AP Euro Chapter 27 and 28

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According to the best estimates, about how many people died in the Second World War?

50 million

As practiced in the 1930s, appeasement was

A British policy that aimed to give Hitler whatever he wanted in order to avoid war

When did Jews in Palestine proclaim the state of Israel?

After the British withdrew from Palestine in 1948

In the 1950s and 1960s, what became the basic objective of all western European governments?

Economic growth

Why did the Council of Europe fail to evolve into a European parliament with sovereign rights?

Great Britain consistently opposed conceding any real political power and sovereignty to the council.

How did Big Science foster the Green Revolution?

Research into agriculture greatly increased the world food supply, using fewer workers and more productivity per acre

Lenin's New Economic Policy was a political compromise with

Russian peasants.

Why did the Soviet army stop its advance on Warsaw in August 1944?

So that supplies and troops could be shifted to the Asian theater of operations to counter recent Japanese gains

What did Nikita Khrushchev's de-Stalinization campaign call for?

The Communist Party to retain its monopoly on political power

To receive Marshall Plan aid, European states were required to cooperate with one another. What was the result of this cooperation?

The Organization for European Economic Cooperation

What does neocolonialism refer to?

The idea of a system designed to perpetuate Western economic domination and undermine political independence

Where did Nazi administrators initially gain experience in mass murder?

The murder of Germans with physical and mental disabilities prior to the war

The Marshall Plan in 1947 was a response to

a Western Europe on the verge of economic collapse

The "cult of the Duce" (leader) promoted the image of Mussolini as

a powerful strongman embodying the best qualities of the Italian people.

The ultimate goal of the plan for an international organization to coordinate coal and steel production in Europe in the 1950s was to

bind the six members of the European Coal and Steel Community so closely that war would be impossible.

Khrushchev's "secret speech" at the Twentieth Party Congress in 1956 was

condemnation of Stalin, his cult of personality, and his crimes.

Changes in the structure of European society after the Second World War were primarily the result of

economic and technological transformation.

The advancement in military weaponry and the space race

fostered a revolution in computer technology.

The Allies adopted the principle of the unconditional surrender of Germany and Japan in order to

further encourage mutual trust among the Allies.

The growth of the middle class in the postwar era has been attributed primarily to

increased demand for technologists and managers.

The Bretton Woods agreement of 1944

linked western European currencies to the U.S. dollar.

The parliamentary government in Italy was breaking down at the time of the Fascist march on Rome in October 1922, largely because of

the violence perpetrated by Mussolini's own black-shirted militants.

Britain and France finally confronted Hitler with the threat of war when he

used the pretext of German minorities in Danzig to threaten Poland.

What was the outcome of the decolonization of the Belgian Congo?

Belgium quickly withdrew from the Congo, granting it independence with irresponsible haste.

Who were the kulaks in Stalin's Soviet Union?

Better-off peasants who were stripped of land and livestock and usually not allowed to join collective farms

What characteristics did Communist and Fascist dictatorships share?

Both engaged in state-controlled social engineering projects meant to replace individualism with a unified "people."

Why did Britain adopt a policy of appeasement in its relationship with Hitler?

British conservative leaders underestimated Hitler.

How did German chancellor Heinrich Brüning try to cope with the Great Depression in the early 1930s?

By cutting government spending and squeezing wages and prices

In Stalin's Soviet Union, women

Could enter the ranks of specialists in industry and science

In 1954, Vietnam obtained independence from


Which six western European countries formed the European Economic Community, or Common Market, in 1957?

France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Italy, and West Germany

Which countries in August 1939 signed a nonaggression pact that led directly to war?

Germany and the Soviet Union

Why did Stalin call for the mass murder of the kulaks?

He believed that as landowners they would eventually embrace conservative capitalism and become great enemies of socialist progress.

What was the effect of the 1935 Nuremberg Laws?

It defined as Jewish anyone having three or more Jewish grandparents

Which battle was the decisive turning point in the clash between the Soviet Union and Germany?


What was the result of breaking the Berlin blockade in 1948-1949?

The creation of two separate German states: West Germany and East Germany

What was Germany's goal in the Battle of Britain?

To gain air supremacy in anticipation of an invasion of Great Britain

What was the primary goal of the opponents of the Nazis in the Protestant and Catholic churches?

To preserve religious life in Germany

What did the Marshall Plan accomplish?

It prevented economic collapse in Western Europe.

Stalin's theory of socialism in one country

Argued that the Soviet Union could build socialism on its own

How did the Soviet Union and eastern European Communist regimes treat displaced persons returning home after the war?

As politically unreliable because of their exposure to western European society

What did the West German minister of the economy do in 1957 to foster economic growth?

He emphasized free-market capitalism.

Why was Mussolini expelled from the Italian Socialist Party?

He urged Italian entry into World War I.

Which of the following social groups was part of the new elite class in the Stalinist state?

Highly regarded artists

The target of the first of two atomic bombs dropped on Japan in 1945 was


According to Hitler's New Order, which European race was considered subhuman along with the Jews?

The Slavic race

What was socialist realism?

