AP Physics Sem 2 Final

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a block of mass M is pulled along a horizontal, frictionless surface by a force of magnitude F, the force makes an angle Q with the vertical. the magnitude of the block in the horizontal direction produced by the force F is


Objects A and B collide together. they end up joined together and stationary. during the collision, a force +F is exerted on object A by object B. according to Newton's third law, there will also be a force of

-F acting on B

a 70 kg astronaut is space- walking around outside the space capsule and is stationary when the tether line breaks. as a means of returning to the capsule he throws his 2 kg space hammer at a speed of 14 m/s away from the capsule. at what speed does the astronaut move toward the capsule?

.40 m/s

A cannon sits on a stationary railroad flatcar with a total mass of 1000 kg. When a 10-kg cannon ball is fired to the left at a speed of 50 m/s, what is the recoil speed of the flatcar?

.5 m/s to the right----- Since the initial momentum of the system was zero, the final total momentum must also be zero. Thus, the final momenta of the cannon ball and the flatcar must be equal and opposite. pcannonball = (10 kg)(50 m/s) = 500 kg-m/s pflatcar = 500 kg-m/s = (1000 kg)(0.5 m/s)

A mass on a spring in SHM has amplitude A and period T. How long does it take for the mass to travel a total distance of 6A?

1 1/2 T

a pendulum has a period of 2 sec on Earth, what is its length?

1 m

An object at rest begins to rotate with a constant angular acceleration. If this object has angular velocity w at time t, what was its angular velocity at the time 1/2t?


Two satellites A and B of the same mass are going around Earth in concentric orbits. The distance of satellite B from Earth's center is twice that of satellite A. What is the ratio of the centripetal force acting on B compared to that acting on A?


An object at rest begins to rotate with a constant angular acceleration. If this object rotates through an angle q in the time t, through what angle did it rotate in the time 1/2 t?

1/4 theta

a 1000kg car traveling at 25 m/s runs into the rear of a stopped car that has a mass of 1500 kg and they stick together. what is the speed fo the cars after the collision?

10 m/s

a car heading north collides at an intersection with a truck heading east. if they lock together and travel at 28 m/s at 10° north of east just after the collision, how fast was the car initially traveling? vehicles have the same mass

10 m/s

a ball is thrown with a velocity of 20 m/s at an angle of 60 above the horizontal. what is the horizontal component of its instantaneous velocity at the exact top of its trajectory?

10 m/s 20cos60=10

Amy (150 lbs) and Gwen (50 lbs) are standing on slippery ice and push off each other. If Amy slides at 6 m/s, what speed does Gwen have?

18 m/s

A boat is moored in a fixed location, and waves make it move up and down. If the spacing between wave crests is 20 m and the speed of the waves is 5 m/s, how long does it take the boat to go from the top of a crest to the bottom of a trough?

2 seconds; We know that: v = f l = l / T hence T = l / v. If l = 20 m and v = 5 m/s, so T = 4 secs. The time to go from a crest to a trough is only T/2 (half a period), so it takes 2 secs !!

what is the gravitational force acting on a person due to another person standing 10m away? assume each individual has 57kg mass (G=6.67x10^-11 Nm^2/kg^2)

2.2 x 10^-9; Fg= (Gm1m2)/r^2

the horizontal and vertical components of the initial velocity of a football are 24 m/s and 7 m/s respectively. what is the initial velocity of the football

25 m/s

a 3.0 N force acts for 4 sec on an object. the force suddenly increases to 15 N and acts for one more second. what impulse was imparted by these forces to the object?

27 N•s

A battleship simultaneously fires two shells at two enemy submarines. The shells are launched with the same initial velocity. If the shells follow the trajectories shown, which submarine gets hit first ?

2; The flight time is fixed by the motion in the y-direction. The higher an object goes, the longer it stays in flight. The shell hitting ship #2 goes less high, therefore it stays in flight for less time than the other shell. Thus, ship #2 is hit first.

A golfer making a putt gives the ball an initial velocity of v0, but he has badly misjudged the putt, and the ball only travels one-quarter of the distance to the hole. If the resistance force due to the grass is constant, what speed should he have given the ball (from its original position) in order to make it into the hole?


a diver initially moving horizontally with speed v drives off the edge of a cliff and lands in the water a distance d from the base of the cliff. how far from the base of the cliff would the diver have landed if the diver initially had been moving horizontally with speed 2v


A car starts from rest and accelerates to 30 mph. Later, it gets on a highway and accelerates to 60 mph. Which takes more energy, the 030 mph, or the 3060 mph?

