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1880s (PG 87) IMPORTANT

Book Answer: Immigration increased to one and a half million per year. Increasing numbers of Scandinavians, especially Swedes and Norwegians, joined Western Europe in migrating to the United States. The Industrial Revolution had diffused to Scandinavia triggering a rapid population increase. Simple Answer: The industrial revolution caused people to come over here.

What reason caused a sharp drop in immigration? (PG 88) FLUFF EXAMPLES THAT ARE IMPORTANT

Book Answer: Immigration to the United States dropped sharply in the 1930s and 1940s during the Great Depression and World War II. Simple Answer: Great Depression and WW2

What were past intervening obstacles? (PG 83) IMPORTANT

Book Answer: In the past intervening obstacles were primarily environmental. Simple Answer: Environment

Difference between inter and intra regional migration. (PG 84) IMPORTANT

Book Answer: Interregional is movement from one region of a country to another; intraregional migration is movement with one region. Simple Answer: Inter (FL to GA) Intra (Miami to Tampa)

People with low income and high NIR go? (PG 85) BASIC KNOWLEDGE

Book Answer: Migrants from countries with relatively low incomes and high natural increase rates head for relatively wealthy countries, where job prospects are brighter. Simple Answer: Wealthy countries

Where do 3/4 of the U.S. immigrants originates? (PG 88) FLUFF EXAMPLES THAT ARE IMPORTANT

Book Answer: More than 3/4 of the recent U.S. immigrants have originated in 2 regions: Asia and Latin America. Simple Answer: Asia and Latin America

Poles migrating to other countries accounted for what problem? (PG 87) FLUFF EXAMPLES THAT ARE IMPORTANT

Book Answer: Most Poles migrated to the United States at a time when Poland did not exist as an independent country. Therefore, most were covered as immigrants from Germany, Russia, and Austria. Simple Answer: Poles migrated to different parts of the Europe and were counted as Germans, Russians, and Austrians.

1900-1914 (PG 87) IMPORTANT

Book Answer: Nearly a million people a year immigrate to the United States. Two-thirds of all immigrants during this period came from Southern and Eastern Europe, especially Italy Russia, and Austria- Hungry. The shift in the primary source of immigrants coincided with the diffusion of the Industrial Revolution to Southern and Eastern Europe, along with Rapid population growth. Simple Answer: (Confused)

Where did the 90% of Europeans immigrants come from during colonial immigration? (PG 86) BASIC KNOWLEDGE

Book Answer: Ninety percent of European immigrants to the U.S. prior to 1840 came from Great Britain. Simple Answer: Great Britain

2 Environmental reasons(PG 82) IMPORTANT

Book Answer: People also migrate for environmental reasons, pulled toward physically attractive regions and pushed from hazardous ones. Simple Answer: PRETTY! or OH SHOOT! MOVE! MOVE! MOVE!

What are the 2 options for a refugees? (PG 82) IMPORTANT

Book Answer: Refugees have no home until another country agree to allow them in, or improving conditions make possible a return to their former home. Simple Answer: Countries share and care or they go back home

Why were men more likely to travel long distance? (PG 85) FLUFF EXAMPLES THAT ARE IMPORTANT (To Lamiya: Don't kill me the book said it not me.)

Book Answer: Searching for work was the main reason for international migration and males were much more likely than females to be employed. Now about 55% are women. Simple Answer: Men got jobs more easily. Now women are like, "Make your own sandwiches."

Where did most migrants come from during the 3 eras? (PG 86) IMPORTANT

Book Answer: The 3 eras have drawn migrants from different regions. Most immigrants were English or Africans slaves during the first era, nearly all were European during the second era, and more than 3/4 were from Latin America and Asia during the 3rd era. Simple Answer: 1st English and African 2nd European 3rd Latin America and Asia

Where are the 3 largest refugees crisis? (PG 82) FLUFF EXAMPLES THAT ARE IMPORTANT

Book Answer: The U.S. Committee for Refugees estimates that the three largest groups Of refugees are Afghans, Palestinians, and Iraqis. Simple Answer: Afghans, Palestinians, and Iraqis.

