AP World History Exam-May 17th

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8,000 B.C.E

neolithic revolution: pastoralism and agriculture; religions; systems of writing; economic exchange; social organization; city building --> increased humanities impact on the environment ;labor specialization; first cities;

Mauryan empire (324-184 BCE)

- Founded by Chandragupta Maurya -capitol: Pataliputra on eastern ganges -bureaucracy that collected tax on agricultural products -network of people to spy on their own -powerful army including chairs and cavalry -ttrade with middle east, rome, china -exports: salt, iron and cotton -askoha : ex-warrior emperor who spread buddhism -collapsed due to outside invasions

Early Japan

- 4 main islands =isolation for thousands of years -ideas traveled between Japan and asks, especially china but it was limited -little is known of early cultures in japan prior to 400 BCE -influenced by korea and china -1st ruling family = Yamato clan; only dynasty to rule it -shinto religon: the way of the gods; worshipped kami which refers to nature; goal is to become part of the kami by following certain rituals and customs ; encourages obedience and proper behavior ; direct descendent of the sun goddess -by the 6th century chinas influence in japan increased drastically: buddhist missionaries went to japan and brought chines cultures but it did not replace shintoism: people practiced both beliefs at the same time - prince shook borrowed bureaucratic and legal reforms which modeled the Táng's success : tiaka reforms; Tang capital -japan strongly rebuked confucianism and the CSE since it held education at importance ; in japan education was not nearly as important as birth; noble classes were hereditary not earned -china influenced but did not penetrate japanese identity; the aristocracy remained strong - in 794 the capital was moved to Heian and the Fujiwara family gains power: golden age among literature - noble families fought over their territories: feudal system

Abbasid Dynasty

- 750- 1258 (until defeated by monogls) - golden age in mid 9th century -magnificent capital at baghdad: great cultural center of the world -empire built around trade -credit instead of coins -sytem of itemized receipts and bills - figured out how to make paper form chinese trade and built libraries, universities and scholorships -located at the crossroads of europe and asia which allowed them to monopolize trade routes -expansion military and cultural -suifs:effective missionaries -popular as people were allow to practice their own ways to revere allah

Chinas Bureaucracy and Civil Service thought dynasties

- CONTINUITY throughout history - bureaucracy continued to chinas stability -stayed in effect even as dynasties changed -regardless of who was in charge leaders dependent on the system to carry out the functions of the government -appointed cili serve positions to those who did well off the exam; based on meritocracy those who earned it versus aristocracy (inherited) -even when the mongols ruled in china the underlying bureaucracy remained -people kept their jobs regardless of who is in charge

Mediterranean region in Period 2

- Phoenicians in the 800s -north african city state: carthage -oligarchy -punic ears in 200s between carthage and tomb -between 1000-800 BCE greeks worshiped the olympian gods -during classical period 500-300, built greeks city states, monarchies and oligarchies -sparta, very militaristic, women had the most rights here -Athens, democracy in 508, women and slaves were excluded from political life -hellenistic culture lead to philosophy, scientific thinking greek dramas, and sculptures -persain wars (492-479) -Peloponisian war (431) sparta against athens, sparta wins -both sides are exhausted leaving Macedonia to conquer greece -Alexander the great dropped asia, toppled acheimad empire (persian), and conquered territory into india -greek uterus spread to egypt, persia and central asia as a result

burbon beginnings

- after hundred years war against england and france (initiated by the joan of arc) royal power in france become more centralized ; under a series of maniacs known as the bourbons, france was unified and became a major power in europe; england with draws from france

Franks in the west

- after western roman empire falls due to invasions of germanic tribes they settle thought europe -convert to chrisnaity -frank kingdom was a germanic tribe that united under the leadership of king clovis: built large empire with paris as his capital -kingdom split into 4 among sons after he dies -common culture unified the pool to fight against muslim invasions which took over parts of spain and itay - martel defeated muslim armies from advancing into paris at the battle of tours -interacton through conflict: sharing of culture... -martel units under frankish merovingian dynasty -his successors create the carolingian dynasty -charles chose to have his succession (son) certified by the pope --> an empires legitimacy rests on romes approval

reasons why people were on the move in Period 3

- as populations grew people needed more room to spread out ; larger cities; more opportunities ; pulled more people from the country size -citieis grew due to intentional established centers of civilizations: constantinople, baghdad, heir, samarkand, timbuktu and tikal : moveed to these capitals to attract people and for an empire to flaunt; built universities to attract people from all across the empire: more CD in a flourishing empire -pilgrimage was another reason; islamic duty and cathedrals : mansa musa as an example

punic wars

- carthage a city state in northern africa -carthage vs rome= punic wars from 264-146 -rome won first war - hannibal a carthage general lead his army to northern rome and attacked -rome eventually burned carthage and moved on to conquer land in greece, gauls, spain --> spread roman culture -built extensive roads, acqueducts and enlarged their navy

Geography that lead for the building of a civi

- climate that was not extremely hot, cold, dry or wet -preferably falt fertile land -reliable source of eater -topography ;shape of the land that provided for easy movement -access to river -the presence of natural resources -proximity to trade routes

