AP Euro Chapter 21

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A Limited Monarchy

*Declaration of the rights of man- Statement of fundamental political rights adopted by the French National Assembly at the beginning of the French Revolution; Issued by the National Assembly *Women marched to Versailles to find the Queen *Forced royal family to go and live in Paris *National Assembly formally abolished french nobility and formed Constitutional monarchy *Departments- French provinces that were more "naturally organized" *Constitutional Monarchy *King remained head of state, but all lawmaking power was placed in the hands of the National Assembly *Assembly imposed a radical reorganization on the country's religious life *Remake the Catholic Church *Failure

Foreign Reactions and the Beginning of War

*Edmund Burke- In Reflections of the Revolution in France, he forecast problems as those without political experience attempted to govern *Mary Wollstonecraft- English writer and early feminist who denied male supremacy and advocated equal education for women *These two writers opposed eachother *When Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were arrested and returned to Paris after trying unsuccessfully to slip oit of France in June 1791, the monarch of Austria and Prussia issued the Declaration of Pilnitz *Declaration of Pilnitz- the statement made by Austria and Prussia that they would attack France if anything happened to the King or Queen. empty threat gone wrong *Legislative Assembly- replaced National Assembly; took away most of king's power *Jacobins made up the deputies of the Legislative Assembly *Jacobins- Radical republicans during the French Revolution. They were led by Maximilien Robespierre from 1793 to 1794. *Jacobins committed to liberal revolution and distrustful of Monarchy *France declared war on Prussia *France beat the First Coalition *Monarchy fled to the Legislative Assembly and then were imprisoned.

Timeline of the French Revolution

*Estates General convene at Versailles *Third Estate declares itself the National Assembly *Oath of the Tennis Court is sworn *Storming of Bastille *Great Fear ravages the countryside *National Assembly abolishes feudal privileges *National Assembly issues Declaration of the Rights of Man *Women march on Versailles and force royal family to return to Paris *National Assembly confiscates church lands *Civil Constitution of the Clergy establishes a national church. Louis XVI reluctantly agrees to accept a constitutional monarchy *Royal family is arrested while attempting to flee France *Austria and Prussia issue the Declaration of Pillnitz *France declares war on Austria *Parisian mob attacks the palace and takes Louis XVI prisoner *September massacres occur. National Convention declares France a Republic and abolishes monarchy *Louis is executed *France declares war on Britain, Holland and Spain. Revolts take place in some provincial cities *Bitter struggle occurs in the National Convention between Girondists and the Mountain *Robespierre and the Mountain organize the Committee of Public Safety and arrest Girondist leaders *Price controls are instituted to aid the sans-culottes and mobilize the war effort *Reign of Terror darkens Paris and the Provinces *French Armies are victorious on all fronts *Robespierre is executed. Thermidorian reaction begins *Directory rules *Economic controls are abolished, and suppression of the sans-culottes begins *Napoleon defeats Austrian armies in Italy and returns triumphant to Paris *Austria, Great Britain, and Russia form the Second Coalition against France *Napoleon overthrows the Directory and seizes power

Legal Orders and Social Realities

*Estates- The clergy, the nobility, and everyone else *Clergy- 10% of land; didn't have to pay regular taxes Nobility- 25% of land; taxed lightly *Manorial Rights (enjoyed by Nobility- privileges of lordship) *Everyone else was a commoner; peasants and agricultural workers *Bourgeoisie was the middle class *Increasing in size, wealth, culture and self-confidence, this rising bourgeoisie became progressively exasperated by archaic "feudal laws" restraining the economy due to the nobles. *They rose up to lead the the 3rd estate in a great social revolution *Fall of the Old Regime

