Ap european history review: chapter 7

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Union of Utrecht (1579)

Steaming from the military agreement known as the union of Utrecht, You Dutch Republic consisted of provinces that one independence from Spain

absolute monarchies

Absolutism a rose and Europe's new states as the old mid evil order broke up. In the beginning of the 16th century, western Europe with monarchs who wielded absolute power over both church and state. The system became widespread and the 17th and 18th centuries. Several factors contributed to the acceptance of absolutism; A weakened Catholic Church provided no rival authority The expansion of trade led to the rise of cities, whose merchant and middle classes hoped absolutism would bring stability and prosperity Absolutist rulers favor the merchant class and middle-class and weaken the nobility as a result. New weaponry such as gun powder, Gave monarchs greater power to destroy nobles lands and castles, keeping them in check and limiting opposition Because monarchs claim a divine right to rule, no one was permitted to argue against their decisions which are often Tyrannical and threatened the financial stability of their nations

challenged to absolutism

Absolutism worked in the short run to centralize control Within europes new states but it was a system fraught with problems. A more stable system evolved in Britain and the Dutch Republic. These nations flourished by supporting religious toleration, political liberty, representative government, and an effective bureaucracy to manage such tasks as tax collection and budgeting

war of the spanish succession

Alarmed by Louis XIV's plans, england and dutch republic allied with Austria in the War of the Spanish Succession (1702-1713). Spain and France, both Catholic countries, were allies, along with Savoy and Portugal both of which later changed sides). Throughout most of the war, the English and Dutch (both Protestant countries) prevailed over the French, on land and at sea.

Peace of Utrecht (1713)

All the parties concluded the war with the Peace of Utrecht, Hey series of treaties that accomplish several goals: Britain one territories in Spain and the Americas, as well as the sole right to import enslaved Africans into America for 30 years Other states recognized Philip V as the king of Spain Spain of change control of Milan, Naples and parts of the Netherlands france agreed to in knowledge protestant succession in England these treaties ensured a period of peace and balance of power between France and Britain in Europe. However conflict between the rivals continued in North America

Fredrick II of Prussia (1740-1786)

Also known as Frederick the great, he believe the kings duty was to protect and serve his people through officiant government and prosperity: He expanded Russia territories especially in silesia; This enabled the treasury to collect more taxes in those pay for strong army. He created new departments to manage mines forest and commerce He reformed the judiciary and initiated competency exams for judges and other civil services He began the work that would become the Prussian common law he believed that only the nobility had a sense of honor and during his reign the present continue to live in a state of serfdom. He also believed that a good ruler must be personally involved and not simply rely on his ministers. his miss trust of allowing others to govern him had its downsize. The people in his administration were honest and hard-working be avoided taking initiative. Decisions and ideas came from the top and therefore were limited. He was more interested in the arts than war. He was an excellent flute player and composed sonatas and symphonies they were still played by orchestras today. He was so impressed with French culture that when he built a new palace he gave it a French name meaning without concern . among his friends were voltaire, rousseau and other french thinkers

Grand Embassy

And 1697, Peter travel to Europe with the grand embassy, a group of 250 people mainly to see firsthand how the more advanced western European countries operated. In disguise as sergeant pyotr mikhaylov, Peter visited shipyards, factories, arsenals, parliamentary sessions, museums, and schools. He returned home convincing Russia had to modernize

restoration and abdication

As a result of the Civil War, England was ruled for a short time as a republic with Oliver Cromwell, it's Lord protector. Two years after cromwell's death in 1658, After his son Richard's inability to maintain the protectorate, Parliament restore Charles II to the throne during the restoration period. After Charles dies, his brother James II, a Roman Catholic, became England monarch

Joseph II of Austria (1765-1790)

Became holy Roman emperor Until the death of his father.

Cathrine the Great (1762-1796)

Catherine II known as Catherine the great What is the wave of Peter the great grandson. She took the throne by orchestrating a coup against her husband Peter III a cruel and inefficient ruler who also suffered from insanity. To avoid being overthrown herself she made amends with the Orthodox Church (by restoring it's lands) and the military (by recalling troops from Denmark). She was an enlightenment absolute monarch who promoted reforms to outlaw torture and the death penalty and initially try to improve the conditions of Russia's serfs which the Senate opposed. She formed a legislative commission to hear ideas about legal reform she also reformed education and supported the arts.

