AP History Chapter 16 MindTap Exercises 16.8-16.13

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16.8-16.10 The American Colonization Society established a home for freed American slaves in the African nation of...


16.8-16.10 Slaves were denied an education because...

masters believed that reading brought new ideas that might lead to their discontent.

16.8-16.10 In opposition to William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglass believed that slavery should be ended through...

organizing an anti-slavery political party.

16.11-16.13 In arguing for the continuation of slavery after 1830, southerners...

placed themselves in opposition to much of the rest of the Western world.

16.11-16.13 Pro-slavery whites defended the institution of slavery in all of the following ways except...

they claimed that slaves were set free once they reached old age.

16.11-16.13 Those in the North who opposed the abolitionists believed that these opponents of slavery...

were creating disorder and havoc in America that threatened the nation's constitutional fabric.

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