Rise of the Czar in russia

- defending themselves from western colonization - in 1242 they surrounded to the Tatars: group of mongols from the east under genghis khan -ruled a large chunk of russia for 2 centuries leading to a greater split between russia and western europe ; isolated -14the century ; mongol power declined and the russian price of muscovy grew in power -by the late 1400s Ivan he terrible expanded muscovy power and named himself czar: emperor or caesar -moscow was declared the "third rome" -by mid 1500s ivan the terrible ruled ruthless; murdered own nobles with secret police -russian nationalism was well under way

Preservation of western culture by muslims and byzantines

- despite hostility between european and islamic worlds -preserved western culture like byzantines -during the middle ages the arabs ke[t western culture alive as when they encountered classical literature from ancient greece, they translated it to arabic -during the crusades euoropeans found its own history preserved in arabic libraries and museums -interaction between popes even when violent can lead to cultural exchange

women in caliphates

- did not have property or inheritance rights -viewed as property themselves of men -low status in culture; baby boys were more valued; infanticide was common among unwanted baby girls -did not have equal legal rights -men were allowed as many as 4 wives while women had to be faithful to one man since a boy father couldn't be disputed -veiled in public: came from mesopotamia and was adapted and adopted -structured and patriarchal society -only dirty was to be loyal to her husband and family

first hebrews

- emerged out of the middle east in 2000 BCE -established a homeland in israel around 1000 BCE

women in the tang and song dynasties

- empress Wu Zhao (only empress to date) rose after the death of her sand Gazing; ruthless to her adversaries and compassionate towards peasants -but highly patriarchal society ; women were inferior and considered property -women's beauty and femininity were wroth protecting ; like reopen in the middle ages -foot binding became a widespread practice; bond shortly after birth to keep them feminine and small; disable ; elite families; painful; deforming; crippling ; dehumanizing women :(

emergence of nation states after plague

- europe began to organize under cultural and linguistic lines -germany and italy became decentralized into smaller city states period of interregnum; merchants became powerful -england developed into a nation much mire quickly under a strong monarchy


- european social, economic and political system of the middle ages - king held power over an entire territory -nobles granted power in exchange for military service -land divided among vessels ... - peasants worked e land for protection and a place to live -land called fiefs --> manors -self sufficient - 3 field system based on seasons -great clearing -lords owed allegiance to the king -code of chivalry: honor system; repented feuds -knights considered part of nobility -male dominated: women were objects to be displayed -primogeniture: land went to eldest son -peasants called serfs -agricultural surplice lead otter's too ensue other endeavors ; craftsmen ; known as burghers -cities grew and eventually the middle ages came to an end


- founded by jesus of nazareth 29 BCE later known as christ from greek translation of the jewish term "messiah" -jesus was born into a jewish family -spoke of a heavily kingdom calling himself the son of god -popular among the common people and the poor -based on old and new testaments of the bible -jesus is the son of god and that forgiveness o sins and ultimate everlasting life is achievable through beleif -worship jesus, practice live and service to him -message of compassion , grace though faith and promise of eternal life regardless of personal circumstances -appeals to women -became main religon in mediteranian basin -romans demanded to arrest him but before he claimed he would return from the death - roman law banned Christianity but it remained popular -paul made it easy for great and romans to convert to Christianity -caught on among many groups who felt powerless in roman society, notcitiiznes, salves, commoners and women -open to all and held out the hope of a happy after life to peasants -the church grew hierarchal -old testament: story of adam and eve -Constantine legalized christianity and became the empires faith -pope at top and only men as presets -complied books of the bible combining texts from the jewish scripture (old testament) and the 4 gosepls and other materials (new testament) -after romes collapse in 400 BCE the christen hutch drifted apart into the western RCC which united the europe and in the east, eastern orthodoxy . the split is called the great schism of 1054

Origins of Zoroastrianism ;)

- founded in 1700 BCE -one of the 1st monotheistic religions - scripture: avesta -major faith in Persia - God: ahrura mazda and prophet: zoroaster - ahura mazda: wise lord -simple message: good thoughts, good words, good deeds - major accomplishments under Darius and many other kings -incensed much of the middle east for centuries and the religions of judaism and chritisanity even though its followers remain in low numbers today

movement of peoples in 2000 BCE

- migration plays a major role in the formation and development of early civilizations -migrations led to war and conflict -facilitated cultural interactions -spread tech, science, language and religions -migrating pastoralists :into europeans from Eurasia to central Asia in the 1000s -indo european: aryans foundational role in Indiana history think vedas (invaded from north in 1500 BCE --> conquered dravidians) - bantu into southern africa -chinas shang and zhou under threats: built walls -lead to stronger military

improvements after neolithic era include

- mining -irrigation/canals-forest swamp clearing; terracing on hillsides -polytheism -weaving and pottery - the wheel and wheeled vehicles


- most successful raiders -around 800 CE red boats to raid well beyond their boarders -raided monasteries -fishermen, merchants -in france known as Normans -sometimes known as "dark age" ; caused much danger and destabilization in europe - vikings also converted to christianity --> common among invading groups

