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Which of the following is not a disorder of water balance?

excessive hydration due to excess ANP secretion

Hypoproteinemia reflects a condition of unusually high levels of plasma proteins and causes tissue edema.


The most important force causing net water flow across capillary walls is ________.

hydrostatic pressure of capillary blood

During _____________ increased breathing rate and depth of breathing go beyond the body 19s need to remove carbon dioxide.


Which of the following conditions promotes edema?


What type of water imbalance increases the amount of fluid in both cells and tissue?

hypotonic hydration

Which of the following is not a trigger for juxtaglomerular granular cells to release renin?

increased extracellular fluid water levels

Fluids inside cells make up the _________ fluid fraction of total body water.


The respiratory system is one of the three systems that regulate acid-base balance in the body. How does it work to decrease an acidosis

Carbonic acid is broken down into water and CO2; the CO2 is then exhaled.

The regulation of potassium balance ________.

involves aldosterone-induced secretion of potassium

What provides the shortest-term mechanism for preventing acid-base imbalances in the body? (Must answer the question completely and correctly in order to get credit. Partial credit not given.)

Chemical buffers act within a fraction of a second to resist a pH change. The longest term mechanism is a kidney system, which ordinarily requires from several hours to a day or more to effect changes in the blood pH.

What negatively charged ion is reabsorbed by renal tubules when the blood pH is drawing near its alkaline limit?


The movement of fluids between cellular compartments ________.

is regulated by osmotic and hydrostatic forces

Blood analysis indicates a low pH, and the patient is breathing rapidly. Given your knowledge of acid-base balance, which of the following is most likely?

metabolic acidosis

A patient is breathing slowly and blood pH analysis indicates an abnormally high value. What is the likely diagnosis?

metabolic alkalosis

Ingesting too much antacid would cause which of the following acid-base disturbances?

metabolic alkalosis

Vomiting will cause which type of acid-base disturbance?

metabolic alkalosis

Which of the following is not a chemical buffer system?

nucleic acid

The fluid link between the external and internal environment is ________.


Whereas sodium is found mainly in the extracellular fluid, most ________ is found in the intracellular fluid.


Which of these combinations of values would help you determine if your patient was suffering from metabolic acidosis?

Decreased blood HCO3- levels and decreased pH

Calcitonin targets the bones and causes the release of calcium from storage when serum levels are low.


Hypercalcemia causes muscle tetany.


It is impossible to overhydrate because people need as much water as they can drink to carry out ordinary body functions.


Solutes, regardless of size, are able to move freely between compartments because water carries them along the osmotic gradients.


The most abundant cation in intracellular fluid is sodium.


The two hormones responsible for the regulation of calcium are pituitary hormone and calcitonin.


Thirst is always a reliable indicator of body water need.


a lower than normal sodium level, can cause dysfunction of the nervous system.


fluid makes up about 80% of extracellular fluid.


Which of the following describes the distribution of sodium and potassium between cells and body fluids?

K+ mainly in the cells, Na+ in the body fluids

Of the three buffering mechanisms in the body, which is the strongest?

renal system

What is the most important trigger for aldosterone release?

renin-angiotensin-aldosterone mechanism

Severe anxiety would cause which type of acid-base disturbance? What would be the compensation?

respiratory alkalosis; kidneys would excrete HCO3

Newborn infants have a relatively higher ________ content in their ECF than do adults.


The maintenance of the proper pH of the body fluids may be the result of ________.

the control of respiratory ventilation

Hypersecretion of aldosterone results in hypokalemia, which causes hyperpolarization of neurons; this in turn results in ______.

the need for a stronger than normal stimulus in order to trigger an action potential

Hypoproteinemia is a condition of unusually low levels of plasma proteins. This problem is often characterized by ________.

tissue edema

Which of the following is NOT an effect of PTH?

to decrease Ca2+ absorption in the gut (Calcium has two valence electrons, so it is generally written as Ca2+, or Ca++)

Which of the following does NOT impact how much sodium is reabsorbed?

transport maximum of the renal proximal tubule

Which of the following is the only logical explanation for why hypocalcemia increases neuromuscular excitability and causes muscle tetany?

Low plasma calcium ion concentration increases the permeability of neuron membranes to sodium ions, thereby causing depolarization that in turn increases the likelihood of action potentials being generated.

In a respiratory acidosis the kidney would do which of the following?

The kidney would reabsorb bicarbonate and secrete hydrogen ions.

Annie has just eaten a large order of heavily salted French fries, some pickled eggs, and some cheese. How will consuming this much salt affect her physiology?

