AP World History Chapter 16

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(of a country or region) the right or condition of self-government, esp. in a particular sphere.


A Javanese women from an elite background (1879-1904) who has come to be regarded as a pioneer of both feminism and nationalism thinking in Indonesia.

This revolution began with a massive slave revolt in 1791 after rumors circulated that the king had abolished slavery.

A massive slave revolt broke out in Haiti in 1791 after rumors circulated that the French king had abolished slavery; it was the first step of the Haitian Revolution.

Which was the last Atlantic state to abolish slavery?

Brazil emancipated its slaves in 1888 and was the last of the Atlantic states to do so.

Who fought the Seven Years' War (1754-1763)?

Britain and France fought the Seven Years' War not only in Europe but in the Americas, West Africa, and South Asia

Who were the chief beneficiaries of the revolutionary movements of Spanish America in the period 1810-1825?

Creole elites were the chief beneficiaries of Spanish America's revolution, becoming the leaders of colonial society rather than overthrowing it.

The feminist challenge to patriarchy in the nineteenth century took shape especially in

Europe and North America. → The most dynamic early feminist movements were based in Europe and North America.

Napoleon Bonaparte

French head of state from 1799 until his abdication in 1814 (and again briefly in 1815); Napoleon preserved much of the French Revolution under an autocratic system and was responsible for the spread of revolutionary ideals through his conquest of much of Europe.

The first region involved in the Atlantic slave trade to abolish slavery was

Great Britain. → Britain forbade the sale of slaves within its empire in 1807, and in 1834 it emancipated those who remained enslaved.

What impact did Napoleon Bonaparte have on the French revolution as leader of France from 1799 to 1814?

He kept the revolution's emphasis on social equality for men but dispensed with liberty. → Napoleon preserved civil equality, a secular law code, religious freedom, and promotion by merit, but he suppressed the revolution's more democratic elements in a military dictatorship.

The priests Miguel Hidalgo and José Morelos led a major peasant rebellion in which country in 1810?

Hidalgo and Morelos led a major peasant insurrection in Mexico, only to be crushed by an army raised by creole landowners with support from the Church hierarchy

Which of the following is a reason for the poverty of Haiti?

In 1825, the French forced Haiti to agree to pay a massive "independence debt" that was a financial burden on the state for over a century

What was the Bastille?

In July 1789, rioters stormed the Bastille, a prison and armory in Paris, which they hated because it symbolized the oppressive old regime.

What was revolutionary about the American Revolution?

It was not so much the revolution itself but rather the kind of society that had already emerged within the colonies and that was affirmed by the revolution. → Independence from Britain was not accompanied by any wholesale social transformation. Rather the revolution accelerated the established democratic tendencies of the colonial societies.

What event was the spark that set off the French Revolution?

King Louis XVI, in dire financial straits, called a session of the Estates General. Calling malcontents together and allowing them a public voice has often been dangerous in world history; in 1789 France, the third estate of the Estates General claimed an authority and made demands that launched the French Revolution

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Leading figure of early women's rights movement in the United States (1815-1902). She was instrumental in organizing the first women's rights conference, which took place in her hometown of Seneca Falls, New York in 1848.

Why is Toussaint Louverture important to world history?

Louverture, a former slave, became the ruler of revolutionary Haiti

This French national leader imposed revolutionary practices such as religious toleration and the rationalization of government administration through much of Europe.

Napoleon was a revolutionary general who seized power in 1799; in his career of European conquest, he imposed many revolutionary practices on other countries.

What was the greatest hindrance to the development of nationalism in the eighteenth century?

People's most important loyalties were local, limited to their clan, village, or region. Local loyalties seriously hindered the development of nationalism.

Being part of the British Empire accorded colonists in North America which of the following benefits?

Protection in war → The British Empire did offer military protection to its colonies, although the cost of this protection ultimately led to tensions between the North American colonies and the British government.

What made the moral arguments against slavery more widely acceptable in the nineteenth century?