European contact with Muslim world during Crusades

- muslims conquered much of spain; christians felt treated especially as islam took over areas that christians identified with historically -in 1096 pope urbaninitiaed the first crusade in response of the seljuk turks who took control of the holy land (israel and palestine) ; also wanted to mend the split -captured several cities including jerusalem but they later fell back into the hands of the arabs -military camp gains undertaken by european christians to take over holy land and convert people -broadened perspectives of insular pope -creating the ideologies of reasoning ; threatened the church -lead to more universities where men could study ; scholasticism: conflicted with church because focused on reason rather than faith -heresies: wanted to return to simpler ways of chrisaintiy ; opposed to how world and wealthy the church had become ; attacked by the pope; church became known as the universal or militant church -aquius wrote a book that altered durian thought - many crusades later the europeans failed to produce results -the holy land saw much violence and uncertainty -lead to centuries of mistrust and intolerance between christians and muslims -crusades was motivated for religious and politicl/economc incentives as well -religon when combined with conquest can be even more devastating and powerful as a political driven military invasion: death, rape, pillaging and slavery in name of christians and same for the islamic conquests in india persia and africa -crusades prove that even efforts on conquest fail to reach their goals, the ineteraction put europe ack into the sphere of the eastern mediterranean for centuries; interaction ruled trade and exchange of ideas -europe rediscover aspects of ancient based that was preserved by the byzantines and islamic empires

Feudal Systems in Japan v.s. Europe

- occurred around the same time but occurred independently - shogun/ruler, daimyo/lords, vassaks, warriors/samurai, peasants and artisans -land for loyalty exchange -code of bushido (if they did not follow =suicide) / code of chivalry : honor, respect, loyalty, courage -women had much less rights/freedom in japan -similar in terms of political, social and honor code -different legal arrangements : europe, was a contract but in japan the agreement was based sold on group identity and lyoalty - both based on culture

origins of Judaism

- one of the first monotheistic faiths -rose around 2000 BCE - hebrews migrated to erupt around 1700 BCE, were enslaved and then escaped under the leadership of moses around 1300 BCE (passover) - lead hebrews to the promise land of Canaan (israel) and handed down the 10 commandments and the Torah -David and Solomon: first temple -suffered invasions starting by the assyrians in 722 BCE -formalization of Judaism took place the 500s BCE

the black death

- originated in china were it killed 35 mil there -spread rapidly through europe facilitated by trade by mongols though the asian silk routes -killed 1/3 of rupees populations around 1350 -crowded cities and lack of sanitation and medical knowledge -mongols brought by disease sped up social and economic changes: shift towards a commercial economy, more individual freedoms development of new industries -facilitated the end of feudalism


- peaked in 1600 -direct ancestors to the franks -trojan war -homeric epics

englands emergence under a monarchy

- quick -nobles revolted against king George and forced him to sign the magna carta- extend rules of law to other pope in the country -foundations for parliament : house of lords run by the nobles an clergy (legal issues) and the house of commons run by knights and wealthy burghers (issues of trade and taxation)

persistence of older forms of worship

- shamanism, animism persisted

Impact of Orthodoxy in Russia/ how Russia is different from the rest of europe

- slavic people in the 9th century: SE rope and russia were converted to christianity by st cyril and orthodox christian -cryllic alphabet: greek origins -not a part of byzantine empire itself but heavily influenced by it -valdimir a russian prince form kiev abadnsons traditional pagan religion and converts to christianity - russian orthodox church is aligned with byzantine but NOT roman traditions ; secluded from the west - when the roman church remains the green and russian churches do not ; due to this and the mongol invasions russia developed as culturally different from the other great powers of europe


- south of Egypt along the nile in 3000BCE -trade with Egypt

changes and continuities with the role of women

- women lost power as people settled -household, children, wives, often unrecognized -upper class elites were more restricted to public appearances only while lower class women continued to work outside the home -buddhism, chrsiantiy and daoism were sympathetic to women; they were considered equals in their ability to achieve salvation or nirvana; allowed women to remove themselves from traditional roles to become nuns and live in convents -hinduism and Confucianism were much more structured and restricted; a women could not read the sacred vedas or research moksha; Confucianism made men superior (foot binding... etc)

Han Dynasty

-156-87 BCE centralized efficient empire -gained a lot of territory -tributary system (extracting payment from neighboring states) -new weapons (cross bow), cavalry war fare -worst threat, turkic xiongnu -capitol: chang'an -used bests of combination of legalism and Confucianism to organize dynasty -postal system, tax collection, bureaucracy based on CSE -great wall, canals to link two rivers and unify courtly -mandate of heaven -Confucianism -daoist scholars developed windmills, wheel barrows, gunpowders, distilled alcohol and produced paper from tree bark -strong economy -invented the horse collar -silk production , thrived on the silk road -interrupted by xin dynasty reign of mang -corrupted government, nomadic invaders, small pox --> lead to their decline -for the next 400 years china was divided into several regional kingdoms

