AP Euro- LearningCurve Chapter 28

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Before Nikita Khrushchev's reforms in the mid-1950s, authors like Boris Pasternak and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn would have been persecuted for their publications because they did not conform to what Soviet state-sanctioned art movement?

Socialist Realism

What did Westerners call the reforms that were spurred by Nikita Khrushchev's "secret speech" of 1956?


On what principles was the postwar West German "social-market economy" based?

Free-trade liberalism, some state intervention, and extensive social benefits

Which country was most likely to practice a policy of nonalignment during the Cold War?


What role did communism play in post-World War II western Europe?

It developed sizable parties in some western European countries and won small minorities in some states.

Why did the strategy devised in 1943 for the British and Americans to make an assault on Germany through France have momentous implications for the Cold War?

It meant that western Europe would be liberated by Western powers and eastern Europe by the Soviets.

What economic organization was created by two French statesmen in 1950 to foster western European economic cooperation?

The European Coal and Steel Community

Though the specifics of their programs were different, how was denazification the same in the Western and Soviet zones of postwar Germany?

Many former Nazis found leading positions in government and industry in both areas.

What happened to Jewish survivors of the Nazi concentration camps immediately following the end of World War II (1945-1947)?

Many moved first to displaced persons camps and then dispersed to different areas.

How did the European middle class change from the nineteenth century to the post-World War II period?

Membership shifted from people with property in the 1800s to those with management expertise after 1945.

How did the Indonesians gain independence from the Dutch in 1949?

Several years of guerilla warfare

Which trend contributed to the rise of the 1960s women's equality movement in the United States and western Europe?

Sexism and discrimination in the workplace

What factor contributed to the western European "economic miracle" of the 1950s?

The Korean War

Which development contributed directly to the western European "economic miracle" of the 1950s?

The Marshall Plan

Which event or policy spurred the Soviet establishment of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON) in 1949?

The Marshall Plan

What factor contributed to the western European "economic miracle" of the 1950s?

The focus of postwar European governments on economic growth

Which development reveals the ineffectiveness of Nikita Khrushchev's policy toward relations with the West?

The construction of the Berlin Wall

What was a long-term result of the Berlin blockade (1948-1949)?

The creation of NATO and the Warsaw Pact

Which of the following was a long-term result of the Berlin blockade (1948-1949)?

The creation of two separate German states

Signed in 1957, the Treaty of Rome created what European economic body?

The Common Market

How were postcolonial Vietnam and Korea divided when their European colonizers abandoned the effort to maintain them?

A northern Communist half and a southern pro-Western half

What key military strategy at the Tehran Conference of 1943 had momentous implications in the Cold War?

A British-U.S. assault on Germany through France

What was an important consequence in the Soviet Union of the "Great Patriotic War of the Fatherland"?

A rare but real unity between Soviet rulers and most citizens

What was an important consequence in the Soviet Union of the "Great Patriotic War of the Fatherland"?

A strengthening of Russian nationalism

Which factor contributed to helping women secure jobs in the postwar western European workplace?

An economic boom created a strong demand for labor.

What were the Nuremberg trials, held after World War II?

An international tribunal for the highest-ranking Nazi military and civilian leaders

Why did the United States sometimes help an authoritarian regime take power in a country experiencing decolonization from the 1950s to the 1970s?

Because the authoritarian regime opposed communism

What new model for science led to the development of things like radar, new rocketry, and the atomic bomb?

Big Science

After 1949, what other Communist state joined the Soviet Union in supporting rebellions in the developing world to help create socialist states?


Which group appealed to the most voters in places like West Germany after World War II?

Christian Democrats

Which East Bloc country resisted reforms in the 1950s altogether?

East Germany

Which country's postwar economic system most hindered it from competitively producing and distributing inexpensive consumer goods?

East Germany

What prompted the Suez crisis in 1956?

Egypt nationalized the foreign-owned Suez Canal Company, infuriating the British.

How did the average family size in the 1950s compare to that in the 1960s?

Family size was larger in the 1950s.

