AP World History Exam Review (Excuse spelling/grammar mistakes)

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Gupta Dynasty

Smaller then Mauryans. Kushans were their predessors. 3-6th century C.E., golden age of india. Provinces ruled by princes and former kings. First to try imoculations- giving someone weaker form of a disease to form an immunity. Formed number system 0-9. fell to white huns invasion

Egyptian society

Social hierarchy with roayls, nobles, and priests at top. Artiasans afterwards and than a class of farmers. Farmers also worked projects. Afer farmers were slaves usually from lands conquered by Eqypt. Minus slaves, all eople equal under law. Egyptian women had rights to own property, make contracts, divorce, and pursue legal disputes. Hatshepsut and Cleopatra were pharoahs. Few had temple posts. However, most not educated

Xia Dynasty

Some attacks from people in nearby hills. Yu brought order to region in 2100 BC organizing projects building roads, creating ditches, and draining swapms. Passed power to Qi starting this dynasty lasting 400 years. No wrting system, only info recorded 1000 years later. Some arcehologists have evidence that it didn't exist

The Moche

200B.C.-700C.E. After the Chavin, the Moche developed in the Andes mountains of Peru. Temples of the Sun and Moon were built, and society focused on the ayllus. Therefore small, close knit communities of people helped each other. Disappeared due to weather changes, ended in violence and civil war as well. They also had llamas btw.

Middle Kingdom

2040-1786BC. Mehtuhotep II took power, moved capital to Theves, south of NIle reuiteg Egypt under central gov't reducing power of provincial govennors gaining contorl of Egypt. Pharaohs had status and other art created that pictured them as wise and caring protectors. Temples to gods built. renewal of art, religion, and literature. Irrigation projects increased farmlands. Expanded borders to Sinai peninsula and Nubia which was rich of gold. Ended after invasion of Hysksos from Syria. Hysksos had horse drawn charits and improved bows and arrows

Old Kingdom

2660-2160BC. Developed strong central gov't under pharoah in 3rd century BC. In Memphis, kings and queens ruled as theocrats hodling religious/political power. Kings had authority underatking extenisve building projects inc. pyramids. Egyptians believed pharoahs were immortal from gods. Supported efforst to preserve and honor bodies after deaths. Large pyramids during this period. Pharoahs divided lands for govenors to rule each province. Rewarded officails with land as payment. Positions passed from father to son, noble class developed. Some nobles challanged pharoahs. Pahroahs power weakened by droughts leading to civil unrest, rivaliies in provinces, and collapse of this, upper and lower egypt split again

Code of Hammurabi

282 laws carved into stone monuments, one of first instance of laws in writings. Were civil and criminal laws. Protected people's rights and built on eye for an eye. Punishment fit the crime. His system was harsh but not violent or unprdictable as retribution people often carried out when they elt injured. Replaced vengence with well publicized system of gov't

song Dynasty

960-1279CE. Nomadic pastoralits and invated lands Ruled smaller region. Bureaucracy expanded, gov't increased. Expanded education. Poor underrepresented. Large beuracracy led to become a weakness. Some beuracrats wee also in carage of military. Gov't officials Known as scholar gentry, studied in depts teachins of confucious and Chinese classics. Moved capital from Chang'an to Kaifeng because of threats. Southern Song dynasty survived until 1279 when MOnguls vanquished gov't and established Yuan Dynasty

basil II

976-1025. Resumed expansion started by Justinian. In Balkans, forces defeated Bulgars at Battle of Kleidion in 1014. Conquered some of Asia Minor.

Other groups

Abbasid suffered from outside groups. Mamluks from Egypt were military slaves who took control of Egypt and North Africa. Seljuk Turks from Central asia seized Middle east and Baghdad. Leader was sultan reducing caliph to role of religous authority. Threatened Byzatnines. Crusaders from Europe traveled around holy sites. Monguls also attacked Abbasids and conquered what was left of empire in 1258 and pushed Seljus out of Baghdad. Stopped in Egypt by Mamluks. Also many economic stuggles from Abbasids. Losk place on silk road. Infrastructure fell into decay.

Takia Reforms

After Shotoku's death, successor made reforms to increase efficiency, take control from aristocracy, put farmland under gov't, and taxes paid to gov't. Blow to feudalism and Fujiwara clan took control of gov't and moved it to Nara. Aristocracy was too strong and gov't was decentralized. During Heian period, man other chinese systems put in palce.

France in Asia

After defeating China in Sino-(name) War in 1883 - 1885, gained Vietnam. Pressured Siam to cede control of Laos to them. Controlled Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. Wanted cash crops. Rubber palntations in Cambodia and Vietnam. Siam, modern thailand, escaped European imperialism with moanrchs handaling diplomatic reliations with these people and British. Siamese had reforms similar to Japna's Meiji reforms. Industrialized with railroads and used Western-style education.


After fall of Persia, ideas lived on. This dynasyty ruled Persia form 305-83 BC. Encouraged Greeks and Macedonains to settle as colonists. KEpt Achaendid's bureacratic system but atraps often revolted. Then lsot control and replaced by Romans. Parthians ruled over Iraq, Iran and land bordering India but then defeated by Sassanids. Sassinadids promoted Zoratrianism and persecuted Christians.

Middle Ages

After fall of Rome, dark ages ensued from 500CE to 1000CE which was the first 500 years of this era. 1000-1400 were called the high(name). Called the rebirth of learning in European society and Catholocism spread

Treaty of Tordesillas

Agreement in 1494 dividng Americas between spain and portugul. Portugul got Brazil while spain got almost everything else. Spain wouldn't control north america though and French, Biritish, and Dutch made settlements. Spanish royalty appointed viceroys to act as represetnatives to Spanish Crown in new colonies. Established audiencias or roayl courts there, Those born in America with Spanish origin were creoles.


Agriculture could lose fertility thorugh interrrupitons. Overfamring/overgrazing were issues. People tried to persuade spirits of nature to help with crops/herds. Religious ceremonies became elaborate with preists and priestesses to conduct them. Beliefs became highly organized befrre 600 BC. Hebrews emerged from Abraham, first group to practie monotheism. Zorastornism focused on eternal battle of good and evil

Roman soldiers

All male citizens, 17-46 who owned land required to legions. Large armies needed for wars of expanding empire. Most were poor farmers. SOld farms to wealthy when entering army which allower partricians to create huge estates or latifundia. Population over one million at time of Ceaser.

End of War

Allies identified Italy as weakest point and Allies gaine dcontrol of Sicily in July 1943 leading to fall of Mussolini. Than, allies captured Rome in June 1944. June 6, 1944, or D-Day where 150,000 allied forces launched invasion form England to beaches of Normandy. Casualties were high, but Allies establsihed base to beign Marhc toward Paris. Germans made one final push with Battle of the bulge in Ardennes Forest in France, Belgium, and Luxembourg. Allies won and Germany had no realistic expectation of winning. Hitler refused to give up destroying Germany;s infrastructure. Allied cross Rhine River and were close to Berlin. USSR had moved toward Germany with wins at Battle of Kursk 300 mi from Moscow and went thorugh Ukraine and Batlic States. Took control of Warsaw and moved to Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria. Advanced to Berlin.

Neolithic Revolution

Around 8000 BC, climate warmed up. Socail/political developments followedknown as this. Sometimes called Agricaultural Revolution. Not instantaneously and didn't occur everywhere at same time. Major developments in agriculture, pastoralism, specializatino of labor, towns/cities, gov't, religions, and technological innovations.

Caste System

Aryan people made well organized social system into 4 groups or castes Brahmins- Priests, Kshatryias- Warriors and rulers Vaishyas- Merchants + Artesians Shudras- Peasants Dalits were lowest rung and given worst jobs. Known as untouchables


Aryann language. At first storeis apssed orally vetween 1200-1000. Aryans developed writing syste,. Recorded in this language evolving into Hindi. Shares traits w Latin.


Assassination of archduke reflects growth of this. Originates from feeling of pride to one's identity. Multinational empires like Ottomans and Austro-Hungarians contended with these movemnts. Serbs wanted to get rid of their conqueors and Arabs were tired of limitations imposed by Ottomans. Both wanted self-determination, didea that peoples of same ethnicity, language, culture, and political ideals should be united and have right to form an indepndent naiton. Militant nationalists lke Serbs and Arabs fought with Allies.

Ming Dynasty

Assumed power after taking over Yuan Dynasty. Stabilized east Asia for 300 years. Qing took over after them. Economy grew, especially the silk industry. Northern capital Beijing and southern capital Nanjin were beautified. Roayl family lived in forbidden city in Beijing. Wanted to return to customs/beliefs of its past. Brought back civil service exam. Expanded size of China conquering mongolia and central asia. Mongol armies defeated them in 1440 and leaders remaintained the Great Wall of China to protect from invasion

Fall of Empires

Aztecs fell when Hernan Cortes and conquistadros exploited the division of indigenous groups to march to tenochtitlan. Cortes conquered aztec and killed thousands. Built Mexico City on ruins. Francisco Pizarro and crew attacked Inca and captured Atahuallpa, the ruler, and took away their gold. by 1572, Spaniards completed conquest of inca. Germs were a bigger factor.

Athenian philosophy

BC of seaports and trade connections, idas, mathmatics, arts, and literature formed Athen's academic disciplines. Illiad and Odessy recited, read, and studiesd, in schools. It was written by Homer. Philosophers included Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle

King Hammurabi

Babylon's most powerful king. Conquered all of Mesopotamia and ruled for more than 40 years until 1750. Abolished local gov't and appointed officails responsible to him. Reorganized taes to maintain canals.

Treaty of Versailles

Bc WIlson couldn't convince France and Britain to punish Germany, this treated them harsly. Germany ahd to pay billions in reparations. Gave up all clonies and restricted size of armed forces. Germans took all the balme. Humiliated their eladers. Cuased tremndous damage decade after suffering from inflation and people were bitter in aftermath of Conferance. Resented Weimar government which had been agreed to at Versailles. Set stage for Nazi take over.

Indus agriculture

Bc so few residents of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa were farmers, archeologists conclude that rual areas provided ample amounts of food to these urban areas. Evidence shows Harappans traded by sea and land w USmer and Egypt and by land w societies in east India. Enviormental degradation caused eclien and disappearance of Harappan and Mohenjo-Daro. Trees removed caused soil to erode. Indus river also flooded often destroying cities.


Became independent in 1922. General nassar and Muhammad Naguib overthrew king and establised repbulic of (name). naguib first president, Nasser was 2nd. Blended Islam and socialism. nationalized some industries and buisnesses. Nasser took control of Suez Canal promting Israel, GB, and France to invade the area. US and USSR opposed tehir actions and UN brokered a resolution. Canal became international waterway under sovereignty of this country. President of Sada ruled from 1970-1981 and wanted to create peace. Camp David Accords established in 1979 recognizing Israel as a country. Us gave military support to Egypt to keep its peace with ISrael.

Africans in America

Because of salvery, African Diaspora ensued. most africans didn't share language and found ti impossible to communicate. most lost their languages after a generation Combined colonizers languages with parts of their own to create creole. Creole language in carribean islands. Africans melded aspects of Christianity with their own traditions. Examples are Santeria, Vodun, and Candomble. Africans brought music with many modern music has roots to. Maintained musical traditions bc it was a means of survival. Blended Christain music with own religous songs. Brought rice and okra to Americas. Gumbo has roots from America

Persian Empire

Began in 558 BC with Cyrus the Great conquering lands from Agean to borders of India. Succeded by Cambyses who conquered Egypt and some of Southeast Europe. Empire was Achaemnid Empire. Took mesoppotamia, egypt and india for one powerful empire.

Persian religion and culture

Believed in one god, monotheism Believed in Zoroastrianism after prophet Zarathusra. Faith on one god AHura Mazda, good/wise lord who fought with evil being. Heaven and hell taught, magi passed teachings and avestas were written tets of Zorastrianism. Social stratification in empire. Slaves greater than other empires. Women allowed to own and manage property and work. Irrigated fields. Underground canals built. Traded along Persian road and and by sea.

5 pillars of Islam

Beliving in Allah, praying 5 times daily, alms to poor, fast during Ramadan, and making a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once. One other pricniple is Jihad, or struggle to strive in way of Allah to improve onself and society. Some interpret it as war to extend Islam. Shariah also outlines behavior requirements of daily life like morality, honest, no gmbling, no eating port, etc. Polygymy is permitted.


Between Sahara and tropicla rain forests. Foudned in 5th century. Sold gold and ivory to Muslim traders in exchange for slat, copper, cloth, and tools. Capital Kumbai Saleh, was ruled by king and centralized gov't aided by noble and army with iron weapons.

Paris peace Conferance

Big Four of Woodrow Wilson, US, David Lloyd George, GB, Georges Clemenceau, France, and Vittorio Orlando, Italy. Italians walked out in rage bc they wouldn't get Fiume, town promised for joining Allies Soveit Russia not invided. Shunned Russia because of Communist Wilson wanted to establish "peace without victory" reflected his belief that no one should be punished or rewarded. France rejected this bc they suffered the most. Called Wilson an indealist. George supported him but acted as intermediary. Wilson pushed his Fourteen Points, a document wanting to create League of Naitons. Leage of Nations would allow all nations fo world to discuss conflict openly. Others established league, but Senate voted against it. Wilson believed peoples had right of self-determination. However, Allied toook them.


Birn in 551 B.C.(Zhou Decline) Behavior in evry day life, people doing assigned jobs. "Do unto others..." Fa,ily was most important unit in Societty

War casualties

Bloodiest war in history. Heinrich Himmler, leader of Nazi special police oversaw removing Slavic people. 7 million people on conquered territory forced into labor camps. Political opponents, disabled, and gays sent to camps. In 1942, nazi persecution of Jews turned to mass murder with campaign to kill all jews with plan called "final solution." Nazis killed six million Jews in Holocaust. Nazis killed another 5 million who belonged to persecuted groups or were Soveit POW's. Millions died in Japnese policies. Under "Asia for Asiatics" Japan put many udner labor progams. Over 1 million died in Veitnam alone. Allies firebombed cities of Hamburg and resden causing large casualties. Had deaths of 50,000 and 25,000. US firebombed Tokyo killing 100,000. Atomic bombing borugh fear of nuclear weapons. Total deaths in war exceed 40 million. Half were Soveit Unions and millions from Germany Poland, China, and Japan. US lsot 290,000 and had 60,000 wonded.


Born a Bedouin in 570. Became caravan manager. Married rich widow in Mecca dn settled deown. Experianed revelations ahat he attributed to angel of Allah. Revelations put in Quran. Criticized polytheism, tribal loyalities, and commercial practices. Called for social jsutice and alms to poor. Islam was monotheistic that honored Abrahama nd other prophets. Respeced other people of the book. Core principles were ideas of salvation hope of afterlife, importance of submission to will of Allah, and velief in Quran as sacred book.

Genghis Khan

Born as Temujin in 1162. Created a series of tribal alliances and defeating neighboring groups one by one. Focused on building power. Appointed non family members to important positions over family membrs showing ruthlessness. Gathered Mongul chieftains at meeting called kuriltai where he was elected khan of Mongolian Kingdom and took this name.

France and Russia

Both countries were led by well-known rulers, Peter the Great and Louis XIV. No effective legislative body. Both had appointed advisors. Ambition for land which resulted in involvement in seven years. However, oe hadn't had ideals of Enlightenment and were without reforms for serfs. Common famous revolutions were seperated by more than a century.