scientific thinking

-600 BCE -Egyptians -basic laws of geometry, astronomy, medicine and natural history -observations were not always correct but the took step into trying to understand how the world worked -decimal system with concepts of pi ad zero in Gupta india -abrarbic numerals -mayans with astronomy and zero -rational thought aka philosophy by socrates, plato and Aristotle ; created the intellectual foundation in which the west has developed ; they all asked questions about the nature of reality -indian literature Mahabharata 200 BCE a grand epic -china: analects, ching, the art of war -greece: story telling ill and the odyssey -theatrical performances and greek frames - architecture : gardens in babylon and great library in egypt, dromamans adding archways and domes: parthenon in athens, romes pantheon, colosseum -mesoarmerians pyramids for human sacrifice -cave temples built in honor of dieites -pillar of asoka that had buddhist teachings -chinese cities such as Chang'an followed an urban grid layout that caught on throughout the wider region -grecco-buddhist sculptures and sculpture that results from the campaigns of alexander the great -hellenism -striking example of cultural borrowing; fusion


-Allah -Qu'ran -salvation is won to submission to the will of god; can be accomplished by following the five pillars (confession of faith, prayer x5, charity, fasting during Ramadan, pilgrimage to mecca) -jihad= struggle to be a better muslim and the struggle against nonbelievers -common history with judaism and christianity : accepts abraham, moses and jesus as prophets, believes muhammad was the least great profit -like christianity, all people are equal before god -shia vs sunni -mecca spirutal hub - muhammad gains following in median and then takes over mecca - "dar al islam" --> land where it spread --> arabian peninsula -abu baker became caliph; theocracy ; growth of relgionlinked to growth of empire - first for caliphs, ali died creates the Umayyad dynasty

1200 BCE- 600 BCE

-Iliad and the odyssey -more records keeping (alphabet; quipu) -Zoroastrianism (possibly earlier) - iron tools and weapons -coins

most influential ancient religions

-Judaism -Zoroastrianism -Vedism (precursor to hinduism)

"golden age"

-PUPA - major empire greatly expands territory -centers of artistic and scientific energy -tremendous amount of wealth flows into capital from conquered regions -people have the freedom and confidence to pursue goals other than military protection -rome, athens, gupta india, han china

Period 2 Persia

-Persian empire, Achaemenid (550-331) -conquered neo-bablyonians, egyptians and lydian -under diaries the great, empire stretched for 2 mil miles, making it the biggest empire seen to date - two capitals: susa and persepolis -advanced postal system, royal road, single currency, provincial administration, satraps, caste system -zoroastrianaism but tolerant to other faiths -fell to the hellenistic conqueror alexander the great -a new dynasty, the {Parthians (247-224) emerged, -combined greek an dpersian culture -grew wealthy from the silk road -replaced with sassanian empire (224-661) -rival to rome and te byzantines -arab traders and silk road -suddenly swept away in the 600s by the rapd military expansion of islam out of the Arabian peninsula

Shang Dynasty

-along the yellow river -hilly mountainous: boards -two rivers essential for farming, movement and political/social unity - frist in 8000 by 2000 discovered bronze metallurgy - first dynasty was the SHANG in 1600 BCE: warrior aristocracy; used chariots and horseback warfare; traded extensively with their jade and silk -writing pictographs -fortune telling and strong patriarchalism -middle kingdom: believed they were at the center of the world -second dynasty is the ZHOU in the 1000s-221 - relied on feudalism -collapsed after the warning states period (480-221) -iron; Zhou bureaucracy ; polytheistic -mandate of heaven: wise leader could claim a divide right to rule

formation of france

-bound up with england - in 989 Capet ruled small area -fro next 200 years subsequent french kings expanded territory

Mesoamerica and the Andes

-emerged from the Olmec's who faded in 400 BCE - women were allowed to rule in Mayan kingdoms -practiced human sacrifices -built pyramids that symbolized saved mountains with roots in the underworld but reaching to the heavens as well -calendar built on numbers and zero; 365 days based on the sun; invented concept of zero (independently of gupta) - in present day Mexico city, Teotihuacan emerged in (100 BCE- 750 BCE); one of the worlds largest cities at that time oligarchy ; intensive farming- chinampas (floating gardens: grew crops, most importantly corn); irrigation ; decline due to overspending causing social tension realign geo destructive revolts - At the same time, the Mayans in present day Guatemala were on the rise. ; staple crops included corn, squash, beans, cacao and cotton