Wars of Louis XIV

During Louis XIV's reign, he kept france engaged in several wars. He challenge Britain, the Dutch Republic, Spain and Habsburg rulers and their alliances in his quest to expand his power. The wars were expensive and Louis left his successors large debts. These wars also created problems for the rest Europe

Enlightenment Absolutism

During the 18th century enlightenment ideals spurred a number of rulers to engage in the enlightened absolutism also known as enlightenment or benevolent despotism. Enlightenment monarch such as Catherine the great of Russia, Frederick II of prussia and Joseph II of Austria, maintained absolute power but also used it to promote industrial educational social and legal reforms

England's glorious revolution

England was distinct from other European nations in that it had both a strong monarchy and a powerful Parliament. And governments on the European continent different groups or states should influence each corresponding to a special interest group such as the clergy. england two houses of parliament more closely represented the country as a whole and served as a check on the monarchs power. This English system was tested during the English Civil War between 1642 - 1651, a series of bloody and expensive battles putting royal forces against Parliament

wars against dutch and others

France, aided by England, fought the Dutch War (1672-1678) to gain the Spanish Netherlands (now Belgium and a portion of northern France). The Dutch stopped French advances though, and France eventually made peace. Still, Louis XIV remained the most powerful monarch in Europe.

jean-baptist's colbert (1619-1683)

French minister who instituted mercantilist policies to decrease french debt and revitalize it industries, working to expand french colonies and create a favorable balance of trade. However most of his work was undone by Louis is endless wars. Louis also renewed France's war against its own protestants, huguenots, revoking in 1685 the rights they had been granted in the edict of Nantes. This loss of rights cause them to flee the country. Their departure depleted the French middle class and further hurt the economy. Absolutist rule in France was Costly. By the time Louis died in 1715 france support a modern military of 350,000. Paying for this military resulted in crippling taxation of poor classes who couldn't afford to buy food or basic necessities. in contrast the nobility were only lightly tax since they made the laws and wanted to keep their wealth. The country became impoverished and famine ridden in the public trying to get the sun king in the royal family setting the stage for later uprisings and the french rev.

Palace of Versailles and Chateaux

He live lavishly building the Palace of Versailles outside of Paris as well as several other expensive Chateaux or castles

joseph's oppositions

He ran into opposition though because he did not seek the approval of the nobles of the clergy before making these rapid reforms. He alienated citizens in the Austrian netherlands by trying to trade their land to regain control of Bavaria, and move that was supported by Frederick II of prussia. Louis taxed the peasants who were more concerned about the high taxation then about gaining freedom's. He forged a military alliance with Catherine II of Russia to counter prussia's growing strength. However the alliance brought his empire into conflict with turkey and the Ottomans who wanted to control hungary. With his resources stretched thin and his health failing he abolished his own reforms and hungary in order to regain more absolutist control. He died alone feeling his reign has been a failure. However his actions pave the way for the abolition of feudalism in 1848. His views on religious toleration were progressive for his time, but were embraced by rest of Europe after his death

American Revolution (1775-1783)

However the British French rivalry in North America was not over. During the American revolution one important factor in the colonist success was their alliance with France. The French took a vantage of the Rebellion to gain revenge for losses in the seven years war. The American colonial government center representative Benjamin Franklin to negotiate a treaty that kept spain out of the war and prevented any European powers from entering into secret alliances with britain. The French provided arms ammunition military training and troops to the Americans. French removal support assured American victory at the battle of Yorktown where the British finally surrendered in 1781.

balance of power

I'm 1648 to 1815, the principle from of political organization across Europe was in the process of becoming the nation state Catholic and protestant political leaders alike agreed that the object of the state craft was a balance of power maintained through diplomacy, a system in which no one Empire kingdom or country would dominate either on the continent or in the New World

Battle of Vienna (1683)

In 1681-1682, border skirmishes escalated between the Ottomans and the Holy Roman Empire over control of Hungary. The Ottomans attacked Vienna in 1683, causing the Holy Roman Empire, the Habsburg monarchy, and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth to unite against the invaders. The Ottomans lost the Battle of Vienna, and over the next sixteen years they lost control of the rest of Hungary. The Battle of Vienna marked a turning point in history-the end of Ottoman expansion in the Christian world.