What are the 3 main eras of immigration? (PG 86) IMPORTANT

Book Answer: The United States has had 3 main eras of immigration. The first era was the initial settlement of colonies. The second era begins in the mid 19th century and culminated (reach a climax or point of highest development) in the early 20th century. The 3rd era began in the 1970s and continues today. Simple Answer: 1st Europe and Africa "MOVE NATIVE PEOPLE!" 2nd 1800s high development because everyone loved America back in those days 3rd 1970s to TODAY

What did the U.S. offer to immigrants? (PG 87) BASIC KNOWLEDGE

Book Answer: The United States offered the greatest opportunity for economic success. Simple Answer: Jobs

When was the era of unrestricted citizen ended and what ended it? (PG 92) IMPORTANT

Book Answer: The era of unrestricted immigration to the United States ended when Congress passed the Quota Act of 1921 and the National Origin Act of 1924 Simple Answer: Quota Act of 1921 and the National Origin Act of 1924

Where are people less likely to migrate?(PG 84) BASIC KNOWLEDGE

Book Answer: The farther away a place is located the less likely that people will migrate to it. Simple Answer: Far far away...

What attracts migrants in the middle east? (PG 85) FLUFF EXAMPLES THAT ARE IMPORTANT

Book Answer: The highest rates of net-in migration can be found in petroleum exporting countries of the Middle East which attract immigrants primarily from poorer Middle Eastern countries and from Asia to perform many of the dirty and dangerous function in the oil fields. Simple: Oil

Most dramatic restrictions of emigration?(PG 82) FLUFF EXAMPLES THAT ARE IMPORTANT

Book Answer: The most dramatic symbol of restricted emigration was the Berlin Wall, which the Communist built to prevent emigration from Communist-controller East Berlin into democratic West Berlin. Simple: West Berlin be like, "Freedom!" East Berlin be like, "Where the hell do you think your going?" Hence the Berlin Wall

What did the Symbolic closing of the frontier change? (PG 88) IMPORTANT

Book Answer: The symbolic closing of the frontier coincided with the end of the peak period of immigration from Europe to the United States. Simple answer: immigration

Who was in the first flood to the U.S. from Vietnam? the second? (PG 94) IMPORTANT

Book Answer: Thousands of other pro-U.S. South Vietnamese who were not politically prominent enough to get space on an American evacuation helicopter tried to leave be boat. A second surge of Vietnamese boat people came in the late 1980s... Most of the boat people were judged economic migrants, so they were now judged economic migrants, so they were placed in detention camps monitored bu the United Nations until they could be sent home. Simple Answer: 1st wave - political refugees 2nd wave - economic (GO HOME)

Where are unauthorized citizens more likely to be employed? (PG 90) FLUFF EXAMPLES THAT ARE IMPORTANT

Book Answer: Unauthorized immigrants were much more likely than the average American to be employed in construction and hospitality jobs and less likely to be in white-collar jobs such as education, health-care, and finance. Simple Answer: Blue collared jobs

What is the most common environmental threat? (PG 82) IMPORTANT

Book Answer: Water - either too much or too little - poses the most common environmental threat. Simple Answer: Water

What caused many Mexicans to come over here? (PG 88) FLUFF EXAMPLES THAT ARE IMPORTANT

Book Immigration: As a result of the 1986 Immigration Reforms and Control Act, which issued visas to several hundred thousand people who had entered the the United States in previous years without legal documents. Simple Answer: U.S. Gov. handed out Visas

What are Ravenstein's theories about gender and family status? (PG 84) IMPORTANT

Book and Simple Answer: (1) Most long-distance migrants are male. (2) Most long-distance migrants are adults individuals rather than families with children.

2 main points in Ravenstien's theory. (PG 84) IMPORTANT

Book and Simple Answer: (1)Most migrant relocate a short distance and remain within the same country. (2)Long-Distance migrants to other countries head for major centers of economic activities.

About how many immigrants are admitted because of families, parents, or spouses? (PG 92) FLUFF EXAMPLES THAT ARE IMPORTANT

Book and Simple Answer: 3/4

What are some attractive environmental? (PG 82) FLUFF EXAMPLES THAT ARE IMPORTANT

Book and Simple Answer: Attractive environmental for migrants include mountains, seaside, and warm climates.

Why was there a flood of Cubans in the 1980s? (PG 93) IMPORTANT

Book and Simple Answer: Castro let everyone go including the prisoner and asylum patients.