Song accomplishments

-built on tang accomplishment sixth more practical application of words in the form of encyclopedias and histories -developed the printing process; facilitated the spread of literature thought asia and influenced the literature in kora and japan -stable -built extensive transportation and communication networks -canals -paper money and use of credit -CSE -increased trade and CD -due to pressure from northern nomads withdrew to the south where they established the city at Hangzhou -industrial society L movable tapes resulted in incurred literacy among ht lower classes; printed books also spread agricultural and tech knowledge ledge to an increase in farming production -urban populations were the largest in the world wealth base on navy and participation in trade in SE asia -tech were applied to the military such as gunpowder; magnetic compass; bulk heads; sternpost rudders; ships best in the world -800-1100 production of steel increased x10 -water wheel -champa rice from vietnam doubled population linked with new agricultural techniques and supplies -increasing from 45 mil to 115 mil -urban centers greatly expanded -buddhism : zen and mahayana -zen buddhism: emphasis on meditation and appreciation of beauty ; Confucians and daos saw buddhism as a threat since it dismissed the permit of material accumulation and drained on the labor poor; in the mid 800s emperor Wuzong persecuted many and destine monasteries reducing the influence of buddhism in china; backlash -neo-confucanism : borrowed buddhist ideas

before 8000 BCE

-cave painting and rock art -early music and storytelling -use of fire -stone tools

in italy, beginnings of rome

-city of rome founded in 753 BCE -peninsula and protected in the north -at a crossroads -patricians landowning nobles in the senate and plebeians other free men int he assembly -representative republic -12 tables of rome -paterfamilias; women owned property but were still inferior, slaves made up a large majority of the population -fell in 476 due to invasions from the north

catholic church

-controls virtually everything in the middle ages in western europe - becomes the most powerful institution in western europe and one of the most in the world

Indus river valley

-currant parkistan and northwest india -rose around 2600 BCE -language has not yet been deciphered; we do not know much -heavily urbanized cities: strict grid shape -river brought rich silt -mojenjo daro and Harappa; baths, irrigation, domestication and farming trade w/china and Mesopotamia -falls in 1900 but unknown why, possibly environmental factors

rise of Roman empire

-displaced farmers -inflation -power of the senate weakened -power transfered to the first triumvirate: pompey, crassus and ceaser -ceaser given power to gaul; civil war between senate and caesar resulted in caesar becoming emperor for life; until angry senators assassinated him in 44 BCE - second trimvirate: octavious, marc antony, lepidus; but agustus (octavian) becomes emperor for life -republic ends and rome as a empire is formed

Byzantine empire

-distnict from an roman empire -greek language -distinct dome buildings ; eastern cultures -orthodox chrisnaity - unlike much of europe which was fragmented into small feudal kingdoms with limited power and fewer cultural advancements \-like islamic empire was different - famous for mosaic art form used to decorate churches -ruled by absolute authority especially over the economy -monopolized silk trade; coinage - justinian (527-565) : former glory of roman empire was restored in Constantinople : flourished in trade and the arts -justinians code kept roman legal principles alive -contrucion of major buildings and churches: hagia sophia -ambitious plan to reconquer western 1/2 of roman empire; could not move on as he had to fight against the ostrogoths in italy -as a result what remained of the roman infrastructure in italy was destroyed as well as the bankrupting of his coffers and exhausting the sources of his soldiers


-first were to have from around 5,000 years ago - economic system -government -social system -moral or ethical belief system -an intellectual tradition -high level of tech aptitude


-grew out of a philosophy taught by Confucius from the Zhou dynasty - a political and social philosophy not a religon ; does not deal with salvation -551 BCE -pondered relationship between society and the individual -teachings kept in the analects -celestial bureaucracy to develop wise an ethical conduct -social harmony by way of a hierarchy - filial piety; respect for elders -patriarchal systems; women had mo rights and were abused often by their husbands -mutual respect in the relationships: 5 : ruler and subject, parent and child, husband and wise, older sibling nad younger sibling and friend and friend; when each person lives up to their obligations, society is orderly and predictable -favored those who were educated, conscientious ; superior -3 values: ren- sense of humanity, kindness and benevolence, Li- sense of propriety courtesy and respect and deference to elders and xiao-filial piety -did not support a specific political system but rather favored good people running whatever system was in place -women had secondary status -compatible with other religions which made it widespread; political systems embraced it; lead to distinct tight knit community members -*stayed only in chinese world -600s neoconfucanism -persisted into modern era believed that people were inherently good


-growth of early civilization (3000s) after neolithic rev(8000 BCE) -humans and environment : resources, migrations -development and interaction of cultures: literature, writing, art -state building, expansion and conflict -economic systems: trade, agricultural -social structures -ancient religions: judaism, zoroastriansim, vedism

Middle Ages

-in WESTERN europe... franks -period after the fall of rome and before the resnissane -byzantines versus collapsed western area practiced different forms of chrisniaty and would compete for supremacy -by 800, 400 years after the fall of the western 1/2, the pope attempts to revive the western empire by crowning charlemagne the "emperor of the romans". his empire continued to consider itself roman thought the middle ages -2 empires, 1 religion until 200 years later -eastern 1/2 was ncuh more centralized and organized than roman western empire; both practiced chrisniaty but in different ways

charlemagne empire

-in centuries after the fall of W rome there was no real empire in europe even though franks built a large kingdom -pepin's son, charles would revitalize the concept of the empire in western europe -in 800 he was crowned by the pope and became known as "charlemagne" - charles the great -he was the hope admits the darkness -holy roman empire -little in common with go roman empire except that centralization was restored -focus on arts an education under strict influence of chruch -his power was not abslute -did not levy taxes therefore he failed to create a strong and unified empire -after his death the empire as divided among his three grandsons according to the treaty of verdun in 834

