AP Euro Unit 6

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Social Darwinism was

applying the ideas of Darwin to society

The policy pursued by Russia's Alexander III and Nicholas II after the assassination of Alexander II was a policy of


What type of new energy source powered the second industrial revolution?


The driving force behind immigration to the cities was

job opportunities.

Anarchist movements were most successful in

less industrialized and less democratic countries where ordinary people could see no hope of peaceful political change.

In late nineteenth-century Europe, human progress was increasingly identified with

material progress or greater consumption of material goods

The "Second Industrial Revolution" saw the advent of what new product?


The first professional occupation to be opened up to women was


By 1871, the focus of Europeans' lives had become

the national state

The Marxist revisionist Eduard Bernstein stressed the need for

working through democratic politics to create socialism.

Louis Napoleon's Second Empire was brought to an end by

France's defeat in the Franco-Prussian War.

Who was responsible for the theory of relativity?


The Boer War was fought by the British in

South Africa

The development of markets after 1870 was best characterized by

urban consumers in Europe who desired a growing number of consumer products.

The trade union movement prior to World War I

varied from country to country, but was generally allied with socialist parties.

Which statement best applies to the Germany under chancellor Otto von Bismarck?

Coalitions were used by Bismarck to get what he wanted and then he dropped them

The event which exemplified renewed anti-Semitism in France in the late nineteenth century was the

Dreyfus affair.

In general, by the late 19th century, the worst treatment of the Jews occurred in

Eastern Europe

Pissarro's statement that "It is the brush stroke with the right value and color which should produce the drawing....Don't proceed with rules and principles, but paint what you observe and feel" refers to which school of painting?


The experimental work of early twentieth-century physicists challenged and ultimately invalidated

Newton's rational, mechanical conception of the universe.

Just prior to World War I, the European intellectual community was marked by

a sense of confusion and anxiety.

In late nineteenth-century Europe, increased competition for foreign markets and the growing importance of domestic demand for economic development led to

a strong reaction against free trade and imposition of steep protective tariffs by most nations

Reforms in urban living included all of the following except

a successful effort to clean up all polluted rivers and lakes.

Theodor Herzl, the leader of the Zionist movement,

advocated the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine.

Employment opportunities for women during the Second Industrial Revolution

changed in quality and quantity with the expansion of the service sector.

Britain Fabian Socialists

favored evolution toward a socialist state by democratic means.

The English Reform Bill of 1884

gave English agricultural workers the right to vote.

Using Darwin's terminology, Herbert Spencer argued that

human societies were organism evolving through time by struggling with their environments

Under the chancellorship of Bismarck, Germany

passed social welfare legislation to woo workers away from the Social Democrats.

British rule brought all of the following to India in the late 19th century except

political democracy

Although several motives drove European states to develop systems of mass public education for their citizens, the chief reason for which they did this was

political, to produce more informed voters in expanding electorates and to heighten patriotism.

Maria Montessori exemplifies the "new woman" of modern times in that

she obtained a professional degree and applied her expertise to new fields of inquiry like early childhood development.

Which of the following was a major development in British politics before 1914?

the continual growth of political democracy

An issue that brought socialists together in the nineteenth century was

the desire to improve working and living conditions for most workers.

Which of the following was not an argument to justify imperialism at the turn of the century?

to lessen the burden of excess European population, especially criminals and other "undesirables"

To advance the cause of women's suffrage, the Women's Social and Political Union founded by Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughters

took a radical, public, and well publicized approach to the movement, employing different media and provocative public actions, like pelting male politicians with eggs.

By 1900, most European educational systems

were free and compulsory at least at the primary level.

The middle classes of nineteenth-century Europe

were very concerned with propriety and shared values of hard work and Christian morality.

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