Slavery was no longer necessary for a strong economy. → There was a growing belief that, contrary to much earlier thinking, slavery was not essential for economic progress. England and New England were among the most prosperous regions of the Western world in the nineteenth century, and both were based on free labor.

Which of the following was a distinguishing characteristic of the French Revolution?

The French Revolution produced a profound social upheaval. → The French Revolution was more socially radical than its American counterpart, with the privileged estates in France losing their status in a new society that was based on the premise that all citizens were equal before the law.

This idea is at the heart of the European Enlightenment.

The belief that human political and social arrangements can be engineered and improved by human action The notion that humans could improve their political and social conditions by action was very radical in the eighteenth century and at the heart of Enlightenment

What best describes the result of Napoleon's conquest and reform of European lands?

The conquered accepted many of the reforms but revolted against French control. → In many places the reforms that Napoleon instituted were welcomed, but French domination was also resented and resisted.


The focusing of citizens' loyalty on the notion that they are part of a "nation" with unique culture, territory, and destiny; first became a prominent element of political culture in the nineteenth century.

Which of the following statements is true of nationalism?

The idea of the "nation" was constructed in the nineteenth century, but it was often imagined as a reawakening of older cultural identities Nationalist leaders drew on history, culture, and collective memory to articulate and shape their nations

In what ways did Europe's modern transformation weaken older identities and loyalties?

The publishing industry standardized various dialects into a smaller number of European languages. → This process of standardization allowed a growing reading public to think of themselves as members of a common linguistic group or nation.

How did the wealthy and poor white populations on Saint Domingue (later renamed Haiti) interpret the French Revolution's emphasis on equality and liberty?

The wealthy whites believed the principles of the French revolution applied only to them; poor whites believed they applied to all whites but not to blacks. → Wealthy and poor whites agreed that the principles of equality and liberty applied only to whites, but they were not unified in their stance. Wealthy whites, who were more concerned with achieving greater autonomy for the colony and reducing economic restrictions on trade, rejected the argument of poor whites that the new ideas of equality and liberty applied to all whites

abolitionist movement

An international movement that between approx. 1780 and 1890 succeeded in condemning slavery as morally repugnant and abolishing it in much of the world; the movement was especially prominent in Britain and the United States.

Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

Document drawn up by the French National Assembly in 1789 that proclaimed the equal rights for all men; the declaration ideology launched the French Revolution.

Which of the following is a reason why feminism emerged as a major force in Europe and North America in the nineteenth century?

Enlightenment philosophers challenged the notion of female inferiority, as they challenged many traditionally accepted views.

What was distinctive about the Haitian Revolution in the history of the Atlantic revolutions?

It was the only completely successful revolution led by slaves. → The Haitian Revolution was the only wholly successful slave revolt in the Atlantic world. Indeed, it was the only successful slave revolt in world history.

How did Enlightenment thinkers contribute to the Atlantic revolutions?

Most Enlightenment thinkers advocated the concept of popular sovereignty. → Most Enlightenment thinkers advocated, and Atlantic revolutionaries embraced, the concept of popular sovereignty.

What was a leading reason why large numbers of Indian and Chinese indentured servants came to work in the Americas in the nineteenth century?

Most of the Indian and Chinese indentured servants were brought in to work on sugar plantations, in mines, and in construction projects, where they labored under conditions very similar to slavery.

maternal feminism

Movement that claimed women have value in society not because of abstract notions of equality but because women have a distinctive and vital role as mothers; its exponents argue that women have a right to intervene in civil and political life because of their duty to watch over the future of their children.

The idea that the authority to govern is derived from the people rather than from God or tradition is known as

Popular sovereignty, the belief that authority to govern comes from the people, is an important political argument of the Enlightenment

How did Europe's modern transformation facilitate nationalism?

Science weakened the hold that older religious identities had on some people. → Science did weaken the hold of religion on some by offering an alternative understanding of the universe.

What happened at Seneca Falls, New York, in 1848?

