ap meh:the reformation

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identify the arguments contained within Luther's On Temporal Authority

*On Temporal Authority- Luther shattered the temporal authority of the Church, which led to the religious wars* I owe you obedience in body and property; command me within the limits of your authority on earth, and I will obey. But if you command me to believe or to get rid of certain books, I will not obey; for then you are a tyrant and overreach yourself, commanding where you have neither the right nor the authority," etc. Should he seize your property on account of this and punish such disobedience, then blessed are you; thank God that you are worthy to suffer for the sake of the divine word. Let him rage, fool that he is; he will meet his judge. For I tell you, if you fail to withstand him, if you give in to him and let him take away your faith and your books, you have truly denied God.

explain the significance of the Peace of Augsburg to the German Wars

A compromise statement that stated as the ruler, so the religion o Where lutherans ruled... lutheranism and same for catholic rulers and catholicism Historical milestone Peace set a dangerous precedent o Established premise that no state can tolerate religious diversity Excluded calvinism o German and scots became aggressive opponents of the status quo More religious warfare

john calvin

A frenchman who published the first version of his Institutes of the Christian Religion, the most influential formulation of protestant theology ever written Born in Noyon, and originally trained for the Law o However by 1533, he was studying Greek and Latin classics while living off the income form a priestly benefice Said he was "obstinately devoted to the superstitions of popery" but then had a miraculous conversion Became a protestant theologian and propagandist o Had to flee swiss city of Basel it escape persecution Different from Luther in the aspect that he was a cool analytical legalistic who resolved in his Institutes to set forth all the principles of Protestantism comprehensively, logically, and systematically o Institutes of Christian religion=summa theologica

Define Holy Roman Empire

A multi ethnic territory that in reality was not under one ruler, but hundreds of local princes and lords. o Despite this reality the significance of the Holy Roman Emperor was to claim to political supremacy over all of Christendom and therefore all of Europe

define indulgences

A process of salvation in quantitative terms, teaching that a believer could reduce the penance owed for a sin— and time in purgatory— by a specific number of days through performing specific actions such as making a pilgrimage or a pious donation o When introduced in the late eleventh century, could only be earned through performing demanding spiritual exercises, such as joining a crusade

how does calvin's theocracy relate to the demand for religious unity?

A society with religious people as the supreme leaders/authority o Gave them the authority to pick their religion Benefitted their personal beliefs • Emphasis on intolerance of any other belief that is not with their religious beliefs/denomination

arguments within Luther's Against the Thieving and Murdering Hordes of Peasants

Against the Thieving and Murdering Hoards of Peasants- Luther published this pamphlet in response to the German Peasant Rebellion's Twelve Articles, urging the lords to crush the rebellious peasants-- Luther believed in questioning RELIGIOUS authority, but not political and social authority, thought questioning political authority was very wrong, did not believe in social equality

why did the Peace of Augsburg represent a 'double defeat' for Charles?

Allowed German princes to determine the religion practiced within their realm Represented a double defeat for Charles V o He had failed to stamp out Protestantism and German princes now exercised even greater independence dense from the Holy Roman Empire After his humiliation, he abdicated the Kingdom of a Spain and his holdings in the Netherlands and Italy to his sin Phillip II And gave position of Holy Roman Emoeror and Hapsburg lands in eastern Europe to his brother Ferdinand • They are the next generation of leaders who would renew the drive for Hapsburg supremacy in Europe

explain the significance of Charles V to the German Religious Wars

Attempted to establish Catholic unity by launching a military campaign against several catholic princes who instituted Lutheran worship in their territories o Failed because he was also involved in wars against France Primarily failed because the catholic princes of germany worked against him

explain the organization of government & society of Geneva Switzerland under Calvin's leadership

Became a theocracy o Supreme authority was vested in a "consistory" or assembly, composed of 12 lay elders and between 10 and 20 pastors Calvin dominated their weekly meetings Main function was to pass legislation and supervise morality • Both public and private Geneva was divided into districts o Committee of consistory visited each house hold without prior warning Made sure they were following strict rules, especially on the sabbath Calvin's Geneva was a beacon of light to thousands of protestants throughout europe o John Knox declared Geneva to be "most perfect school of christ that ever was on earth since the days of the apostles" Converts flocked to geneva for refuge or instruction • Thus geneva became the center of an international movement dedicated to spreading reformed religion to France and the rest of Europe through organized missionary activity and propoganda

list the parallels to the religious wars in France while detailing the work of Peter Bruegel and the Union of Utrecht