Maria Theresa (1717-1780)

Joseph II mother, Who is ruler of the Habsburg Empire so joseph II became her co-regent,although the two were often at odds. Joseph believed in religious toleration by his mom did it. After her death in 1780, Joseph issued numerous Royal decree is to speed reform

joint-stock company

Known by its dutch initials VOC it was a joint stock company, similar to the modern corporation, and which shareholders could buy stock. The company was professionally managed by Board of Directors, enabling it's raise capital and spread risk across the wide pool of investors. The profits of the VO see you made Amsterdam one of the richest cities in the world. The influx of wealth help to keep the Dutch Republic peaceful and stable in part because it offered upward mobility for workers and peasants. even though the lower classes did not share it political power their standard of living was higher than those and other European countries. However when investors dump the voc in the 18 century due to worried about britain competition the company went into bankruptcy as a result the Dutch Republic declined and world influence and power.

joseph II reforms

Limited the power of the Catholic Church, provided more freedom for the press, abolish serfdom, And signed the edict of toleration 1782 which protected religious freedom for Jewish, protestant and Greek orthodox citizens

French Society

Louis XIV surrounded himself with courtiers, Wealthy powerful nobles who vied for his favor. In doing so he eventually brought them under his control

divine right

Many though not all absolute monarchs believe that they will by Divine right, that their power drive directly from God as Jean bodin had asserted. They Amassed power by creating bureaucracies with enough resources to wage wars intended either to maintain the balance of power to disrupt it. States that centralize control and expanded their borders generally fared better than those who did not. States that fail to centralize control tend to break down. Though most believe they wielded unlimited power in reality they didn't. They needed ways to pay for their unending wars and they were forced to subdue key elite groups within regimes. The stronger the monarch was the less powerful the elites and vice versa. The monarch a Lee relationship determine the nature of the monarchs reign.

Dutch East India Company

Merchants and financers held most of their power in the Dutch Republic. To promote trade these merchants and financers formed the Dutch East India Company in 1602 as a private enterprise

Louis XIV of France/The Sun King

No monarch embodied the concept of absolute better than Louis XIV of France rain 1643 to 1715 known as the sun king. Louis inherited the throne when he was five years old and ruled for 72 years. until he was crowned, his mother and of Austria and godfather cardinal jules Mazarin (1585-1642) ruled a country that was fractured and unstable.

Prussian and Habsburg Rulers

One nation to arise at this time was prussia, made up of areas in eastern and central Europe. From 1701 the hohenzollern dynasty ruled prussia, After Frederick III of Brandenburg gained the title King of Prussia from the holy Roman Emperor and became Frederick I of prussia

philip, duc d'anjou / philip V

One of Louis XIV's goals in fighting the Nine Years' War was to weaken and even conquer the Habsburgs. His other goal was to establish the right of his grandson Philip, Duc D'Anjou to rule Spain as Philip V (reigned 1701-1746; left throne briefly, January-August 1724) following the death of the childless Charles II. Emperor Leopold I of Austria had an equally strong claim to the Spanish throne by birth and marriage

Great Northern War (1700-1721)

One way to accomplish the modernization, he allied with saxony and Denmark Norway in the great northern war Against Sweden to gain access to the Baltic Sea and acquire a seaport access to that Russia could compete for trade and naval power. Peters main prize from his victory in the war with Sweden became the sea port city of St. Petersburg which he begin planning and building as his window on Europe. He brought architects and artisans from around the world to help build his magnificent new capital. He also re-routed trade to the new capital and by 1726 he said he hosted 90% of Russia's foreign trade

holy synod

Peter also recognized the Russian Orthodox Church. He abolished the patriarch, the orthodox churches traditional leader and establish the Holy synod made up of officials and priests obedient to the tzar. Churchlands were disposed of at the tzars will, occasionally to placate the aristocracy

peter the greats modern reforms in science, technology, industry and education

Promoted science and technology so that Russians military, industry, transport, and trade could compete with those in Western Europe Founding that st Petersburg Academy of sciences (later the Russian Academy of sciences). Establishing goals with special privileges to increase economic activity. Sponsoring secular education. Inviting foreign expert to teach St. Petersburg academy.