What did the Communist governments of the East Bloc implement to achieve economic reconstruction?

Five-year plans

What was a long-term result of the Berlin blockade (1948-1949)?

Greater American confidence in containment

What was Nikita Khrushchev's position on Soviet foreign policy after he became the Soviet leader in the mid-1950s?

He wanted better relations with the West.

When he gained power after Joseph Stalin's death, what position did Nikita Khrushchev take on the need to reform the Soviet Union?

He wanted to make major innovations quickly.

Which of the following is an example of the postcolonial migration seen in 1945?

Immigrants from Indonesia moved to the Netherlands

Which Asian nation drove European rulers out of East Asia during World War II?


Which factor contributed to helping women secure jobs in the post-World War II workplace?

Jobs in education and health care, already open to women, became central to the economy.

What was one benefit of Big Science that ordinary people widely enjoyed in the 1950s and 1960s?

Lower prices for consumer goods

Who became the model for membership in the new middle class of both eastern and western Europe after 1945?

Managers and civil servants

Why did the 1948 Council of Europe fail to evolve into a European parliament?

Nations like Britain refused to concede their sovereignty to a European political body.

Why did the 1957 European Economic Community fail to quickly evolve into a European parliament?

Nations like France, led by Charles de Gaulle, refused to concede their sovereignty.

What was an impact on everyday life of Europe's "economic miracle"?

Near full employment and high wages

What do we call the policy that Gamal Abdel Nasser implemented to play the Cold War superpowers against one another?


What was Mohandas Gandhi's message to his followers about British rule in India?

Nonviolent noncooperation

In his "secret speech" at the Twentieth Party Congress in 1956, what did Nikita Khrushchev tell Communist Party members?

Stalin's rule was unjust.

Who were the "Big Three" who met in Tehran in 1943?

Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt

Where did the 1943 conference of the "Big Three," which was crucial in determining the shape of the postwar world, take place?


What impact did the Soviet response to the 1956 Hungarian revolution have on the West?

Tens of thousands of western Communist Party members resigned in disgust over Soviet actions.

The following is an excerpt from the exchange in the Nixon-Khrushchev "Kitchen Debate" (Evaluating the Evidence 28.2). In it, Khrushchev responds to Nixon's statement that the United States has been in existence for one hundred and fifty years: "One hundred and fifty years? Well then we will say America has been in existence for 150 years and this is the level she has reached. We have existed not quite 42 years and in another seven years we will be on the same level as America. When we catch you up, in passing you by, we will wave to you. Then if you wish we can stop and say: Please follow up. Plainly speaking, if you want capitalism you can live that way. That is your own affair and doesn't concern us. We can still feel sorry for you but since you don't understand us — live as you do understand. . . ." What assumption underlay Khrushchev's statement?

That Americans did not really understand communism

The following is an excerpt from the exchange in the Nixon-Khrushchev "Kitchen Debate" (Evaluating the Evidence 28.2). In it, Khrushchev responds to Nixon's statement that the United States has been in existence for one hundred and fifty years: "One hundred and fifty years? Well then we will say America has been in existence for 150 years and this is the level she has reached. We have existed not quite 42 years and in another seven years we will be on the same level as America. When we catch you up, in passing you by, we will wave to you. Then if you wish we can stop and say: Please follow up. Plainly speaking, if you want capitalism you can live that way. That is your own affair and doesn't concern us. We can still feel sorry for you but since you don't understand us — live as you do understand. . . ." What assumption underlay Khrushchev's statement?

That the Soviet Union was making rapid progress

Which country was the first to launch a man-made satellite to orbit the earth?

The Soviet Union

In his "secret speech" at the Twentieth Party Congress in 1956, what did Nikita Khrushchev tell Communist Party members?

The Soviet Union needed major changes.

Why was the postcolonial status of the Congo problematic for the United States?

The United States and western Europe were heavily invested financially in the Congo.

Why was the postcolonial status of the Congo problematic for the United States?

The United States worried that the Congo might fall into Soviet hands.

What was an impact on everyday life of Europe's "economic miracle"?

