AP Psychology Personality Module 56

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Describe the intent & usage of the Thematic Apperception Test

-Projective test in which people express their inner feelings & interests through the stories they make up about ambiguous scenes -Whatever the person describes reveals their fears & desires

How has the view of the unconscious changed into today's belief in dual processing?

-We process things consciously & unconsciously at the same time -Schemas that automatically control perceptions & interpretations -Parallel processing during vision & thinking -Implicit memories -Emotions that activate instantly

Explain the research studies that have supported Freud's view of unconsciously defending ourselves against anxiety

-300 experiments testing the terror management theory shows that thinking about one's mortality-for ex, writing an essay on dying & its associated emotions-provokes various terror-management defenses -Explores people's emotional & behavioral responses to reminders of their impending death

Alfred Adler's beliefs about personality formation & discuss the ways in which his theories agreed & disagreed w/Sigmund Freud's. What childhood conditions in Adler's life may have influenced his theories?

-Adler struggled to overcome childhood illnesses & accidents -Believed much of our behavior is driven by our efforts to conquer childhood inferiority feelings that trigger our strivings for superiority & power -Father of Humanistic Psychology

Carl Jung's beliefs about personality formation & discuss the ways in which his theories agreed & disagreed w/Freud's. Explain the concepts that add to Freud's level of consciousness & the symbols which Jung believes tie all culture together

-Agreed:Unconscious exerts a powerful influence -Believed we have a collective unconscious, common reservoir of images, or archetypes derived from our species history -Believed we have a personal unconscious:Mind containing individuals repressed feelings & thoughts

Karen Horney's beliefs about personality formation & discuss the ways in which her theories agreed & disagreed w/Sigmund Freud's

-Believed childhood social tensions are crucial for personality info -Childhood social anxiety triggers our desire for love & security -Countered Freud's ideas of womens superegos & penis envy

Briefly describe the intent & usage of the Rorschach test. How do the responses individuals provide differ on the TAT test from the Rorschach test?

-Most widely used -Seeks to identify people's inner feelings by analyzing their interpretation of the "inkblots" & how they described them

Discuss the criticisms of projective tests such as the Rorschach & TAT

-Only a few of Rorschach scores have demonstrated validity -Tests aren't reliable

What is the goal of projective tests?

-Personality test(TAT), that provides ambiguous stimuli designed to trigger projection of one's inner dynamics -Test takers are asked to describe a stimulus or tell a story about it

Explain the research studies that have supported Freud's view defense mechanism of projection

-Roy Baumeister & his colleagues found that people intend to see their attitudes in others -False consensus effect:Tendency to overestimate the extent to which others share our beliefs & behaviors -Ex:People who speed think others do too

Which aspect of Freud's theories have been retained & which have been refuted by today's psychodynamic theorists? How do psychodynamic psychologists differ from traditional psychoanalytic psychologists?

-Similar:Most mental life is unconscious, we struggle w/our inner conflicts among our wishes, fears, & values & childhood shapes our personality -Different:Dont believe sex is the basis of personality, they don't talk about ids & egos & don't go around classifying patients

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