30 --> 60 mph

Stephen pushed two boxes P and Q, that stay in contact, along a rough table, with a force F of 30 N. Box P has a mass of 2 kg and box Q has a mass of 4 kg. both boxes move with constant speed. The resultant force on box Q is

30 N

what is the velocity of a wave that has a wavelength of 3 m and frequency of 12 Hz?

36 m/s

You are adding vectors of length 20 and 40 units. What is the only possible resultant magnitude that you can obtain out of the following choices?

37; The minimum resultant occurs when the vectors are opposite, giving 20 units. The maximum resultant occurs when the vectors are aligned, giving 60 units. Anything in between is also possible, for angles between 0° and 180°.

Carefully place a small rubber ball (mass m) on top of a much bigger basketball (mass M) and drop these from some height h. What is the velocity of the smaller ball after the basketball hits the ground, reverses direction, and then collides with small rubber ball?

3v; Remember that relative velocity has to be equal before and after collision! Before the collision, the basketball bounces up with v and the rubber ball is coming down with v, so their relative velocity is -2v. After the collision, it therefore has to be +2v!!

a chicken is running in a circular path with an angular speed of 1.52 rad/s. How long does it take the chicken to complete one revolution

4.13 s use w=2(pi)f

A certain vector has x and y components that are equal in magnitude. Which of the following is a possible angle for this vector, in a standard x-y coordinate system?


The spring-loaded gun can launch projectiles at different angles with the same launch speed. At what angle should the projectile be launched in order to travel the greatest distance before landing?

45; A steeper angle lets the projectile stay in the air longer, but it does not travel so far because it has a small x-component of velocity. On the other hand, a shallow angle gives a large x-velocity, but the projectile is not in the air for very long. The compromise comes at 45°, although this result is best seen in a calculation of the "range formula" as shown in the textbook.

A mass on a spring in SHM has amplitude A and period T. What is the total distance traveled by the mass after a time interval T?


a rubber ball with a speed of 5 m/s collides head on elastically with an identical ball at rest. what is the speed of the initially stopped ball after the collision

5 m/s

A cart starting from rest rolls down a hill and at the bottom has a speed of 4 m/s. If the cart were given an initial push, so its initial speed at the top of the hill was 3 m/s, what would be its speed at the bottom?

5 m/s.......When starting from rest, the cart's PE is changed into KE: DPE = DKE = 1/2 m(4)2 When starting from 3 m/s, the final KE is: KEf = KEi + DKE = 1/2 m(3)2 + 1/2 m(4)2 = 1/2 m(25) = 1/2 m(5)2

a solid uniform sphere of mass 120 kg and radius 1.7 m starts from rest and rolls without slipping down an inclined plane of vertical height 5.3m. What is the angular speed of the sphere at the bottom of the inclined plane?

5.1 rad/s.....................mgh=1/2mv^2+1/2Iw^2 I=2/5mr^2

a wheel accelerates from rest to 59 rad/s at a uniform rate of 28 rad/s^2. through what angle (in rad) did the wheel turn while accelerating?

62 rad, use radial,circular,whatever you wanna call it, form of kinematic equations

a ball is thrown downward from the top of a building with an initial speed of 25 m/s. it strikes the ground after 2 s. how high is the building?

70 m

a skydiver of mass 80 kg falls vertically with a constant speed of 50 m/s. the upward force acting on the skydiver is approximately

800 N

The work W0 accelerates a car from 0 to 50 km/hr. How much work is needed to accelerate the car from 50 km/hr to 150 km/hr?

8Wo..............Let's call the two speeds v and 3v, for simplicity. We know that the work is given by: W = DKE = KEf - KEi Case #1: W0 = 1/2 m (v2 - 02) = 1/2m (v2) Case #2: W = 1/2 m (3v)2 - v2) = 1/2m (9v2 - v2) = 1/2 m (8v2) = 8 W0

An airplane starts from rest and accelerates at a constant 10.8 m/s^2 what is its speed at the end of a 400 m long runway?

93.............use one of the 3 original kinematic equations

Two girls, Justin and Beyonce, ride on a merry-go-round. Justin is at a greater distance from the axis of rotation than Beyonce. Which of the following are true statements?

Beyonce and Justin have the same angular speed, Justin has a greater tangential speed than Beyonce

Bonnie sits on the outer rim of a merry-go-round, and Klyde sits midway between the center and the rim. The merry-go-round makes one revolution every two seconds. Who has the larger linear (tangential) velocity?