fall of the roman empire

-internal decay -external pressure from attilia's huns -weak/poor leadership -in 224 Diocletian becomes emperor and tries to solve problems by dividing empire into two regions but civil war erupted in 305 -Constantine takes over eastern 1/2 but eventually the whole empire and builds new capitol, Constantinople -after his death the empire was divided into the west and east -the eastern half thrived off its center at constanintople as the western continued to spital down -invasions from Sassanid persian empire, attilia's huns and germanic tribes -saced rome in 410 and by 476 the western roman empire fell -eastern half survived and remained the byzantine empire -unlike china rome would never rise again

decline of islamic caliphates

-internal stuggles : civil wars from different sects of islam -destabillized authority in baghdad ; cut tax revenues -turksih warriors slaves revolted and established a new capital, samarra -threats from seljuk turks a nomadic sunni group -external foes: europeans, byzantines and persians -however the mongols would defeat it during the crusades ; destroyed baghdad -people fled to egypt where they had no power -ottoman turks reunited egypt, syria and arabia into a new islamic state which would last till 1918


-laozi in 600 BCE - seek harmony with the universe and care little for politics or material things -belief in the dao: way of nature -images of water -aganist ambition -strove for little government interference; rather a simple life with harmony nature -magic used to influence spirits -balanced Confucian activism -scientific discoveries: astronomy, chemistry, botany -added to the complexity of Chinese society; made it unique and distinct -finding internal peace -encourages a passive existence with little government involvement -people often practiced Confucians to guide their relationships an a the same time daoism to guide them in their private meditations -influenced traditional medicine , martial arts and alchemy and astrology -fortune telling -gave poetry a philosophical tone -buildings -ying-yang symbole dark and light haves represents that nothing is absolute -spread throughout china and wherever china had influence

Qin Dynasty

-leagilism, she huangdi - 221-206 (short lived) -ended feudal decentralization -centralized dictatorship -standardized weights and measures -strenghed chinese army -roads, canals, great wall -taxed so heavily that after his death rebellions destroyed the dynasty -terracotta warriors


-maritime culture -1550 - 300 BCE -harvested cedar -made a famous purple dye from shell fish -alphabet based on sounds; adopted by Romans, Hebrews and Greeks


-mediteranian -bull worshipping - influenced greeks -2000 BCE

most common form of government in ancient civi's

-monarchs and oligarchy - theocracy : government dominated by a religious elite

The Chavín and south america

-northwest south america civi's rose on peaks and valleys making agriculture difficult but lead to social cohesion required to create a civi -caral in peru 2600 -good weavers and metalworkers -urban and class stratified -llama -did not grow along rivers -no written language but quipu: tying knots into strings ("talking knots") -Chavin 1000s: in today's peru-clans were responsible for maintaining roads, bridges and irrigation systems; known for their textiles


-opposed Confucianism -thought people were intel immoral -advocated for harsh punishments and strict rule -qin dynasty -did not trust human nature or people: therefore tough laws -made Confucianism and daoism more popular -importance of farming and the military -great wall -also a philosophy not a religon

end of the middle ages/renaissance

-peasants who were tied to the land developed skills; become good craftsmen -europeans became provincial -euope started trading with rest of the world -elevation of status of crafts men and merchants= became the middle class -towns and cities emerged -by the 11th century europe was interacting with the world again -towns were chartered on lands -burghers became politically powerful -city state like feel -nationhood ; increased social mobility among the classes -archeiture: gothic cathedrals: designed to draw worshippers closer to god; tall windows and vaulted ceilings: became an art form -church sponsored art -music: georgian chants

Tang Acomplishemnts

-poetry tells us about daily life in china -stable -CSE --increased trade and CD -power based on military garrisons along central asian trade routes -capital at chang'an --> cosmopolitan city and largest one in the world at the time; center of tributary system; independent countries such as Vietnam, korea and tibet acknowledged the superiority if the chase emperor and sent gifts to the city ; indirect rule f these assail states spread chinas influence far and wide and brought religion among other things to china


-polytheistic faith -brought to India by into-eropean invaders around 1500 BCE -oldest script is the Rig Veda -placed a rigid caste system which was later adopted by hinduism: at the top were presets called brahmins, warriors, political rulers , then traders, peasants and artisans and finally the lower class -karma and reincarnation -goal is to be reunited with the world soul, Brahman -in 700 BCE the brahmins authority was challenged by new ideas leading to the brith of buddhism and hinduism


-religions adress questions : sense of unity; great works of art but also opposed to science -growth of religions-art and literary traditions flourished -religions evolved and some were birthed -CLASSICAL Civi's: Han China, Gupta India, Greece Rome