The availability of radios and washing machines to the average person

What developments in eastern and western European countries after 1945 were similar?

The change in class differentiation

What was the name for the western European practice of recruiting labor from other, less-developed countries in the 1950s and 1960s?

The guest worker programs

Thanks to reforms in industry and economics in the 1950s, what was the status in the East Bloc and Soviet Union by the 1960s?

The low standard of living had improved.

Why were western Europeans of the 1950s and 1960s more inclined to take on debt than prewar Europeans?

The new social security system eased the worry over having to save for emergencies and old age.

Which was a factor that led prominent European intellectuals of the 1950s and 1960s to suggest that migrants from North Africa and Turkey would never adopt European values and customs?

Their Muslim faith

What position taken by American and British leaders frustrated Soviet leader Joseph Stalin for much of World War II?

Their delay in opening a western front

Why did Christian Democratic political parties appeal to so many voters in postwar western Europe?

They championed a return to traditional family values.

The following is an excerpt from Frantz Fanon's The Wretched of the Earth (Evaluating the Evidence 28.3). In it, he discusses the role of violence in decolonization: "Violence alone, violence committed by the people, violence organized and educated by its leaders, makes it possible for the masses to understand social truths and gives the key to them. Without that struggle, without that knowledge of the practice of action, there's nothing but a fancy dress parade and the blare of the trumpets. There's nothing save a minimum of readaptation, a few reforms at the top, a flag waving: and down there at the bottom an undivided mass, still living in the middle ages, endlessly marking time." According to Fanon, what happens when a colonized people gain independence without going through a violent struggle?

They experience little real change.

How did the Palestinians and surrounding Arab states respond to the creation of the Israeli state in 1948?

They immediately attacked Israel.

Why did Christian Democratic political parties appeal to so many voters in postwar western Europe?

They offered voters a center-right vision of reconciliation and recovery.

How did Communist Party leaders in the East Bloc deal with strikes in the 1950s?

They suppressed the strikes with force.

What was the purpose of the 1947 Marshall Plan?

To aid in European economic recovery

What goal did Leonid Brezhnev have for domestic policy after he became Soviet leader in the 1960s?

To re-Stalinize the Soviet Union

What was one benefit of Big Science that ordinary people widely enjoyed in the 1950s and 1960s?


How successful were the Allies at "denazifying" Germany after World War II?

Ultimately, many former Nazis ended up in leading positions in German government and industry.

What caused the Berlin blockade in 1948?

Western allies replaced the currency in their zones of Germany and Berlin.

Which statement describes how women's lives changed in the 1960s and 1970s?

Women were seeking new roles in the world of work outside the family.

Which group saw great improvement in their quality of life because of the welfare benefits implemented by post-1945 European governments?


Which statement characterizes the general pattern of migration in Europe during the 1950s and 1960s?

Workers left Turkey to find work in West Germany.

At which conference did the Allies agree that the four victorious powers would each occupy a separate zone of Germany?


Which eastern European Communist state proclaimed political independence and resisted Soviet domination?


European federalists hoped that the 1948 Council of Europe would evolve into

a European parliament.

A painting of strong Soviet workers in a factory is an example of

socialist realism.

The following is an excerpt from West German Chancellor Ludwig Erhard's reflections on the expansion of consumption in postwar Europe (Evaluating the Evidence 28.1): "I have often pointed out that the consumption of quality goods can only be expanded provided we tolerate their use being confined initially to a relatively small number of people in the higher income brackets. If this is not accepted, and if the enjoyment of such goods is regarded as indulgence and made the subject of social obloquy and hostility, then the economy will be forced to abandon production in this sector, and there will be a corresponding loss of potential national income (and jobs) and the growth of the country's productive capacity will be forcibly curtailed. One section of the press actually challenged me to say how an old-age pensioner was to set about getting his refrigerator. To this puerile question I replied that the first motor-cars in America were presumably not run by pensioners but by millionaires, and I do not consider this reply unduly flippant." Erhard believed that the expansion of consumption would and should begin with

the wealthy.

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