Ap Euro Midterm Review(chapter 14-21)

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In order for Henry Navarre to become king, what statement did he make?

"Paris is worth a mass"

Desiderius Erasmus

(Dutch) The Praise of Folly;satirical;makes fun of the pope

Thomas More

(English)began life as a lawyer, studied the classics, and entered government service.He wrote the book "Utopia" It's describes a community on an island somewhere beyond Europe where all children receive a good education, primarily in the Greco-Roman classics, and adults divide their days between manual labor or business pursuits and intellectual activities. The problems that plagued More s fellow citizens, such as poverty and hunger, have been solved by a beneficent government. Because private property promoted inequality and greed, profits from business and property are held in common. There is religious toleration, and order and reason prevail. Because Utopian institutions are perfect, however, dissent and disagreement are not acceptable.(basically it was about an ideal community)

Characteristics of Renaissance art

1.Realism and expression;first nudes since classical times 2.Perspective;linear perspective 3.Classicism;Greco-roman influence 4.Emphasis on individual;self portraits 5.Geometrical arrangement of figures 6.Light and shadowing/softness

Secular humanist who used wild and gross humor?


How many popes did The Medici family produce?

3 popes


A French word meaning "rebirth," first used by art historian and critic Giorgio Vasari to refer to the rebirth of the culture of classical antiquity.


A basic concern with the material world instead of with the eternal world of spirit


A program of study designed by Italians that emphasized the critical study of Latin and Greek literature with the goal of understanding human nature

Holy office

Agency established to combat heresy and jurisdiction over the inquisition

What type of education did Petrarch propose?

An education in which young men would study the works of ancient Latin and Greek authors, using them as models of how to write clearly, argue effectively, and speak persuasively. The study of Latin classics became known as the studia humanitates , usually translated as "liberal studies" or the "liberal arts."

Name of attack by catholics on Calvinists in France

Bartholomew's day massacre


Believing anything other than what the church preached

Artist commissioned to build the magnificent dome on the cathedral of Florence



Campaign ran by Isabella and Ferdinand of Aragon to expel the Jews from Spain(get rid of the heretics);extreme judicial inquiry

Dominated her 3 weak sons

Catherine de Medici

Ruler that initiated a series of policies that revived the French Monarchy

Charles VII(7)

In whose works did the humanists think the glory of Rome had been the strongest in ?


What were the Italian northern cities?


Name of inquisition started by Duke of Alva?

Council of Blood

Art manifested what in the Renaissance?

Corporate power

What prevented centralization of power in Italy?

Continual warfare

What was the first free form sculpture since roman times?

David(Bronze) by Donatello

Debate about women

Debate among writers and thinkers in the Renaissance about women's qualities and proper role in society.


Decameron;a worldly society

Flemish realism took place in?

Denmark,Belgium and the Netherlands

Name 1 effect the 100 years war had in France

Depopulation;commercially and agriculturally ruined

Name of church court luther was called before?

Diet of worms

The most important Spanish artist of the period who was greek(renaissance)?

Domenikos Theotokopoulos(El Greco)

Artist that revived the classical form of sculpture


What laid the basis for the Italian Renaissance?

Economic growth

In order to aid his fellow Huguenots,when Henry Navarre became king he granted them liberty of worship under what document

Edict of Nantes

Luther believed salvation came from___?

Faith alone


Financial support of writers and artists by cities, groups, and individuals, often to produce specific works or works in specific styles.

Where did the Renaissance begin?


Francesco Petrarch

Florentine scholar and poet who spent long hours searching for classical Latin manuscripts in dusty monastery libraries and wandering around the many ruins of the Roman Empire remaining in Italy. He became obsessed with the classical past and felt that the writers and artists of Ancient Rome had achieved perfection in their work and that it should be followed,he also believed that they should ignore the thousand year period between the time of Rome and his own and called it the "Dark Ages".He believed the recovery of ancient texts would bring about a new golden age of intellectual achievement;many others came to share his ideas

The Hapsburg Valois wars of the 16th century were between what two countries?

France and Austria


French Calvinists

What two taxes did Charles VII(7) initiate?

Gabelle(salt) and taille (land)

Who was the first to use the word Renaissance in print?