Roman Catholicism V.S. Christian Orthodoxy

-roman catholic emperors regarded the pope as the leader while byzantine emerpors nominated their own patriarchs of the see of constanintope -poltical and religious differences lead to the schism: the pope excommunicated the patriarch of constainintople - byzantine empire was more centralized than the west but religion was more centralized in the west than the east -either the heads of the churner the heads of the state needed to be in control. during the middle ages the west centralized power i the church; the existing political leadership was nerf power of the church, it controlled everything - in the east, the opposite was true, political emperors were both in control of politics and the church; while church practices were localized, politics was not -east was more of a secular empire with an official church religion while the west was more of a religious empire with subservient political units -Western =RCC -Eastern = Orthodoxy

rise of the silk road

-rose around the time major empires were collapsing: PERIOD 3 -brought culture, religion, goods and ideas -stretched from china to rome -pastoral communities provided shelter, supplies and protection in exchange for money: people not only interacted with those at their destination but also along their journey -disease also traveled along the road -buddhism spread though east and southeast asia through road -christianity spread in the Mediterranean and even as far as britian from its origins in the middle east -entire groups expanded their territories through the road not just merchants and missionaries and saxons moved into brian and the huns moved into india -traded smaller luxury goods such as silk, cotton, gems, jewelry but also heavier goods such as olive oil and spices - used back in the days of the roman empire and again from 1200-1600 during reign of the mongols -carried porcelain and paper, military tech, buddhism , islam and chrisanity , food

spains rise

-united by queen isabella -castile: present day spain had no single ruler and here was a split among religious lines within the peasant population (muslim and christans) -isabella married ferdinand a christian air to the throne -enlisted the catholic church as a strong ally; people were forced to convert to chrianity or leave the country ; spanish inquisition -spain was newly unified and energized -allowed them to embark on an imperial quest which gained them wealth and glory ; resulting gin the spread of the spanish language , culture and christianity to much of the new world


-teachings of Siddhartha Gautama 563 BCE -sought out answer to human suffering -spiritually reached enlightenment and took n the name Buddha -he taught others and gained a following -the Mauryan emperor Ashoka spread it throughout his empire 269 BCE - in china 100 BCE -4 noble truths: all life is suffering, suffering is caused by desire, one can be freed of this desire, one is freed of desire by following what's called the eightfold path - 8 fold path: right views, right speech, right aspirations, right conduct, right livelihood, right endeavor, right mindfulness and right meditation -end goal is nirvana -cycle of reincarnation -karma -anyone could reach nirvana; rejected caste system -Theravada (the original) - more simple and according to his teachings- south and southeast asia; meditation; budhha not considered a god -Mahayana is when blending with other cultural practices during syncretism in japan Korea and china; buddha considered a god -appealed to lower classes and women -spread rapidly throughout asia

height of roman empire

-under agustus rome became the capital of the western world -rule of law civil rights, common coinage, safe travel -200 year pax romana -religious tolerance -growth of arts and sciences: literature, architecture (pantheon, colosseum, forum), astronomy, engineering (roads and aqueducts) -judiasm an christanity is suppressed and often people persecuted (under diocletian) until Constantine issues to edict of milan in 313 -by 391 Christianity becomes the official religion of the empire

hindu society

-very patriarchal -believed in the supreme force called brahma: creator -hindu gods are manifestations of brahma: vishnu the preserver and shiva the desoyer -life goal is to merge with brahma- moksha -must follow dharma to move up the caste -vedas ; upanishadas -caste system is why many quietly accepted their stations in life -caste system prevented its sperad

Comparisons in PERIOD 1

-what role does geography and climate play in shaping human societies? -how does tech change trade and agricultural? -cultural diffusion where and why -how do ancient religions support political regimes, used to justify hierarchies -compare ancient trade -what role do large migrations play

3500/2000 B.C.E

1. Mesopotamia (T+E river) 2. Egypt (N river) 3. Indus cities: mohenjo-daro and harappa (indus river valley) 4. Shang China (yellow/Huang He river) 5. olmecs core foundational civi's

the Olmecs

1200-400 BCE -mother civi of mesoamerica -written language not deciphered -rose unlike others without a river system nearby -art architecture and religion -traded with far away places : jade and obsidian -skilled potters and canal builders -diet consisted of corn, beans and squash -famous for carving huge stone heads -astronomy, religions sacrifices, polytheism

paper appeared in china in

200 BCE

homo sapeins/ "out of Africa" thesis

200,000 years ago; east africa --> 100,000 years ago

Hominid creatures

3-4 mil years ago


600 BCE - 600 CE -major belief systems 1.cultural areas vs. states/empires: culture was more durable than political organization 2. change within societies: internal and external factors: new religions; invasions; trade 3. Economic and trading practices: record keeping, currancy taxes; writing, reading and records 4. environment and decision making: crops; disasters

PERIOD 3 themes

600 C.E.- 1450 -defined by what rises of the collapsed classical civilizations -INTERACTIONS- both positive and negative that develop between new states -growth of long-distance trade: silk routes, caravans, indian ocean sailors, islamic empire and africa, MONGOL land routes, china and japan trans-saharan , mediterranean; the world after 1450 is insperatble from global interaction -decentralization in europe: feudalism -expansion of trading empires of the middle east and china -ISLAM - intentional diffusion of religion (as opposed to the natural spread along trade routes) : mongol expansions into russia, Persia an India, germanic tribes into europe, viking expansion, magyars, islamic empire into spain india and africa, crusades, buddhist missionaries to japan, orthodox christian missionaries to eastern europe -expansion of religion and empires leading to cultural contact -relative isolation that resulted under deal systems in europe and japan -a time fueled by conquest and religion expansion - expanding trade, expanding empires, expanding interactions: increased wealth, borrowing go ideas and cultures -innovations: came from china and india, filtered through the islamic world and made their way back to europe by way of the crusades, merchants and missionaries - easier to think about history in terms of cultural areas rather than political boundaries