Israel and Palestine

Breakup of Ottoman territory created many two countries. Zionist movement wanted to create new jewish state. Wanted them to be free of perseution. Balfour Decleration said GB wanted Palistine to be home of Jewish people. Sympathy after world War II brought the making of this state. This state and many surrounding countreis fought. Israeli defeated arab forces and 3 other wars ensued. One over Suez Canl, the 6 day war, and the Yom Kippur War. Jimmy Carter mediated Camp David accords to promote peace between Sirael and Egypt. Still violence today.

Imperialism in South Asia

British East Indai Company established comercial relationship with Mughal Empire. During mid 1900's, France and England fought for power on five continents in 7 years'' war. Britian's victory in 1763 drove French out of India. Britain then crept into India's interior and recruited Indians to join its empire. Indian soldiers, or Sepoys composed amjority of British army in colonial India. Sepoy Mutiny ensured after soldiers believed rifle cartridges greased with fat of cows, sacred, and pigs. They rebelled. British then killed thousands of Indian solidiers and took more active role in governing India. Mughal emperor impirisoned and exiled. British Raj, gov't took orders from British gov't in London

Imperialism in China

British established sphrere of influence here with Opium Wars. In 1898, other European countries created spheres of influence here. Spheres included foreign powers exlcusive trading rights and acess to nautral resources withing regions. Intenal problems like Taiping rebellion made easier for foreign countries to dominate eocnmically.

Mohandas Ghandi

Brought cause to Indian masses. Moved campaign of civil disobeidance. Brought in the salt march bc British made it illegal to produce their own salts. Easy to make but Britain wanted Manopoly. Muslim leader Muhammad Ali Jinnah favored Muslim-Hindu uity but later proposed two state plan for independence. seperate Muslims tate Pakistan. Made Ghandi and Jawaharlal Nehru, first prime minister anxious. became free after WWII

Political Motives of Imperialism

Building an empire allowed country to compete for power and assert national identity in global arena. Scramble for Africa represented this. Each country wanted to outdo each other. These countreis included Great Britain, Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, Portugal, and Netherlands. Japan also represented this in Asia.


By 3000 Bc, had pic writing. Like cuneiform wiht addtion of smols representing ideas and sounds. Wrote on papyrus, plant along Nile River using fivers to create this paper. Book of Dead was paper boo Egyptians put in coffins of dead pahraohs and some nobles.

Decline of Mayan cities

By 800 C.E., people began moving away fromt he cities. Cities were too crowded, and slash and burn caused environmental damage. Resumed a rural life instead of living in city


By Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. Wante dto abolish all national go't allowing local communities to rule themselves. Advocated replacing private ownership of factories and other buisnesses with cooperative ownership by workers of buisness. Property is theft angered many. Didn't become popular.

Justinian the Great

Byzantine gov't was centralized w beuracracy. Long periods of peace but also those of instablility caused by power struggles. This man and his wife Empress Theodora oversaw revitalization of Constantinople and created Christian church called Hagia Sophia. Created Corpus Iuris Civilis(Body of Civil Law) or (name0 code. Expanded territory, defeated Sassanids. After his reign, land mass fell. Germanic trive took over Italy and Arabs took over Syria, Egypt and N Africa. Constantinople under seige twice but held Muslims off

Italian unification

Cabour, prime miniser wanted to unite Italian Peninsula. Was devided in many city-states. Wanted ntural rights, progress, and constitutional monarchy Believed in practical poliics of realtity called realpolitik. Maneuvered Napoleon III into war with Austria through manipulaiton. This weakened Austrian Influence in Italy. Cabour adopted radical reomantic revolutionary philsophy of Giuseppe Mazzini who hated italian resurgence, Risorgimento, earlier. Cabour allied with Red Shirts military foce led by Guiseppe Garibalidi which was fighting Naples. Became one country in 1870. A lot of poverty, htouh, led to emigration to US>

High Middle Ages

Came in year 1000 where western europe was more expansive and progressive. Socail and political changes which bought in Renaissance. Renaissance was the rebirth of Europe


Capital of Tula in northern mesoamerica around 950. Rued by warrior aristocracy and wealthy landholders were military leaders. Conquered Mayansettlemens. Religion was continuation of cult of Quetzalcoatl from Mayans. Decline by 1150.

South Asia social structure

Caste system. Even muslims were apart of it. Jatis, subcastes, operated like worker's guilds, becoming absorbed in social fabric of Indian society. Those who converted to Islam to improve social status didnot achieve it bud found peace in Islam. Women in different social sphere. More independence though.

Communism in Asia

Chinese communist defeated Nationalists in 1949 and set up people's republic of China with mao Zedong as leader. Great Leap Foward of 1958 was when peasnt lands organized into communes. Peasants couldn't own lands. Falied massively. Cultural Revolution of 1966 wanted to lead Chinese society into the future. Wanted to silence critics and ordered red guards to reeducate some people. Din't get along with USSR. In 1981, Deng Xiaoping became leader and insued many reforms which led to agricultural surpluses. More freedoms of speech and press but Tianamen Square in Beijing showed gov't killing peaceful protestors

Qing Dynasty

Chinese culture spread to Europe. Europeans wanted more form China, trade missions like those form Lord Macartney were ineffeective. Chinese didn't want Europeans products. however, they did want opium from Europeans. Gov't enforced law of forbading opium and seized shipments in 1839

Europeans in America

Christopher Columbus created an interaction fo cultures by finding Americas. Spanish came into contact with two major empirees which had gold and silver. This created interst in America. Did not bode wellf or natives who were overpowerd by weapons and disease. Europeans wanted gold, glroy, spread christianity, control trade, and find enw land. Conquistadores brought diseases like smallpox to regions. Euroepans immune but Americas lost 90 percent of population to this disease.

Roman trade networks

Chritianity spread to Mesopotamia, Persia, and India, and central asia by silk road. Trading took place on silk road that led all the way to central asia. Extensive trade over water as well extending to africa and Indian oceans. Pirates were problem hough. China grew welathy bc of trade.

catholic Counter reformation

Church increased use of Inquisition, Jesuits were founded and undertook missionary works, and Council of Trent corrected some of church's abuses and concentrated onr reaffirming rituals like marrige and other sacraments. Successful in keeping Western European mostly catholic. Cahrles V abdicated as ruler of Holy Roman Empire and left spain to his son Phillip II and HOly Roman Empire to brother Ferdinand. Philip expanded Spainm but English defeated Spanish Armada

China first civilization

Civilization along Huang He and Chiang Jiang rivers connecting northern interior to Yellow sa. River deposits loess, fertile soil that is yellow. Flooding dpeosited silt across wide area. Much of eastern China experiences reliable, moderate climate. Goi desert and Himalays protected from ivasion. Neolithic people of Yangtze growed rice in 6500 BC. In 5800, farming near Huang He. In 3000, rice farming in Huange He. Silk production stated in 300 BC.


Concerned with how people behaved. Believed that people needed strict laws to keep them in loine.

Persian Greek conflicts

Conflict in Asia Minor where persians occupied greek colonies. Persian war s began and Athens/Sparta formed alliance. In 490, city of maraton attacked by larger Persian army. Athenian army still one. Darisu retreated. Xexes fought again organizing force of thousands deafetaing a few hundred spartans at battle of thermopolyae. Persians then captured and burned Athens. Athenians and allies formed delian league and Athenians won naval battle at Salamis. Persians retrated leading to declien and damage of Persian empire. Xerxes became less otleratnt. Persian decline. Athens and sparta rivalry ensued with Peloponessian War 431-404. Sparta defeated athens.

Economic motives for Imperialism

Countries wanted to feed industries' desires for raw materials like cotton, copper, and rubber. Europe looked to Asia and Africa for this. They could also be customers for manufacturd goods. Used colonial people as labor for projects like building railroads or telegraph lies. Given meager wages for dangerous labor.

interchangeable parts

Created by Eli Whitney, inventor of cotton gin. If machine was to break, broken component could be replaced with new, identical part. Used for making firearms. Helped industrial technology. Led to division of labor among workers where each specialized in specific task. Henry Ford used this idea to create assembly line.

Steam Engine

Created by James Watt in 1775. New power source more mobile than streams. Harness coal power to create steam. First used for trains then boats. Steamships could travel quickly upstream and didn't rely on winds.

Umayyad dynasty

Created from merchant class aided by generals and armies. From Sunni, moved to Damascus. Control reached Iberian penisnula and India. Ali follower resisted them. Growed weak and corrupt in 750 adn fell to Abbasids

Slash and Burn Agriculture

Creating fields by cutting down a forest then burning it. Ashes fertilized the soil. Used mainly by the Mayans


Cuzco was small center of several competing trives then became capital of this empire. From ecuador to chile. Son of tribal ruler conquered tranaca. this man called himself Pachacuti and transformed Incan state into empire. A mita system of mandatory public service but no tribute. Long distance trade. Agricultural economy. When Francisco Pizarro arrived in 1532, there was a civil war. This weakened the army making it easy for Pizarro to take over this empire. By 1572, Spanish had killed or enslaved the whole native poepulation.

Roman legacy

Decline of Rome didn't end influence, Dioccletian split empire and Byzanium remained capitla of east for centuries. Roman influenced representative gov't. Architecture ecame faous for roads, columns, etemples, amphiteatres, aqueducts, and sewers. Armies were effeciant, organized, and models for militaries of modern times. Developed catapults and seige device.s Literature like those of Virgila nd Plautus became famous. Latin language provided European languages lik Italian, Romanian, PSanish, portugue, and French.


Defeated Umayyads. New rulers put capital in baghdad Good for trade and rivaled Constanitnople and wealth. Abbasid Caliphate became most powerful and innovative empires ever. Baghdad became center of learning. Persian Muslims began movement against privlaged Arabs. Converted to Islam whle keeping their culture. Persia contributed greatly in education. Avicenna advanced medicine and Rumi was a persian poet, theologian, and jurist. Difficulties in tax collection though so this group fell. Beuracracy with Vizers implimented to communicated will of ruler to people.

Easter Island

Deivided into clans w chief for each clan and one chief fver all clans. Constructed large stone staues rperesenting ancestor gods. For centuries, Easter Islanders traded w other islands across vast distances. Cultivated sweet potatoes, whcihc first obtained from coast of South America. Form Easter Island, sweet potatoes spread to otehr Pacific islans, icn New Zealand. Gradually, population of Easter Island grew until island became overpopulated lacking enough resources to support people. Deforestation, wars between factions, caused population size to plummet sometie before Europeans viited islands in 1722 CE.

Decline of Kiev

Dependence of KieKiev invaded largest and most powerful group, Monguls who stayed for 250 year. When Monguls fell, Byzantines also fell. According to legend, Rurik founded Kievan Rus city of Novgorod which became cosmpopolitan. Traded and became prodcutful. Became indepndant of Kievan Rus in 12th century. Russian empire would seize control in 15th century.


Dominated by men. Functions of hunter-forager societies often divided by gender. Males took charge of hunts, warfare, and heavy labor. Women gathered and prepared food and looked after children.


Early go't were monarchies folowed by aristocracy. Reform-minded aristocrat Solon helped create democracy here. Porerous merchant class with state trading in this place. Merchants held monopoly of political power. Mercahnts wanted a voice and supported tyrants. Democracy came in 500s BC. Direct democracy where all citzens could vote on laws in large assembly. 9 top officials called archons. Woman and slaves couold not vote, hold property, or education. Woman isolated.

Crisis of the 1960's

East germans were fleeing for democratic lifestlye of west germany. USSr put up the Berline wall. People killed trying to cross it. Fidel Castro and Communist overthrew Cuban dictatorship. Accepted USSr aid. JFK had concerns about Cuba and proposed Bay of Pigs invasion. Total failure. USSR put nuclear weapons in Cuba bc US had them in turkey. Very close to nuclear war. In secret pledge, US removed missles from Turkey. ot line made between US and USSr offices. Nuclear test ban theory signed by US, USSR, and UK. France and China did not. OUtlawed nuclear weapons testing avobe goudnd, underwater, and in space. Cut down amount of radiation people would be exposed too. Underground testing legal. Nuclear non-proliferation treaty called nuclear powers to prevent spread of military nuclear rechnologies in non-nuclear countries.

Kievan Rus

East slavs contacted vikings in 800. Vikings moved into Dnieper Rier flowing from Russia Belarus, and Ukraine to Balck Sea. Viking ruler ruled this place called(name). A collection of city=states. Govern themselves and payed tribute to Kiev. Viking ruler Oleg created this. Boyars, nobles and Viking military leaders, served as war council or democratic vody

Vietnam War

Eisenhower wanted to prevent communist takeover of SV. JFK increased advisors in area. Us supported unpopular SV ruler Ngo Din Diem. Many protestors. Lyndon Johnson increased US troops in SV believing in domino effect. NV leader Ho Chi Minh appealed to antionalists. SV who supported communists were Viet Cong and fought in Guerrilal warfare. Tet Offensive of 1968 demonstrated US weakness. Nixon started to withdraw troops and NV gained control of SV.


Emphasis on asking questions to clarify another ideas which was the (name)ic mehtod. Put to death for questioning state religion

End of Slave Trade

Europeans began advocating for abolition because of enlightenment philophers. Many felt slaver could not be reconciled with values of democracy and equality. Revolts led by Toussiant L'Ouventure in Saint Domingue. Brought end to salvery in 1804. By 1888, slaver abolished thorughou Ameirca.

Christian Crusades

Europeans wanted control of Holy land from Muslisms. Christians had land until Seljuk Turks took control in 1071. This becmae the combination of religous, social, and economic pressures, resulting in this eries of European military campaigns between 1095, and 100s. politics shaped and tensions between popes and kings and different rulers strenghtened intention of Church to take control. Church could use spiritual authority to recruit believers and sinners promised heaven if they atoned for sin. Support also from East Orthodox.

African Slave Trade

Existed well before Euroepans sough labor for AmericaTo establish welath and power, individuals showcased slaves. Arabs sought slaves in Postclassical era from Africa. Slavery from Africa because diseases wiped out indigeounous people and those alive escaped bondage because they new the errain. Plantaiton owners found indentured servants to be unaccustomed to backbreaking agricultural working conditions and climate of america. Wanted inexspensive albor and went to west africa for slaves.


Expansion of trade and agricultureal surplus led to revival of interest in learing and arts. Interest in calssical greek and roman literaiture, art, civic, virtue, and cultur. Recovered manuscripts and wrote secular literature. Huminism steressed focus on individuals rather than god.

fall of Byzantine Empire.

Expenses and conflict with reluctance to pay taes led to unrest and decline. spread over 4 centuries. 1071-seljuk Turks defeated them at Battle of Manzikert and Turks took more and more land. Clashed wiht Normans of France who took Sicily and southern Italy. Crusades when Alexius asked pope to fight chruch in Holy land in 1095. During fourht crusade(1202-1204), European knights saed constantinople. By 15th century, empire onlly in Europe. In 1453, Ottoman Turks conquered constantinple amrking end of Byzantine empire

Effects of Industrial revolution

Families were together. Now apart trying to make money to survive. Had to work 14 hours a day six days a week. injuries and death were common. Low wages forced children to work as well. Damaged tehir lungs. Many threats to their safety. Increased urbanization. Constructed tenement apartments located in urban slums. Slum dwellers became a new working class. Thsoe who were educated needed to manage production and became a middle class consisting of managers, small buisness owners, and professionals. They were whitecaller. Capatians of industry were power borkers and leaders. Women had to work in factories. Cult of domesticiy idealized female homeaker. middle class women didn't work. Women made half as men. Consumerism became popualr. Leisure activities were popular. Air became toxic. Water polluted. Corporations were created with sotckholders. Coporations formed monopolies.

