ap euro the french revolution

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Edmund Burke.

An English statesman whose criticism of the French Revolution and other writings have earned him a reputation as a spokesman for conservatism was?:

-suppress independent sans-culotte activity. -protect the revolution from its domestic foes. -drive foreign armies out of France. -prevent runaway inflation.

During the Reign of Terror, the Committee of Public Safety sought to do

terminated the Reign of Terror and led to the execution of Robespierre.

During the era of the French Revolution, the Thermidorean Reaction?:

nobility and upper bourgeoisie were not necessarily pitted against each other.

Recent challenges to the traditional explanation of the origins of the French Revolution have centered on the fact that the?:

security of property.

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen guaranteed?:

the middle class of the Third Estate.

The French National Assembly was established by?:

deep division within both the country and the clergy.

The National Assembly's efforts to reorganize the Catholic Church resulted in?:

government reforms.

The cahiers de doleances of 1789 generally demanded?:


The greatest number of victims under "The Terror" (1793-1794) were from which social group?:

was part of an effort at dechristianization.

The new Republican calendar of 1793?:

third estate; peasantry

The principal French tax, the taille, was paid by?:

represented a successful attack on the tyranny of the Old Regime.

The seizure of the Bastille on July 14, 1789 was important because it?:

the church was made a department of the French state.

Which of the following was a result of the Civil Constitution of the Clergy?:

the French government's near bankruptcy.

Which of the following was responsible for the convening of the Estates General in 1789?:

paper currency backed by church lands

the assignats of the French Revolutionary era were?:

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