated and were now a house and had masses in westernmost central and eastern Germany where only the person of the Hohenzollerns connected them.

Thirty Year War

Years' War was a series of wars in Central Europe between 1618 and 1648. Initially a war between Protestant and Catholic states in the fragmenting Holy Roman Empire, it gradually developed into a more general conflict involving most of the great powers of Europe, becoming less about religion and more a continuation of the France-Habsburg rivalry for European political pre-eminence. The Thirty Years' War saw the devastation of entire regions, with famine and disease significantly decreasing the population of the German and Italian states, the Kingdom of Bohemia, and the Low Countries. The war also bankrupted most of the combatant powers. Both mercenaries and soldiers in armies were expected to fund themselves by looting or extorting tribute, which imposed severe hardships on the inhabitants of occupied territories. The Thirty Years' War ended with the treaties of Osnabrück and Münster, part of the wider Peace of Westphalia.

Peace of Westphalia

was a series of peace treaties signed between May and October 1648 in Osnabrück and Münster. These treaties ended the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648) in the Holy Roman Empire, and the Eighty Years' War (1568-1648) between Spain and the Dutch Republic, with Spain formally recognizing the independence of the Dutch Republic. The Peace of Westphalia involved the Holy Roman Emperor, Ferdinand III; the Kingdom of Spain; the Kingdom of France; the Swedish Empire; the Dutch Republic; the Princes of the Holy Roman Empire; and sovereigns of the free imperial cities. The treaties that comprised the peace settlement were: The Peace of Münster between the Dutch Republic and the Kingdom of Spain on 30 January 1648, ratified in Münster on 15 May 1648; and Two complementary treaties both signed on 24 October 1648, namely: The Treaty of Münster (Instrumentum Pacis Monasteriensis, IPM), between the Holy Roman Emperor and France and their respective allies. The Treaty of Osnabrück (Instrumentum Pacis Osnabrugensis, IPO), involving the Holy Roman Empire, Sweden and their respective allies. The treaties did not restore peace throughout Europe, but they did create a basis for national self-determination. The Peace of Westphalia established the precedent of peaces established by diplomatic congress,[4][5] and a new system of political order in central Europe, later called Westphalian sovereignty, based upon the concept of co-existing sovereign states. Inter-state aggression was to be held in check by a balance of power. A norm was established against interference in another state's domestic affairs. As European influence spread across the globe, these Westphalian principles, especially the concept of sovereign states, became central to international law and to the prevailing world order.

Gustavus Adolphus

was the King of Sweden from 1611 to 1632 and is credited as the founder of Sweden as a Great Power (Swedish: Stormaktstiden). He led Sweden to military supremacy during the Thirty Years War, helping to determine the political as well as the religious balance of power in Europe. He is often regarded as one of the greatest military commanders of all time, with innovative use of combined arms. His most notable military victory was the Battle of Breitenfeld.

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