Peter the Great of Russia

Russia, which had broken free of Mongol control and 1400 was a multi ethnic Empire with its capital in Moscow. The Empire grew as conquered people of many nationalities and languages. Russian monarchs called tzars or czars, establisbed control over all of these varied people by granting the land back to local elite or Nobles in exchange for their support. tzars married their children into the families of these nobles who were given position of trust and power in order to build loyalty and familial relationships. in turn, the nobles agreed to cede control to the central government

dutch oligarchy

The Dutch Republic did not have a monarch. instead, The states represented this seven provinces each selected in a provincial leader or stadholder. the estates sent these delegates to meet in a legislative body call the estates general, which decided military and foreign policy issues. however, this was not a truly Representative government but oligarchy made up of urban gentry and rural landowners. And oligarchy is government of few who usually promote selfish causes. In this case the ruling class wanted to protect the wealthy had gained through trade

Dutch Republic and 80 years war

The Dutch Republic, 1587-1795 was formed during the 80 years war, 1568-1648, When the Dutch battled for independence from Spain. During the 16th century dutch republic was leading cargo ship and engaged in an ongoing rivalry with Britain that sometimes lead to maritime wars. they also fought land wars usually against the French. The republic generally fared well in these conditions. It was a wealthy center of shipping and finance with a profitable trade Empire in Americas, Asia and throughout the Indian Ocean. The Dutch Republic was a world power during its golden age and 17th century. Dutch artists Painted their masterpieces during this time

9 years war

The Nine Years' War (1688-1697) pitted France against the Dutch Republic, Spain, England, Austria, the Holy Roman Empire, and Savoy (a region near the Alps). It was fought in multiple places including northern Europe, Ireland, and Scotland, as well as in colonial areas. Unprepared for a protracted war on multiple continents, all parties signed a treaty in 1697. While this treaty stoppped the fighting, it did not solve the problem. it didn't end the ambitions of louis XIV and other monarchs to expand their territory

End of the Ottoman expansion in europe

The Ottoman Empire spread quickly out of Asia Minor in its early centuris and engaged in wars with the Habsburg Empire for 300 years. The Ottomans first reached the outskirts of Vienna, capital of the Habsburg Empire, in 1529 They wanted the city in order to control trade routes along the Danube River to the Black Sea and overland to Germany. They already controlled much od Hungary and southeastern Europe


The ancient landed aristocrats, or boyars, and clergy resisted peters changes in both groups were severely punished. For example he personally force the Boyars to cut their long beards and to stop wearing heavy shirt like coats

Congress of Vienna (1814-1815)

The era ended with napoleons defeat at Waterloo and the Congress of Vienna

Second Hundred Years' War

The period of rivalry around 1689 to 1815 Between France and Britain became known as the second hundred years war. However on a larger scale this period of warfare ecompassed all of Europe. As states fought to keep each other in check or to extend their dominance on the world stage

colonial rivalry between Britain and France

The seven years war in Europe spilled over to North America where it became known as the French and Indian war 1754 - 1763. Britain and its American colonist wanted to counter French expansion along the western frontier of the Ohio River Valley. In the war both sides allied with different Indian tribes each making promises to the Indians that would be broken Britain won the war and territory changes resulted Britain received all lands east of the Mississippi river plus Canada from france, Britain received Florida from Spain, Spain received Louisiana and France land west of the MississippiAnd friends kept it sugar producing islands including Haiti in the Caribbean. the wars end marked the beginning of Britain's world dominance and resulted in North America becoming a mainly English-speaking land.

Fredrick William I

The son of Frederick I, Frederick William I (reigned 1713-1740), expanded Prussia's territories by creating a large and powerful army financed by taxation. He persuaded the Prussian estates- legislative bodies composed of representatives from cities and towns-to allow him to impose taxes at will on the peasants. In exchange, he promised leaders of the estates that peasants would work the land for minimal pay. Peasants were also conscripted into the army. Prussia's army numbered 38,000 soldiers in 1713, but by 1740, it numbered 83,000. By the time of his death in 1740, Frederick William I had turned Prussia into a prosperous and efficient nation. of the estates that peasants would

Fredrick the Great

The son of Frederick William I was Frederick II, known as Frederick the Great. He inherited his father's prosperous nation and turned it into Europe's leading military power.