Qing Dynaty

Famine in 1644 led to peasant revolt by Li Zicheng that conquered Beijing. Manchu overthrew ming and siezed power. Outsed LI Zicheng and declared this new dynasty. Machu were different than people they ruled and less tolerant than Mongols. Put own people in top gov't positions and maintained continuity with Chinese practices. Not everyone accepted them as ligitimate rulers. Proto industrial soceity. Population grew and land shortage. Gov't tried to limit land per person. Exports grew. Demand for silk led to investing in silk workshops. Tax on traded goods incr wealth. Extended families bound to clans which maintained social stability. Women had lower status. modern novel traced back to China's journey to the west. Realistic novel in the Golden Lotus by Lanling Xiaoxiao Sheng. Dream of Red Chamber by Cao Xueqin.


Famous for powerful military. Developing children at age of 7 where boys went to trainign and endurance lessons. No sings of weakness. Served in military until age 60. Woman rn housholds and could recieve educated. Relied on helots, slaves, to do agricultural labor. Government was an oligarchy, shared power between two things. Social life tightly controlled.

Boxer Rebellion

Fear of outside influence seen by Cixi and group called righteous and harmonous order of fists or "the boxers." Society was millenarian movement, believed after sudden and vioelnt change, a golden age would emerge. Gov'tand society waged violent anti-foreigner campaign known as this. provincial govenors oppose dhtis and protect foreigners and Chirstians. Othe powers put down rebellion. Gov't payed an indemnity. Us and other pwoers had open door policy, equal trading rights with China. Also, Japan defeated Russia in russo-Japenese war in 1905. Russia left Manchuria for Japan to move in weakening China

Karl Marx

Fiercely critical of utopian socialists. Wanted "scientific socialism." He and Engles published Communist Manifesto. Divided society into proletariat and bourgeoise: working class and middle class. Bourgeoisie owned means of production like machiens and mines. Had most profits. Proletariat had little welath. Became known as communism.

Total War

Fighting nations intensified by committing to their resources to war effort. Knowna s this. Women produced war materials. Economies centered on winning war. Gov't set planning boards to set production quotas, price and wage controls, rationing food and other supplies. Censored media and imprisoned. Propaganda infleucned attitudes and opions of community and subjects.

Postdam Conference

Final meeting of Big 3 in July 1945. Truman was president representing US. Churchill started conference but lost position as prime minister in mid-July and replaced by Clement Atlee. Truman wanted free election in Eastern Europe but Stalin occupied region with Soviet Troops and refused Truman's demand. Two countries lacked trust in one another and egan aggressive rhetoric that developed into Cold War.

Austronesian Speakers

Firs people i Oceania aroudn 60,000 years ago. Hunter-foragers. Bc of Ice Age, sea levels lower and distances between isladns ewre less. Pobably riginated in souther China and later moved to Taiwan and Phillapenes. Around 5000-2500 BC, migrating to New Guinea. Introduced agriculture to people there. Assimilated w existing population. Agricultue didn't spread to Australia's oborigianls. These poeple migrated by boat of over 10,000 mi over 1,000 years. To east, went from one Pacific island to naother. Developed double hull cnaoes to go vast distance reaching islands of Polyneis which inc. Samoa, Hawaii, Easter Island, and New Zealand. Another went to Madagascar taking pigs, chickens, yams and taro to amiantain agriculture. Also hunted and fishing


First religous leaders. People believed to have special abilities to cure sick and nfluence fututre. Ritual sacrifices to gods and evidence of burial practices suggest belief in afterlife dating back 100,000 years ago. Cave paintings date back 32,000 years ago and muscial instrumetns 30,000 years ago.

Mauryan Empire

First time India was organized, height in 3rd century B.C. Organized into provinces and districts with local officials heading each district. Started by Chandrugupta

Different Crusades

First-Clear victory of Christianity. conquered Jerusalem in July 1099. However, Muslims forces reagained control under Saladin in 1187 Fourth-Venice had contact with these people. didn't pay all of its debt and venetians persuaded Crusader debtors to sack Zara, Italian city, and constantinople who were competitors with Venice. Never made it to holy land and Islamic forces kept Holy land. Knowledge spread with crusades. Black death introduced which killed 25 million people. Economic activity declined. Stopped local rulers from fighting short term.

Byzantine art

Flourished. All religious in nature. Literatue focused on seeking salvation by oveying God's will. Focused on Jesus, Mary, and saints. Artists created illuminated manuscripts, illustrations in silver and gold. Schools run by Orhtodox church and university of Constantinople founded in 850. Constantinople had lavish homes for aristocrats, beutiful chruches, and impressive imperial palace. Common people went to public bats. Gathering spots at retraunts, taversn and Hippodrome, stadium like Colesuium. Other large cities were Antioch, Thessalonica, Trevizond

Growth of towns and cities

Food surplus ecouraged population opputunity to do non food prodcuing jobs. Villages and towns multiplied as tribes abandoned nomadic lifestyle. Cities soom emerged. Change in food produciton made social statificaiton, means of accumulating wealth in form of jewelry and other coveted itemas and by building larger and better decorated houses. Private property became important. People with more wealth formed eliete.

New Deal

Franklin Rosavelt used Keyne's ideas to adess Great Depression. Created this to bring country relief, recovery, and reform. Relif for suffering citizens, recoverty of nation, and reform to change gov't policies to aoid this. By 1937, unemployment declined and production rosed. Rossevelt feared that gov't deficits were too large and reversed course. Uemployment grew again Depression ended with entering WWII in 1941.

Free peasant revolts

Free peasants were step avoce peasants. Free in that they contracted with landowners and paid rent for land wored. Source of taxes and recruits for gov't. Novility tried to force them into peasant status creating revolts led by Basil of Copper hand(928-932) and Ivaylo(1277-1280).

Other countries

French revolution delayed industrial revolution in France. ONce Germany was unified, became leading producer of steel and coal. Us began its in nineteenth century. Became leading force in the world. Constructed railroads which helped it grow. Had many natural resources. Large workforce because of large number of immigrants. Japan under Meiji was isolated from world. Realized they needed to industrailize and hired foreign expers to instruct their workers and buisness managers. Also replicated insutrail problems. Russia industrialize focusing on railroads and exports. Trans-Siberian railroad allowed easy trade. Fourth largest producer of steel in 1900.

The Mongols

From central asia and marched across a lot of Eurasia during the 13th century leaving destruction and chaos. Known for slaughter and destruction Wanted treasure Sparked a period of interreginonal connection and exchange that wasn't experienced in a thousand years. Multipal clans living north of Gobi Desert in 12th century. Life was harshed Pastoral nomads and herded goats and sheep while also being hunter foragers. Needed to be skilled horse riders and hunters. Surounded by other tribes. Coveted wealth of trives and kingdomes located near Silk Road and had acess to luxury goods like silk and gold. Had few possessions other than yurt( a circular felt covered tent), horses, and hunting tools.


From scandanavia and traveled in light longships. Landed in parts of northern europe. made settlements in iceland and Greenland and coast of North America named Vinaldn. Made inroads into Russia.

Battle of Britain

GB was last major holdhout against Nazis. Hitler Ordered large campaign agaisnt GB by air force to help a land and sea invasion. Gemrans bombed cities after British air force conducted raid on berlin. GB withstood months of bombing. British military rebuilt from from raids with superior planes and radar systems allowing them to destroy German planes faster. By 1941, Hitler postponed invaison of Britian.

Holy Roman Empire

German King Otto I was emperor of this land in 962. Successors survived power struggle with papacy over lay investure controversy. Dispute over if secular leader or pope could invest bishops with symobls of office. Resolved at oncordat of Worms of 122 when church achieved autonomy from secular authorities. Destroyed in 30 years war and never recovered. Ended with Napolean's invasion


God created the world and then sat back to ovserve its movements according to natural laws that could be discovered by scientific inquiry. Thomas paine defended in in his book the age of reason. Deist's relationship to god is more theoretical than Christian's.

Export economies

Goods produced were not meant for domestic use but sent to colonial powers to sell for profit. Want for natural resources led to ddevelopment of cash crops like tea, cotton, sugar, palm oil, rubber, and cofee. For example, British used India to make textiles for thie reconomy. Britain would use their cotton and sent finished textiles back to india at inflated prices. India became the number one supplier of cotton textiles under Britain. Britain also sold opium. Dutch East India Company brought tea from China to Europe. Became profitable for Britain.

Roman Republic

Gov't evolved as respnse to domestic pressure for protection and improvements. Tarquinius Superbus ruled as tyrant but he was final monarch. Partiricians overthrew him creating this. Representitaive gov't. Wealthiest represented on senate holding tenure to life. About 300 of them. Plebians- below upper class, began reforms giving them rights of full citzenship an given political rights. Could select laws and magistrates; Tribunes elected to represent plebs and excercized veto power in senate. consuls presided over gov't, could veto senate. laws of Twlee Tables made dealing with every aspect of life inc. buisness, property, and penalties of crime. Lawyer profession made with people like Cicero

Russian Revolution

Great War made unstable russia mroe chaotic. Troops suffered many defeats and meany casualties. Gov't mismangament led to fuel and food shortages causing uprisings in St. PEtersburg. In March 1917, revolutionary groups overthrew Tsar Nicholas II. Romanov dynasty of 300 years collapsed. Replaced by provisional gov't of socialists, liverals, and conservatives. Outside of Duma, several soveits, workers or soldiers led by socialist, promised Russian people reforms such as land distribution and better opporunities. Vladimir Lenin returned from exile and lead Bolshevks, raidcal socialists that seized pwoer promising "peace, land, and bread." Troops suffered and in march 1918, Soveit Russia signed Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany ending Russia's involvemnt. Russia handed a lot of land from Ukraine. Concentrated on building a communist state on Marxist principles. Won fight against anti-communists.

Athenian culture

Greek religion based on myths. Wits cultural diffusion with Persians and Egyptians, religion more syncretic, combined ideas. Religion and literature connected. Playwrights Euripides and Sophocles used muyths for plays. Greek comedies also written by Aristophanes. Aescchylus and Euripiedes wrote tragedies. Parthenon made in Athens. Art close with religion. Olympics held for best athltes. Ended in 400 CE.

Specialization of Labor

Growth of agriculture and pastoralism reduced palnt and animal diversity and surpluses of food produced led to dramtic changes. For first time, some workers could focus on tasks other than producing food. People became artisans, merchants, soldiers, religious leaders, or politicains. Process of allowing people to fuocus on limited tasks is called this. Artisans made weapons, tools, and jewlry, merchants engaged in trading these objects, taxation came from surplus of food, writing invented to keep records of tax pyments and trade, adnd then writing used to communicate, record descriptions of events, and write religous stoies. Writing marked transitiojn from prehistory to history.

Growth of Technology

Growth of technology with creation of spinning jenny and water frame reducing time to spin yarn and weave cloth. Made by James Hargreaves and Richard arkwright. Water frame allowed waterpower to spinning wheel. Spinning jenny allowed more than one thread at a time. Water frame was more efficeint then one person's labor and needed more. Arkwright created factory system.

Other aspects of Middle Ages

Guild also originated where orginzation regulated rules for wrkers. urban cities were unsanitary. Romanesque cathedrals were built in cities. Women had less rights with less education. Some women could be in guild and artisans but only had some property rights. Learning came from church only. Bible put in Latin thorugh Vulgate from St. Jerome. Thomas Aquinas study Scholasticism, faith not endagered by logical thinking which opened way of secularish and Christian huminism. Relious orders of monks and nuns became popular. Knights templar combined knights and monks. University of Paris, Cambridge, and Oxford opened. Salerno Medical School opened based on teachings of Hippocrates.

The Mayans

Height between 250-900 C.E, known as its classical period. Mayans are known for their development of the calendar, and are heirs to the Olmecs. Used slash and burn agriculture. Had cities with thousands of people, common war between cities, fought to gain tribute and captives to use as human sacrifices. Had irrigation systems and hunted deer on top of farming. Divided into commonly warring city-states.

Dutch in America

Henry Hudson went down east coast of north america. Set up new amsterdam, a port town for being a trade network. Bought furs form trappers and tobacco. English took over but influence still felt there. Europeans useed agricultulral land more than Indians and led to deforestation.


Herews seperated into two seperate kingdoms. Conqeured by Assyrains and Babylonians, enslaved by these people. Jews spread throughout Medetierranean worls. Jews returned to Jerusalem afer Persians conquered region in 539. Less tolerant rulers than controlled region and jews discriminated. Many migrated to Africa, Europe, and elsewhere continuig this. Ideas eventually spread thorughout world.

Northern India

Himalayas pretected invasions from north and eastm mountain passes form northwest allowed 4 seperate Muslim invasions. First from Umayyad Empire upon Sind. Had little change on every day life. Isolated from Damascus. In 700's. 2nd invasion in 1000's when Muhmud of Ghazni conquered Punjab. Forces plundered Hindu temples and Buddhist shrines for riches. Couldn't convert indians. Successors conquered Delhi 150 years later and DDehli Sultanate reigned for 300 years. No efficient bureacuracy. monguls then came from Northwest

Causes of WWII

Hitler wanted more land and created land. Ordered troops to demilitarize Rhineland in 1936. France had right to respond to militarily but didn't bc GB wouldn't support them. Some believed he was need for order and others didn't want war. Britain followed appeasement, giving into demands to keep peace. Hitler sought allies to aquire his Lebensraum, living space. Formed pact with Italy in Rome-Berlin Axis Created alliance with Japn in Anti-Comintern Pact. Created axis powers. Supported Spain in its Civil War. With allianes, took next step to created third reich, Gemran empire. Brought Austria, his home land into German Rule. Gave more power to AUstrain Nazi Party opening door for troops to occupy Austria.


Ibn Battua's travalogue gave insight into Africa. Began in modrn day Nigeria and Cameroon to eventually going east and south covering a third of continent. A lot of migration starting in 3000 BCE. Sucess of Agriculture brought surplus. Nutrition rich food like bananas brought spike in population. Bananas were staple over yams. Built canoes traveled up and down rivers. Had iron for tools for clearing lands and weapons of warfare. Edge over other people like Batwa of Congo. Brought Malaria to other people.

Trading in India

Important place for trade on sea and silk road, bringing new cultures and ideas to indoa. Textiles traded to Mediterranean sea

Portuguese in Asia

In 1514, these people came to China. This country had better ships and weapons than anybody in Europe and won control of African and Indian coasts. Won victory over Turkish-Egyptian and Venetian fleet in India. Constructed forts and established monopoly over spice trade. missionaries came to convert chinese to Catholocism. this country, however, lacked manpower and ships for enforcemtn and maintenance of trading empire. Merchants ignored gov't and traded independently. Corruption in gov't. Dutch and English challenged them.

Shang Dynasty

In 1750, Tiang overtrew Xia starting this dynasty ruling 600 years. Conquered neighbors stablishing empire w kings weilding economic and religious power. Economy of agriculture. Most poeple peasants but some skilled workers. Artisans and mercahnts in capital and towns. Bronze tech from southwest asia settling in Chian. Tin from southeast and central asia. Controlled copper and itn mines. Bronze weapons and horse drawn chariots made them sronger. Freqent wars on enemies inside and outside empire capturing prisoners for sacrifices to gods. Shang declined and military man Wu challenged their rule in 1045 taking power

Peasant rebellion

In Russia. Cossack warriors were at odds with tsars. Cossack named Yemelyan Pugachev intiated this against Catherine the Great in 1774. Pretended to be Peter III, Catherine's mudered husband, to gain following. Increased opression of peasants after rebellion failed. 1/3 of russia serfs in 1800's. Some reforms in this time period.

