AP Gov Final (multiple choice + FRQs)

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A member of which of the following demographic groups is most likely to support a Republican presidential candidate

A A white male

Which of the following actions can the president take without congressional approval

A Grant reprieves and pardons

A Supreme Court that demonstrates a willingness to change the public policy and alter judicial precedent is said ti be engaging in

A Judicial Activism

Which of the following accurately describes the congressional committees

A The committee chairpersons always belong to the majority party

Under which of the following circumstances is Congress least likely to pass a bill that president has threatened to veto?

A The president's pubic approval rating is extremely high

Presidential plurality victory occurs when

A The winning candidate receives a less than 50% of the popular vote

Of the following groups to have traditionally supported the Democratic Party which would least likely to be cited by someone argument of Democrats are present it only liberal constituents

A White southerners

Which of the following processes best exemplifies the federal structure of the United States government

A amending the United States Constitution

A presidential veto would most likely be overturned in which of the following situations

A approximately 30% of the senators and representatives are members of the presidents political party

The majority of Supreme Court justices

A are appointed by presidents of the same political party

Among the executive branch checks on the legislative branch is the president's power to

A call special sessions of Congress

The primary function of PAC is to

A contribute money to candidates for election

The House of Representatives the rules committee

A determines both the rules of the house and conditions for legislative process

The separation of church and state is articulated in the

A establishment clause

The rights of American citizens to petition the government for and redress of grievances is protected under

A first amendment

All of the following are specifically mentioned in the Constitution except

A judicial review

Which of the following is a direct result of an electoral system the features single-member districts

A only two major parties can successfully be supported

Every 10 years the majority of the state legislatures are responsible for

A redrawing congressional district boundaries

The boundary lines of congressional districts must be redrawn every 10 years to

A reflect population shifts indicated by the national census

When an appeal is made to the Supreme Court the court usually

A refuses to hear the appeal

Congresses power to determine national policy

A usually increases as a presidents popularity decreases and vice versa

The line item veto was ruled unconstitutional because it

A violated the legislative process by which bills become laws

A writ of certiorari from the Supreme Court indicates that the Court

A will review a lower court decision

Which of the following statements does not accurately describe voting behavior in United States

B A registered voter who has attained his or her general education development is less likely to vote than a high school dropout

Which if the following best describes the practice of "ticket splitting"?

B A voter chooses the presidential nominee of one major party, but choses congressional nominees of the other major party

The Supreme Court Holds original jurisdiction in all of the following types of cases except

B In controversies in criminal law between a citizen and a state

Voters who rely exclusively on television network news coverage of national elections are most likely to be aware of

B The relative strengths of each candidate support as indicated by public opinion polls

Of the following is the main point of the cartoon above

B The role of the vice president is a limited one

That reorganization plan one of 1939 and executive order 8248 allow the president to select the staff for the

B White House office

The government promotes preferential treatment for members of groups that have historically suffered from discrimination by means of

B affirmative action programs

Given the structure of the electoral college system presidential candidates tend to

B campaign more heavily in states with large populations

Media coverage of an issue is most likely to change the public opinion when

B coverage is extensive and is either overwhelmingly positive or overwhelmingly negative

People who join political party other than the one to which their parents belong most of them do so because up

B economic issues

Which of the following principles is realized the federal government provides most of the fund into a project in which multiple levels of government work together

B fiscal federalism

Which of the following best describes the block grant

B funds with few restrictions that are provided to state or local government's for a general purpose use

The Supreme Court's decision Miranda v. Arizona was based mainly on the

B incorporation of the fifth amendment through the due process clause of the 14th amendment

According to the Federalist papers federalism has which of the following effects on political factions

B it limits the dangers of factionalism by diluting political power

Compared with political parties in countries such as England and Israel, both of which have multiparty systems, American political parties are

B less clearly identifies with consistent political ideologies

The amount of access cabinet secretaries have to the president is most likely to be controlled by the

B presidents chief of staff

The Constitution as ratified in 1788 most clearly reflects the Framers' commitment to

B the principle of limited government

Which of the following is the most accurate statement about the voting behavior of Americans over the age of 65

B they are as or more likely to vote then are members of other age groups because they believe that they have personal stake in government policy

A member of the House of Representatives wishing to influence tax policy would most likely try to serve on which of the following committees

B ways and Means

Which if the following most accurately describes The Federalist Papers?

C A collection of essays arguing the merits of the Constitution

Which of the following best illustrates the use of the elastic clause

C Congress passes legislation establishing a nationals speed limit

Which of the following most accurately describes the right of American citizens to privacy

C The Supreme Court has ruled that the rights to privacy is implied by the Bill of Rights

The graph above supports which of the following conclusions about presidential elections

C The gender gap was more prominent in the 1980s and 1990s and it was in the 1970s

Which of the following describes limitations that may constitutionally be placed on freedom of speech and freedom of the press

C The government may send to the press in the interest of national and military security. The government may outlaw obscene publications

All of the following are true under the system of checks and balances except

C The president can override a congressional veto and pass laws

Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from the table above

C The share of FDAP grants allocated to the department of health and human services increased between 1982 and 2002

Which of the following correctly stays there relationship between the federal and state judiciary's

C The two are generally a autonomous although federal courts may rule on the constitutionality of the state court decisions

Which of the following accounts for the fact that the power and prestige of the presidency have grown since 1932

C americas increased prominence in international affairs. The new deal and other programs that have expended federal responsibility. The presidents increased disability due to the development of mass media.