To counter such problems Louis XIV quality system in which a World representative called intendants went into the countryside to run the country on behalf of the king. Cardinal Richelieu chief minister of the previous king(louis XIII) had stripped provincial officials of their power when he divided the country into districts each in ministered by an intendant

French Economy

To expand Frances borders Louis needed a strong army which meant he also needed a strong economy that generated tax revenues

monarchs and the aristocracy

Under absolutism, it states power was directly connected to the strength of its ruler. Strong monarchs did except restrictions of their authority not by the nobles, legislatures, churches, citizens, the courts, the military or agencies such as financial ministry. Absolutism posed problems for several reasons In efficient leaders resulted in Kaotic Nations. Without checks on the ruler for other forces royal decisions could be based on whims or favoritism rather than on choices of an efficient government bureaucracy staffed by Public servants. Then ability that surrounded the monarch did not represent the needs and viewpoints of the vast majority of citizens. When Frances louis XIV said that he was the state, he meant that he alone have the authority to rule the kingdom. In contrast modern nations belong to the people with power divided in his system of checks and balances among a chief executive, a law making body and the courts, all of which were meant to serve the public good.

James I of England

Unlike France or Spain, England during the middle ages developed a participatory system of government are both the local and parliamentary levels with two chambers The house of lords, nobility selected by the Monarch House of commons, those elected to represent the tax paying subjects of counties and boroughs Parliament had a monopoly of deciding how to spend taxes. James I ran into problems because he overslept and want to Parliament to cover his personal debts. The members of parliament disapprove And set a precedent by implementing rules over the Kings finances and establishing their own greater independence. James I also need a tax money to pay for war against Spain. Because the members of parliament were anti-Catholic and anti-Spanish they agreed to his Request but drew up a petition that said James son Charles would have to marry a Protestant. James felt parliamentary had overstepped his bounds. in defiance Of Parliament, he had Charles marry Catholic Henriette Marie the sister of the French king. James conflict with parliament laid the groundwork for a rebellion against his successor Charles I in for the English Civil War

william of orange/william III/ mary II

When James wife gave birth to a son, anti-Catholic nobles rebelled. They called on James's Dutch son-in-law William of Orange a protestant to invade and depose the king. James fled abdicating the throne. William of Orange world as king William III with his wife Mary II. the accession of William and Mary to the throne became known as the glorious revolution

Maria Theresa

When the Habsburg Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI died in 1740, he left as his heir a daughter, the Archduchess Maria Theresa. Frederick the Great sensed the empire's weaknesses: a disorganized army and poor finances. He thus decided to attack its territories. First, he invaded Silesia, an area in Central Europe to which his Hohenzollern dynasty had weak claims. Facing a hostile alliance, Maria was forced to give Lower Silesia to Prussia. Time after time, if Frederick II saw that Maria Theresa's armies were growing stronger or developing new alliances, he preemptively attacked Habsburg territories.

english bill of rights

When the new monarchs took power and 1689, a parliament require that they except a bill of rights. This document was known as the declaration of rights, limited the monarchs power by protecting some of parliaments; Parliament had the power to meet frequently, Parliament needed to approve any change in the law, Parliament needed to approve taxes In addition the bill of rights declaimed that some members of parliament will be chosen through elections or by a small part of the population, that the Monarch cannot keep a standing army and the government could not use excessive fines or cruel punishments. However he did not grant the quality for Catholics. By forcing the monarch to share power with parliament this document created a constitutional monarchy. It had a major impact on the writing of the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights

Second Partition of Poland (1793)

causes- In the 1790s in response to poland's new liberal Constitution, a conservative polish group asked Russia to intervene. Russia excepted the invitation as Prussia invaded Poland and the two powers created the second partition losses- about 150,000 Square miles empires that gained land- Russia gained most of Lithuania Belorussia and western Ukraine. prussia gained several large cities and more territories

Third Partition of Poland (1797)

causes- Russia and Prussia put down a 1794 uprising for polishing independence losses- About 45,000 mi.² which was all the remaining land empires that gained land- Russia and Prussia split the rest of Poland except the remaining land of Little Poland which went to Austria