Seneca Falls was home to the world's first organized women's rights conference

An important impact of the Haitian Revolution on the Atlantic world was

growing fear among slave owners and whites in other slaveholding colonies. → The success of the Haitian Revolution was greeted by whites elsewhere in the hemisphere with a sense of horror at what had occurred and a determination not to allow political change to reproduce that fearful outcome elsewhere.

One nationalist political ideology that emerged in the nineteenth century defined the nation

in racial terms. → Some nationalist movements, such as the one in Germany, defined the nation in racial terms, excluding those who did not share a common ancestry. in terms of a specific territory. → This version of nationalism, often called "civic nationalism," maintained that people of various cultural backgrounds could assimilate into the dominant culture.

Until the mid-eighteenth century the British government

paid little attention to its North American colonies because it was distracted by its own internal conflicts and wars in Europe. → A greater interest in its more profitable colonies in the Caribbean, along with internal conflicts and various European wars, distracted the British government. This allowed local elected assemblies in the North American colonies to enjoy a great deal of autonomy.

One argument put forth in support of abolition was that

slavery was a crime in the sight of God. → Quakers and Protestant evangelicals in both Britain and the United States argued that slavery was "repugnant" to their religion and "a crime in the sight of God."

The American Revolution differed from the Spanish American revolutions in that

ultimately the British North American colonies emerged as a single state, while the Latin American colonies fragmented into numerous smaller states. → Despite efforts to form a United States of Latin America, the region ultimately fragmented into many smaller sovereign states. Several factors made unity more difficult to engineer in Latin America. Distances between the colonies and geographic obstacles to effective communication were greater in Latin America. Moreover, the longer colonial period in Latin America had given rise to more distinct and deeply rooted regional identities.

Some scholars have come to think of the century or so from the early eighteenth to the mid-nineteenth century as a global period of

world crisis. → Some scholars have come to the view the period as one of world crisis.

How much autonomy did the British colonies in America have in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, before the conflict that led to American independence?

A large amount → Local elected assemblies in the American colonies achieved something close to self-government and were largely left to their own devices by the British government.

What is nativism?

A political view that argued that all people born in the Americas have a common cause against European-born enemies Nativism, the Latin American sense of a common cause as Americanos against Spanish or Portuguese enemies, was an important unifying force in the Latin American revolutions

North American Revolution

A successful rebellion conducted by the colonists of parts of North America (not Canada) against British rule (1775-1787); a conservative revolution whose success assured property rights but established republican government in place of monarchy.

Which of the following statements best describes social conditions in the British colonies of North America?

All free men in Britain's North American colonies had the same legal status, a situation very radical by European standards of the time.

How was the idea of the "nation" often presented in the nineteenth century?

As something ancient that was being rediscovered → The idea of the "nation" was frequently presented as a reawakening of older linguistic or cultural identities.

Which of the following nations continued to import large numbers of slaves even after the slave trade was declared illegal in the nineteenth century?

Brazil → Brazil and Cuba imported millions of slaves after the trade was declared illegal.

How did Napoleon spread the seeds of the French Revolution across Europe and Russia? [[Napoleon created the largest empire in Europe since ancient Rome, and he imposed many practices of the revolution throughout his empire, such as ending feudalism, proclaiming equality of rights, insisting on religious toleration, codifying the laws, and rationalizing government administration.]]

By conquering most of Europe and instituting reforms similar to those in France

What was the most important way in which the influence of the French Revolution was spread to other countries?

By conquest In the early nineteenth century, France conquered a number of European states under the leadership of Napoleon Bonaparte, introducing revolutionary ideas to the regions they defeated.

Which of the following is a political view that identifies the nation with a particular territory and maintains that people of all cultural backgrounds can assimilate into the dominant culture?

Civic nationalism sees nations as "melting pots" in which people of various cultures can assimilate

Which of the following was a feminist leader who published a Women's Bible that left out all the parts she found offensive?