Why were Cuban granted political asylum but not Haitians? (PG 94) IMPORTANT

Book and Simple Answer: Castro sided with the Soviet Union and the Haitians did not

4 types of push and pull factors. (PG 81) IMPORTANT

Book and Simple Answer: Economic, cultural, environmental, and political

Why do people want to come here but can't? (PG 90) BASIC KNOWLEDGE

Book and Simple Answer: Have no permission from the government

2 types of internal migration.(PG 84) IMPORTANT

Book and Simple Answer: Interregional migration or intraregional migration

Example of environmental push factor. (PG 83) FLUFF EXAMPLES THAT ARE IMPORTANT

Book and Simple Answer: Lack of water. People were pushed from their land in Oklahoma and adjacent states during the 1930s by severe drought, known as the Dust Bowl.

Where do most undocumented immigrants come from? (PG 90) BASIC KNOWLEDGE

Book and Simple Answer: Mexico

Example of floodplain. (PG 83) FLUFF EXAMPLES THAT ARE IMPORTANT

Book and Simple Answer: People living in the "100-year floodplain," for example, can expect flooding on average one every century.

What did the U.S. regarded emigration is from Cuba? (PG 93) BASIC KNOWLEDGE

Book and Simple Answer: Political Refugees

During what does Europe inject their cultural values in to a place with disregard for the local traditions? (PG 90) FLUFF EXAMPLES THAT ARE IMPORTANT

Book and Simple Answer: Political domination

How were 1/4 of immigrants admitted? (PG 92) FLUFF EXAMPLES THAT ARE IMPORTANT

Book and Simple Answer: Skilled workers and talented professionals

2 main cultural reason (PG 81) IMPORTANT

Book and Simple Answer: Slavery and political instability

What are the NIRs, CBRs, and CDRs of each stage? (PG 84) IMPORTANT

Book and Simple Answer: Stage 1: High CBR and CD-R and low NIR Stage 2: High NIR because of rapidly declining CDR Stage 3 and 4: moderate NIR because of rapidly declining CBR

What type of system does the U.S. use ? (PG 92) IMPORTANT

Book and Simple Answer: The United States uses a Quota System to limit the number of foreign citizens who can migrate permanently to the country and obtain work.

KEY ISSUE 1: What type of immigrants do Russians want? (PG. 80) IMPORTANT

Book and Simple Answer: The program is only open to ethnic Russians who speak fluent Russian.

What are the 3 largest flows of migrants? (PG 85) IMPORTANT

Book and Simple Answer: The three largest flow of migrants are to Europe from Asia and to North America from Asia and Latin America.

What compromise did Haitians make? (PG 94) IMPORTANT

Book and Simple Answer: They agreed to let some Haitians in.

2 types of international migration (PG 84) IMPORTANT

Book and Simple Answer: Voluntary migration or forced migration

In Asia and Latin America migrants coming now have the same ___________ as the Europeans did. BASIC KNOWLEDGE

Book and Simple Answer: reason

What type of diffusion can inspire relocation diffusion? (PG 80) IMPORTANT

Book answer: Although migration is a form of relocation diffusion, reasons for migrating can be gained from expansion diffusion. Someone may migrate and send back message that gives others the idea of migrating. (Expansion diffusion of a feature or trend among people from one area to another in a snowballing process) Simple Answer: People in America told people in places like Europe, "Yo America is legit. Come over!"

Example of expansion diffusion. (PG 81) FLUFF EXAMPLES THAT ARE IMPORTANT

Book answer: Many Europeans migrated to the United States in the 19th century because very favorable reports from early migrants led them to believe that the streets of American cities were paved with gold. Simple Answer: People in America told people in places like Europe, "Yo America is legit. Come over!"

What are the major reasons for migrating? (PG 81) IMPORTANT

Book answer: Most people migrate for economic reasons. Cultural and environmental factors also induce migration, although not as frequently as economic factors. (+ political) Simple Answer: Economic, but cultural, environmental, and political too.

Who is the best example of economic migration? (PG 81) FLUFF EXAMPLES THAT ARE IMPORTANT

Book answer: The United States and Canada have been especially prominent destination for economic migrants. Simple Answer: U.S. and Canada(Bro)

Migration Transition Vocab

Change in the migration pattern in a society that results from industrialization population growth and other social and economic changes that also produce the demographic transition.

Pull Factor Vocab

Factor that included people to move to new location.