Does the odometer in a car measure speed or distance?


You swing a ball at the end of string in a vertical circle. Since the ball is in circular motion there has to be a centripetal force. At the top of the ball's path, what is Fc equal to?

Fc = T + mg

A skier goes over a small round hill with radius R. Since she is in circular motion, there has to be a centripetal force. At the top of the hill, what is Fc of the skier equal to?

Fc = mg - N

a truck collides head on with a less massive car moving in the opposite direction to the truck. During the collision, the average force exerted by the truck on the car is Ft and the average force exerted by the car on the truck is Fc. which one of the following statements is correct?

Ft will always be greater in magnitude than Fc

You drive 4 miles at 30 mph and then another 4 miles at 50 mph. What is your average speed for the whole 8 mile trip?

Less than 40 mph

Two blocks of mass m1 and m2 (m1 > m2) slide on a frictionless floor and have the same kinetic energy when they hit a long rough stretch (m > 0), which slows them down to a stop. Which one goes farther?


Alice and Bill are at the top of a building. Alice throws her ball downward. Bill simply drops his ball. Which ball has the greater acceleration just after release?

Neither- they both have the same acceleration

If the position of the car is zero, does the speed have to be zero?


You see a leaf falling to the ground with constant speed. When you first notice it, the leaf has initial total energy PEi + KEi. You watch the leaf until just before it hits the ground, at which point it has final total energy PEf + KEf. How do these total energies compare?

PEi + KEi > PEf + KEf

A mass attached to a vertical spring causes the spring to stretch and the mass to move downwards. What can you say about the spring's potential energy (PEs) and the gravitational potential energy (PEg) of the mass?

PEs increases and PEg decreases

You are sitting on a swing. A friend gives you a push, and you start swinging with period T1. Suppose you were standing on the swing rather than sitting. When given the same push, you start swinging with period T2.

T1 > T2

Two equal-mass rocks tied to strings are whirled in horizontal circles. The radius of circle 2 is twice that of circle 1. If the period of motion is the same for both rocks, what is the tension in cord 2 compared to cord 1?

T2 = 2 T1

is it possible for an object moving with a constant sped to accelerate?

Yes, although the speed is constant, the direction fo the velocity can be changing

Newton's second law of motion is

a force acting on a body is proportional to the acceleration of the body

A ball is thrown straight upward with some initial speed. When it reaches the top of its flight (at a height h), a second ball is thrown straight upward with the same initial speed. Where will the balls cross paths?

above height h/2

the slope of a velocity vs time graph gives


which art of a vibrating string experiences the maximum acceleration?


a mass is attached to a vertical spring and bobs up and down between points A and B. where is the mass located when its kinetic energy is a minimum?

at either A or B

instantaneous acceleration of a ball on a string at its greatest

at the ends

A uranium nucleus (at rest) undergoes fission and splits into two fragments, one heavy and the other light. Which fragment has the greater momentum?

both have the same momentum

You drop a rock off a bridge. When the rock has fallen 4 m, you drop a second rock. As the two rocks continue to fall, what happens to their velocities?

both increase at the same rate

Two boxes, one heavier than the other, are initially at rest on a horizontal frictionless surface. The same constant force F acts on each one for exactly 1 second. Which box has more momentum after the force acts?

both the same

A force is applied to a dumbbell for a certain period of time, first as in (a) and then as in (b). In which case does the dumbbell acquire the greater energy?

case b

you are standing on a skateboard, initially at rest. a friend throws a very heavy ball towards you. you can either catch the object or deflect the object back towards your friend (such that it moves away form you with the same speed as it was originally thrown) what should you do in order to MINIMIZE your speed on the skateboard?

catch the ball

two wave pulses with equal positive amplitudes pass each other on a string. one is traveling toward the right and the other toward the left. at the point that they occupy the same region of space at the same time

constructive interference occurs

for a projectile launched horizontally, the vertical component of a projectile's velocity

continuously increases

graph of velocity v time. starts at -2.5, crosses x axis ends at 4. Over the 9 second interval, we can say that the speed of the particle

decreases and then increases

A string is clamped at both ends and plucked so it vibrates in a standing mode between two extreme positions a and b. Let upward motion correspond to positive velocities. When the string is in position c, the instantaneous velocity of points on the string:

depends on the position along the string; 0 at the peaks

two wave pulses pass each other on a string. the one traveling toward the right has a positive amplitude, while the one traveling toward the left has an equal amplitude in the negative direction. at the point that they occupy the same region of space at the same time

destructive interference occurs

an object is moving in uniform circular motion. if the speed is doubled and the radius doubled the force and acceleration will