Becomes increasingly brutal and destructive o Society begins to break down under undress cycles of religious violence where protestants are killing catholics and vice versa o Increasing amounts of dis function Question of whether if various societies being torn apart and civilization at large would be able to survive Calvinists fighting catholics Peter Brueghel o The Wedding dance Painted what he experienced Very thoughtful and sensitive person • Realized his work was illustrating how most people lived o Massacre of the Innocents Showed spanish coming in wanting to stamp out calvinism Committing a number of violent acts & massacre • Showed attention to how religious war is effecting average people o Not glorifying military victories like many artists o Looking at realities Tremendous amount of suffering o Triumph of Death Takes it a step farther About what religious warfare is really starting to signify and mean Brueghel questions religious warfare • How could religion (christianity) be the source of truth if it leaders to slaughter and desolation • Notion of absolute christian truth o Lack of religious diversity is leading to destruction, desolation, and slaughter • In fighting for absolute truth, leading to a fundamental decay in christian practice o Massacres for the glory of God are not in touch with proper christianity Civilization has gone down an erroneous and utterly destruct full pathway • Sensitive illustration of the breakdown of western civilization Northern part of Netherlands is able to break away As a result of the warfare and breakdown, the union of utrecht Declaration of unity of the northern provinces • No one should be persecuted because of their religion • Ultimately promotion of religious tolerance o To alleviate what tore society apart for decades France and netheralands are only countries moving towards this direction at this time

how was the 30 years war a political war?

Came to involve every european power o Separate political motivations Political divisions fueled the war o Austrian Hapsburgs wanted to reverse the Protestant gains while building a stronger monarchy o German principalities and independent cities were jealous of their rights and resisted any attempt at centralization Different powers were going to intervene on what benefits them o Lutheran ruler of denmark, King Christian IV wanted to intervene and support protestants o Imperial armies crushed protestant forces o Lutheran King of Sweden, Gustavus Adolphus was asked for help Helped gain major victories for protestants • Prevented hapsburgs from uniting the German states His death prompted France to intervene Many countries had to place religion under political strategy for the sake of their own independence o The war ended, but france and spain kept fighting Had nothing to do with religion, but national rivalries and competition

anabaptists' stance on baptism and seperation of church and state

Convinced that the sacrament of Babtism was only effective when administered to willing adults who understood its significance o Required followers who were baptized as infants it be baptized again as adults Anabaptism= "rebaptism" Fundamental belief: the true church was a small community of believers whose members had to make a deliberate, inspired decision to join it Anabaptism was rejected by all established powers, both protestant and catholic o True seperation of church and state because of their strict morals and rules Seperation of anabaptism from state changed when anabaptism extremists gained control of the german city of munster in 1534 o Driven by millenarianism The belief that God intends to institute a completely new order of justice and spirituality throughout the world before the end of tine • Wanted to help god, so the extremists attempted to turn munster into a new Jerusalem o Catholics took back over and led to the persecution of ana baptist's

explain how mannerism relates to the growing skepticism and relativism

Depicts confusion and disarray Depicts humans being vulnerable,unsure, scared, not confident in their abilities, much more religiously focused The baptism of christ o Unsettling o Light and dark contrast o Out of proportion Last judgment o Focused on power and influence of evil o Human looks scared

what are the causes of religious war in the Netherlands?

Desire (especially from calvinists) or independence from the rule of the spanish

explain the significance of German Catholic Princes to the german religious wars

Feared any suppression of the protestant princes might diminish their own independence o Support for Charles was lukewarm At times even fought against him with the Protestants

detail the outlook of Michel de Montaigne

First early skeptic/relativist Said nothing is perfect don't hold onto any belief too firmly don't assert or fight for you opinions

explain calvin's outlook regarding predestination

For reasons of his own, God predestined some for eternal salvation and damned the rest to the torments of hell o Nothing individuals can do to alter their fate All souls are stamped with God's blessing or curse before they are born

explain the role of Catholic France and the Papacy in the German Religious Wars

France looked beyond Christian Europe, and formed a powerful alliance with Muslim sultan Suleiman the Magnificent who protected France from King Charles V and brought the ottoman empire into the Military and diplomatic sphere of Europe Papacy was forced to recognize the legitimacy of Protestantism