Preindustrial Societies

In britain, most were in rural areas growing own food and making own food. Result of East India Company's dealings with South Asia was Indian cotton became available. Cottage industry developed where merchants provided cotton to women who sun it to finsihed cloth in their homes. Didn't pay well. Very slow. Inventors wanted faster production which created faster tech.

An Lushan

In eight century, emperor Hsuan Tsung was not devoted to gov't affairs. This man orchestrated rebellion overthorowing Tsung. Army of Uighurs in central asia than controlled china and restored power to gov't. Then, Tang Dynasty would decline and fall in 907.

Southern Renaissance

In italy and Spain. Focus under Church domination and patronage. Dante used religous framework for Divine Comedy feature hell, purgatory, and Heaven. Popes were patrons of famous artists and many of most importnat scultyres and paintings were of religous subjects.


In southwest Asia, TIgris/Euprates rivers flow from Turkey to Iraq into persian Gulf. Between the rivers, Mesopotamia("between rivers") became "cradle of civilization" with many civilizations starting ehre including this. Flooding from rivers left soil very fertile. Combined with warm climate formed a good area to farm. This civilization migrate to Mesopotamia creating this civilization. hey built canals, canals to carry river waters to fields, and dams to cntrol floodds. First complex gov'ts arose to coordinate tasks. ELft foundation for may other civilizations


In upper Nile vallye around 3500. Egyptian traders went here for gold, ivory, incense, cattle, animal skins, and slavers. Served as mercenaries to Eygpt. Agricultural county. Flood plain not as wide. Heavily influenced by Eygpt. Built pyramids and palaces and worhsiped gods and adopted burial practices. Used hieroglypics but aslo developed alphabetic script. After decline, became Kush around 2500

Islamic Gunpowder Empires

Included the Ottomans, Sfavid, and Mughal. All were muslim, nomadic turkic backgrounds, spoke forms of turkic language, took advantage of power vacuums left by breakup of Mongol khanates, and relied on armies with artillery and cannons and gunpowder. Initial success because of military might. Also, European nations weren't brought together yet.

Chinese foreign trade

Increase in iron and steel production. Advnaced in metal production converting coal into coke. Metal now stronger. Founded gunpowder used for fireworks and weapons. First guns with song dynasty. With collapse of classical civilizations, silk road declined. Arabs revived it. Exported porcleain tea, and silk, and imported cotton, stones, pomagranates, dates horses, and grapes. Created paper money Developed a magnetic compass and improved rudder. Created the junk boat.


Islam spread and became varied. In india and Perisia, these appeared. Shaved heads follwoed rituals and chants ina ttempts to unit with god. Abstanined from earthly pleasures, and some used whilring dancing to express religous ecstasy. Foccused on intelelctual puruits, like study of Quran, and emphasized introspection to find truth not found in learning. Begun mystical respose to prercived love of lyxury by Umayyad Calihpite.


Isolated until China's emergence as global power. Feared china. Prince Shotoku Taishi attempted to implement Chinese practices in Japan. Brought Chinese laborers to Japan to share knowledge. Japanese nobility went to hina and learne.d.

Benito Mussolini

Italy recieved little territory at Versailles. Failure fo this caused this man and his allies to take control of parliament. He became a dictator and infiltrated every part of fascist gov't. Seized Libya, colonized Somaliland and crossed to Abyssani deffying mandate from league of nations. Allied with Adolf Hitler.

Christianity in Rome

Jesus emerged from Jewish community challenging religious leaders and regarded as troublemaker by Romans. Teachigns spread creatng this. Seperate of Judaism and spread to urban poor, slaves, and womans. Appealed to peole hungry for answers about harshness of life and hopeful of afterlife. One important follower was apostle Peter who came to rome and regarded a first pope Paul, who converted to this, spread gospel aorund Mediterranean. Inspired other preacehrs. moanstaries formed, many martyred for belif. Constantine declared religion legal in Eidict of Milan in 313 CE and became Christan empire. Then moved to seat of COnstantinople. Next emperors were also this. Four gospels followe.d St ugustine wrote books about god.

English Colonies

John Cabot claimed lands from Newfoundland to Chesapeake. England didn't have power to defeat Spanish. Then defeated its Armada. Built Jamestown. Colonies in United States. London Company owned Jamestown. Tobacco helped make colony profitable. Indentured Servitude became popular where contracteed to work for employer without pay for set number of years for passage to America.


Kings paid nobles with lands called fiefs. These landowners/lords promised to fight for the king in return. Lords were king's vassals. Lords hired knights to fight for them sanctioned with oaths of loyalty. Incorporated code of chivalry. Manorial system also provided self-sufficiency and defense. Serfs tied to land. Paid tribute ine xchange for protection. Three field system put in place with one fallow. Windmills created and other technological adancements. Mutually beneficial relationship. Languages understood by everyone with own dialects created which turned into vernacular languages.

Korean War

Korean peninsula divided by USSR and US. Fought to prevent Communism from taking over SK. USSr not present for UN resolution supporting SK becaus ethey were absent. USSr and China allied with NK. Ended in stalemate and Korea reamins divided.


Land border with China. Direct relationship with China. Cenralized gov't like chinese and adopted Confucianism and Buddhism. Addopted its writing system even though language was different. Landed aristocracy more powerful here than in China.

African Trade

Learned Islam thorugh trade across Sahara and Indian Ocean. Trans-Shaharan was thorugh the Sahara desert. Camels used to go thorugh desert. Replaced horses and donkeys with camesl who were adapted to sarhra. Saddle developed to put on humps. By the end of 8th century, gold was traded thorugh sahara in Senegal and mauritania. Trade amongst kilwa, Malindi, and Mogadishu. Islamic merchants rejuvinated trade here thorugh Indian Ocean. brought wealth to cities in East AFrican coast.

Qin Dynasty

Led by Qin Shihuangdi. 221B.C.-206B.C. Central state, expanded size, peasants could own land, standard coins, imporved trade. Taken over by the han

Taiping Rebellion

Left bitter feeling among chinese. Didn't protect China from foregin devils. POeople resented emperor because he was Manchu, not Chinese. Resented extratoriality, Christain missionaries, and destruction of their culture. Starving peasants, workers, and minors joined those who opposed Qing rule and built army under Hong Xiuquan, one who believed he was Jesus's brother and should overthrow Qing. Fought for several years. Seized Nanjing. Failed to get Beijing. Finally put in down in 1864, 13 years later.

Great Britain

Located on Atlantic Ocean with seaways allowed it to import raw materials and export finished goods. Burning fossil fuels essential to process of seperating iron from its ore. Iron production allowed building of larger bridges, taller buildings, and stronger ships. had many resources like timber for ships in its colonies. Had excess capital. Near network of rivers making transport of materials inexpensive. ALso had the strongest army.

Indian Ocean Slave Trade

Long running slave trade in eastern part of continent in Indian Ocean. Many transported off southeast coast. Slaves in Indian Ocean more likely to work in seaports in shipping industry and as servants. Some were saillors or soliders. lived in towns and cities and had opporunity to develop communities. Slaves in Islamic communities had rights like right to marry. African culture spread to Asia.

Ottoman decline

Loss Greece and autonomy of Egypt forcd loss of power in other territories. Balkan territories became under protection of Russia or Austro-Hungarian Emire. Serbia became indpendent at Congress of Belin creating Russo-Turkish War. nationalism arised in their territories. Europeans increased their control. Food and crops declined after Napoleonic Wars. Slow spread of industrailization Women din't benefit from reforms. Workers would go to other nations to work. Captiulations, concessions made by successive sultans to other nations allowed economic rghts and priviliges to subjects of foreign natons in their areas. Had few export and waning agriculture. More protsting form groups like Young turks. Foreign investments led to Ottomans allying with Germany in WW1.

Economy of India

Lots of trading with Arab mercahnts. Sailing technology transformed indian ocean into economic hot spot. south Asia benefited from Indian Ocean Basin trade. Cities of Calicut, Quilon, and Cambay became thriving centers of trade. Calicut was bustling port city where arabians and chinese met. This country had high quality fabrics and cotton, carpets, steel, leather, and artisan stonework. Spice islands exported spices, slaves, ivory, and gold came from Swahily coastal cities, and Chinea exported silks.

French Absolutism

Louis XIII centralized power even more in France. He developed intendants, royal officials who excecuted orders of gov't. Son Louis XIV/Sun King and fiance minister Jean-Babtiste Colbert created five great farms, area free form internal taxes. Versailles built and ecame political instrument of France. Many wars including war of spanish succession where France watned to attain Spanish thrown. Peace of Utrecht made sure he couldn'thold two thrones at once.

Reign of Terror

Louis XVI was excecuted. Prussia and austria went to war with France. Britain, Spain, and Holland joined them. Committee of Public Safety led by Maximmilien Robespierre imposed death penality on oponesnts. Reaction insued with a Thermidorean reaction. Oligarchic form of gov't called he directory came to power. Reforms preserved natural rights. Abolished slavery Naitonalism increased which led to Napoleon's rise to power.

Religion in South Asia

Majority hindu, Islam then came to region. Islam entered India forcefully and peacefully. Attracted low caste hindus looking for equality. Had appeal like Chrisitanity in Roman empire. Converts mostly from Buddhists bc of corruption of monks. Sufis, Islam messangers, converted large number of people. Allowed converts to keep certain tadition. Cults became popular. Bhakti movement in south india emphasized loving God. Mira Bai and Guru Kabir became famous Bhakti poets.

Social classes of Islam

Merchants more prestigous in Islam than in other societies. Grew rich form dealings with trade routes in indian ocean and cetnral asia. Esteemed as long as they had fair deelings and gave to charity. Allowed slaves but couldn't slave other muslims and people of the book. Brought from Africa, Kievan Rus, and Central Asia. No hereditary slaves. Many converted to islam and owners freed them. Chldren free.

Decline of Sumerians

Mesopotamia had supplie of water and fertile land attracting other groups. Bc of few natural barriers, invaders came. Fell to invaders in 2300 but culture developed and became core and foundation of later empire in region

Cixi's conservatism

More reform wanted after loss in Sino-Japenese War. Kang Youwei called for change by meeting with emperor Guangxu. Created Hundred Days of Reforms. Abolished civil servant exam, eliminated corruption, and estalbished western-style industrial, commerical, and medical system. Emperor's adopted mother, cixi, opposed reforms. Imprisoned the emperor and repealed reforms. At end of her rule, she saw problems and reformed. Abandoned a 2,500 year old tradition. Failed to cope with deamdns of modernity in China.

Sumerian Social Structure

More specilized in work meant distintions in classes. Society welathier, bigger gap in poor and rich. Noble and elite joined pirests and kings at top of soceity. Middle class were workers(merchants). Lower calss were hired workers. very bottom was slaves. Slaves were foreing prisoners or debters. 40% were slaves. Many people built stone structures and irrigation systems. Women could own property, have incomes seperate of husbands, but onlny boys attended school(educated from home). Marrigs arranged by men.


Most famous name in Greek gob't who lived during Golden Age. Parthenon rebuilt after destruction inw ar with Persia. Reformed governemtn to transfer power to assembly. Created council of 500, gov't of Athens and people's court which rule don legal violations.

Spread of Islam

Muhammad's ideas spread throgh preaching. Muslims finally accepted his teachings and viewed him as great prophet iwht Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. Din't believe Mohammad as divine or Jesus as divine. Teachins led to conflict with Mecca leaders who persecuted them. Muhammad fled to Medina in 622, formed Muslim community and conquered Mecca and declared Ka'aba the shrine of Islam. Arabian peinsula united under Islam. drought and desire of rulers to extend trade routes encouraged coneverts to move out of Arabian Peninsula. Moved and carried faith. Military conquest, but relatively tolerant. If paid tax, exempt from military. Allegiance between Arabs and Islam attracted converts

New Treaties

NATO was formed by Western nations which was Brussels-based organization. USSr response was Warsaw pact with Eastern Europe members who combined their armed forces and leaders in Moscow. became known as Communist bloc. Additional treaties formed with Southeast asia treaty organization with countries like Australia, New Zealand, Pakistan, US, GB, and France. Central Treaty Organization was anti=Soviet treaty with GB, Ian, IRaq, Pakistan, and Turkey to stop Communism in MIddle East. Many countries were not aligned with USSR or US. Wanted to stay out of Cold War and promote world peace. Many non-aligned states did have war with each other and super powers use dthem as prox states.

Response to Imperialism

Naitonlaist movements emerged in response to imperialism in South Asia, China, and Africa. Western-educated Intellectuals led resistence to imperialism. Elite groups of Asians and Africans educated in Europe to help this. In South Asia, intellectuals created Indian National Congress in 1885 to air grievances. Began fihting for self-rule. Organized African resistance to ipmerialism developed later than Indians. Theory is that European powers in India longer than in AFrica. Another states British gov't were partially run by Indians while colonial gov't in Africa run by military offficails of Europe. At end of WW1, African intellectual developed sense of shraed identity and nationalism known as Pan-Africansim.

Muhammad Ali

Napaloen took over Mamluks, but couldn't rule Egypt. Egypt became part of Mamluks. This man became govenor of Egypt. Lacked power to do anything but agree. Consolidate dhis power by defeating Mamluks. Sultan asked hi to recapture Arabia which he did. Then he gained control of Sudan without sultan's permission. Sent army and navy to Greece for control of Crete. However, they weren't strong enough. Took over syria but Europeans forced him to give it backed. Descendents ruled Egypt, with limited power until 1952. However, he reformed Egypt. Oil conscription led more to bcome soldiers. Established schools. Taxed peasants, controlled cotton production, and industrailized.

Ancient Egypt

Nie River in interior of Africa flowing north to Medetrranaean. Rich black soil covered delta of river making Nile great for agriculture. Annual floods deposited silt replenishing soil. In nile river valley, people practiced agriculture and pastoralism in 6000-5000BC. These people learned to grow new things. Influenced Mesopotamia. In 5000, rainfall declined and Sahara was large. These people dug irrigation canals to spread floodwater and icrease farm alnds. Nile used as trade root. Traded w Mesopotamia. Nile flowed through desert. Egypt waited 1300 years before invasion bc of natural barriers

Changes in China

No stable gov't until 1949 after fall of QIng in 1911. Weak gov't with Dr. Sun Yat-sen becoming leader of Republic in 1912. Relied on reigional armies instead of naiotnal. Communist party led by Mao Zedong inspired by Russian revoultion with hep of peasants. Nationalist party led by Sun Yat-sen devoted to full independence and allied with Mao to free China from foreign domination. Chang Kai-shek to control fo Naitonalist with Yat-sens death and attacked and nearly aniahilated Mao's forces intiaitng Civil War. Mao went into hiding. Lost again and took Long March walking 6,000 miles. 10,000 out of 80,000 left at the end. Brought popularity to Communists. Corrution in Natioalist gov't led to Nationlaists cand Communits spending civil War to unite against Japan. Resumed fight after WWII.

Islam Culture

Not limited to religous teachings. translated Greek classics to Arabic sacing works of Aristotle and others. Bourght mathmatc texts form india and paper making fomr China. Medical advances in hospital care like Ciaro. Many works of literature created. Kinship remained foundation of social relations in Islamic world. Clan members still loyal. Trade bourhgt merchatns into cities. Discrimination toward non-arabs which fell. Soldiers couldn't own territory. Permanant military kept order to keep conquered's life unchanged. Still paid tirbute.