First Partition of Poland (1772)

causes- Russia approved partition of Habsburg land because Austria opposed Russia's expansion into south eastern Europe. Austria approve the partition hoping to regain part of Silesia from prussia losses- About 80,000 mi.² which was 1/3 of the country and home to 1/2 of the population empires that gained land- Prussia gained the territory of West prussia through Frederick II negotiating with Russia and Austria Austria acquired part of Little Poland or malopolska a western podolia in the area that became Galicia

the fronde (1648-1653)

eventually, the local authorities and the nobility fermented an unsuccessful uprising called the fronde, but it's lasting affect was to convince the young king that is power must be absolute

european wars and diplomacy

following the peace of WestPhalia at 1648 the holy Roman empire split into 300 sovereign Princedom each with its own dynastic political and ethical interests. Because of the competition for territory and resources both in Europe and its colonies worldwide, the states frequently found themselves at war. Attempt at diplomacy often failed and alliances has shifted as countries tried to keep a pre-cautious balance of power. The new nations arose while other empires like the ottomans saw power decline in change of political landscape

7 years war

fredrick's II alliances, especially with France, were based mostly on hatred for the Habsburgs. When Britain and Russia agreed to protect the electorate of Hanover against a possible French or Prussian attack, it resulted in a new Franco-Austrian alliance. A worried Frederick II once again invaded preemptively, this time into Saxony and Bohemia in 1756. The attack began the Seven Years' War (1757-1764). Prussia found itself facing opposition from France, Russia, Sweden, and several small German states. Only two things saved it: subsidies from Britain and the death of Russian Empress Elizabeth, Frederick II's archenemy. Her successor, Peter III, admired the Prussians and signed a Russo-Prussian armistice, even as Berlin itself was besieged by the armies of France, Austria, and Russia. The war cost pressure 180,000 men and devastated it's countryside. Russia signed a peace agreement with Russia that lasted until 1780, but pressures conflict with Austria continued

Pugachev Rebellion (1773-1775)

in Catherine's later years she became more conservative. In response to a peasant uprising, Pugachev Rebellion, Into the French revolution she gave the wealthy class permission to oppress their serfs. She also claimed the Russian Orthodox Church and all it's holdings To be under the control of the state and therefore subject to taxes. In the end she failed to improve conditions for the peasant class.

reorganizing institutions

in his quest to westernize and strengthen his empire Peter the great re-organized government, the church and the military under his absolute Rule. To pay the great expenses for warfare and modernization, Peter triple taxes. He conscripted peasants into lifetime service in the army And force them to work in mines or manufacturing. The nobles had to serve for life in either the army or in government. To modernize the Russian bureaucracy, Peter created the table of rakes so that nobles could achieve status in either the military or government services


in this period, Monarchs advance the needs of their sovereign states to the political system known as absolutism

england as an absolute monarch

leader- james I reign- 1603-1625 accomplishments- Believe monarchs ruled by Divine right, dissolved Parliament, married his son to a Catholic

france as an absolute monarch

leader- louis XIV reign- 1643-1715 accomplishments- Used intendants to spread his control, brutally suppressed rebellion, increase the military, expanded France borders, levied high taxes against the peasants

russia as an absolute monarch

leader- peter the great reign- 1682-1725 accomplishments- Conscripted peasants into the military and supported industries, force nobles to serve for life in military or government, westernize Russia, build a new capital St. Petersburg

spain as an absolute monarch

leader- philip II reign- 1556-1598 accomplishments- Controlled Spanish Netherlands, launched Spanish Armada, worked tirelessly and conscientiously, Controlled political appointments

studying western Europe and peter the great

tzar Peter the Great reign 1682 to 1725, saw Russia as a medieval state that had not learned from technical advances made by the western European powers. He believe that these differences threaten Russian strength and independence

Philip II of Spain

under him (reigned from 1556-1598), Spain reached the height of its power, Although a revolt by the Netherlands and the loss of the Spanish Armada in Spain's attempt invasion of England 1588 signaled it's the eventual decline. He doesn't like Travel so he stayed in Spain and made all decisions based on reports from his ministers. Because he ruled on all matters both grand and trivial the work of government slow down especially when he failed to make decisions. He was notoriously suspicious and condoned murder against his enemies so his court was filled with factions and Treachery. he wanted glory and power for both Spain and Catholicism but he earns the enmity of most of the rest of Europe in the process. after the death of Philip Spain begin a slow period of decline

partitions of poland

while pressure continue to rise as a great military power under Frederick II, Poland moved towards collapse. Poland was divided internally, as landed elites control the representative assemblies and key leadership positions in government. These elites defied the king, exempted themselves from taxation and exploited the peasantry. Poland had neither A powerful monarchy(like France) nor an official government bureaucracy (like Britain) to unite the country. People felt more connection to their region then to the abstract idea of a country called poland

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