AP World History Chapter 6

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General Julius Caesar

-(born) c. 100 BCE-44 BCE -Rome's most successful general -born patrician -revised the Roman calendar -ruled Rome by himself -chose not to conquer Germany

Roman Republic

-27 CE-476 CE

Roman Empire

-509 BCE-27 CE

General Marius

-Gaius Marius -Elected consul around 107 BCE -reconstructed army to increase efficiency


-Roman emperor -established Constantinople (330 CE) as second capital -used for ruling of Eastern region -Constantinople established to cope with attacks on far-distant borders -single Edict of Milan

Octavian/Augustus Caesar

-adopted son of Julius Caesar -defeated Antony and Cleopatra in 31 BCE (Battle of Actium) -first emperor of Rome -linked military outposts -restored family life


-arrived in central Europe as early as 2000 BCE -expanded their territory by 400 BCE -covered Europe by 200 BCE


-association of three strong men -unofficial coalition of Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Marcus Licinius Crassus -formed in 60 BCE -competed amongst themselves until Julius Caesar defeated the others

Justinian Code

-confined system of law into 4 great works -helped create administration of great competence -became basis of modern Europe law over time

Fall of the Roman Empire (causes)

-conflict between the elite and masses -cost of sustaining the empire by military force overtazed the imperial economy -quality of empire depended on quality of the emperors, which was poor -could no longer win its frontier battles against invaders -Rise of Christianity suggested that Rome no longer had a desire for earthly political power -climate change could have negatively affected the agricultural productivity -epidemics


-egyptian goddess -worshipped by a mystery religion -variety of dramatic rituals -annual promise of rebirth

Marc Antony

-enemy of Octavian (Caesar's adopted son) -married Cleopatra (queen of Egypt) -betrayed Rome's imperial policies


-germanic people -distringuished by use of Germanic languages -established small villages (600 BCE) -began working with iron (500 BCE)


-government representatives elected by plebians -charged with protecting their lives and property -right to veto -the plebians could only elect two


-head of family/household -always male -only member to have full legal rights -had authority to kill wives/kids (until son grew up; always had power to kill daughter)


-latin poet -led one of the greatest choruses or praises -described Rome as a gift of the gods, and praising its citizens for successfully carrying out their mandate


-legislative and consulative body of government -elected magistrates to carry on the administration of the Republic -part of Etruscan (early conquerors of Rome) heritage


-majority of Roman population -lacked hereditary ties to Rome -lacked property -didn't have many jobs -excluded from government -lower class/poorer people


-mystery religion -worshipped Perisian sun god Mithra -Mithra was considered mediator between god and man -emphasized loyalty, discipline

Battle of Actium

-naval battle -Octavian defeated Cleopatra and Antony in 31 BCE


-one of two magistrates -holds supreme civil and military authority


-philosophy formed by Greek Zeno c. 300 BCE -people should accept events in the world -treat others the way you want to be treated -reached height under Marcus Aurelius

Cleopatra VII

-queen of Egypt (51-30 BCE) -wife of Marc Antony -defeated by Rome in naval battle -killed herself, leading Marc Antony to join her

Justinian I

-r. 527-565 CE -Eastern emperor -recaptured many of western regions

Edict of Milan

-recognized/accepted Christianity -before Edict of Milan, Christianity was looked down upon -made polytheism valid -issued jointly by Constantinople and Licinius (313 CE)

mystery religion

-rituals of initiation -outsiders do not understand -i.e. Mithraism


-ruler in an oligarchy -oligarchy is a small group of people having control over a country/organization/institution

Punic Wars

-set of three wars -fighting began in Sicily -264-146 BCE -involved Carthage


-single military commander


-smallest unit of Roman army -100 foot soldiers -commanded by centurion -legion was 60 centuries

Pax Romana

-the Roman peace -reign of stability -tranquility


-theater -built for spectacular entertainment events


-use of images/icons in society -iconoclasts were people who broke images, usually images set up for the religious veneration in belief that such images represent idol worship


-wealthy, powerful men of Rome -hereditary ties to the founding/ruling of Rome -less than 10% of the population -government was ruled by patricians in early Rome -they were free men

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