Objects made by humans inn the past. In these, historians can see how people lived like in the apst. Size/composition fo skeletons show how well nourished they were. Chipped stones indicate tools with sharp edges. Remainss of burnt logsshow use of fire. Most moern record froms these


Occupied parts of Lebanon, SIrael, and Jordan in 3000 BCE. Developed wide trade netweork across Medetranean and into east Atlantic Ocean. Exported cedar logs textiles, galss and pottery. Peak from 1200-1100BC. Developed alphateic script that represents sounds of speech as altrnative to cueniform in 1000. Modified by Greeks and Romans as alphabet spread. Arabic and Hebrew alphabets evolved from these.

Roman Empire

Octavian molded Rome into his image with family values, peace, and propserity. A well-governed (name) followed. Pax romana, or ORman peace followed with roads being bulit to make trade easier, written orders, and soldiers and provisions eaier. FOrtresses and walls built for poteciotn. Heirarchy established. Senate was puppet of Augustus and later rulers. Lower calss not represented anymore. Slavery increased. Rights of woman expanded. Roman law spread to all parts of empire, which allowed apostle paul to be taken to rome tht helped established church of ROme. Famous writers liek Virgil and Horace. Hitorians lIvy and Tacitus carried tradition. Epicureanism, promotion of livign simply, and stoicism, emphasized poepl should accept will of gods, spread.

Epic of Gilgamesh

Oldest written story on earth. Composed on 12 clay tablets concerning adventures of Sumerian king named Gilgamesh who ruled Uruk somewhere between 2750 and 2500. Showed value in leader


One of humankind's first commmunitties, built on vank. of Jordan River. Evidence of human settlement from 9000 BC. Became important to Judeo-Christian tradition.


Origins from Minoan and Mycenean kingdoms. Flourished into city-states giving rise to golden age and its empire. Mainland a giant peninsula. On Mediterannean giving good waterways to trade. Islands, mountains, and lack of rivers seperated each trive from another creating polises. Citzenship of polis confined to free males. Different types of governments including monarchy, aristocracy, oligarchy, and democracy.


Other invaders from East. In central asia and came onto Byzantine Empire. Became christian and under monarchs in 10th century. Ater fall of Caoligians in 888, western europe was in political dissaray. Much power in the church.


Othern southern kingdom in northern region. Victorious city. Delhi Sultanate sent Harihara and Bukka to extend rule in south india. These brothers were converted Muslims. Established Kingdom here and returned to HinduismFrom 1300's-1500's until Muslims overthrew it.

Suleiman I

Ottomans at peak under this man. Overan Hungary in 1526 and were at gates of Vienna in 1529. Failed to take over but caused fear in Christian Europe. Captured Rhodes in Mediterranean and Tripoli in N Africa. Constructed mosques, forts, and other bulidngs under city control. reformed legal system and called "the Lawgiver"

Roman Culture

Patriians plebs, woman, and slaves. Slaves were foreigners captured in wars. WOrked for people esp on latifundia. Spartacus rebellion in 73 but soldiers kille dthousands and 6000 were excecuted. Low cost of slave labor and difficulty to compete with latifundia caused declien in small landowners. Woman couldn't vote and weren't citizesn

Gupta Religion

People studied the Vedas and other religious works. Buddhist scholars made schools too

Pax Mongolica

Period of Eurasian history between 13th and 14th century called Mongolian Piece. Khan established capital at Karakorum near modern country of Mongolia. Khan may have been responsible for more bridges than any other ruler. Instituted policy of religous tolerance. Soldiers protected SIlk Road. New trade routes established. Died while fighting the Tangut Empire in 1227. Sucessor was his third and favorite son, Ogodei and took thrown in 1229. Not as good as father but Empire expanded. Brought more efficient beureaucracy to Empire and invested ing reater development of capital.


Platos student. Wrote on gov't and good literature. Avoided extreme behavior. Calle don moderation in Golden Mean. Gained knowledge through empiricism, trusting what one learned from observation and evidence of senses rather than intuition or religion. FOcused on logic. Work in poetics, first time tragedy and comedy in theater.

New countries after WWI

Poland, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Finalnd, Latvia, Lithuania.

Sumerian Religion

Polytheistic. Gods controlled natural forces. Priests explained gods will to people and directed worship at temple. Offerings made, prayed gods would cause rivers to flood for crops. Satisfying gods important so floods would happen. Used effort and money to construct monumental architecture that was religious.

Shang culture

Polytheistic. gods controlled forces of nature. Communicated w gods produced early writing. Kings relied onoracle bones to tell them weather to attack enemy and if crops would be sucessful. Ancestro veneration began blieving that spirits of ancestors could speak to gods for them. Offerings to ancetors to win favor. Kings had daily sacrafices to have sucessful rule. No organized priesthood. Believed in afterlife. When king or noble died, servants and pets killed so they could travel to next world. Pictogaphs developed. Scribes could only read and write this. Written Script evolved to script of Chinese today. Calender had 12 alternating months of 29/30 days. Extra days added for 365 days. Created bronze castings, ivory carvings, si garments, and white clay pottery. First muscial instruments like bells, chime and ocarina

Emperor Kangxi

Presided over period of stablity and expansion. Incorporated Taiwan, Mongolia, and Central Asia into empire. Imposed protectorate over ibet. Tolerance with many Chinese converting to Catholocism. Sucessors were not. A confucian scholar and poet, he urged buliding of schools.

European Expansion

Primogentirue laws gave estates to eldet son and many europeans couldn't find work. Many settled in new areas. Middle east and European rivalry in Indian Ocean. columbian excahnge with new empires. Mapmaking became popular. Introduction of gunpowder helped European conquest Portugul expanded in Africa and India with Prince HEnry the navigator sponsering seafaring expadiditons. Follwoed by Bartholomew Diaz who sailed aroudnd southern tip of Africa and Vasco Da Gama who made it to India. Portuguese also made it to japan. Ferdinand Magelland made if to phillipenes and went all the way around the world. Spain owned Phillipines. Dutch competed in Indian Ocean region. France and England fought for dominance. France singed Great peace of Montreal with Iroquois and led to 7 years war with French and Inadian War in North America.

Ideological Motives for Imperialism

Pseudoscientist strengthened racist justification for conquest by claiming scientific proof of intellectual and physical inferiority of nonwhite races. Phrenologist said Africans had smaller skull and therefore were inferiority. Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection said fittest survived. Herbert SPencer advocated SOcial Darwinism theory to justify European and US dominance. Christian Missioanries like David livingstone traveled to Africa to end illegal slave trades. Medicines and medical care sent here. Missionaries came to convert others.

English Civil War

Puritan Revolution between Stuarts and Puritans. Petition of right said monarch couldn't lev taxes without Parliament's consent. Charles I signed it but ignored it. Oliver Cromwell and his son defeated monarchy and allowed return of Charles II. James II succeeded him and had break with parliament again. Many feared he would become Catholic and invided protestant monarchs of neatherlands to become rulers. This was gloriosu revolution. New rulers singed bill of rights assuring civil liberties. Toleration act allowed worhsip to non-anglicans. Thomas Hobbes brought up idea of social contract, agreemtn under which people give up rights for benefits of livin in community.

Chavin Cult

Purpose unknown, but greatly complicated study of the chavin for historians

European Arrival

Regions in East and West Africa were targets of conquest by Euroepans. Henry the naviagtor financed expeditions along the atlantic coast and around Cape of Good hope exploring African communities and kingdoms. Many city-states grew wealthy by selling ensved africans. Europeans set up trading ports. Vasco da Gama invaded Swahili city states. Portuguese took over trade in Kilwa Mombasa and other city-states. Africa produced many literary owrks with written poetry and novels from oral history.

Religious Wars

Religous division led towars. Charles fought Luthernan Schmalkaldic League which led to Peace of Augsberg stating states chose religion. Caholics and Huguenots fought in France. Henry IV became Catholic saying Paris is well worth a mass. Issued Edict of nantes allowing Huguenots to practice fatih. Thirty years war between Catholics and protestants.. Led to Peace of Westphalia which allowed HRE areas to choose religous options. Northern Europe was protestant and south was catholic.i Prussia and Austria began to assert themselves as states in HRE.

Roman Religion

Romans required all to fllow state religion. Polytheitic and tolerant, praised Jupiter and Minerva. Mystery cults created that underwent secret rituals and purification rites. Jewish religion n Jerusalem with second temple period, 530 BC-79CE. Romans captured Jerusalem in 37 BC. 3 Jewish rebellions in first two centuries and persecution of Jews. Diaspora continued

Peter the Great

Russia entered time of troubles i state of anarchy. Michael ROmanov became leader starting Romanov dynasty. Made border with China. This man was next ruler in 1682. Defeated his half-sister to get power. Church became a part of government and patriarch was abolished. Peter's reforms not liked by peasants. Visisted Europe in 1697 and saw its technology so he wanted to build their military. Seized baltic lands form Sweeden. Capital moved to St. Petersburg. Built there was Winter palace. Wante to reform Russia to be like Europe. Cut beards of some nobles. Established academies. Women allowed to be in socail events and marry at free will. Encouraged private industries. Table of ranks listed military and gov't positions. Created provinces.


Russia trying to adopt ideas of western Europe. Started under Peter the Great. However, Russiasn feared loss of their own culture and shown through conservative philisophical movement called Slavophilism which believed Russia should base its development on its own history and character. Catherine created territory where Jews were required to live which showed anti-Semitism. Pogroms, anti-Jewish attacks frequent thorughout 1800's.

Russian Revolution continued

Russian Civil War came after widespread starvation from 1918-1921. Lenin realized economy was near collapse and under his new economic plan, reintroduced private trade. Permitted some economic lierties. Came to an end in 1924 with Lenin's death


Salerno Medical schoool opened. Avicenna became father of modern medicine and was Perisian. Wrote Canon of Medicine which was reference book for 600 years. SE and E Asians ahead of Europes but they caught up quickly with assimilation of goods and ideas. Exploraation and Expansion also became popular.

Catholic Church

Schism in 1054 with East orthodox church. Influential and authority covered almost all of Europe. Church officilas were one of the only literate people. Established first universitites. Hierarchy of regional bishops to the pope. Bhisops chose priests. Donation of Constantine in 8th century was evidence that pope had political and spiritual authority. Also an argument with papacy in France and in Rome in 1300's. Monastaries also became popular.

New ideas

Science revolution with thoughts on empiricism, collection of data to back up hypothesis. Roayl academy of science in France and England, Isaac newton published Principia on his gravity. Enlightenment followed with applying natural law to religion. Philosphes, writers outside scientific community. Montesquieu, Voltaire, and Rousseau praised religous toleration. diderot made Encyclopedia. Mercantlaism followed with capital in gold and silver. Accumulation of capital importnat. Cottege industry developed. Adam Smith was a physiocrat who turned against mercantlaism in Wealth of nations. Wanted free trade. Comemrcial revolution wanted commerce from local level. Infaltion led to price revolution. Commercial revolution affected development of colonies, new ocean trade, population gorwth, and inflation. Joint-stock companies created like Dutch East India Company. Limited liability offered, principle that investor not responsible for company's debt.


Scientific learning of India translated to Arabic. MathemeticiUrdu, new language dveloped from Muslims in South Asia. Official language of Pakistan today. ans traveled to Baghdad to teach abbasids of their intellectual achievements. Arabs added to these developements. Number system form India. Sultans brought back buildings melding intricate artistic details of Hindu art. Twoering over the mosque of Qutab Minar.


Secular republic in 1923. Army took control of gov't 3 seperate times. Close to Europe and US. Joined NATO and EU. However, they were Muslim, only country to see Cyprus as idnepndent, and the status of Kurds, ethnic minority, who began armed struggle against Turks to win cultural and political rights.

Northern Renaissance

Spead from the south into here. Emphasis on piety among lay people, non-clergy members. Interest in understanding the physical world. Geoffrey Chaucer wrote Canterbury tales which portrayed microcosm of middle class iN England and inc Church positions. Satire of monks and overly sentimental nuns provided example of huminism. Art differed from religous and classical art of history and reflected middle class nad peasant occupations and celbrations. A priest from Netherlands, Desiderius Erasmus, author of In praise of Folly was most influential huminist. Scientists like Nicolaus Copernicus showed interest in physical world which conflicted with Catholic Church.

Calvinism and Anglicanism

Started by John Calvin in witzerland. Said elect or those predestined to goto heaven ran the community. Followers were Hueganots in France. Puritans in England. Encouraged others to work hard and reinvest profits. Ladder started by England ruler Henry VIII who wanted male heir and had to remarry. Pope wouldn't relent so Henry set up a new Church and remarried.

Meiji Era

Started with Emperor Matshuito. Wanted to abolish feudalism and reorganize japan into prefecture, districts administered by central gov't. Reforms were abolsihing feudalism with Charter oath, established equality before law, abolistion of cruel punishments, established constitutional monarchy created by Prussia, remodeled military based on Prussia, established postla service, new educational system, promoted industrialization, financed industrailization from gov't and foreign investors, and started railroad network in 1869. dissolved samarai position. Some became elder statemsen but others resisted change and stayed with old ways. There was a battle in 1870s but samarai defeated.


Starting point of modern era. mid 1400s filled with plagues and Hundred Years' war. Renaiisance came with da Vinci painting Last Supper and Mona Lisa. Michaelangelo painted Sistine Chapel and David. Chrisstianity was dominant. Split into factions. Henry of Navarre converted to Catholocism to solidify power. Henry allowed religious toleration to French Calvanists or Huguenots.


Storytellers or conduits of history for a community. Venerated and feared as they held power. Language of Swahilli developed with Arabic vocabulary Christianity entered Egypt and Ethoipia in first century but Islam weakened influence. Ethiopia only Christain country

Ottoman reforms

Sultans rooted out corruption. Created secular systems of schools. Thousands of primary schools established. Buldt more roads, canals, and railroads. Codified law. Edict of Hatt-i Humayun upadated legal system declaring equality for all men in eudcation, gov't jobs, and jsutice.

Economic development in China

Tang dynasty promoted agriclture, infrasturcutre, foreign strade, and tehnology spread which led to prosperity and population gorwth under the song. Tang Empire reintroduced equal-field system after Wang Mang's falied attempt to redistribute land. This allowed all chinese families to have parcel of land to cultivate. Rural wealth grew. Fast ripening rice added to surplus under the Tank. Easier transportation of oods with Canal. Under song, China becmae proto-industrialization which enables full industrilization in western europe later. Growth in urban areas. marco Polo wrote of it. Chang'an had two million. Gov't paid for people to work on public projects.


Temples and altars in large stepped pyramids in Sumer. Sumerians believed gods punished humans in this life for bad behavior. no reward or punishment after death. Dead became dust

Byzantine politics

Tensnions between them and Rome. controvery over iconoclasm. Diasgreement over authority of pope leading to schism of 1054 with East Orhtodox starting in Southeastern Europe and Russia. Strong econeomy helped them for next thousand years. Gold coins common currency. Silk developed as important industry. Formation of monopolies. Strong agriculture. labor by peasants who weren't free. Theme system offered peasants freedom if they joined military. Emperors mandated how much land a landord coud own. Land concentrated in hands of fewer and fewer people leading to peasant revolts. Landowners powerful, resisted tax collection, gov't weakend

Siddihara Guatama

The 1st buddha. Taught the 4 noble truths and started buddhism. Goal is to reach nirvana, or release from cycle of rebirth

Which civilization had the most advanced writing system in Mesoamerica??

The Mayan Heiroglyphics


The increase mechanization of production and the social changes that came with it. Ignited the Industrial Revolution

Gunpowder Empires

The large multiethnic states in SW, Central, and South Asia that relied on firearms to conquer and control territories. Included Russia, Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires. While the Ottomans, Safavid, and Mughal would all decline as Western Europe grew in power, Russia modernized and reorganized its military. The islamic empires didn't and as a result, they fell.