Giorgio Vasari

Who was ficinos best student?

Giovani Pico de la Mirandola


Government by one-man rule in Italian cities such as Milan.

Albrecht Dürer

Greatest of German artists

What did Plato teach,what was an example and how did Renaissance authors apply this?

He taught that the best way to learn something was to think about its perfect, ideal form. If you wanted to learn about justice, for example, you should imagine what ideal justice would be, rather than look at actual examples of justice in the world around you, for these would never be perfect. Alberti wrote about the ideal country house, which was to be useful, convenient, and elegant, and the English humanist Thomas More described a perfect society, which he called Utopia

What was Bruni the first to do?

He was the first to divide history into three eras—ancient, medieval, and modern

Who became king after the war of the three Henry's?

Henry Navarre(Henry IV)

Thomas Akempis

Imitation of God

What happened to the status of upper class women during the Renaissance?

It declined;they lost prestige

What marriage was a huge step towards the unification and christianization of Spain?

Isabella and Ferdinand of Aragon

What was the "star chamber" in England?

Judicial offshoot of royal council,they applied methods such as torture,secret sessions and no juries


Magnificent households and palaces where signori and other rulers lived, conducted business, and supported the arts.

Education for Renaissance women was meant to prepare them to?

Manage a household

Although the Italian city states weren't moving towards centralization and consolidation like the rest of Northern Europe they did...

Manage to assemble a system of balance of power,where whenever one Italian state appeared to gain a predominant position within the peninsula, other states combined to establish a balance of power against the major threat

The florentine government hired___ to create the statue of David.


Lorenzo Valla is known as the father of ?and wrote which book?

Modern historical criticism;On the false donation of Constantine

The linchpin for the development of nations/states was a strong ___


"It is much safer for the prince to be feared than loved,"... "but he ought to avoid making himself hated."

Niccolò Machiavelli (The Prince)

Christian Humanists

Northern humanists who interpreted Italian ideas about and attitudes toward classical antiquity and humanism in terms of their own religious traditions.

What essay did Pico write and what did he stress?

On the Dignity of Man (1486), Pico stressed that man possesses great dignity because he was made as Adam in the image of God before the Fall and as Christ after the Resurrection. According to Pico, man is the one part of the created world that has no fixed place, but can freely choose whether to rise to the realm of the angels or descend to the realm of the animals; because of the divine image planted in him, he is truly a "miraculous creature."Men's miraculous nature means that there is no limit to what he can accomplish

Who did artists depend on for survival?


Name the ruling that proclaimed the special rights of the french crown over the french church?

Pragmatic sanction of bourges

The eras stunning technological invention c.1455 was the_____ by_____.

Printing press,Gutenberg

One way the northern humanists differed from the Italians was that?

They were strictly christian,and the Italians were more secular

The subject of early 15th century art remained ___ but as the century advanced it became more___.



Remission for the penalty of sins


Renaissance movement that stressed personality and uniqueness

What did many cities in Italy become during the Renaissance?


What is the origin of the word slave?

Slavic:the unfree people of Slavic origin

Accused for having abused the use of indulgences


Baldassare Castiglione wrote what book on education?

The Courtier;it sought to train,discipline,and fashion the young man into the courtly ideal,the gentleman

What did the french invasion do for Italy?

The French invasion inaugurated a new period in Italian and European power politics. Italy became the focus of international ambitions and the battleground of foreign armies, particularly those of France and the Holy Roman Empire in a series of conflicts called the Habsburg-Valois wars (named for the German and French dynasties). The Italian cities suffered severely from continual warfare, especially in the frightful sack of Rome in 1527 by imperial forces under the emperor Charles V. Thus the failure of the city-states to form a federal system, to consolidate, or at least to establish a common foreign policy led to centuries of subjection by outside invaders. Italy was not to achieve unification until 1870.

What happened after the french invasion of Italy due to Milan in Florence?

The Medici dynasty that ruled Florence fell after the French invasion, and Savonarola became the political and religious leader of the city. He reorganized the government and called on people to destroy anything that might lead them to sin: fancy clothing, cosmetics, pagan books, musical instruments, paintings, or poetry that celebrated human beauty. These were gathered together and burned on the main square of Florence in what became known as "bonfires of the vanities."