The Second Revolution

*Fall of Monarchy *Louis's imprisonment was followed by the September massacre *September Massacres- revolutionaries break into prisons across france and massacre thousands of people for fear that political prisoners will aid the austrian-prussian army *Newly election National Convention *National convention- french formed governing body that abolished the constitutional monarchy, declared France a republic and executed louis xvi *All of the members were Republican, and at the beginning almost all belonged to the Jacobin club of Paris *2 groups: Girondists and The Mountain (Led by Robespierre) *Convention sentenced Louis to death- Guillotine *Battle of Valmy- victory for France which stopped invading armies, national convention abolishes the monarchy and declares France a republic *Everywhere the army went they chased the princes, abolished feudalism and found support among middle-class people *In February, the National Convention, at war with Austria and Prussia, declared war on Britain, Holland and Spain as well. *Peasant revolts about being drafted in the army *National Convention found in a political struggle between the 2 groups *Sans-culottes (Without breeches)- in the French Revolution, a radical group made up of Parisian wage-earners, and small shopkeepers who wanted a greater voice in government, lower prices, and an end of food shortages- Jacques Roux *At first the Mountain joined the Girondists in rejecting these demands. But in the face of military defeat, peasant revolt, and hatred of Girondists, The Mountain and especially Robespierre became more sympathetic. *The Mountain joined with sans-culottes activities, which forced the Convention to arrest 31 Girondists for treason. All power to the Mountain. *Committee of Public Safety- The leaders under Robespierre who organized the defenses of France, conducted foreign policy, and centralized authority during the period 1792-1795. *Caused revolt *Wanted a decentralized govt

Framing the Constitution

*Federal Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the creation of a national republic *3 Branches *Checks and Balances (Montesquieu)

Total War and the Terror

*First coalition falling *Robespierre and the Committee of Public safety advanced with implacable resolution on several fronts *First, they collaborated with the sans-cullottes *Robespierre established planned economy *Total war- the channeling of a nation's entire resources into a war effort *Planned Economy- an economy in which government directs the use of national resources and regulates the economy to achieve both goals and stability. *Reign of Terror- This was the period in France where Robespierre ruled and used revolutionary terror to solidify the home front. He tried rebels and they were all judged severely and most were executed *Robespierre and Committee of public safety executed thousands *Nationalism- a strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country

The Revolt of the Poor and the Oppressed

*Harvest Failure; Price of bread began to soar *Rumors that the king's troops would sack the city began to fill the air. Angry crowds formed, and passionate voices urged action. *Storming of the Bastille *The next day a committee of citizens appointed the Marquis de Lafayette commander of the city's armed forces. *uprising had broken the power monopoly of the army and saved the National Assembly *Peasant revolts *Great Fear

The French Revolution

*Hundreds of French officers served in America and were inspired by the experience *The French Revolution was more radical than the American revolution and more complex

World War and Republican France

*Maximilian Robespierre- The Jacobin leader who seized control of France in 1793 and eventually went crazy.

Napoleons Rule of France

*Napoleon born in Corsica into an impoverished noble family *Left home and became a lieutenant in the French artillery *French hero *Placed in command of French forces in Italy *Campaign in Egypt was a failure *Learned that come prominent members of legislature were plotting against the Directory *Directory was a weak dictatorship *Abbe Sieyes motto- "Confidence from below, authority from above" *Sieyes wanted strong military leader *Napoleon named first consul of republic by a plebiscite *First Consul- Napoleon named this after ousting the Directory; remained this until proclaiming himself emperor; first of three *Plebiscite- A popular vote *Civil Code- Napoleonic Code; this code preserved most of the gains of the revolution by recognizing the principle of the equality of all citizens before the law, and ect. *Concordat of 1801- This is the agreement between Pope Pius VII and Napoleon that healed the religious division in France by giving the French Catholics free practice of their religion and Napoleon political power "the majority of frenchmen are catholic" *Family Monarchy- The idea that the father was the head of the household and ruled with absolute authority. -aim of Napoleon Bonaparte -set back women's rights gained from French Revo. *Joseph Fouche- Head of Napoleons secret police

Timeline of the Napoleonic Era

*Napoleon overthrows the Directory *French voters overwhelmingly approve Napoleons new constitution *Napoleon founds the Bank of France *France defeats Austria and acquires Italian and German territories in the Treaty of Luneville. Napoleon signs the Concordat with the pope *France signs the Treaty of Amiens with Britain *Napoleon crowns himself emperor *Britain defeats the French and the Spanish fleet at the Battle of Trafalgar *Napoleon defeats Austria and Prussia at the Battle of Austerlitz *Napoleon redraws the map of Europe in the treaties of Tilsit *The Grand Empire is at its height *Napoleon invades Russia with 600,000 men *Napoleon makes a disastrous retreat from Russia *Russia, Prussia, Austria and Britain from the Quadruple alliance to defeat France *Napoleon abdicates and it exiled to Elba *Napoleon escapes from Elba and rules France until he is defeated at the Battle of Waterloo