who opposed the Habsburg bid for mastery, why, and how

France, German princes, the Catholic Church, and many other territories that felt threatened by the specter of Hapsburg dominance France was the first among powers to challenge Hapsburg power and maintain a balance-of -power in Europe o Francis I fought four wars against Charles V, mainly over control of Italy o Wanted equal balance of power among europe German Princes were alarmed by Hapsburg's growing power o Martin Lither inspired political challenges o Charles V could not tolerate threats of the German princes Germans were a two tiered threat to himself as the emperor and Catholicism Many forces, most of them Catholic lined up against Charles V's attempt to extend Hapsburg power and restore catholic unity o German Catholic Princes Worked against Charles out of fear that their own political independence would be affected o Catholic King Henry II of France Gave direct military and financial support to the Lutheran German princes o Papacy Sought to weaken position of Charles

Martin Luther's personal background

Grew up in a largely peaceful Europe o Economy was expanding, cities growing, and major monarchies were secure o New period of colonial expansion o Church weathered the storms of the Great Schism and the Avignon captivity, and alleged heresies were contained At a local level, devotion of ordinary Christians was strong and the parish was a crucial site of community identity • However, there were some problems... o Education standards were higher than ever o Reformers complained that too many priests were ignorant or neglectful of their spiritual duties o Religious enthusiasm = superstition These problems were manageable Son of a peasant who prospered through some business ventures o His father was eager to see him succeed, so he sent Martin to the University of Erfurt To study law Shattered fathers hopes by becoming a monk in 1505 • Augustinian order o Never lost touch with peasant roots Literary successes owed a deal to the earthy german he learned as a boy As a monk, he pursued all the traditional means for achieving holiness o Continuously fasted & prayed o Confessed sins so often His confessor joked he should wait until he actually did something bad • Luther still regarded himself as deeply sinful and feared he wouldn't perform to meet salvation

analyze france's role and goals in the 30 years war

Had no objections to putting catholicism aside and throwing their support behind German Protestant Princes and the efforts of Gustavus Adolphus o Cardinal Richelieu Practices of recent. Doctoring and ancient practice: reason of state • All actions in interest of the state, however seemingly immoral or irreligious, are justified by the higher good provided to the state o Machiavellian doctrine Supported Protestant forces and even moved its armies into combat o Preserve BALANCE OF POWER in Europe Religious considerations came secondary to political, because of the threat of the Hapsburgs to France's Independence

why was the Edict of Nantes declared by Henry IV

He knew that a majority of the French were Catholics, so he chose to become a Catholic, saying, "Paris is worth a mass" Issued the edict proclaiming the toleration of Calvinism and recognizing the rights of French Protestants

explain calvin's outlook regarding Theocracy

He rejected everything that smacked of "popery" Argued for the elimination of all traces of hierarchy within the church o Each congregation should elect its own ministers and elders o Utmost simplicity in worship

why is Henry IV known as a politique?

He was more concerned about the political unity of society rather than religious views Promoted religious tolerance through edict of nantes

why did Henry VIII lead the English Reformation?

Henry needed a male heir to pass on his throne to, and his wife was past child bearing age, so he became attached to a lady-in-waiting... Anne Boleyn o Appealed to Rome to annul his marriage Arguing his marriage to catherine was invalid from the beginning because she was married to his brother prior • If pope clement granted his annulment, he would cast doubt on the validity of all papal dispensations o Provoke the wrath of emperor charles v

what are the major consequences of the 30 years war?

Immense destructiveness led Europeans towards despair and disillusionment regarding warfare o Art of peter paul rubens His art celebrated the military prowess and pomp of Catholic forces Given carnage of the 30 years war, he changed • In the Horrors of War o Monsters personify Pestilence and Faamine... inseparable partners of war o Harmony is broken because of war o Procreation and charity are thwarted by war Mother with child o Olive branch (peace) is thrown aside o Women dressed in black w torn veil and no ornaments Represents Europe who suffered plunder, outrage and misery o Jacques Callot Series of etchings and prints called The Miseries of War • Captured mood of destruction and dismay that hung over Europe at this time Priest waving cross at corpses • Cant be lost on individuals familiar with the religious passion that justified that raising of armies in the first place Encouraged European leaders to create a new framework o Unified christian Europe under a single church would never be known again o A system of independent states Kind of international society in order to conduct diplomacy o European diplomacy was created Concerned itself w neither the type of government or its majority religious beliefs Became a secular system of independent states in relation with one another in the context of Europe at large Wars continued, but now understood in the context of an ordered diplomatic syste whose conventions and assumptions were universally accepted and not as omens of chaos Ruination of Germany o Suffered tremendous wreckage o Peace of westphalia re-affirmed "whose realm, his religion" Thus germany remained decentralized into hundreds of different political entities with increasingly independent rulers o Germany's position was even more perilous Due to the emergence of France as a major power • Complicated Germany's long term ability to politically unify itself was France's foreign policy o Germany's political system remained medieval for another 2 centuries