By what factor does the kinetic energy of a car change when its speed is tripled?

factor of 9

if the velocity of an object is zero, then that object cannot be accelerating


for a periodic process, the number of cycles per unit of time is called the


You drive your dad's car too fast around a curve and the car starts to skid. What is the correct description of this situation?

friction between tires and road is not strong enough to keep car in a circle

You throw a ball straight up into the air. In addition to gravity, the ball feels a force due to air resistance. Compared to the time it takes the ball to go up, the time it takes to come back down is:


You tee up a golf ball and drive it down the fairway. Assume that the collision of the golf club and ball is elastic. When the ball leaves the tee, how does its speed compare to the speed of the golf club?

greater than

Mandy stands on a weighing scale inside an elevator that accelerates vertically upwards. Mandy has a weight W. The reading of the scale is

greater than W

The disk shown below in (1) clearly has its center of mass at the center. Suppose the disk is cut in half and the pieces arranged as shown in (2). Where is the center of mass of (2) as compared to (1) ?


Two spheres have the same radius and equal masses. One is made of solid aluminum, and the other is made from a hollow shell of gold.

hollow gold

If a car traveling 60 km/hr can brake to a stop within 20 m, what is its stopping distance if it is traveling 120 km/hr? Assume that the braking force is the same in both cases.

if the speed doubles, stopping distance gets four times larger

If the net work done on an object is positive, then the object's kinetic energy


ball A is dropped from the top of a building. one second later, ball B is dropped from the same building. as time progresses, the distance between them


two objects collide and stick together. linear momentum

is definitely conserved

a mass on a spring undergoes SHM. when the mass passes through the equilibrium position, its instantaneous velocity

is maximum

the frequency of a wave increase. what happens to the distance between successive crests if the speed remains constant?

it decreases

If each component of a vector is doubled, what happens to the angle of that vector?

it does not change

Now the cart is being pulled along a horizontal track by an external force (a weight hanging over the table edge) and accelerating. It fires a ball straight out of the cannon as it moves. After it is fired, what happens to the ball?

it falls behind the cart

A small cart is rolling at constant velocity on a flat track. It fires a ball straight up into the air as it moves. After it is fired, what happens to the ball?

it falls right back into the cart

The same small cart is now rolling down an inclined track and accelerating. It fires a ball straight out of the cannon as it moves. After it is fired, what happens to the ball?

it falls right back into the cart; Because the track is inclined, the cart accelerates. However, the ball has the same component of acceleration along the track as the cart does! This is essentially the component of g acting parallel to the inclined track. So the ball is effectively accelerating down the incline, just as the cart is, and it falls back into the cart.

Two equal-mass particles (A and B) are located at some distance from each other. Particle A is held stationary while B is moved away at speed v. What happens to the center of mass of the two-particle system?

it moves away from A with speed 1/2v

you throw a ball straight up into the air. After it leaves your hand, at what point in its flight does it have the maximum value of its acceleration?

its acceleration is constant everywhere

in an elastic collision, if the momentum is conserved, then which of the following statements is true about kinetic energy?

kinetic energy is also conserved

A net force of 200 N acts on a 100 kg boulder, and a force of the same magnitude acts on a 130-g pebble. How does the rate of change of the boulder's velocity compare to the rate of change of the pebble's velocity?

less than

You weigh yourself on a scale inside an airplane that is flying with constant speed at an altitude of 20,000 feet. How does your measured weight in the airplane compare with your weight as measured on the surface of the Earth?

less than

A system of particles is known to have a total kinetic energy of zero. What can you say about the total momentum of the system?

momentum of the system is zero

a pilot executes a vertical dive then follows a semi-circular arc until it is going straight up. just as the plane is at its lowest point, the force on him is

more than mg, and pointing up

If the average velocity is non-zero over some timer interval, does this mean that the instantaneous velocity is never zero during the same interval?