Elizabeth Cady Stanton was a chief leader of the American feminist movement; among her many activities, she published a cleaned-up Women's Bible that largely left out patriarchy.

Which of the following is true of feminist movements outside the West in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?

In China some modernists supported education and a higher status for women. → Modernists supported both education and a higher status for women because they felt that these changes strengthened the nation in its struggles for development and independence.

Which of the following best characterizes the course that the French Revolution followed between 1789 and 1794?

Increasing radicalization and use of violence by revolutionaries → As internal resistance and foreign opposition increased, it produced a fear that the revolution might be overturned. In response, revolutionaries increasingly embraced more radical measures to defend the revolution, culminating in the Terror.

French Revolution

Massive dislocation of French society (1789-1815) that overthrew the monarchy, destroyed most of the French aristocracy and launched radical reforms of society that were lost under Napoleon's imperial rule and after the restoration of the monarchy. The French Revolution proceeded in stages and included the era known as the Terror.

What kind of wholesale social transformation occurred in the wake of the American Revolution?

None; the elites within the colonies remained in power. → Political authority remained largely in the hands of existing elites who had led the revolution, although property requirements for voting were lowered and widening political participation gradually eroded the power of traditional gentlemen.

Which of the following was a result of growing nationalist sentiment in the nineteenth century?

Poles and Ukrainians became more aware of their oppression within the Russian Empire. → During this period both the Poles and the Ukrainians became more aware of their oppression within the Russian Empire, sparking nationalist movements. A Zionist movement sought to create a Jewish state in Palestine. → A small Zionist movement among Europe's frequently persecuted Jews did seek a homeland in Palestine. Italy became unified. → Italy did unify for the first time during the nineteenth century.

Spanish American revolutions

Series of risings in the Spanish colonies of Latin America (1810-1826) that established the independence of new states from Spanish rule but that for the most part retained the privileges of the elites despite efforts at more radical social rebellion by lower classes. A more social radical rebellion, known as the Hidalgo-Morelos rebellion, began in Mexico in 1810 and was led by the priests Miguel Hidalgo and Jose Morelos.

Which of the following statements is true of slavery in the Islamic world?

Slavery was only outlawed gradually in the twentieth century The Islamic world did not experience a large-scale abolition movement; Islamic states gradually outlawed slavery in the twentieth century under international pressure

Whom did the third estate of the Estates General represent?

The 98 percent of the French population not in the clergy, the nobility, or the royal family → The third estate was made up of commoners, defined as those who were not members of the clergy or the nobility.

Scholars have often questioned whether this revolution was a revolution at all, since it was a conservative movement that aimed to preserve existing liberties rather than create new ones.

The American Revolution was a reaction to new exactions from Britain, rather than an effort to gain new liberties

Which of the following was a distinctive feature of the Atlantic revolutions?

The Atlantic revolutions' immense long-term global impact → The ideals that animated the Atlantic revolutions inspired efforts in many countries to abolish slavery, to extend the right to vote, to develop constitutions, and to secure greater equality for women.

This document was one of the first sustained efforts to put the political ideas of the Enlightenment into practice.

The Constitution's series of checks and balances, separation of church and state, federalism, and Bill of Rights was a sweeping early effort to practice what the Enlightenment preached.

Which of the following statements best describes the French Revolution?

The French Revolution was much more violent and radical than its American counterpart; it caused profound social change

Which of the following is true of the response to serfdom in Russia?

The Russian tsar freed serfs in his country in part because of fear of rebellion and moral concerns. → In 1861 the tsar did free the serfs in his kingdom because of concerns similar to those that drove the abolition of slavery in the Atlantic world, including fear of rebellion, moral concerns, and economic inefficiency.

The Atlantic revolutions caused which of the following developments

The emergence of a modernizing regime in Egypt and of westernizing reforms in the Ottoman Empire → Napoleon's brief conquest of Egypt did open the way for a modernizing regime to emerge in that ancient land, and it also stimulated westernizing reforms in the Ottoman Empire

This king and queen of France were executed in 1793, marking a new stage of revolutionary violence in France.