why did the reformation lead to greater individualism and growth off challenging authority?

Individuals such as Luther showed that it is in deed possible to challenge the standards of authority and that it can be successful o Led people to challenge more and more common practices and systems Hierarchy etc Luther's big idea was self interpretatation of the bible o Showed that one's ideas can hold an abundance of truth and validity, and there may not even be a need of authority to confirm those beliefs Increase in individualism

Johann Gutenberg

Inventor of the printing press o Circa 1450. He invented the movable type printing press o Allowed one to set the type of a page using engraved lettering, ink the lettering, and then stamp copies of page after page in quick succession

why did many French nobles become Huguenots?

It held a speacial appeal for French nobles o By 1560s, 40-50% if the nobility had converted For many nobles Calvinism provided a means of expressing opposition to and asserting independence from the French Kingiiii

why was the printing press critical to the success of the Reformation?

It quickened the spread of Luther's document o Spread the challenging statements faster than the church could stop it... Increased the lands exposed to his revolutionizing theses

how was the 30 years war a religious war?

It was a religious war that involved Habsburg monarch Ferdinand 1, who was also the Holy Roman Emperor, and the Protestant princes in the Holy Roman Empire Religious Divisions fueled the war o Protestant Union formed in 1608 o Catholic League formed in 1609 Defend each one's interests Began as a religious civil war in Bohemia between the Catholic League led by Emperor Ferdinand 2 and the Protestant Union led by Frederick 5 o Conflict over who would take control of Bohemia following the death of their king o Ferdinand won which left catholics and hapsburgs in control of Bohemia Foreign powers intervened to support one denomination or another

define the habsburg bid for mastery under Charles V

It was his plan to fulfill his desire to extend his control in a bid for universal political power in Europe Early 16th century to the mid 17th century o Stirred the anxiety of many different political factions throughout the continent

why is it said that much and little changed in Catholicism as a result of the council of trent

Much changed o Those filling the papal offices were no longer "worldly" They were truly focused on God and bringing the Church to the utmost holiness Focused on bringing the church back to God & countering protestantism o Bishops and priests were forbidden to hold more than one spiritual office Improve pastoral care o Christian humanists lost favor with the papacy Erasmus is now on prohibited books list • Said to have inspired Luther Very little changed o Reaffirms luther is wrong Catholicism is correct and always has been • Need an equal balance of bible and tradition o Dogmas o Papacy is center of authority

union of utrecht

Northern part of Netherlands is able to break away As a result of the warfare and breakdown, the union of utrecht Declaration of unity of the northern provinces • No one should be persecuted because of their religion • Ultimately promotion of religious tolerance o To alleviate what tore society apart for decades France and netheralands are only countries moving towards this direction at this time

why are there many forms of protestantism today?

One of Luther's guiding principles was the each person should interpret the bible for themselves o He did not know that individuals would interpret so differently Led to many forms of protestantism, • Because everyone is exposed to different atmospheres, therefor their interpretations are influenced in different ways

analyze why politicL leaders demanded religious unity within their realm and why religious intolerance was the norm

People believed that if they were in the presence of another religion in their town/society, they were going to be corrupted by the devil, because everyone believed that THEIR religion had the absolute christian truth - that they were right and every other religion was wrong and was a satanic league

examine how protestant pluralism led to greater skepticism and relativism in Western Civilization

People did not know whaat the true truth was Questioned the "truth" of their own denomination and what aspects were even true Several philosophical questions arose o Who is right o Could humanity possibly know the true nature of God? Different denominations developed and it could be said that their surroundings influenced them o Relativism To a skeptic, humanity has a narrow room for certainty o That is emphasized by protestant pluralism

contrast luther as a political conservative and as a religious revolutionary

Political o Believe there were boundaries German peasant revolts • Said they were going too far o Thought that individuals ought to obey their leader Even unjust rulers Wanted germans to crush the rebels Religious revolutionary o All for challenging authority and determining your own rules o Resented papacy o Wanted to find key to personal salvation

why did the elizabethan statement make elizabeth I a politique?