A force is applied to a dumbbell for a certain period of time, first as in (a) and then as in (b). In which case does the dumbbell acquire the greater center-of-mass speed?

no difference

does the centripetal force acting on an object do work on the object?

no, because the force and the displacement of the object are perpendicular

Does the displacement of an object depend on the specific location of the origin of the coordinate system?

no, origin does not matter

two objects are travelling in circular orbits. object A is travelling at twice the velocity of object B in a circle with a diameter or twice that of B. the centripetal acceleration

of A is twice that of B

a car goes around a curve of a radius r at a constant speed v. then it goes around the same curve at half of the original speed. what is the centripetal force on the car as it goes around the curve for the second time, compared tot he first time?

one fourth as big

If the distance to the Moon were doubled, then the force of attraction between Earth and the Moon would be:

one quarter

when is the angular momentum of a system constant

only when no net external torque acts on the system

when is the average velocity of an object equal to the instantaneous velocity?

only when the velocity is constant

the time for one cycle of a periodic process is called the


After a pendulum starts swinging, its amplitude gradually decreases with time because of friction. What happens to the period of the pendulum during this time?

period does not change

A swinging pendulum has period T on Earth. If the same pendulum were moved to the Moon, how does the new period compare to the old period?

period increases

A glider with a spring attached to each end oscillates with a certain period. If identical springs are added in parallel to the original glider, what will happen to the period?

period will decrease

A pendulum is suspended from the ceiling of an elevator. When the elevator is at rest, the period is T. What happens to the period when the elevator is accelerating upward?

period will decrease

A glider with a spring attached to each end oscillates with a certain period. If the mass of the glider is doubled, what will happen to the period?

period will increase

A mass is suspended from the ceiling of an elevator by a spring. When the elevator is at rest, the period is T. What happens to the period when the elevator is moving upward at constant speed?

period will not change

A mass oscillates on a vertical spring with period T. If the whole setup is taken to the Moon, how does the period change?

period will not change

A pendulum is suspended from the ceiling of an elevator. When the elevator is at rest, the period is T. What happens to the period when the elevator is moving upward at constant speed?

period will not change

two objects attract each other gravitationally, if the distance between their centers is cut in half, the gravitiational force


Ball A is dropped from the top of a building. one second later, ball B is dropped from the same building. as time progresses, the difference in their speeds

remains constant

if you push twice as hard against a stationary brick wall, the amount of work you do

remains constant at zero

Bonnie sits on the outer rim of a merry-go-round, and Klyde sits midway between the center and the rim. The merry-go-round makes one complete revolution every two seconds. Klyde's angular velocity is:

same as Bonnie's

A bowling ball and a ping-pong ball are rolling toward you with the same momentum. If you exert the same force to stop each one, which takes a longer time to bring to rest?

same time for both

You and your friend both solve a problem involving a skier going down a slope, starting from rest. The two of you have chosen different levels for y = 0 in this problem. Which of the following quantities will you and your friend agree on?

skier's change in PE, skier's final KE

An open cart rolls along a frictionless track while it is raining. As it rolls, what happens to the speed of the cart as the rain collects in it? (assume that the rain falls vertically into the box)

slows down

If you weigh yourself at the equator of Earth, would you get a bigger, smaller, or similar value than if you weigh yourself at one of the poles?

smaller value

A length of rope L and mass M hangs from a ceiling. If the bottom of the rope is jerked sharply, a wave pulse will travel up the rope. As the wave travels upward, what happens to its speed? Keep in mind that the rope is not massless.

speed increases

Suppose that the speedometer of a truck is set to read the linear speed of the truck, but uses a device that actually measures the angular speed of the tires. If larger diameter tires are mounted on the truck instead, how will that affect the speedometer reading as compared to the true linear speed of the truck?

speedometer reads a lower speed than the true linear speed

a disk, a hoop, and a solid sphere are released at the same time at the top of an inclined plane. they are all uniform and roll without slipping. in what order do they reach the bottom?

sphere, disk, hoop

Car #1 has twice the mass of car #2, but they both have the same kinetic energy. How do their speeds compare?

sqrt(2 v1) = v2

a stone, of mass M, is attached to a strong string and whirled in a vertical circle of radius r. at the exact bottom of the path the tension in the string is 3 times the stone's weight. the stone's speed at this point is given by


a roller coaster car (mass=M) is on a track that forms a circular loop (radius=r) in the vertical plane. if the car is to just maintain contact with the track at the top of the loop, what is the minimum value for its speed at that point?


