AP Human Geo: Chapter 10 Agriculture

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The percentage of the labor force in the United States that works directly in agriculture is


What conclusion can one make with regard to the connection between the second agricultural revolution and the Industrial Revolution?

Advancements in agricultural production helped feed the expanding population. Technological advancements helped increase agricultural production. A and B only.

What was the advantage of domesticating animals?

Animals provided meat. Animals provided milk. Animals provided furs and skins. Animals were beasts of burden. All of the above.

Which combination of animals was domesticated in Southwest Asia?

Sheep and goat.

Shifting cultivation is still practiced in many parts of

South America.

Which region is not a major dairy producing area?

Southeast United States.

Agricultural first diffused to Europe from

Southwest Asia.

All of the following were vegetative planting (root crop) hearths except

Southwest Asia.

What area of the world first incorporated domestication of both plants and animals?

Southwest Asia.

According to Carl Sauer, what best characterized the invention of plant domestication?

The process was gradual. A number of independent hearths were established. Hearths developed in areas with high biodiversity. All of the above.

Which of the following statements is most accurate concerning the invention of agriculture?

The process was gradual. There were multiple hearths throughout the world. A and B only.

Livestock ranching and pastoral nomadism both

exist in environments too harsh for crop production.

The most practiced economic activity in the world is

intensive subsistence agriculture.

The process by which people engaged in shifting cultivation plant crops of varying heights in order to protect lower crops is called


Swidden agriculture refers to

clearing land to farm using slash and burn techniques. only farming cleared land for one to two years. A and B only.

Shifting cultivation is a threatened form of agriculture because of

competition for resources from logging and mining companies. population increase. A and B only.

The Enclosure Movement altered the geography and agricultural practices of rural England by

consolidating oddly shaped fields. encouraging the use of more farm machinery. A and B only.

All of the following are environmental impacts of commercial farming except

contribution to the urban heat island effect.

Agriculture is affected by all of the following except

cultural taboos. distance to the market. political policies. level of economic development. all of the above.

Subsistence agriculture dominates in

less developed countries.

The primary purpose of commercial agriculture is to

make a profit.

Pastoral nomadism is a threatened way of life because

of competition for resources. the nomads often cross international borders. it is not an economically viable livelihood. increased population pressures. all of the above.

Pastoral nomads potentially contribute to desertification by


All of the following are examples of intensive commercial agriculture except

paddy rice farming.

The agricultural practice most commonly associated with intensive subsistence agriculture is

paddy rice farming.

Strategies used to increase the supply of food for a country could include

putting more land into production. increasing the yield of land under cultivation. identifying new food sources. increasing food imports. all of the above.

Extensive subsistence agriculture predominates in

semi-arid deserts.

Pastoral nomads predominate in

semi-arid deserts. deserts. A and B only.

Growing only enough food to feed your family is an example of

subsistence agriculture.

The modern definition of agriculture includes

the deliberate domestication of plants and animals.

All of the following are aspects of commercial agriculture except

there is little relationship to other businesses.

Herders who seasonally move their animals between mountain pastures and lowland valleys practice


Pastoral nomadism still a dominant way of life in many parts of

Central Asia.

Which famous cultural geographer theorized that the invention of agriculture took place in multiple hearths?

Carl Sauer.

Which pairing of animal(s) and region is not correct?

Cattle - South Asia.

What best characterizes intensive commercial agriculture?

Commercial agriculture dominates in MDCs. Due to globalization and competition, profit margins have decreased. Farmers must specialize in order to stay competitive. Farmers are part of a complex and highly integrated system called agribusiness. All of the above.

What geographic factor best explains why a piece of land is used intensively or extensively for agriculture?

Distance to the market.

What agricultural technique allows subsistence farmers in tropical and sub-tropical areas to support a large population with a small amount of arable land?

Double cropping.

_____________ did not contain an agricultural hearth.


Europeans evolved from farming a single field in early medieval times to rotating crops into how many different sections or fields by the 18th century?


Which statement regarding agricultural region(s) with respect to Whitttlessey's Agricultural Regions map is no longer applicable?

Plantation agriculture doesn't exist in North America anymore.

What type of diffusion is most closely associated with the Columbian Exchange?

Relocation diffusion.

Which of the following are examples of extensive subsistence agriculture?

Slash and burn agriculture and nomadic herding.

How did the second agricultural revolution improve agricultural production?

The four-field system increased yields and soil fertility. New technologies such as the drill press increased production. The Enclosure Movement encouraged the use of machinery. Advances in breeding livestock increased production of meat and dairy. All of the above.

According Carl Sauer, why did vegetative planting first start in Southeast Asia?

The region's high biodiversity allowed people to become more sedentary, which naturally led to experimentation with plants.

Why do societies practicing shifting cultivation only farm the same plot of land for one to two years?

Tropical soils are nutrient poor.

What activity typifies extensive commercial agriculture?

Wheat and grain farming. Livestock ranching. A and B only.

Pastoral nomads do not typically herd


Another term for pastoral nomadism is

extensive subsistence agriculture. nomadic herding. A and B only

Humans survived prior to the invention of agriculture by engaging in

hunting and gathering.

Technology essential for intensive subsistence agriculture is


Dairy farmers locate near urban areas because

it is expensive to transport product to market. milk has a limited shelf-life. A and B only.

Agriculture is associated with the

primary sector of the economy.

All of the following are characteristics of shifting cultivation except

primogentric land ownership dominates shifting cultivation societies.

The second agricultural revolution coincided with

the Industrial Revolution.

All of the following are true regarding contemporary hunting and gathering societies except

their way of life is preserved by many governments.

When comparing the Koppen Climate Regions Map with the Whittlessey Agricultural Regions Map one can conclude that

there is a direct relationship between the patterns on both maps.

All of the following are characteristics of pastoral nomads except

they only consume animal products and animal by-products.

All of the following are types of subsistence agriculture except

truck farming.

The major difference between subsistence and commercial agriculture is

where the product is consumed. that commercial agriculture is primarily focused on profit. that land ownership in subsistence agricultural communities is often communal. that in subsistence agriculture the motivation is to feed one's family. all of the above.

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