Politique o holding national unity of greater importance than the absolute predominance of a single sect and advocating religious toleration as the policy of the government. Elizabethan settlement was unique because it mixed Protestantism and Catholicism- BUT it did NOT tolerate religious differences, if you were JUST Catholic or JUST Protestant, you were persecuted- you had to be Anglican (the religion Elizabeth set up o She balanced her views with the views of her people... did not prioritize her own beliefs

why is Henry VIII considered one of the New Monarchs?

Reformed the church and empowered the throne o New monarchs were those who united and brought about new levels of power to their kingdom

what is the significance and uniqueness of the edict of nantes

Religious tolerance was unheard of until this Allowed religions to practice in harmony within the same region

how does the peace of augsburg relate to the demand for religious unity

States in Germany had to be ALL one religion un order to promote unity o Made religious intolerance even more prominent in day to day society

compare and contrast the basis of diplomatic alliances before the peats of westphalia and after

The Pope was represented at Westphalia, however his objections were largely ignored o Shows the transformation of secularization in Europe Very different than before, because the pope had final say in every aspect Rulers were allowed to decided the religion in their region: the same as before o Different because calvinism was now accepted Now relations were secular o Relations were no longer concerned on the religion or type of government Religious basis for alliances had vanished o Each country's church was to all intents and purposes irrelevant to its foreign policy Europe ignored Pope Innocent X's comments ab this new system

define reformation

The Reformation, a 16th-century religious and political challenge to papal authority promoted by Martin Luther, King Henry VIII and others, led to the Thirty Years War and the Counter-Reformation.

themes of Luther's 95 theses & why they were revolutionary

The authority figure of the entire western civilization is going to hell Church is wrongly practicing christianity Turning away from bible o Why they can say money is freeing their souls Revolutionary because he is challenging the church -God intended believers to seek repentance and that faith alone, not deeds, would lead to salvation -could only win salvation by faith in God's gift of forgiveness *revolutionary at this time because of the sale of indulgences ... he completely denounced this and said that everyone in the church even high ranking officials were bound to hell*

why did the sale of indulgences represent a spiritual and moral crisis in Christianity?

The church itself was participating in a heresy, known as simonly o Church became so worldly that they didn't even notice & tuned out the voices of the devout traditional christians These practices could possibly lead to the dismantling of the contemporary church that any people knew o And the weakening of church authority Popes even began participating Showed you could be saved without gods graces

explain protestant pluralism

The different forms of protestantism rapidly forming out of lutheranism Authority was questioned o People were wondering if true authority even existed Skepticism o Doubt as to truth of somethin... certain knowledge is impossible Relativism o Doctrine that knowledge, truth, and morality exist in relation to culture, society, or historical context, and are not absolute Skeptics believed in relativism o No absolute truth exists o All depends on where you live etc o Majority of people believed in absolute true

how did the habsburg family become so powerful?

The family patriarch was Charles V o Holy Roman Emperor, King of Spain, King of Southern Italy, lord of the netherlands and had major holdings in Germany Won territories primarily through marriage and succession and not military victory

describe and explain the significance of the St. Bartholomew's day Massacre

The growing strength of the Huguenots alarmed the French King Charles IX and his powerful mother Catherine de' Medici Catholics killed thousands of Huguenots gathered in Oarks to celebrate the wedding of Margaret of Valois to the Huguenot leader Henry of Navarre Ignited a bloody civil war between Catholics and Huguenots that continued fir 15 years

explain why Henry VIII was an unlikely figure to bring about the English Reformation

The leaders of england at the time were hand in hand with the catholic church and almost ruled through the church o Being an english monarch with close ties was what made it so unlikely for henry to stray from the catholic basis He already had a lot of control and influence so didn't really need to go to the extent he did...