Gupta empire 320CE

AFTER 5 CENTURIES GUPTA EMERGES -chandra gupta -smaller and less centralized -used diplomacy to maintain authority -hindus but practices tolerance -decimal system, pi, zero -caste system, more patriarchal, sati ritual -fell in mid 500s due to invasions from tether nomadic white Huns on northwest frontier -muslim invaders then moved into the sub continent reaping culture and politics -fell due to invasions from the white huns


Along the nile as early as 5000 BCE -civilization begins in 3100 when northern and southern Egypt are united -old kingdom (2700-2000 BCE) -culturally dynamic middle kingdom (2050-1650 BCE) -New kingdom against Hyksos (1070 BCE) -collapses in 900 -monarch and small caste of priest -monarch=pharaoh; direct descendent from the sun god, Ra -built cities -economic network: egyptian-nubian trade which brought gold to Egypt--> not friendly ; Mesopotamia trade -women were secondary to men but had right to divorce, own property, be a presientes, manage business, even become a pharaoh -concern about the afterlife (nile flooding) gave rise to mummification: pyramids for pharaohs -hieroglyphs papyrus for documentation, irrigation, monuments, bronze tools and weapons, calendar

Chinas dynasties

Ancient 1.Shang 2.Zhou warring states period classical 3. Qin 4. Han period of anarchy- 3.5 centuries 5. Sui

humans moved into the americas 15,000 years ago crossing the

Bering land bridge that spanned siberia and alaska

3500-1200 BCE

Bronze Age - epic of Gilgamesh (king from city of uruk is one by the gods on a quest to find secret immortality and gains wisdom ) -early record keeping (cuneiform, hieroglyphs, pictographs) -Hebrew -calendars, astronomy, math -urban planning -architecture: temples, ziggurats, pyramids - shrift from iron --> bronze -chariots -bows and arrows -horse riding -caste systems; gender divisions; slaves hierarchies

1200 B.C.E

Olmecs: central America Chavín : Andes 900 BCE

Chinese Dynasties in period 3

Tang (618-907), Song (960-1279), Ming (1368-1644) developed golden ages ming comes to power after brief domination by the mongols influenced korea, vietnam and cambodia: cultural and political developments Tang empire became so large that local war lords gained more power --> it collapsed --> brief era of restlessness and china was then ruined under the song --> fell to the Jurchen and then the mongols until in 1279 the mongols create the Yuan dynasty --> lasts less than a century and the mIng dynasty is restored ming and song accomplished every human endeavor in art, architecture, science , philosophy, porcelain making, silk weaving, construction , transportation systems and more

migrations 1500 BCE

bantu and indo-european

Schism of 1054

chrisnity split for theological and political reasons into two subgroups: roman catholicism and christen oxtrodoxy -europe is divided into two different spheres: eastern (byzantines and russians vs western (middle ages); very different feel)

stone age

communities took shape but maintained low levels of social and tech development; hunting and gathering based on kin

What does the term overreach refer to?

in the classical time period when empires were developing they often overextended themselves in one or more of several ways leading to decline and downfall

transfer of culture, goods ad ideas was due to

interaction of sedentary communities with nomadic people circa 600 BCE

motivations for constructing monuments in ancient times include

religion, defense, entertainment, public display of political power

ancient religious practices

shamanism : hunter-gathers -ancestor veneration (china and rome) -polytheistic (egyptian gods of the middle east, olympian deities worshipped by the greeks and borrowed by the romans, vedic gods of ancient india, celestial bureaucracy venerated in china


sumarían-babylonian culture -rivers giving life in the fertile crescent: T and E -inhabited in 8000 BCE, then farming in 5000 BCE and first true civi was the -sumarians: first to devise a written script, cuneiform (wedge shaped characters pressed on clay tablets) -Akkadians -Babylonians -Assyrians: iron weapons on horseback; brutal -codes of ur-nammmu and the code of hammurabi -skilled builders and craftspeople -honored they gods by building ziggurats, built canals, dams -pottery, bronze-working, astronomy, math -trade with Egypt and Indus region - in the 1200s the Hittites came to rule much of Mesopotamia: chariot warfare, iron weapons

Period 1 themes

to 600 BCE -8000 BCE -river valley civis

Ummayyad Dynasty

ummayyad dyanasty: expands empire but creates conflict with byzantines and persians; capitol in damascus -arabic became official language -gold and silver coinage -"encouraged to convert to islam" in empire or had to pay a tax -expanded as far as northern africa, spain and southern italy -attacked byzantines but failed to capture contanintople - martel a frank kept them out of most of europe declined by 750

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