Norman England

These people were descendant sof Vikings. Monarch of Normandy known as WIlliam the Conquerer invaded England. Organized feudal system. Standardized alw codes by royal court. Objections to power of him and successors and Magna Carta signed by King John in 1215 to observe rights of noble. Parliament formed in 1265 with house of lordss and commoners. Hundred Years War had these peple invade France. Unity fromed in countries and gunpowder used for first time. Reconquista also completed in 1492

French colonies

These people, dutch, and English looked for northewest passage. A way thorugh north america to East Asia. Jacques Cartier sailed thorugh Canada looking for it and calimed parts of Canada. Hoped to find gold, but found furs and natural resources. Established trading post called quabec. Rarely permanent settlements. New France was colony in Norht America. Better relationship with natives

Controlling fire

This used for light, heat, protection against wild animals, smoke to pacify bees(make honey easier), and help hunting by scaring animals to race to their death over a cliff. One of the greatest ccompishmetns of epople in Paleolithic period. Also helped prepare roods making it easier to digest.


To manage surplus, manufacture, and crops, SUmerians needed records. This was first writng system consisted of marks on wet clay tablets.


To show great respect, usually for an ancestor

Ottoman Economy

Trade energized thorugh expansion. Served as middlemen between Europe and Asia. Controlled trade of gold and slaves bc of control of N African coast. Taxed peasants to fiannce economy. Tax collectors and local officials became rich by skimming moeny from areas. Signed trade agreements with countries like France to open up commerce between the two. Buisness agreements signed in empire's coffeehouses for transactions and cultural events. Sultans allowed European importers to purcahse coffee. New crops from Americas. Profits dwindled in 1600's.

Russo-Japanese War

Treaty of Portsmouth gave liadong peninsula back to Japan after it was returned to China immediately bc of intervention from Europe. Treaty gave Japan preferred position in Manchuria and a protectorate in Korea. negotiate with US in pRotsmouth, New Hampshire. Exposed Russain weaknesses and Japans strength. Defeat and econmic harships led Russia into Revolution of 1905. Japenese enjoyed increased prestige thorughout Asia.

European monarchies

Tudors in England, Valois in France, and Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand in Spain. Bureaucracies increased and middle class grew. James I of Engalnd wrote The true law of Free Monarchy asserting monarch was free to make laws. Henry IV with Jean Bodin advocated divine right of monarchy.

Growth of Nationalism

Turkey ahd movemnt to fight for self-determination. Repubic of Turkey established under Mustafa Kemal in 1923. Ruled like dictator for 15 years. Instituted many reforms. Had anticolonial activists in India and formed Indian National Congress in late nineteenth centry. Massacre at Amristar radicalized many in congress. Protests at Sikh festival. British saw as illegal and killed over 300. Independence movemnts in Africa. Intellectuals saw discrimination. Negritude movement took place in French WEst AFrica emphasizing pride in blackness. American intellectuals wrote abou meanings of balckness.

Change in WWII

US, USSR, an GB were united to achieve victory. Allies struggled in Europe and N Afirca. German General Erwin Rommel led troops in Egypt to take AlexandriaIn later 1942, British defeated Romel atr Battle of El Alamein and USSR defeatd cream of Hitler;s military at battle of Stalingrad. Momentum shift. At battle of Coral Sea, Us navy stopped Japanese fleet trying to invade Australia. At Battle of MidWay ISland, four Japanese aircraft carriers were destroyed. Allies won on island of Guadalcanal. US genreal Douglas Macarthur used isalnd-hopping attacking islands were Japan was weak adn moved through Phillipines getting closer to itself. Technology was critical for sucess with aricraft used for raids of enemy shifts and bases. Submarines sank 55% of Japan's naval usply lines.

Protestant Reformation

Unsucessful efforts for reforms. Theological disagrements. Suffered when papacy moved to France which gave French rulers influence over the Church. Suffered with Black Death. Martin Luther objected to sale of indulgnces, absolution from punishment for sin and simony, sellling of Church offices. 95 Theses nailed to Church door. Church reacted harshley but Luther didn't back down. Germans sided with Luthor which split Catholoic Church and Holy Roman Empire. Luther gave women more roles.

Cold War

Us and USSr emerged as two superpowers in ideological battle. Capitalism vs communism. the state of hostility became known as this because there was never any direct fighting. Were proxy states who did fighting like in Vietnam war.


Used as tools for imperialism in Asia and Africa. Served colonizers more than colonies. Railroads made from outside of Africa to inland. Cecil Rhodes of Great Britain made a railroad from Cape Town, South Africa, to Cairo, Egypt. It connected all of Britain's colonies. Never completed bc Britain never controlled all of that land. Used to extract as many resources as possilbe from subject lands while paying laborers little.


Used in Olmec and Mayan culture, this was the process of drawing blood in order to see visions from the spirit world. Mayans and Olmec also venerated their ancestors

Aryans religions and beliefs

Vedas-knowledge, colelction of religous hymns, poems, and songs for Aryans. Rig-Veda sheds light on Indian socciety, inc conflicts betwween Dravidian and Aryans. Outlined proper priestly behavior inc daily rituals honoring gods. Brahmins had authority. Importance of Vedas and spirtual life declined by 500BC as Vedic knowledge began to meld w spiritaul contributions made by Dravidians. Vedic Age marked by growing velief in Dravidian beliefs. Both traditoins made Upanishads, collection of relgious concepts, brahma, dharama, karma and moksha. Brahaman is universal soul connecting creatures. Soul must escape cycle of life and death to join universla soul of brhama. one must perform rigtous deeds, one's dhram.a Dharma dtermins karma, fate in next life. If bad, reobrn in lower calss person. Universal goal to attain moksha, peace in Brahma. Upanishads is foundational text for set of religious beliefs in HInduism.

Trading Posts

Very common in this time. British traded in Idia. British East India Company's strategy to build fort, maintain soldiers, coin money, and enter itno treaties with India's leaders. Helped grow empires. Govenors for tradign company heklped Great Britain. Thomas Pitt travelled to India and operated on his own. Created a monopoly and purchased a diamond. In this time period, more scientific inquiry, accepance of jews, socail order, and disagreement of absolutism and constitutionalism.

Postcolonial Southeast Asia

Vietnam became communist and indepndent under Ho Chi Minh. War with France until 1954. Split into NV and SV. War brok out between both with NB winning. Cambodia gained indpndence in 1953. Guerrila organization under Pol Pot wanted to overthrow gov't. Pol Pot and Khmer Rouge created Chinese liek cultural revolution which killed 2 million. Vietnam invaded and took control of this country. Became constitutional monarchy in 1991.

Industrialization in Japan

Wanted citizens who were educated, competant, loyal, and obediant. New jobs created. Trained new workers for key industries. Modernized trnsportation. High agricultural tax financed gov't investments in industry. Indsutries sold to zaibatsu, powerful family buisness organizations like conglomerates in US. Prospect of attarcting investors encouraged tech innovation. For exmaple, carpenter founded Toyoda Loom Works making automatic loom. This prospored into Toyota Motor Company seen today Gov't centralized but looked for territorial gains. Fought with the Chiense in Sino-Japenese War. Won and took island of Formosa and Liadong peninsula.

Rise of Nazism

Weimar Republic took blase of kaiser. Had to pay ltos of reparations and couldn't ahve army. Weak economy and many veterans had frew job prospects. This or the National Socialist German Worker's Party came to power doing well in 1932 parliamentary elections. President, Pual von Hindenburg invited Hitler to forma govenrment as chancellor. Hindenburg died and Hitler declared himself president. This party instilled fear and panic in Germans, making them believe they were in stae of Emergency. Burned Reichstag, parliament building, and blamed radicals. Hitler outlawed other political parties and resitance. Promoted ultra nationailism and scientific racism. Adopted anti-Seminism.

Imperialism in Africa

Whlie slavery was illegal in most countries by early 1800's. Europeans exported guns, alcohol, and factory goods to Africa for their palm oil, gold, and ivory. Want for diamonds and ivory led to European empires thriving in Africa. In 1800s, European presence was minimal. French got Algeria in 1830, Dutch immigrans in SOuth AFrica, and British came to South Africa in 1806. In later part of century, Europeans expanded presence with better technology. Discovery of quinene, medicine treating malaria, steamship, and early trips of explorers helped start this.

Muslim Woman

Woman wear hijab covering heads and fac wihle men only wear urbans. Could study and read but not in company of men not related to them. Muhammad raised status of women and treated wives with lvoe and devotion. Forbade female infanticide, killing of newborn girls. Enjoyed higher status than Chrstian or Jewish women. Could inherit property and retain ownership after marrige. Could remarry if widowed and recieve cash in divorce. Wife could intiate divorce and rpactice birth control. Testified under shariah in court to be protected form retaliation. Testimony half of a man. Most records created though were written by men.

Effects of Slave Trade

Women had to assume more duties in Africa because 2/3 of slaves taken were male. Slabe raids helped them become richer from selling captivs ot Europeans. Slavve raiders more fortified with firearms. Weakened many kingdoms. Socieise slow to develop complex economies to produce their own goods. Allowed colonizers to conquer Afirca. Columbian exchange did bring new crops to the continent.


Wont independence from Portugal in 1975 after 14 year armed struggle. Each ethnic group forught for independence which brought support from different countries. Civil war broke out. Cease fire in 2002.

Aztec Culture

Worshiped many gods. Velieved in human sacrafice and lood letting. Adopted calender from Mayans. Picture writing like Mayans. Used trade routes established by Mayans. Women wove cloth used as tribute. In 1400's, a decline fo Aztecs who alienated thsoe they ruleed. Euroepans and subjects of Aztecs took over their empire

Adam Smith

Wrote the Welath of Nations arguing to abandon mercantalism for free trade. Used phrase laissez faire meaning go'ts should minimize inervention in the economy. Was a physiocrat, a new economic thinker. Each person should act to thieir morals.

Problems and reforms in China

Yellow River changed course flooding some lands and causing drought in other parts. Lands were devastated, many straved, bubonic plauge broke out. Self-strengthening movement, reform effort from gov't ensued. Advanced military tech and treid to pay of debts. Set up diplomatic orps and customs service to collect taxes on imports and exports. Provincial leaders wanted concessiosn, rights to levy taxes, raise own troops, and run onw bureacracies to stay loyal


believed in Karma- or what you did in past life affects your social class or even humanity


claimed legacy of toltec but form different part of Mexico. Founded capital of Tenochtitlan in 1325. Conquered surrounding people. Georgraphy used as protection and defense. Capital grew to 200,000 making it largest city of Western hemisphere. Houses of roofs and places of worship made of stone. On lake Texaco, floating gardens or chinampas made to increase space for food production. Dug ditches for irrigaiton. Developed tribute system. Conquered payed tribute. Grouped city states into provinces. MOved warriors to province's capital to maintain control. Gov't was theocracy. Emperor was great speaker. Mercahnt class, pocehtea, traded goods.


established in Arabian peninsula. Nomadic, tribal and polytheistic. Skeikh ruled wiht ocsent of tribal counsil. Polygyny, man had more than one wife, was allowed. Worshiped Allah, trive had sacred stone with most reveredin Mecca. Entire trive was part of religion and no priest class. Land routes with camels formed economy. When fighing between Byzantine and Sassanids, trvel over Red Sea or Arabian Sea became popular

Colombian exchange

germs and diseases, food, livestock, goods, gold, silver, and valuable trading items brought between new world and old world. Animals, wheat, grapes, diseeases, livestock brought to America while Euroepans took back tomatoes, maize, potatoes, beans, peppers, and cacoa home. Ensalved people also brought form Africa to America. Search for profit began with Columbus. LAbor systems established by spain to gain access to gold and other resources. Silver mining in Andes Mountains. Colonies established by Spain in South America. Europeans exchanged silver with Chinese. Sugar very profitable by sugarcane cultivation starting in Brazil. Brouguht bigger transatlantic slave labor. Spanish pursued cash crop cultivation.

War on USSR

hitler turned east after failure with GB. Attacked Greece and Yugoslavia. Began invasion of USSR in June 1941 Capptured a lot of territory and two million troops. Russian winter, just like it did to Napoleon, hurt Germany. Soveits defended Leningrad in Battle of Leningrad in a seige that lasted three years with deaths of a million Soviet civilians.

German victories

hitler wanted Blitzkreig, or lightning war to subdue Poland. Germany and Soveits divided poland. Germany then attacekd and conquered Denmark and Norway in 1940. Then took NEtherlands, Belgium, and France. nazis set up Vichy gov't in France. GB asked US for support but Us had history of isoaltionsim and desire to avoid involvment in Europe. Rossevelt wasn't an isolaitonist. Singed Destryoers for Bases agreemetns where US delivered 50 destroyers for eight British air and naval bases in Western Hemisphere. In Lend-Lease Act, US gave up neutrality by lending war materials to Britain. Both forged a policy of Atlantic Charter which set down basic goals for post-war world.

Mayan Caracol Observatory

in the city of Chichen Itza where eclipses and phases of the moon were predicted accurately.

Economics of High Middle Ages

many fabrics and spices brought from east. Silk road was operational and sea routes. Global trade increased with China. marco Polo from venice visited Kublai Khan and wrote about it. Wrote history of Monguls and curiosity about Asia skyrocketed and cartography became popular. Growth in bourgeosie, middle class. Clergy and nobility at top, and urban poor and serfs at bottom. Middle class grew. Surplus encouraged growth of towns. Lower temperatures from little ice age reduced productivity however.


most famous missionary. In 863, created own alphabet based off Greek to spread God but also literacy. His alphabet adopopted by russians and Slavics. Chrstianity in byzantine Empire later became East Orthodox.


most powerful of all east african kingdoms in 12th-15th centuries. Rich gold fields, traded with Swahili and city states of Persia, India, and China. Taxed gold traveling thorugh land. Homes mad eof stone, wall of stone 30 feet tall and 15 feet thick around ciy. City was known as Great (name). 20,000 people resided there in late 15th century.

Changes in Warfare

not glorious, but most saw it differently in beginning. Hundreds of thousands of teenage boys enlisted. Few understood how brutal it would be. Poison gas was introduced in forms of Bhlorine, phosgene and mustard gas. Soldiers equipped with gas masks. Fatalitites limited but effects were painful and long-lasting with permanent damge to lungs. Poison gas oulawed later. Machine guns developed in late 1800s firing more than 500 rounsd per minute increasing deathly impact. Made it difficult to gain new territory. Submarines caused havoc on shipping lanes. Airplanes weren't used to battle, but to carry on observation fo enmies lines. Tanks allowed armies to move across dificult terrain. Trench Warfare became popular but were cold, wet, muddy, and rat-infested. Many died from diseases. A four year stalemate ensued.

Napoleon's Downfall

peninsular campagin of invading Porugujl and Spain. Britain sent troops to help. Then, invaded Russia. First successful. Russians retreated east and French went back. Harsh winter came and French forces suffered from hunger, cold, and disease. Faced attack by Austria, Russia, Prussia, and Great Britain. Napoleon abdicated. Confress of Veinna led by Klemens von Metternich xile dNapoleon to Elba. Conservatie forces came back. Tried to maintain balnance fo power. Manh more protests agaisnt gov't came but all defeated.