The Formation of the National Assembly

*Spurred by a depressed economy and falling tax receipts, Louis XVI's minister of finance revive old proposals to impose a general tax on all landed property as well as to form provincial assemblies to help administer the tax, and he convinced the king to call an assembly of notables to gain support for the idea. *Made up of important noble men and clergy members *They were not in favor of it *When the govt refused, the notables responded that such sweeping changed requires the approval of the Estates general, the representative body of all three estates, which had not met since 1614. *In July 1788, a beaten Louis bowed to public opinion and called for a spring session. *The absolute monarch was collapsing. What would replace it? *3rd Estate not invited- Now calling themselves the National Assembly *Tennis Court Oath- to make a new Constitution *Louis, in last attempt, called his army to Versailles

The Breakdown of the Old Order

*The debt and annual budget deficit soared *Impossible financial situtation *Had to increase taxes

Napoleon captured Moscow after winning the Battle of __________


The ______ , merchants and artisans, were well educated and believed strongly in the Enlightenment ideas of liberty and equality.


Marquis de Lafayette

French soldier who joined General Washington's staff and became a general in the Continental Army.

A senseless wave of panic, called the __________, swept the countryside and many peasants broke into nobles' manors and tore up the old legal documents that bound them to pay feudal dues.

Great Fear

The Peninsular War was a war between France and Spanish_________

Guerrilla fighters

In 1796, Napoleon won a series of victories in _______, which ended Austria's threat to France.


The period of Robespierre's rule has become known as the ______________

Reign of Terror

After the king called for the Estates-General to meet, problems broke out over __________

Representative voting


The political prison and armory stormed on July 14, 1789, by Partisian city workers alarmed by the king's concentration of troops at Versailles


Freedom from governmental control

National Assembly

French Revolutionary assembly (1789-1791).

As a result of the French army's conquests in Europe, the rulers of _________, __________, and _________ all signed peace treaties with France.

Austria, Prussia, and Russia

After Robespierre's death, a new constitution was written that called for a two-house legislature and an executive body of 5 men, called the _________


Napoleon was forced to abdicate his throne and then exiled to ________


In 1804, with the support of the French people, Napoleon was made the _______ of France


The Constitution of 1791 gave legislative power to a ____________ and left the executive power to the _________

Legislative Assembly; King

Napoleons European enemies quickly took advantage, and defeated him at the German city of _________


Representative Government

Power is held by the people and exercised through the efforts of representatives elected by the people.

The King was tried for _______ and executed by the ________

Treason; Guillotine

Napoleon's final defeat occurred at the Battle of _______



having the same conditions and opportunities as everyone else

Constitutional Convention

meeting of delegates in 1787 to revise the Articles of Confederation, which produced the new U.S. Constitution

Bill of Rights

written list of freedoms the government promises to protect

The queen, _______, was unpopular because she was Austrian and she spent large sums of money on food, clothes and jewels.

Marie Antoinette

After the king's death, Maximilien Robespierre took control of the govt and tried to create a _____________

"Republic of Virtue"

Revolutions impact on Europe

*American Independence fired the imaginations of those aristocrats who were uneasy with their hereditary privileges and those commoners who yearned for legal equality. *America showed that a better world was possible

Abbe Sieyes

*Argued that lower classes were more important than the nobles and the government should be responsible to the people. *Wrote an essay called "What is the 3rd estate?"

Origins of the Revolution

*British gov't fought and won 7 years war *Cost of war led to a doubling of the British national debt *Stamp Act *Americans not represented in British Parliament (King was George III) *Wanted Independence *Boston Tea Party


*Common Sense (Thomas Paine) *On July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence (Written by Thomas Jefferson) *America recognized as Independent by Britain by the Treaty of Paris

The Thermidorian Reaction and the Directory

*The goal of Robespierre and the committee was to increase the ideal democratic republic where justice would reign and there would be no rich or poor. *Unrestrained despotism (the exercise of absolute power, especially in a cruel and oppressive way. "the King's arbitrary despotism") *Wealthy led by Jacques Hebert *Robespierre executed *The Directory- National Convention drafted a new Constitution which called for a 2 house legislature and an executive body of 5 men, known as this *Thermidorian Reaction- it was the result of widespread opinion that the Revolution had become too radical, it was a return to more traditional spheres for men and women, caused by the fall of Robespierre, price control and regulations were removed. People suffered, risings broke out. *Middle class reasserted authority *The collapse of economic controls, coupled with runaway inflation, hit the working poor hard. *The San culottes believed in small business, decent wages and economic justice *Army restricted poor *Large outcry for peace *Wrote another constitution *5-man executive: The Directory *Ended by Napoleon in a coup de etat