Push Factor Vocab

Factor that includes people to leave old residence .

Migration Vocab

Form of relocation diffusion involving a permanent move to a new location.

Refugees Vocab

People who are forces to migrate from their home country and cannot return for fear of persecution because of race, religion, nationality, membership in a social group, or political opinion.

Unauthorized Immigration Vocab

People who enter a country without proper documents.

Forced Migration Vocab

Permanent movement compelled usually by cultural factors.

International Migration Vocab

Permanent movement from one country to another.

Interregional Migration Vocab

Permanent movement from one region of a country to another.

Voluntary Migration Vocab

Permanent movement undertaken by choice.

Internal Migration Vocab

Permanent movement within a particular country.

Intraregional Migration Vocab

Permanent movement within one region of a country.

Circulation Vocab

Short-term, repetitive, or cyclical movements that recur on a regular basis.

Floodplain Vocab

The area subject to flooding during a given number of years according to historical trends.

Net Migration Vocab

The difference between the level of immigration and the level of emigration .

Guest Workers Vocab

Workers who migrate to the more developed countries of Northern and Western Europe, usually from Southern and Eastern or from North Africa in search if higher-paying jobs.

Chain Migration Vocab

Migration of people to a specific location because relatives or members of the same nationality previously migrated there.

Immigration Vocab

Migration to a new location.

Counterurbanization Vocab

Net migration from urban to rural areas in more developed countries.

Emigration Vocab

Migration from a location

Mobility Vocab

All types of movement from one location to another.

Intervening obstacle] Vocab

An environmental or cultural feature of the landscape that hinders migration.

How does each stage affect the migration pattern?(PG 84)

Book Answer: Stage one of the demographic is characterized by high daily or seasonal mobility in search of food rather than permanent migration to a new location. Stage 2 is at a point when international migration becomes especially important, as does inter regional migration from one country's rural area to its cities. Stage 3 and 4 are the principal destination of the international migrants leaving stage 2 countries as a search for economic opportunity. Simple Answer: Stage 1 moving a lot based on food (from vending machine to vending machine based on which ones are working). No permanence. Stage 2 international and interregional from rural to cities Stage 3 and 4 "Ugh poor people. Let's go to a rich country."

Where is international migration occurring? Internal? (PG 84) IMPORTANT

Book Answer: According to the migration transitions, international migration is primarily a phenomenon of countries in stage 2 of the demographic transitions , whereas internal migration is more important in stage 3 and 4. Simple Answer: International is Stage 2 and Internal is Stage 3 and 4

Why have people left their home to come America? (PG 86) BASIC KNOWLEDGE

Book Answer: Although the origins vary, the reason for migrating has remained essentially the same. Rapid population growth limited prospects for economic advancement at home. Simple Answer: Economic

How are Americans divided concerning unauthorized immigration? (PG 90) FLUFF EXAMPLES THAT ARE IMPORTANT

Book Answer: Americans are divided concerning whether unauthorized migration helps or hurts the country. Simple Answer: Dose it help or naw?

During 19th century who sent the most immigrants to the U.S.? (PG 87) FLUFF EXAMPLES THAT ARE IMPORTANT

Book Answer: Among the European countries, Germany has sent the largest number of immigrants to the United Sates. Simple Answer: Germany

Why is there an increase in children? (PG 85) IMPORTANT

Book Answer: An increasing percentages of U.S. immigration are children - 16% of immigration are under age 15, compared to 21% for the total U.S. population. With an increase in women migrating to the United States more children are coming with their mothers. Simple Answer: More women = More children they have to drag along with them

1840s and 1850s (PG 87) IMPORTANT

Book Answer: Annual immigration jumped from 20,000 to more than 200,000. Three-fourths of all U.S. immigrants during those 2 decades came from Ireland and Germany. Desperate economic push factors compelled the Irish and Germans to cross the Atlantic. Germans also emigrated to escape from political unrest. Simple Answer: Jumps in migration and most came from Germany and Ireland to escape political unrest.