Emperor Qianlong

poet and Qing ruler. Country was well administered and tax collections at all time high. Initiate military campaigns in the west annexing Xinjiang. Installed alai lama as throne in Tibet and took over Nepal. Campaigns against Burma and Vietnam were unsucessful. Sold trading privileges to Europeans. British wanted more but this man refuesed. During later part of reign, vureaucracy became corrupt. Peasants organized White Lotus Rebellion and government responded with killing 100,000.

Decline of Gunpowder Empires

resulted form pressure of European trading companies, like British, and competition among heirs motivated by harem politics. Weak and corrupt leadership and failure to keep in step with developments in military and naval technology. Religious differences created problems.

Buddhism also

spread to china due to the silk road and chinese interest

arms race

tensions vetween US and USSR increased in 1950's. Nuclear (name) ensued. both developed hydrogen bomb. USSr launched first sattelite SPutnik into orbit igniting a space race. Soviets tested intercontinental balistic mistals in 1959, and Us did later. This brought a Mutual Assured Destruction agreement realizing no side could win a nuclear war. Antinuclear weapons movemtn tried to get petition against nuclear weapons.

Great Game

the Russian British rivalry for power over Central Asia.

Latin America

there is a dependence on state-run industries, high gov't debt, many authoritarian ruler abusing human rights and politicla dictatorships, many debates over land reform, illegal squatters, liberation theology became popular, and many of their problems are similar to East Asia and parts of Africa.


12th century, weakened ghana state bc of war with neighboring societies. Most powerful of new trading societies. Profited off gold trade and taxed all trades through W Africa. More prosopourous than Ghana and farming commnitiy. Timbuktu and Gao had welath and developed islamic way of life. Books sold for high prices. Founding ruler, Sundiata, suject of legend. Though he was crippled, becmae feared warrior and forced enemies away. Was the lion pricne. Cultivated gold trade and welath grew

Marco Polo

17 year old Benetia. Visited China and returned to Italy in 1295. Wrote book about trip. Europeans refused to believe his descriptions of China's size, welath, and wonders. Others followed his route to China and then widely accepted that China was prosperous and innovative.


3 groups appeared in 500 BCE. East which evolved into Ukrane and Russia, West evolving inot POoland, Slovak, and Czech, and south evolving into Servia, Croatia, and Slovenia. First hunter-forager.


3 of Khan's grandsons set up own khanates expanding empire into Europe. This man led Mongolian army of 100,000 into Russia. His army, the golden Horde, forced Russians to pay tribute and in 1240, Keiv was destroyed. Conquered a Christian region in Russia angering Western Europe Had successful military encounter with Polish, German, and French knights under King Henry of Silesia. Defeated Hungarians. Wanted to go to Italy and Austria but Ogodei Khan died and he called of attacks. Then lsot interest in Western Europe but set up Capital on Bolga river called Sarai. Ruled northern russia. Moscow ruler colleced additional triuted to make own army. Defeated golden horde at Battle of Kulikovo in 1380. mongol influence declined. Russia then recovered. Last of Mongol khan decedants were killed by Russians except for Crimean Tatars who weren't defeated until the lat 18th century


3000 Bc, some indigenous in Mexico started farming. Corn made and domesticated itno other varieties. Native crops inc. beans, potatoes, pepers, pumpkins, cotton, and tobacco. Chavin developed in Mesoamerica, settling near Andes. From 1000-200 and centered in Chavin de Huantar, cermonial center in present day LIma. Home to elaborate tmeple of white granite and balck limestone. Obtained by trade. Ditcehs prevented flooding. Shamans interpreted temple's scultputes and carvings. Most ived in valleys. Llamas used for meat. population increased and Chavin developed 3 urban centersw over 10,000 people Developed impressive techiniques fo gold, silver, and copper metallurgy. Solder piece tovetehr by melting metal. Remembered for artistry of pottery and cotton textiles inc fishnets. Relgion united Chavin and political strucuters weak. W relgious authority in decline, little to hold them together dissolvig ito regional groups

Byzantine Empire

330CE, eastern half of Roman Empire became welathier/more important than western half. Constantine made Byzantium capital and renamed it OCnstantinople. Today, istanbul. 395 AD- different empires. Constantinople on Bosporus which connects Black Sea and Sea of Maramara connecting Mediterannean Center of trade connecting Europe and Asia bringing welath. 527- steretched over Mediterranean, North Africa, Spain, Italy, Greece, Balkans, and SW Asia Controlled ROme. Attacks from Germans. Them ans Sassanids fought for Asia Minor and Syria.

First civilizations

4 grew from Neolithic Revoljtin indepndently in river valleys around earth. Mesopotamia from valleys of Tigris and Eurphrates, Egypt along Nile, china along huang He(Yellow River), and India along Indus River. Two other civilizations, Mesoamerica, and ANdes Mountains not along river valley. These 6 civilizations developed ways of life such as language, religious beliefs, and economic practices that influenced successor civilizations in regions. Known as core and foundaitonal civilizaitons.

4 noble truths

4 noble truths 1. All life is suffering 2. All suffering leads from desire 3. Suffering ends when you eliminate desires 4. Desire can be eliminated by following 8 fold path


500 years later, this Indo-European peoples traveled from Perisa thruogh Hindu Kush mountains over several centuries beginning in 1500 BC. Brought first horses ot India. Native s no match for their warriors on horseback and horsedrawn chariots. Ech trive divided into clans. w its own territory headed by male chief who ruled with clan comittee. No central gov't, clans sometimes fought. Continued herding lifestyle, raised horses, cattle, goats, and sheep. Eventually, most settled in villages and farmed, intermingaling vetween natives. Wheat/barley were main crops. Poor transportaion made trade difficult. By 500, use of silver and copper coins led to increase in trade and number of craftspeopleand merchants


500's B.C. Followers seek happiness in wisdom by following the way. Yin and Yang symbol from this. Internal reflection

Sui Dynasty

581-618 CE. After han dynasty period of anarchy and then this dyansty appeared. Emperor(name) unified China thorugh violance. Military expeditions. Grand canal constructed with many peasants working on it. Transported rice and crops from Yangtze River Valey to populous northern China. Soutern end of Canal was in city Hangzhou. Only lasted 40 years bc of complaining of hgih taxes. Emperor assassinated in 618


610-641Spoke greek. Attention of Empire focused in east and resisted invasions from muslims. No victory but reduced power and influence of Sassanids in SW Asia.

Tang Dynasty

618-907 CE. Relative prosperity and stability. Dominated neighbors and viewed as middle kingdom, soceitiey the whole world revolved around. Center of tributary system, arrangement in which other states had to pay money or good to honor emperor. Cemented power over foreign countries. Kowtow done by tributary states, anyone greeting emperor must bow heads to floor. Emperor (name) Taizong developed trasnportaiton. Beuracracy expanded. Buddhist monk named Xuanzang spread buddhism to china.


A counter to Hinduism. Believed all creatures were part of one Bhrama or soul and didn't eat any meat. Most didnt even farm cuase it killed pests

Industrial Revolution

A result of industrialization and its social changes. Began in Britain in 1700's. Spread to Europe and North America in 1800's and then to Japman and Russia. madd production mad egoods cheaper and abundant. Allowed urbanization. Global inequalities increased because of industrailization. Nations took advantage by exploiting overseas natural resources which brought second wave fo colonization.


A story about a pricne who tells of adventures. Focuses on psychological development on one main character like many modern stories. Becmae world's first novel

byzantine culture

A theocracy, no speration of church and state. Emperor appoointed patrirch of church. Monastaries founded with Monks and nuns in centers of prayer. Procided aid to people of natural disasters. No education as Wesetern Europeans did. Opposed iconoclasm. Believed in proselytizing, spreading faith to others. Missionaries sent abroud.


AKA "The rubber people". Father civilization to the Mayans. Commonly known for large sculptures of head.s Many sacrifices and bloodletting which carried over to Mayan culture.Around second millenium B.C. Many onorganized communities formed this civilization

Ashoka Maurya

AKA Ashoka the great. Extended Empire to greatest boundaries and converted to Buddhism. Sent buddhist missionaries to other places reaching to as far as Rome. Religious tolerance. Famous for law system called rocka dn pillar edicts. Empire declined after his death


Actions taken by one gov't to indirectly control another country. Us exapnded to justify intervention in Latin America with Monroe Doctrine. Theodore Roosevelt expaded to state US should intervene when shown that Latin America countreis couldn't govern themselves. Taft proclaimed form of diplomacy known as Dollar diplomacy advocaing investing US money in Latin America. Us investments increased calle dYankee imperialism. FDR announced Good Neigbor Policy renouncing armed US internvention in Latin America. Came at end of WWII with fears of Communist influence. Latins resisted imperialism with Augusto Sandino of Nicargua waging guerilla warfare. Diego Rivera of Mexio oppsed it htrough art.

Intellectual Revolution

Adam Smith wrote Wealth of Nations describing capitalism and estalbishment of private entrepeneurship. Socieyt would benefit if buisnesses were allowed to operate in their own intersts. Laissez-faire became popular. john Stuart Mill advocated utilitarianism which wanted greatest good for greatest njumber of people. Wanted to address growing problems. Some wanted utopian socialism

Babylon society and culture

Adopted Sumer's religious beliefs. Patriarchal society, dominated by men. However, women had more rights than in sumer, they could be mercahnts, traders, and scribes. Marriged arranged by parents. Skilled astronomers, accurately predicted movements of planets and eclipses of moons. Devised lunar calender. LInked religous practices of fortune telling and astrology predicting future by studying stars and planets.

Sumerian scientific contributions

Advanced technology with carts, metal plows, sundials and 12 month calender which Sumerians used to predict flooding. Number system based on 60 bc it could be devided into 2,3,4,5. This is why hour is 60 minutes and minutes is 60 seconds. Circle=360 degres.


Adversaries with China. Educated studnts in Chinese. Assimilated Chinese traditions and practices but not welcomed totally in Veitnam. Women had greater independence. Preferred nuclear family over extended. Merit-based beureacracy of educated men. Woman still inferior to men. Many converted to buddhism. Rebels fought as tang dynasty crumbled through guerrila warfare. Won major victory in 938 with small army.

United Nations

Allies shared a comitment to preventing conflict from escalating into war. Leageu of nations didn't work well so more poerful organization this time. Born on Oct 24, 1945. General essembly with one vote per member nation and secuity council acts on thesise issues and can use military. Comprised of 5 permanent members, US, France, GB, USSR, and China and 10 on rotating basis. 5 permanent have veto power. Declared human rights to all people. Aim to protect refugees. Known for peacekeeping. Work thorugh IMF and World Bank and WTO and General agreement on tarriffs and Trade.

Growth of Third Reich

Annexed Austria. In 1938, demanded Czechoslovakia for border territory of Sudetneland. Most in area spoke German. Germans met with Britain, France, and Italy in Munich to discuss deamnds Neville Chamberlain, GB prime minister, argued appeasement would keep peace and put an end to Hitler's demand for land. That was miscalculated. sezied control of all of Czechoslovakia with armed invasion in 1939. Not satisfied, had sights on Polish port of Dnazing. Britain ended appeasement and agreed to protect Poland. GB and France reached out USSR to form stronger alliance. Germans signed German-Soviet nonagression pact in 1939 pledging not to attack each other. Hitler secretly offered Stalin eastern Poland and Baltic States. With invasion of Poland, GB and France declared war on Gemrany.


Another grandson of Khan who took charge of SW region. Led mongols into Abbasid territories and destroyed city of Baghdad and killed Caliph and 200,000 residents. Pushed west threataning more of the middle east. In 1260, defeated by the alliance of Muslim Mamlucks whose leader was Baibars and Christian Cursaders in Palestine. Both thorugh Mongols were threat. this kingdom, called Il-khanate, stretched from Byzantium to the Oxus River. Ruled kingdom but perisans sered as ministers and provincial and local officials. Eventually, most Mongols and this man coverted to Islam. before conversion, al religions tolerated. After, jews and christians were massacared.


Appealing to extreme nationalism, glorified military and armed struggle, and blamed problems on ethinic minorities. Suppressed other political parties, protests and independant trade unions. Benito Mussolini coined it coming from term "fasces" a bundle of sticks tied to an axe, Roman symbol for punishment. Characterized Italy's govt. Brought concept of corporatism, sectors of economy seen as separte orgnas of same boy which freed to organize itself as it wished as long as it supported the whole.

Mandate System

Arab rebels in former Ottoman Empires insulted by results of peace conferance. Promised self-rules but they forgot promise. Established this to rule the colonies and territories. Article 22 of League of Naitons specifically stated colonized in Africa and Asia requried tutelage form advanced nations to survive. SW Asia experienced upheaval bc of fall of Ottomans. Infuriated Arabs. Balfour Declaration stated that Palestine should bcome permant home of Jews.

City of Teotihuacan

Around 150 B.C., name may mean "Birthplace of the gods". City based around god Quetzecoyatl. Orderly growth in a grid pattern, surplus of agriculture. As many as 300k people lived here. Declined around 5-600C.E. due to disputed reasons

Population growth

Before industrial revolution was agricultural revolution resulitng in increase productivity. Crop rotation and seed drill increased food production. Also, more crops introduced to Europe which became staples in their diets resulting in this. As a result of this, there was a lot of urbanization. Enclosure movement fenced off commons to give exclusive use of it to poeple who paid for privilege or for the land. Farmers didn't have lands and went to urban areas to create industrial workforce.

Nuremberg Laws

Began Hitler's antiJew campaign. passed in 1935, forbade marrige between Jews and Gentiles, stripped jews of citizenship, and unleashed a series of decrees pushing Jews to margins of society. Jews were shocked by treatment. Romania and Bulgaria passed laws against Jews. Hosted Olympics in 1936, with a lot of propoganda given. Kristallnacht, produced anti-Jewish riots occuring in assassination fo German diplomat by a Jewish teenager. Killed Jews and destroyed synagogues and Jewish shops 30,000 sent to concentraiton camps. hitler said he needed more lebensraum, living room, in EUrope and wanted to conquer all of Europe.

Conquest of Khan

Began in 1210 when they attacked Jin Empire. Khan earned reputation as terrifying warrior and anyone who resisted was brutally killed. Sometimes wiped out populations of entire towns after defeating armies. In 1219, conquered both central asian Kara Khitai Empire and Islamic Khwarazm Empire. By 1227, kingdom reached from North China Sea to East Persia. Great army under Khan. Strong riders and proficient with short bow. Warriors caleld tumens. Army developed special units that mapped out terrain so they were prepared against attacks and new where enemies would attack. Took skilled people and recruited them for own empire like engineers who helped them produce improved siege weapons. Created pony express

Indian Indpendence

Began with Mohandas Ghandi. Became advocate of civil disobedience and passive resistance after experiencing discrimination. Had an indepndence march against salt law. Before independence, muslims feared living in Hindu-dominated area. Muslims then became Pakistan and Hindu area was this country. Ghandi was assassinated in 1948. Pakistan became west and east pakistan struggling to from one country bc divided by languages. After civil war, east pakistan became Bengladesh. Distrust between (name) and Pakistan. one disagreement over Kashmir. Both countries gave women right to vote. Many emigrants from these lands.

Politics in Africa

By 1000 CE, agriculture thorughout area. No centralization of power under domniant figure or central gov''t. Communities kin-based and families governed themself. Chief mediated conflicts. Soon, larger kingdoms grew in prominance with political structure.

Sumerian gov't

By 3000 BC, cities in Sumer between 2,000-10,000 people. Uruk had 50,000 by 2700. Most people in cities were farmers who made trips to countryside to work in fields. A city and the land around it was a city-state which was around several hundred sq mi. City-states independent w different gov't. First rulers were priests who assigned fields to farmers, distributed crops, and maged trade. As population and size grew, city-states competed for land and water. Stone walls built, armies organized. Military leaders were then more important than priests, military rulers (kings), ruled over kingdoms. King said to be direct link between peopoe and gods.