The requirement that artists and writers idealize the working class and the Soviet Union in their work.

What were the duties of the German Einsatzgruppen (Special Task Forces)?

They followed the German army into Central Europe, systematically murdering "undesirables" as they moved from town to town.

After the Second World War, the Soviet Union

reestablished a harsh dictatorship.

What was the Nazi Party policy of "coordination"?

It forced existing German social institutions to conform to National Socialist ideology.

What was the purpose of the Enabling Act in 1933?

It gave Hitler dictatorial powers for four years

At the time of the Yalta Conference in 1945, why was the position of the Soviet Union much stronger in negotiations with the United States and Great Britain?

The Soviet army already occupied much of eastern Europe.

Why was West Germany allowed to build an army after 1955?

A German army would permit Germany to assist in the defense of Europe from attack by the Soviet Union.

Why did Europeans find postcolonial migration troublesome?

Intellectuals worried that immigrant workers would never adopt European values and customs.

How did the East German government respond to the nationwide demonstrations against poor wages and working conditions in 1953?

It permitted Soviet troops to put down the revolt and jailed demonstrators, but then instituted reforms to respond to the demonstrators' strongest demands.

The international military tribunal organized by the four Allied powers to try the highest-ranking Nazi military and civilian leaders was held in the city of


How did real wages for workers and peasants in the Soviet Union in 1937 compare with those in the Russian Empire in 1913?

They were lower.

How did the United States respond to the decolonization movement in the first years after the Second World War?

It encouraged European nations to let go of their former colonies.

What was the consequence of Franklin D. Roosevelt's agreement with Joseph Stalin at the Teheran Conference that the British-American armies would launch a frontal assault on France?

Only Soviet troops would liberate eastern Europe.

Why did Hitler have the leadership of the SA storm troopers, roughly one hundred individuals, killed in 1934?

He wanted to win the support of the traditional military, but the SA leaders had expected appointment to top positions in the army.

What was the effect of Lenin's 1921 New Economic Policy (NEP)?

It encouraged peasants to sell their surpluses in free markets and allowed private traders and small manufacturers to do business again.

Why did Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich create such a sensation when it was published in 1962?

It portrayed in grim detail life in a Stalinist concentration camp.

How did Stalin use the murder of Sergei Kirov to his own advantage?

He blamed the murder on "fascist agents" within the Communist Party and launched a purge of the party itself that solidified his own control.

How did Mao Zedong gain the support of the peasantry in China?

He promised to expropriate land from the large landowners.

How did the Nazis manage the northern European states that they conquered?

They established puppet governments with collaborators willing to rule the states in accord with German needs.

In the late 1920s, how did Adolf Hitler shape the Nazi Party's message to appeal to middle-class voters?

He deemphasized the anticapitalist elements of National Socialism and vowed to fight communism.

How did Mussolini build support from big business in Italy?

He left big business to regulate itself and never purged it members.

What was the "Europe First" policy adopted by the Allied Powers during World War II?

Hitler would be defeated before the Allies mounted an all-out assault on Japan.

How did the Soviet Union initially organize the eastern European nations as it threw out pro-Nazi regimes?

It created coalition governments of leftist political parties but reserved key government posts for Moscow-trained Communists.

Which position did Christian Democrats across Europe endorse during the 1950s?

Socialist economic policies

In the Lateran Agreement, how did Mussolini resolve the status of the Catholic Church in Italy?

The Vatican was recognized as a protectorate under the League of Nations.

What was the Holocaust?

The systematic effort of the Nazi state to exterminate all European Jews during the Second World War

How did the Nazi Party seek to promote the idea of the Volksgemeinschaft?

They created mass organizations such as the Hitler Youth and held mass rallies to spread Nazi ideology and enlist volunteers.

How did the Nazis seek to legitimize their racial policies?

They established research institutes and academies that measured and defined racial differences in order to present prejudice in the guise of enlightened science.

Why did Stalin and his supporters sponsor the first five-year plan?

They feared a gradual restoration of capitalism and, more importantly, wanted to catch up with the West and overcome traditional Russian "backwardness."

What problem was faced by most of the underground resistance groups who opposed the Nazis?

They were not well unified, for they had differing political goals.

After the war, why did national governments quickly establish authority over questions of guilt and punishment for those who had collaborated with the Nazi regime?

Unofficial groups were seizing and executing alleged collaborators on their own.

Christian Democrats in which country promoted a "social-market economy" based on a combination of free-market liberalism, some state intervention, and an extensive social benefits network?

West Germany

How did the Soviet Union's treatment of Czechoslovakia in 1948 demonstrate its intention to consolidate its hold on eastern Europe?

Even though the Czech Communist Party had won significant electoral support, Stalin still orchestrated the overthrow of the government and establishment of a one-party Communist dictatorship.

How did the pieds-noirs complicate the experience of decolonization in Algeria?

Having lived in Algeria for several generations, these European Algerians threatened revolt against France if France did not oppose the Islamic independence movement.

Who was the only Communist leader able to successfully resist Soviet domination?

Josip Broz Tito

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