Deduce why the era of Reformation and religious wars experienced an increase in witchcraft trials and the execution of 'witches'

The reformation led to a multiplication of sects of christianity, in combination with tightly held belief in absolute christian truth, led to heightened sensitivities towards community members' vulnerability to Satanic forces and a desire for communal purity o Church and government worked together to achieve strict religious uniformity and propriety witching each state Saw it as their duty to root out evil Witch hunting was most severe in countries where large religious minorities lived or along a political boundary where the people of one state adhered to one form of christianity and neighbors adhered to another Witch hunting reached peak in late 16th and early 17th centuries o Time of tremendous mental, religious, political, and social instability, stress, and confusion in Western Civilization o Economic decline of peasantry and the emergence of the centralized state, rebellions, and civil wars, international conflicts on an unprecedented scale, challenges to authority and the breakdown of christian unity Heavy mental toll Majority of "witches" came from small agricultural villages that were part of the peasant economy o Close knit face to face communities, where everyone knows everyone else o Victims were typically older females Bc they were the weakest and most vulnerable o Became the scapegoats

why did the catholic church not compromise with the Protestant Reformation?

Then they would be saying that traditional Catholic teachings contain aspects that are wrong o They decide to reaffirm already standing catholic teaching They are right, protestantism is wrong

why were the northern german princes critical to the success of the reformation and identify their motivations

They were geographically located the farthest from Charles V's base of power in Vienna & they converted to and supported the spread of protestantism in their domains o Spiritually, the princes agreed with Luther's interpretation of proper Christian practice and viewed Lutheranism as the only pathway to salvation o Luther's successes emboldened the princes to challenge the authority of the Holy Roman Emperor and the Catholic Church o It was economically and politically advantageous... Was a declaration of independence from the claim of the universal domination over all German states by Charles V. Removed catholic courts and influences No longer had to pay tithe to the vatican Enhanced wealth and power by confiscating all church land and property Allowed princes to centralize power

explain calvin's outlook regarding the 'elect'

Those who god has predestinated o Cannot act indifferent o God implanted within the elect the desire to live according to his laws Upright conduct is a sign of being chosen to sit on the throne of Glory

Determine the factors of various demands and motivations for the German Peasant Revolts of 1524-1526

To destroy the upper class/nobility o Varying extremes on this... Some individuals like Muntzer wanted to destroy them and their stuff No serfdom o Okay w hereditary hierarchy as long as there is no oppression Peasants see that it is okay to challenge authority and it is possible to succeed o Domino effect from Martin Luther

contrast the Baroque artistic style to that of mannerism and explain how it sought to overcome the instability of thought of the era

Utilized the dramatic use of light and dark o Tenebrism Subject after focused on dramatic moments Buildings on a grandiose scale with ornate decoration Largely brought about by the Catholic Reformation o Product of a very insecure time Mannerism and baroque art are two different methods of dealing w the insecurities of the time o Unlike mannerism, baroque art tries to overcome the unease and overwhelm that sense Largely based on religious themes on a large scale canvas • Emphasize stability and unity and strength of the monarchy

describe the condition of France during Religious war

Very imbalanced and dangerous Almost brought france to the brink of disintegration -in ruin

explain the significance of the Act of Supremacy

recognized King Henry VIII as the "supreme head of the Church of England"

how does the elizabethan settlement relate to the demand for religious unity?

was unique because it mixed Protestantism and Catholicism- BUT it did NOT tolerate religious differences, if you were JUST Catholic or JUST Protestant, you were persecuted- you had to be Anglican (the religion Elizabeth set up) Shows ore leniancy, but still only permits one denomination under her rule...

luther's key beliefs

-salvation is achieved by faith alone -the bible is the only valid authority for christian life -the church consists of a priesthood of believers -all vocations have equal merit

Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592)

1. French Renaissance writer who developed the essay as a literary genre 2. Known for his skeptical attitude and willingness to look at all sides of an issue

when were indulgences largely for sale?

14th century

date of 95 theses


dates of the reformation and religious wars


Act of Supremacy


council of trent


german religious wars


peace of augsburg


St. Bartholomew's day Massacre


edict of nantes


Peace of Westphalia



A Protestant sect that believed only adults could make a free choice regarding religion; they also advocated pacifism, separation of church and state, and democratic church organization.

thomas muntzer

A radical German Anabaptist who was a rebel leader during the Peasants' War of 1524-26. Luther despised Muntzer for his politicization of the Reformation, and they disagreed over several religious doctrines. Preacher and theologian who participated and fueled the fire of the German Peasant revolts Very extreme o Wanted to destroy the nobility "hammer away the anvils of the princes and lords, cast down their towers to the ground!"