There will be a temporary increase in blood volume.

Aldosterone stimulates the reabsorption of sodium while enhancing potassium secretion.


Although the sodium content of the body may be altered, its concentration in the ECF remains relatively stable because of immediate adjustments in water volume.


As ventilation increases and more carbon dioxide is removed from the blood, the hydrogen ion concentration of the blood decreases.


Blood acidity results in depression of the CNS, whereas blood alkalosis results in overexcitement of the CNS.


Carotid artery and aortic baroreceptors are involved in long term adjustment to total body sodium ion content.


Dehydration can be caused by endocrine disturbances such as diabetes mellitus or diabetes insipidus.


Electrolytes determine most of the chemical and physical reactions of body fluids.


Heavy consumption of salt substitutes high in potassium can present a serious clinical problem when aldosterone release is not normal.


Most acidic substances (hydrogen ions) originate as by-products of cellular metabolism.


One of the most powerful and plentiful sources of buffers is the protein buffer system.


Premenstrual edema may be due to enhanced reabsorption of sodium chloride.


Prolonged hyperventilation can cause alkalosis.


Respiratory acidosis results when lungs are obstructed and gas exchange is inefficient.


Some potassium ions are reabsorbed from the kidney filtrate via type A intercalated cells.


The main way the kidney regulates potassium ions is to excrete them.


The normal pH of blood is 7.35-7.45.


The phosphate buffer system is relatively unimportant for buffering blood plasma.


The single most important blood buffer system is the bicarbonate buffer system.


The thirst center in the brain is located in the hypothalamus.


To remain properly hydrated, water intake must equal water output.


Water imbalance, in which output exceeds intake, causing an imbalance in body fluids, is termed dehydration.


Weak acids are able to act as chemical buffering systems for the body because they partially dissociate.


When aldosterone release is inhibited, sodium reabsorption cannot occur beyond the distal convoluted tubule.


What is the effect of acidosis on the body? What is the effect of alkalosis on the body? (Must answer the question completely and correctly in order to get credit. Partial credit not given.)

When the body is in acute acidosis, the nervous system becomes so severely depressed that the person goes into a coma and death soon follows. Alkalosis causes overexcitement of the nervous system. Characteristic signs include muscle tetany, extreme nervousness, and convulsions. Death often results from respiratory arrest.

The term hypotonic hydration refers to ________.

a condition that may result from renal insufficiency or drinking extraordinary amounts of water

Which of the following would NOT be associated with a rise in K+ concentration in the extracellular fluid (ECF)?

a drop in Na+ reabsorption

An increase in blood CO2 levels leads to __________.

a drop in blood pH

Which of the following hormones is important in the regulation of sodium ion concentrations in the extracellular fluid?


Which of the following does not depend on the presence of electrolytes?

amount of body fat

Total body water is not a function of which of the following?

amount of water ingested

Which of the choices below is not an essential role of salts in the body?

anabolism of lipids

Which of the following hormones is important in stimulating water conservation in the kidneys?

antidiuretic hormone

Suppose the extracellular fluid (ECF) osmolality becomes too high. What hormone would most likely be released to correct this situation?

antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

What hormone reduces blood pressure and blood volume by inhibiting nearly all events that promote vasoconstriction and sodium ion and water retention?

atrial natriuretic peptide

The term alkaline reserve is used to describe the ________ buffer system.


What is the primary buffer in the plasma?

bicarbonate buffer system

Which of the following is not a method for regulating the hydrogen ion concentration in blood?


The bicarbonate buffer system is one of the chemical buffer systems of the body. How would the bicarbonate buffer system work if sodium hydroxide were added to a solution?

A hydrogen on carbonic acid would dissociate and join the hydroxyl group on the base to form water and sodium bicarbonate.

is a condition in which blood pH has risen above 7.45.


Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding water intake and output by the body?

An increase in fluid taken by mouth would reduce the amount produced by metabolism.

A group of coaches for the local youth leagues have asked you to speak to them about proper hydration for young athletes. Which statement shows the greatest understanding?

"I plan to have plenty of water available on our bench, and I'll have my team take frequent breaks during practice to quench their thirst."

Which of the following statements is true regarding fluid shifts?

Electrolytes have greater osmotic power than nonelectrolytes and therefore have the greatest ability to cause fluid shifts.

Adipose tissue is one of the most hydrated of all tissues in the human body.


Aldosterone is secreted in response to low extracellular potassium.


Atrial natriuretic peptide reduces blood pressure and blood volume by inhibiting nearly all events that promote vasodilation and potassium and water retention.


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