You are holding a spinning bicycle wheel while standing on a stationary turntable. If you suddenly flip the wheel over so that it is spinning in the opposite direction, the turntable will

start to spin in the same direction as before flipping

A ball tied to a string is being whirled around in a circle. What can you say about the work done by tension?

tension does no work at all

a rubber ball and a lump of putty have equal mass. they are thrown with equal speed against a wall. the ball bounces back with nearly the same speed with which it hit. the putty sticks to the wall. which object experiences the greater momentum change?

the ball

which one has the greatest moment of inertia when rotated about an axis perpendicular to the plane of the drawing at point P?

the bicycle wheel, always the bicycle wheel

suppose that an object travels from one point in space to another. make a comparison between the displacement and the distance traveled.

the displacement is either less than or equal to the distance traveled

During that sharp left turn, you found yourself hitting the passenger door. What is the correct description of what is actually happening?

the door is exerting a leftward force on you

In the previous question, which box has the larger velocity after the force acts?

the lighter one

a wooden block is sliding down an inclined plane at constant speed. the magnitude of the frictional force between the block and the plane is equal to

the magnitude of the component of the normal reaction parallel to the plane

a merry go round spins freely when Diego moves quickly to the center along a radius of the merry go round. as he does this, it is true to say that

the moment of inertia of the system decreases and the angular speed increases

in an INELASTIC collision between two objects

the momentum of the system is conserved but the kinetic energy of the system is not conserved

If a moving object is subject to a constant force, which of the following can be correctly deduced from Newton's first law?

the object continues to move with a changing velocity

A bowling ball and a ping-pong ball are rolling toward you with the same momentum. If you exert the same force to stop each one, for which is the stopping distance greater?

the ping pong ball

a projectile is launched with the initial velocity Vo at an angle of 30 above the horizontal. if a second projectile is launched with the same initial velocity but at an angle of 60 above the horizontal

the ranges of the two projectiles will be identical

In the previous question, just before hitting the ground, what is the final speed of the heavy stone compared to the light one?

the same

Two paths lead to the top of a big hill. One is steep and direct, while the other is twice as long but less steep. How much more potential energy would you gain if you take the longer path?

the same

You drop a rock off a bridge. When the rock has fallen 4 m, you drop a second rock. As the two rocks continue to fall, what happens to their separation?

the separation increases as they fall

the gravitational force between two objects is inversely proportional to

the square fo the distance between the two objects

when two mechanical waves coincide, the amplitude of the resultant wave is always ________ the amplitudes of each wave alone

the sum of

a truck weighs twice as much as a car, and is moving at twice the speed of the car. which statement is true about the truck's kinetic energy compared to that of the car?

the truck has 8 times the kinetic energy of the car

when a rigid object rotates about a fixed axis, what is true about all the points in the object?

they all have the same angular speed, they all have the same angular acceleration

Given that A + B = C, and that lAl 2 + lBl 2 = lCl 2, how are vectors A and B oriented with respect to each other?

they are perpendicular to each other

A small car and a large truck collide head-on and stick together. Which one has the larger momentum change?

they both have the same momentum change

Which is stronger, Earth's pull on the Moon, or the Moon's pull on Earth?

they pull on each other equally

When a tape is played on a cassette deck, there is a tension in the tape that applies a torque to the supply reel. Assuming the tension remains constant during playback, how does this applied torque vary as the supply reel becomes empty?

torque decreases

A mass oscillates in simple harmonic motion with amplitude A. If the mass is doubled, but the amplitude is not changed, what will happen to the total energy of the system?

total energy will not change

If the amplitude of a simple harmonic oscillator is doubled, which of the following quantities will change the most?

total mechanical energy; Frequency and period do not depend on amplitude at all, so they will not change. Maximum acceleration and maximum speed do depend on amplitude, and both of these quantities will double (you should think about why this is so). The total energy equals the initial potential energy, which depends on the square of the amplitude, so that will quadruple.

Objects A and B both start at rest. they both accelerate at the same rate. However, object A accelerates for twice the time as object B. what is the final speed of object A compared to that of object B

twice as fast

When throwing a ball straight up, which of the following is true about its velocity v and its acceleration a at the highest point in its path?

v=0 but a≠0

the slope of a position verses time graph gives


the distance between successive crests on a wave is called the wave's


Astronauts in the space shuttle float because:

while gravity is trying o pull them inward, they are trying to continue on a straight-line path

Is it possible for the gravitational potential energy of an object to be negative?


you are trying to hit a friend with a water balloon. he is sitting in the window of his dorm room directly across the street. you aim straight at him and shoot. just when you shoot, he falls out of the window. does the water balloon hit him?

yes it hits him

You are trying to hit a friend with a water balloon. He is sitting in the window of his dorm room directly across the street. You aim straight at him and shoot. Just when you shoot, he falls out of the window! Does the water balloon hit him?

yes, it hits

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