What work did pope Alexander VI's son,Cesare Borgia,become the model for ?

The Prince;Machiavelli

French rulers were given the right to appoint all french abbots and bishops under?

The concordat of Bologna

What rescinded the pragmatic sanction?

The concordat of Bologna


The quality of being able to shape the world according to one's own will.

What great series of wars happened between the houses of Lancaster and York?

The war of Roses;english King dies without an heir and there is a war over who should become king

What made the 7 northern provinces different from the southern?

They were protestant

Why was Louis XI(11) called the "spider King"

Treacherous character

What treaty ended the Hapsburg Valois wars?

Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis

As part of the Catholic reformation,what two new religious order were formed?

Ursuline nuns and Jesuits


Under the control of the King of Aragon

7 northern provinces led by Holland who declared their independence from Spain?

Union of Utrecht

What 5 powers dominated the Italian peninsula in the 15th century?

Venice, Milan, Florence, the Papal States, and the kingdom of Naples

Popolo aka common people

Were disenfranchised and heavily taxed, and they bitterly resented their exclusion from power.

What product was the major factor in Florence's financial and population increase?


Introduced reformation to Switzerland


What did Renaissance Italians have in relation to their individual city states?

a passionate attachment to their individual city-states: political loyalty and feeling centered on the local city.

What did the merger of the northern Italian feudal nobility and the commercial elite create

a powerful oligarchy, a small group that ruled the city and surrounding countryside

Why were Italian communes often politically unstable?

because of rivalries among different powerful families within the ruling oligarchy

Why was the victory of the popolo proved temporary?

because they could not establish civil order within their cities. Merchant oligarchies reasserted their power and sometimes brought in powerful military leaders to establish order. These military leaders, called condottieri , had their own mercenary armies, and in many cities they took over political power as well.

What did Marsilio ficino do under the patronage of Cosimo de Medici?

began to lecture to an informal group of Florence's cultural elite; his lectures became known as the Platonic Academy, but they were not really a school. ficino regarded Plato as a divinely inspired precursor to Christ, and he translated Plato's dialogues into Latin, attempting to synthesize Christian and Platonic teachings. Plato's emphasis on the spiritual and eternal over the material and transient fit well with Christian teachings about the immortality of the soul. Platonic ideas about love, that the highest form of love was spiritual desire for pure, perfect beauty uncorrupted by bodily desires, could easily be interpreted as Christian desire for the perfection of God.

What did the popolo do through most of the 13th century?

in city after city, the popolo used armed force and violence to take over the city governments. Republican governments—in which political power theoretically resides in the people and is exercised by their chosen representatives—were established in Bologna, Siena, Parma, Florence, Genoa, and other cities.

Renaissance Italians invented the machinery of modern diplomacy

permanent embassies with resident ambassadors in capitals where political relations and commercial ties needed continual monitoring. The resident ambassador was one of the great political achievements of the Italian Renaissance.

Northern humanists

shared the ideas of ficino and Pico about the wisdom of ancient texts, but they went beyond Italian efforts to synthesize the Christian and classical traditions to see humanist learning as a way to bring about reform of the church and deepen people's spiritual lives


sworn associations of free men who, like other town residents, began in the twelfth century to seek political and economic independence from local nobles.


the form of government was republican, with authority vested in several councils of state. In reality, starting in 1434 the great Medici (MEH-duh-chee) banking family held power almost continually for centuries. Though not public officials, Cosimo (1434-1464) and Lorenzo (1469-1492) ruled from behind the scenes, and in the sixteenth century their descendants became the hereditary rulers of Florence and the surrounding area as the Grand Dukes of Tuscany, ruling until 1737.

What did the Signori do in the 15th and 16th centuries?

the signori in many cities and the most powerful merchant oligarchs in others transformed their households into courts


was also called a republic, but the condottieriturned-signori of the Sforza (SFORT-sah) family ruled harshly and dominated Milan and several smaller cities in the north from 1447 to 1535


with its enormous trade empire, ranked as an international power. Though Venice was a republic in name, an oligarchy of merchant-aristocrats actually ran the city.

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