The execution of Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI in 1793 caused shock waves throughout Europe.

Which of the following was an important long-term impact of the Atlantic revolutions?

The expression of ideas of human equality by feminist, socialist, and communist movements → Socialists, communists, and feminists all expressed themselves using ideas of human equality articulated in the Atlantic revolutions. The emergence of nationalism as a defining political ideology in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries → Ideas of citizenship and popular sovereignty that underpinned the Atlantic revolutions fostered nationalism in the two centuries that followed. the extension of voting rights and the development of constitutions in regions in which the ideas of the Atlantic revolutions were adopted. → The ideals of popular sovereignty and inalienable rights led to efforts to secure suffrage rights for citizens and clear demarcations of those citizens' rights.

Which of the following movements grew out of the Atlantic revolutions?

The great movement to end slavery developed from the ideas and practices of the Atlantic revolutions

Which of the following was a factor that contributed to the end of the Atlantic slave trade in the nineteenth century?

The growing perception that slavery was an out-of-date and inefficient economic system → By the early nineteenth century, many viewed slavery as unnecessary in the new era of industrial technology and capitalism.

Haitian Revolution

The only fully successful slave rebellion in world history; the uprising in the French Caribbean colony of Saint Domingue (later renamed Haiti, which means "mountain" or "rugged" in the Native Taino language) was sparked by the French Revolution and led to the establishment of an independent state after a long and bloody war (1791-1804). Its first leader was Toussaint Louverture, a former slave (1743-1803) who wrote the first constitution of Haiti and served as the first governor of the newly independent state.

How did successful and unsuccessful slave uprisings in the early nineteenth century sway British public opinion on the issue of slavery?

The rebellions showed that slaves were not "contented" but rather were brutally oppressed, and this persuaded the British public to support the abolition of slavery. → The rebellions ran counter to the argument that slaves were actually content with their situation. This fact, along with arguments that slavery was morally wrong, economically inefficient, and politically unwise, swung British public opinion behind the abolition of slavery.

Which of the following statements best describes the millions of slaves who were freed in the Atlantic world during the nineteenth century?

They suffered legal restrictions, racism, and economic hardship As one historian has said, freed slaves won "nothing but freedom." They did not receive anything close to political equality and suffered severe economic hardship

What happened to the Portuguese royal family when Napoleon invaded Portugal in 1808?

They went into exile in Brazil. The Portuguese royal family sought refuge in their colony of Brazil

Which of the following was an important outcome of the emancipation of slaves?

Where land was available, many freedmen sought economic autonomy on their own land. → Freedmen throughout the Atlantic world sought economic autonomy on their own land, and in places like Jamaica, where unoccupied land was available, independent peasant agriculture proved possible for some.

Which of the following was a subject of debate among supporters of nationalism?

Whether the nation was best identified in terms of territory or in terms of race → These two concepts of nation were debated during the period, with each position finding advocates.

Vindication of the Rights of Women

Written by Mary Wollstonecraft in 1792, this tract was one of the earliest expressions of feminism conciousness

An important long-term impact of the Atlantic revolutions was

a concerted movement in many countries to secure greater equality for women. → Women made few political gains in the immediate aftermath of the Atlantic revolutions, but the revolutions did ultimately inspire efforts in many countries to secure greater equality for women.

The Atlantic revolutions challenged which of these established ways of living or thinking?

the divine right of kings → Many prerevolutionary monarchs relied on the theory of divine right for their political legitimacy.

The Atlantic revolutions occurred in the context of

weakening states. → Despite their growing size and the scale of the wars they fought, many European states were weakening. In particular, the strains that expensive wars placed on the finances of those countries left them weakened.

The Atlantic revolutions were distinctive from comparable upheavals elsewhere in the world during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries because they

were closely connected to one another through a shared set of ideas. → The Atlantic revolutions were closely connected to one another, both through direct contact between revolutionaries and through a shared set of common political ideas.

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