Napoleons Wars and Foreign Policy

*Treaty of Luneville *Battle of Trafalgar- an 1805 naval battle in which Napoleon's forces were defeated by a British fleet under the command of Horatio Nelson *Battle of Austerlitz- An important battle when Napoloen defeated the Third Coalition and all the countries had to sign treaties *Confederation of the Rhine- League of German States organized by Napoleon in 1813 after defeating the Austrians at Austerlitz. The league collapsed after Napoleon's defeat in Russia. *Grand Empire- built by Napoleon and composed of three parts: an ever-expanding France, a number of dependent satellite kingdoms, and the largely independent but allied states of Austria, Prussia, and Russia


*educated, middle class of France *provided force behind the revolution

When the king tried to tax the nobles, the _______, forced him to call a meeting of the Estates-General.

2nd Estate

The Grand Army of France entered Russia with 422,000 troops but only _________ returned to France


About _____ percent of the population belonged to the 3rd Estate.


Great Fear

A wave of senseless panic that spread through the French countryside after the storming of the Bastille in 1789

When rumors started that foreign troops were coming to Paris to massacre French citizens, an angry mob stormed the _________ in search of gunpowder


The 1st Estate was made up of the _______, which owned 10% of the land in France.


In the summer of 1793, Robespierre became the leader of the ____________, which was created to identify "enemies of the republic

Committee of Public Safety

In 1799, the Directory was dissolved and Napoleon assumed dictatorial powers as the _______ of the French Republic


In 1806, Napoleon attempted to make Europe more self-sufficient through the use of what he termed the ____________

Continental system

A sudden seizure of power like Napoleon's is known as a ___________, or a "blow of state"

Coup de Etat

Robespierre was finally forced from power by ___________, who then had him executed.


The french king in 1789, _______, was a weak leader who paid little attention to governing.

Louis XVI

After escaping from exile, Napoleon gathered volunteers from the French countryside and sized power from __________

Louis XVII

The Napoleonic Era

Napoleon Bonaparte- Army general who rose to become Emperor of France and conquered more the half of Europe. Established a Consulate, Concordat with the church, and Civil Code. Defeated 1815 at Waterloo.

Instead of meeting with the other two estates, the delegates of the 3rd estate voted to form a ___________ to pass laws and reforms in the name of the people.

National Assembly

Tennis Court Oath

National Assembly is locked out of meeting place for estates-general and meets in tennis court where they pledged to not leave until a constitution was made.

Napoleon's first chance for glory came when he defended delegates at the ___________ from attacking royalist rebels.

National Convention

Great Britain responded with a __________ against France, which became the major cause of war between Great Britain and the US

Naval Blockade

The 2nd Estate was made up of _______, whose wealth was in the land and paid no taxes.


The political and social system that existed in France before the French Revolution was called the

Old regime

More than 80% of the people in France were _______


The National Assembly lost support of the _________ when it sold off Church lands to pay off some of the debt


In 1800, a ________, or vote of the people, was held to approve a new constitution


Thomas Paine

Revolutionary leader who wrote the pamphlet Common Sense (1776) arguing for American independence from Britain.

When Napoleon invaded Russia, the Russian army retreated toward Moscow and practiced a __________ policy

Scorched earth

the delegates took a pledge, called the _____________, promising to continue meeting until they had drawn a new constitution

Tennis Court Oath

On August 27, 1789, the National Assembly adopted a statement of revolutionary ideals called ______________

The Declaration of Rights of Man and the Citizen

Treaty of Paris (1783)

Treaty Between England and the Colonies , formally ended the American Revolutionary War

Classical Liberalism

a term given to the philosophy of John Locke and other 17th and 18th century advocates of the protection of individual rights and liberties by limiting government power.


believing in the social and economic equality of all people

In depth notes


louis xvi and marie antoinette

king and queen of France were spending much of france's money on themselves not on helping the citizens= citizens uprising= death of king and queen by guillotine.

Civil Constitution of the Clergy

passed July 12, 1790 during the French Revolution, subordinated the Roman Catholic Church in France to the French government.

Manorial Rights

privileges of lordship that allowed them to tax the peasantry for their own profit

Declaration of Independence

the document recording the proclamation of the Second Continental Congress (4 July 1776) asserting the independence of the colonies from Great Britain

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