KEY ISSUE 2: Which regions have net-in-migration? Which have net-out migration? (PG 85) IMPORTANT

Book Answer: At a global scale, Asia, Latin America, and Africa have net-out-migration, and North America, Europe, and Oceania have net-in-migration. Simple Answer: Net-out migration = Asia, Latin America, and Africa Net-in migration = North America, Europe, and Oceania

Example of influx of migrants. (PG 93) FLUFF EXAMPLES THAT ARE IMPORTANT

Book Answer: Between 1999 and 2008, the foreign-born population rose in Spain from around 3/4 million to 5 1/4 million, and in Ireland from 1/4 million to around 1/2 million. Simple Answer: Spain

Example of intervening obstacles. (PG 83) FLUFF EXAMPLES THAT ARE IMPORTANT

Book Answer: Bodies of water have long been important intervening obstacles. Before the invention of modern transportation, such as railroads and motor vehicles, people migrated across landmasses by horse or on foot. For example many migrant lured to California during the 19th century by the economic pull factor of the Gold Rush failed to reach their destination because they could not cross such intervening obstacles as the Great Plains, the Rocky Mts., or desert country. Simple Answer: In the olden times bodies of water were hard obstacles, because they traveled by donkey. For example in the gold rush(pull factor) people died because they were really tired after crossing from east to west.

What were the views of America in the 20th century? (PG 94) FLUFF EXAMPLES THAT ARE IMPORTANT

Book Answer: By the early 20th century, most Americans saw the frontiers as closed and thought that therefore entry to the country should be closed as well. Simple Answer: AMERICAN don't want anymore immigrants

What induces voluntary migration? Forced migration? (PG 84) IMPORTANT

Book Answer: Economic push and pull factors usually induce voluntary migration, and cultural (or political ) factors normally "compel" forced migration. Simple Answer: Voluntary is economic and Forced is cultural or political

1870s (PG 87) IMPORTANT

Book Answer: Emigration from Western Europe resumed following a temporary decline during the U.S. Civil War. Simple Answer: Decline in immigration during the Civil War

Which continent has the prevalent society? (PG 90) FLUFF EXAMPLES THAT ARE IMPORTANT

Book Answer: Europe's most prevalent religion, Christianity, has the world's largest numbers of adherents. Europe art, music, literature, philosophy, and ethnic have also diffused throughout the world. Simple answer: Europe

How do guest workers play a useful rate in western Europe? (PG 93) FLUFF EXAMPLES THAT ARE IMPORTANT

Book Answer: Guest workers serve a useful role in Western Europe because they take low-status and low skilled jobs that local residents won't accept. Simple Answer: Takes blue collared jobs no one wants

Where are high net-in migrations? (PG 86) FLUFF EXAMPLES THAT ARE IMPORTANT

Book Answer: High net in migration is found in oil-rich Middle East countries as well as in MDCs perceived as having more job opportunities. Simple Answer: Oil-rich countries and MDCs

What are today's intervening obstacles? (PG 83) IMPORTANT

Book Answer: However today's migrants faces intervening obstacles created by local diversity in the government and political. A migrant needs a passport to legally emigrate from a country and a visa to legally immigrate to a new country. Simple Answer: Not every place is like south Florida where we don't give two craps about anything. Government be like, "AW HELL NO! YOU NEED A VISA! GO BACK TO MEXICO!"

Quotas Vocab

In reference to migration laws that limit on the number of people who can immigrate to a country each year.

Brain Drain Vocab

Large-scale emigration by talented people

In the 30s, 40s and 50s what was the migration like?

Lecture Answer: 30s and 40s down 50s up

Migration transition

Lecture Answer: (???) Social economic

Laws of Migration 5

Lecture Answer: (International move) Families also move less than single adults. (When a child is older or younger)

Largest forced migration? BASIC KNOWLEDGE

Lecture Answer: Atlantic slave trade

What happened in the 1990? (PG 87) FLUFF EXAMPLES THAT ARE IMPORTANT

Lecture Answer: Communism Collapsed

Laws of Migration 1

Lecture Answer: Every migration generates every turn of counter turn migration.

Laws of Migration 3

Lecture Answer: If they move a long distance they will move to a large city.

Inter v. Intra IMPORTANT

Lecture Answer: Inter - Rural to Urban Intra - Older Urban to Newer Suburban

Laws of Migration 2

Lecture Answer: Most migrates will move a short distance.

Flight of the intelligentsia IMPORTANT

Lecture Answer: Not wanting smart people to leave

Laws of Migration 4

Lecture Answer: Urban resident migrate less than people in rural areas.

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