Council of Trent

Called by Pope Paul III to reform the church and secure reconciliation with the Protestants. Lutherans and Calvinists did not attend.


French Calvinist

how did the german religious wars begin?

German peasants originally supported Luther. They heard his message as one that promised freedom from oppression by the landlords and clergy -complaints that nobles had seized village common lands and imposed exorbitant rents soon escalated to open attacks on monastaries castles and prosperous farms

what is the reformation after (chronologically)


Peter Brueghel

his subjects were everyday life and landscapes; greatest flemish painter of the 16th century; "hunters in the Snow" the wedding dance massacre of the innocents triumph of death

how did the reformation similarly affect the Protestant and Catholic Women?

o Both had simple, bare minimum educations for girls To foster spirituality, religious identity, and submission to those in authority Used education as a means of conveying the sub ordinance of women o All patriarchal leaders and male heads of households overwhelmingly viewed the productive labor of women as part of their domestic role women's work: "assisting" or "housework" men's work: "production" or "work"

the bible is the only valid authority for christian life

o Denounced the catholic church's teaching that authority rests in both the bible and the traditional teachings of the church o Insisted that all church teachings should be based on the bible o Argued that christ established just two sacraments baptist's and holy communion rejected the teaching that there were 7 sacraments

Johan Tetzel

o Dominican friar who started selling indulgences throughout the region Gave people the impression that if you bought an indulgence, you would have an indicate ticket to heaven for yourself, or a loved one in purgatory • Violated luther's conviction that people are saved through god's grace alone • Also mislead people to think they don't need to confess their sins to a priest • Putting innocent souls at risk

pope leo x

o Made a deal with Bishop Albert of Hohenzollern He would authorize the sale of indulgences in albert's ecclesiastical territories (where luther lived) with the understanding that half of the income would go to rome, where it would finance the new St. Peter's Basilica and the other half would go to albert

explain calvin's outlook in the Institutes of the Christian Religion

o Omnipotence of God The entire universe depends utterly on the will of the Almighty, who knows all things present and to come. o All humans are sinners by nature and are bound to an evil inheritance that they cannot escape Yet god predestined some for eternal salvation o Individuals cant alter fate o Christians cannot be indifferent to their conduct on earth Upright=sign of being chosen to sit on throne of glory o Urged christians to conceive of themselves as chosen instruments of God, charged to work actively to fulfill God's purposes on earth Since sin offends God, christians should do all they can to prevent it God's glory is diminished if sin is allowed to flourish unchecked

how does belief in absolute christian truth relate ti the demand for religious unity?

o They believed that their region was right and was the only religion that held the christian truth and no other denomination could come close to claiming the truth since they are correct If others sai they had the christian truth, they were satanic

how did indulgences effect luther as a child?

o When luther was a child, the papacy began to claim that indulgences could benefit the dead Meaning that family members could purchase multiple indulgences for deceased family & friends to reduce their time in purgatory

how did the reformation affect protestant women?

o created a new vocation for men father and head of household who was responsible for the behavior and ideas of his wife, children and servants • leadership role in religious instruction and discipline • two divinely sanctioned vocations: father and worker • women had one: mother o women should not have unsupervised access to bible bc they might interpret it wrongly


o holding national unity of greater importance than the absolute predominance of a single sect and advocating religious toleration as the policy of the government.

salvation is achieved by faith alone

o not by how catholic church teaches of both faith and good works o Luther insisted faith is thee only path to salvation

the church consists of a priesthood of all believers

o roman catholic church was a hierarchical organization led by the pope o insisted that because all christians are spiritually equal, the church consists of the entire community of the christian faithful

all vocations have equal merit

o the catholic church taught that the monastic life was superior to the secular life o luther rejected this belief argued that all honest work has equal merit each person should serve God in his or her own individual calling o abolished monasteries and convents declared that clergy should marry

how did the reformation affect catholic women?

o women felt called to religious life that manifested their desire to serve their unfortunate neighbors o women imitated holy orders ways of life and did not question their right to do so jesuits • angela merici o founded the company of st.ursula (ursulines) took on a vocation and still lived as mothers/servants • church ended their ministry o reinforced women's narrow options: marriage or the enclosed convent, not both

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Literacy The Strategy Focus: Questioning Section 1

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HEALTH ONLY_Chapter 6- Group Accident and Health Insurance

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Prep-U Questions Chapter 38: Urinary Elimination

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