AP Lang Final

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16. The author uses the "not only" construction in Paragraph 1 to

B convey a heightened degree of involvement in shared literary activities during a period

47. In the third paragraph, the author is principally occupied with

B exemplifying a claim

28. In the last paragraph, the author mentions Alice Hamilton and Harriet Beecher Stowe because they

B illustrate how the art of letter writing nurtured literary achievement

25. In note 3, the author states that Motz's work

B presents historical evidence that women were more closely identified with letter writing than were men

13. In the context of the passage as a whole, the final paragraph serves to

B qualify the earlier argument by considering the value of directly engaging one's troubles

55. Which of the following is LEAST applicable to describe the author's presentation of ideas in the passage?

C Dogmatic

21. Which of the following best describes the rhetorical function of the last sentence of the second paragraph ("Perhaps ... 1870s")?

C It ironically acknowledges the perceptiveness of "critics" while implicitly criticizing their efforts to regulate female conduct.

51. In the third paragraph, the author emphasizes which of the following aspects of thinking?

C Its complexity

8. The use of the passive voice in the sentence "By ... friendship" (Paragraph 5) has which of the following effects?

D It makes a generalization seem less personal.

52. In the first part of the final paragraph, the author is mainly concerned with

D answering a possible objection

50. By calling rightness "the compliment you give" (Paragraph 3), the author suggests that rightness is

D contingent on personal choices

15. In the passage as a whole, the author recommends that "we" adopt which of the following personal characteristics?

D Circumspection and self-reliance

33. All of the following are true of the first paragraph EXCEPT:

E It reveals the author's dismissal of the community in which she was raised.

18. Paragraph 2 ("If women ... performance") states that women were

E considered to have a particular facility for writing letters and diary entries

24. The third paragraph asserts that letter writing was significant because it

A provided women with a means of exercising power as individuals

22. Note 2 primarily promotes the exploration of which topic?

D The prevalence of diary keeping in particular groups

23. In Paragraph 3, the "pattern" refers to the

B responsibility women had for maintaining family connections

12. In context, the series of adjectives before "fright" (Paragraph 6) is meant to

C evoke the mounting intensity of an emotion

29. In Paragraph 4 ("In creating ... converged"), the author describes the relationship between

D literature that inspired women and the diaries and letters women produced

9. In Paragraph 5, "this torture" refers to the

D sense that we have been a burden to others

44. By saying "Pragmatism is an account of the way people think" (Paragraph 1), the author implicitly acknowledges that

B there may be other theories that explain the way we think

3. In the first paragraph, the author draws a distinction between

B thinking and speaking

34. In Paragraph 2 ("Black men ... participate"), the author juxtaposes two versions of "preaching" primarily to

C convey her appreciation for Black women's eloquence in the home

40. The image of "cheap diaries that soon fell apart from too much handling" (Paragraph 6) serves primarily to

C convey indirectly the author's childhood compulsion to write

35. The emphasis on endlessness in Paragraph 3 highlights the author's dilemma by suggesting that

C her intense desire to speak is met with equally strong resistance

2. The author implies that the speech of "Some people" (Paragraph 1) is likely to be

C ill-considered and impetuous

48. The questions the author poses in Paragraph 3 are used to

C illustrate the difficulty of making a decision based on one's values

4. In the second paragraph, the author suggests that one way to lessen the suffering of others is to get them to believe that their troubles are

C not unique to them

36. Within the first three paragraphs, the author shifts from discussing

D the limitations imposed on her as a child to the need to express herself as an individual

14. The author uses which of the following to develop his ideas in the passage?

E A series of generalizations supported by reasoning and hypothetical instances

26. In note 3, the bibliographical information provided for di Leonardo's work indicates that it is

E an article in a periodical

53. For the author, our decision making is most influenced by

E particular circumstances

49. The series of parallel clauses in Paragraph 3 ("if you thought ... break it") is used to

E reinforce an idea

32. The passage is primarily about

E the development of the author's vocation

46. With regard to decision making, the author views admonitions like "Order what you feel like eating" (Paragraph 1) and "Do the right thing" (Paragraph 2) as

E ultimately helpful

6. In the third paragraph, the author is mainly concerned with

E urging verbal restraint by highlighting the impact of speech on the speaker's sense of reality

27. The author uses the word "obligations" in Paragraph 4 to expand on the meaning of

A "charged" (Paragraph 3)

30. Which statement best sums up the central argument of the passage?

A Genres defined as feminine gave women the chance to assert their influence and express themselves.

38. Which of the following adjectives best describe the "right speech of womanhood" as discussed in Paragraph 4 versus how it is discussed in Paragraph 5?

A Repressed versus unheard

19. In Paragraph 2 ("Whatever ... 1870s"), the author suggests that

A diaries helped girls experiment privately with different personas

45. In the first paragraph, the author is mainly concerned with

A distinguishing between two frames of reference

11. In Paragraph 6, italicization is used to

A emphasize a difference between appearance and reality

7. The author introduces the figure of the "man who imagines his wits are failing" (Paragraph 4) primarily in order to

A emphasize the importance of maintaining people's confidence in their own abilities

54. According to the author, we know that a decision we have made is right largely through our

A individual intuition

42. In this passage, the author mainly promotes

A the assertion of Black women's agency

10. In context, "eloquence" (Paragraph 5) most closely reiterates the meaning of which of the following words used earlier in the passage?

B "Expression" (Paragraph 3)

5. Which of the following are contrasted in the third paragraph?

B Expression and reserve

1. The author most likely assumes which of the following about his audience?

B It is interested in learning how to deal with personal problems.

43. The author's tone in this passage can best be characterized as

D determined, with repetition conveying a sense of insistence

39. Which of the following best describes the effect of the sentence fragment in Paragraph 5?

B It conveys the absorption of the author in the memory recounted in the previous sentence.

37. Which of the following best expresses the author's main point in the fourth paragraph?

B The experience of Black women must be distinguished from that of White women.

20. What is the effect of putting the word "presumably" (Paragraph 2) in parentheses?

C To raise doubts about whether an assumption is warranted

17. Which statement best describes the main idea of the first paragraph?

C Writing tasks featured prominently in children's lives.

31. The author's overall tone is best described as

C assured and informative

41. The author develops a simile in Paragraph 6 primarily to

C convey an experience of betrayal

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