Which of the following statements about voting populations is most accurate

C an individual with a graduate degree is more likely to vote than individual who has only a high school diploma

The Supreme Court has used the practice of selective incorporation to

C apply most Bill of Rights protections to state law

Each of the two main political parties of the United States is organized

C as a relatively independent organization that exist at all levels of government

Unlike a treaty an executive agreement

C does not require the senates approval

Interest groups represented business people and investors are often more often among most successful lobbying groups in Washington DC for all of the following reasons except

C in many districts these groups constituents make up the majority of voters

Commerce clause of the Constitution has been used to

C increase the power of the national government

Which of the following statements is true of congressional incumbents who run for reelection

C incumbents have a great advantage over challengers because they are better known and can raise campaign funds more easily

The line-item veto was found unconstitutional because

C it gave legislative powers to the president

The exclusionary rule was established to

C limit the governments ability to use illegally obtained evidence

The difference between a pardon and reprieve

C pardon grants a release from legal punishment while a reprieve postpones it

Which of the following can be inferred from the accompanying table

C percentage of Democratic voters in the west group consistently from 2000 to 2008

American foreign policy is directed primarily by the

C president

The primary goal of the Gramm-Rudman act of 1985 and 1987 was to

C reduce the federal deficit

Of the following American federalism is most clearly exemplified by the

D 10th amendment to the constitution

The Dred Scott decision of 1857 was overturned by the

D 14th amendment

The civil rights act of 1964 was passed to reinforce the

D 14th amendment

Ruled unconstitutional in 1983 legislative veto had allowed

D Congress to nullify resolutions approved by the executive branch

Which of the following statements regarding approval ratings can be concluded from the table above

D George W Bush received a higher approval rating in 2001 and Donald Rumsfeld received in any years in the office

In recent years presidents have come to rely most heavily on the advice of

D The White House staff

Which of the following statements about the electoral college is correct

D The results of electoral college viting tend to distort the winners margin of victory when compared with the popular vote for president

Which of the following factors would most likely explain why voter registration records underestimate the number of independent voters in the United States

D because independents in many states are not allowed to participate in primary elections many independence register as either Republicans or Democrats

All of the following are constitutionally mandated presidential powers except the power to

D declare war

The largest portion of the federal budget covers the costs of

D entitlement programs

The practice of drawing congressional district lines and an attempt to give one party a benefit over another one referred to as

D gerrymandering

Which of the following conclusions about the 2000 and 2004 election results in the states and identified above cannot be drawn from the table

D in 2004 John Kerry won the popular vote and all the states where Al Gore one in 2000

Which of the following conclusions is most supported by the accompanying table

D in all years voters age 18 to 24 or more likely to vote Democratic then republican

Successful candidates for the Republican presidential nomination tend to be more conservative than rank and file Republicans because

D party activists whose political participation is disproportionate to their numbers tend to be very conservative

The House Rules Committee is considered among the most powerful in the House of Representatives because it has great power over the

D scheduling and the conditions under which bills are debated and amended

The chart above best supports which of the following conclusions

D voter turn turnout for midterm congressional elections is generally lower than it is for presidential elections

Which of the following people would most likely be accused of influence peddling?

E As official who leaves the State Department to work as a paid consultant to foreign governments

The Supreme Court issued this opinion in its ruling on which of the following cases?

E Brown vs Board of Education

The term iron triangle refers to the interrelationship of the

E Federal bureaucracy congressional committees and lobbyists

Which of the following cases is Stablers the precedent that a defendant must be informed of the right to remain silent the right to a lawyer and protection from self-incrimination

E Miranda V Arizona

The spoils system of awarding civil-service jobs was replaced by the merit system as a result of the

E Pendleton act of 1883

Members of Congress are allowed to mail letters to their guns to 210s of the governments expense because of

E The franking privilege

Which of the following conclusions regarding voting behavior can be inferred from the table above

E The majority of voters in the state only barely change their support from one party to another

Which of the following statements can be supported by the table above

E The percent of registered voters in Texas who identified as republican was greater in 2000 then and any other year from 1992 to 2008

Which of the following generally results when the Senate and House of representatives pass different versions of the same bill

E The two legislative bodies form a conference committee

All of the following are ways in which lobbyists attempt to pursuade legislators except

E acquiring corporate campaign donations for candidates

Of the following may file an amicus curiae belief

E companies that are not involved in the court case but wish to affect the outcome

Before serving in the House of Representatives or senate the greatest number of federal legislators

E earned law degrees

Constitutional amendment would be required to ban flag burning because that activity is currently protected by the right to

E free-speech

Which of the following statements is least two of voters in federal state and local elections

E individuals are more likely to vote when they believe they know which candidate will win an election

Which of the following is generally understood to be the purpose of 10th amendment to the constitution

E it reserves powers to the states

The greatest number of American voters identify themselves as

E moderate

The Constitution as originally ratified addressed all of the following weaknesses of the articles of confederation except the

E omission of a universal suffrage clause

Those who argued that the house of representatives is the government institution most responsive to the will of the public are most likely to cite as evidence of the fact that

E representatives must run for reelection every two years

Voting rights act of 1965

E suspended the use of literacy tests as voting centers

Which of the following best describes the fate of the most popular third party movements

E they disintegrate when one or both of the major parties adopt one the third parties goals

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