Breakdown of Empires

Colinization in World War I. Desire for self govenrment fueled rebellions thorughout Americas and in Europe. Hungary and Ottoman Turkey brok up after World War I. World War II accelerated the dismantaling of global empires. From 1945-200, indpendent states went from 75 to 190.


Conflicts between Byzantines and Muslims continued into the next dynasty taking place in 71 with first Syrian ruler named this who ruled from 717-740. He defeated and reclaimed near eastern territory and Asia Minor. Instituded iconoclasm, practice of opposing the veneration of religious images and icons. Ordered images and paintings in churches to be covered or destroyed. Opposed by monks and not accepted by popes.


Conflicts between Diamyo, aristocrats, left it in disaray. Gunpowder alowed 3 diamyos to unify this country. Oda Nobunaga extended power with gunpowder and unified one third of Japan. Sucessor Toyotomi Hideyoshi expanded until most of this country under control. He died and Tokugawa Ieyasu was shogun and ruled during Period of Great Peace. Tokugawa Shogunate reorganized gov't to centralize control over feudal system. 250 hans or territories controlled by diamyo with army and independent. Diamyo had to reside in home territory and capital. Kept family as hostages when daimyo left Tokyo to keep them under control.

Mongol's impact on history

Conquered larger area than Romans. Bloody reputation. Pax Mongolica revitalized interregional trade. build raods and maintained trade routes. Ruled sucessfully w/ centralized power. Devised and used single international law for all territories. After decline, other kingdoms centralized power. Conquests transmitted fleas that carried bubonic plague from China to Central Asia to Southeast Asia to Europe. This killed 1/3 of population in Europe. Women led more independent lives than others at time. Fighting techniques led to end fo Western Europe's use of knights in armor who couldn't react in time to MOngol's use of speed and surprise. Era of walled cities in Europe came to an end when they were useless with Mongol's siege technology. Cannon considered mongol invention. Used Chinese gunpowder, Mulim flamethowers, and European bell-casting techniques. males replaced tunics and roves with pants and jackets.


Conservatices faced pressure to cahnge. Urbanization increased and middle class rose out of Industrial revolution. People proteted Crane Brinton in his Anatomy of Revolution showed similrities in Enlgish, American, French, and russian revolutions. All had four stages: citizen dissatisfction, moderates gain power, radicals take over in terror phase, process culminated in period of clam and acceptance. American, however, did not have terro phasReforms by gov't brought more lasting social change

Labor unions

Dangerous and unsanitary working conditions, low wages, and long hours made workers want to create these. Had to oragnize in secret or gov't treated them as enemies of trade. Became acceptable in 1900's. Large movements allowed parliament to pass bills in 1832, 1867, 1884. Social activists and reformers wantted to improve living conditions. Education rose. Less children worked. Otto von Bismark created accident compensation insurance, unemploment insuracne, and old age pensions. More independence of people around world.


Depndent on Egypt with political indpendence in 1000. Conquered Eygpt breifly until overthrown by Assyrains in 663. Became improtant kingdom economically for Romans, Indians, and Arabians. Exported slaves, ivory, gold, and cattle. Mined iron ore for tools/weapons. Greatest power from 300BC-100CE. Afterward, declined because of deforestation Conquered by Axum


Descendent of Persian and Safavid empires. Reza Khan seized power in 1921 and became shah. Modernized infrastruction, abolished extraterritoriality, and curbed power of mallahs. . Muhammad reza got power but viewed as puppet fo US. Forced to flee when he asked CIA to replace prime minister. Returned in 1953. Instituted progressive refroms. Ran oppressive regime though. Revolution in 1979. New gov't was theocracy under Shi cleric Ayatollah Khomeini. Became anti-western and ani=Israel. Wanted to create nuclear weapons.

Iron Curtain

Described the split between Eastern and Western Europe. Soveits made Eastern Europe like thier own gov't. USSR outlawed all other political parties except communism int hese states. Us diplomat George Keenan wanted to contain communism.

Egypt gov't

Desertification brought opeople to Nile. Leaders unite towns into 2 kindoms, lower egypt in north and upper egypt in south. In 3100, Menes united two kingdoms. History than divided into Old, middle, and New Kingdoms. intermediate periods in between each

Labor systems

Desire for cheap labor used for economic imperialism. Although slave trade diminished, demand for goods slaves produced did not. Indentured laborers used to work on sugar and pineaple plantations. Came from India, China, and Jpan. Worked in Caribbean. Indentued alborers agreed to work for period of years, sent moeny to families. Brought cultures to their home lans.

Triangular Trade

Desire for slaves and Portugal's discovery of West Africa meant Africa becmae source of new labor. African slaves became part of Atlantic trading system or this with three legs. European manufactured goods brought to africa for slaves who were shipped to America. Cash crops brought to Europe to be manufactured. Sugar plantations popularized this. African leaders invaded neighboring societies for slaves to bring back to coasts. Handed ovr individuals from lower rungs of society. King Afonso against slave raids. Middle passage becmae journey across the Atlantic. Many rebellions on this route but most crushed. 25% of Africans died before landing


Desire to Jews to resestablish homeland where ancestors lived in Middle Eat. Started by Theodor Herzl. Increased after scandal in France known as Dreyfus Affair of 1894. Alfred Dreyfus convcicted of treason against Fracne. Shown as anti-seminism. novelist Emile Zola took up his case and he was pardoned. had obstacles bc land controlled by Ottoman Empires and Palestinian Arabs lived there.

Mongolians lose power

Despite Kublai Khan's adoption of Chinese customs, Mongolians eventually alienated Chinese Hired foreigners to govern rather than native Chinese. Promoted Buddhists and Daosts and dsimatled civil service exam system. Although official policy was tolerance, Mongolians seperated from Chinese and non-Mongols couldn't speak Mongolian. Failed to expand and starting in 1274, Yuan Dyansty failed to conquer Japan, Indochian, Burma, and Java. In 1350's, secret White Lotus society organized to dfeat Yuan. In 1368, Zhu Yuanzhang, buddhist monk, led revolt to overthrow Yuan Dyansty and founded the Ming dynasty. General declien in power elsewhere. Golden Horde lsot power and Central Asian territories conquered by Tamerlane.

Casualties in War

Despite protests in US, they entred and in 1918, pushed war in Allies' favor. Forced Germany to surrendor on Armistice Day. 8-9 million soldiers died in the war with 21 million wounded. Less than half of all yound man who fought returned unharmed. Many bore emotional scars. Civilian casualties from 6-13 million. Considered legitmate targets in battle. Germans raped women and killed families in Belgium. Deaths of .6-1.5 million Americans in Turkey. First genocide. Ottomans deported Christian Armenians. SMany died. War-related deaths contined after war with influenza epidemic. Had diseases and spread to loved ones Became pandemic, over whole world. India lost 7 million to disease. Lost Generation used for those suffering from shock of War

End of Cold War

Detente, relaxation of relationship between two superpowers. Nixon visited USSr and signed Stategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT) to freeze number of ballistic missiles. Detente ended with invasion of Afghanistan. Countries had 12,000 nuclears weapons pointed at each other. mikhail Gorbachev came to power in 1985. Wanted to restructure USSR and input reforms. More freedoms to Eastern Europe countries. Belrin wall torn down. East and west germany united. Wasrsaw pact dissolved. Reeforms led to political downfall and end of USSR in December 1991.

Social Contract

Developed by Hobbes and Locke. Hobbes said by agreeing o social conflict, they gave up some rights to monarch in return for law and order. Locke said responsibilty of citizens to revolt against unjust gov't. Said each man had natural rights of life, liberty, and property. Found in his essay concerning human understanding.

Indus River Valley

Developed near water forming core and foundation of later civlizaiton. Between 2500-2000 BC, Indian subcontinent of Draidians established two urban enters, Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro. Writeen language was pictographs. Evidence from artifacts as well as remians of city walls and buildings. Evidence of advanced civilization w division of labor. Archeologists infer that soicial hierarchy existed bc of foundation fo homes varying in sizes. Rich and poor had private toilets drained into mnicaipal sewage system. Had sophisticated tech and urban planning

Roman monarchy

Developed on giant peninsula. Together unlike the greek city states. Apennine mountains less rugged. Early history from Etruscans, Latins, and Greeks. Etruscans and Latins traded with each other. Greek gave them alphabet. Etruskans built stone, minned, and responsible for roads and temples of early Roman. Vilalge on 7 hills welcome to outcasts and outsiders. Kingship began with Romulus who killed brother Remus. 15 mi from Tyrrhenian sea which was up the Tier river.


Development of complex writing systems required people who were skilled at cuneiform called these. Charged with recor keeping and writing history/myths


Devendants known as Israelites and Jews. Lived in Canaan, Israel Palestine and Levanan. Hisotyr from Herew Scriptures or OT. Founded by Abraham who left Mesopotamia to settle there in 2000. Jews, Christians, and Muslims trace religous heritage to him. Severe drought forced some to migrate to Egypt. In 1300, left Egypt by Moses who introduced 10 commandments, code influential w Christianity. early (name) were polytheisitc, but one of first to adopt monotheism.

Geography of Africa

Divided into four major climate zones. Medeteranean with mild seasons and temperate weather along northern edge of Africa(southern Medetrerranean). Desert zone with Saahara in north and Kalahari in South. Rian forest zone lying on both sides of equator. 10% of africa. Savanna is alst, boad grasslands, located north and south of rain forest. 10,000 years ago, northern savanna larger covering area of Sahara

Sumer econemy

Divided labor so others would make pottery, wove cloth, cast utensils in bronze and other crafts. Surplus allowed Sumrians to trade outside Mesopotamia. Traded for gold in Egypt and tin in Persia. Traded for beads, wood, resin, lapis lazuli, and obsidian from southeast Africa. Go pearls, coppers, and ivory from India. Scultptures and jewlery made from trade items


Divided lands it conquered into provinces ruled by satraps who were loyal to the ruler.s. Inspector, or eyes and ears of the king, raveled to provinces and reported behavoior of satrap to king. Created efficient administrative bureaucracy. Regular taxes. Capital, Persepolis located in present day iran. roayl road spanned 15000 mi across empires. Caravanserai combined inns and markets for peope traveling Roayl road. Common currency accepted making trade sipmle. Centralized poilitical power and didn't enforce religious/cultural uniformity. Diversity allowed as long as txes payed and soldiers given to military. SUccessor, xerxes built gate of nations honoring all people

Paleolithic Period

Early years of human history. Began 2.5 million years ao and ended in 8000 BCE. BC humans used stone tools and weapons in this period, often called Stone Age. People also used tools from wood, animal bones, and antlers. Tools inc. sharp point or blade. Had digging sticsk for uncovering roots, spears, harpoons, and arrows.


Eastern Orthodoxy became the main religion in Russia. Rulers of Kievan Rus modelled gov't and institution in Constantinople. Adopted by Moscow creating this ORthodox Church. Didn't experience Renaissance or Reformation because of tight control by Mongols. Princes gained welth and power as tax collectors. Eventually became free of Mongols. Was able to exchange goods and services with cultures east and west. West had orts of Arkhangelsk and Silk Roads. Could import silk from India and Persia. Capitals in Europe. Product of Mongol and Ruopean because of Viking invasion. Looked west for technology and ideals of their enlightenment

US entrance

Economic ties between US and allies was reason for entry. Many of Americans believed Allied antions were more democratic. Resented Germans for submarines attcking ships with American civilians. On May 7, 1915, german submariens attacked and sank the Lusitania carrying 100 US citizens. US intercepted Zimmermann telgram which German gov't offered to help Mexico recliam territory that it ahd lost to US in 1848 if Mexico allied with Germany.

New Kingdom

Egyptians learned of simiar techonology to edefeat Hyksos. Started this from 1570-1070. Exapnded into nubia and north to Mesopotamia. Gained acess to bronze and wood. In 1350, Akhenton tried to change religion to worship one god under Aten. Priests opposed and after his death, old religion restored. Priests became more powerful. Ramses the Great took power in 1290 and expanded empire to southwest Asisa. Built more temples and erected more statues. With mass empire, target for ivaders uinc Hittites. Defeated Eygpt bc of iron tools and weapons. Ramses mad peace w them but sucessors couldn't. After his death, long eperiod of declien. Failed wars with neigbors. Didn't gain indepndence till modern time.

Mississippian Culture

Emerged between 700-1500 CE. Built enormous earthen mounds. Large scale agriculture. Farming like mayans. Largest town was Cahokia. Practiced animism. Rigid class structure. Chieft called great sun ruled town, next were priests and nobles, then common people, then slaves. matrilineal societiy. Flooding or weather extremes were reasons for downfall.


Enured Spanish ivil war between democracy and facism Spanish Republic formed in 1931 after King Alfonso VIII abdicated. Popular Front, coalition of left wing parteis lead gov't. Had land reformsConservaties opposed changes. Civil War followed with Francisco Franco leading insurgants/nationalists agaisnt lyalists. Hitler, Mussolini, and Antonio Salazar fo Portugul contributed to Nationalists. USSR, GB, US, and France helped Loyaliss. Nationlists prevailed. Germans and Italians bombed Guernica fits aerial bombing. Franco defeated Loyalists in 1939 and was dictator in 1975. Helped Axis powers in WWII.

Haitian revolution

Escaped slaves revolted against masters. Toussaint L'Overture was leader. Established indepndent gov't and played various forces agaisnt each other. Took control of territory of Haiti. Became govenor and made Hairi indepnded. Many land reforms. He was then stolen from France and excecuted. jean Jaques Dessalines found a way to made it totally indepndent. Both this and France Revolution were for natual rights and out of Enlightenment. Poverty would plague Haiti but Frane;s economy recovered. haiti wouldn't ahve sucess in Caribean economically.

Monsoon winds

Essential for trading in indian ocean. Winds from northeast in sinter and from southwest in other time. Merchants had to time voyages carefully and be in port cities for months at a time for favorable conditions. Lateen sails became popular bc they were triangular and could easily catch winds. Chinese sailors invented stern rudder giving ships more stability and easy to manuever

Greek colonies

Established in 700'sBC. Along Mediterranean. Lot of autonomy but same culture.

Western Europe Development

European Economic Community created in 1957 wchihc grew. Became world leader in both exports of finish goods and imports of raw material. Became the European Union. Conflict between protestants and catholics of Northern Ireland. Terrorist tactics in Spain. Lot of revolt in 1968 with student movements. 10 million french workers went on strike.

Dutch in Asia

European imperialism in Southeast Asia began with British. These came to spice islands, Indonesia and set up trading posts. Etracted spice making them popular in Europe. It was rpofitable, but VOC, Dutch East India Company, went bankrupt and Dutch gov't took control. Plantaitons produced tea, rubber, and sugar for export purposes. This limited rice cultivation and created harship for Indonesian framers relying on rice to survive. Reforms made but insufficient

Creole Revolutions

European parents but born in Americas. Wanted indpendence from SPain. Disliked Peninsulares whowe re born in Spain or Portugul. Pensinsulares were favored. Mexico was able to get control when creole Agustin de Iturbide attracted support. Spain was distracted and became independent. Mexican was led by Santa Anna but had problems with Americans. Texans rallied after loss at Battle of Alamo and became independent. Mexico lsot more with Mexican-American ar. Benito Juarez was a reformer in Mexico. He led revolt called la reforma. Limited power of Church and army. France under Napoleon III tried to invade MExcio. Juarez fled but then drove them out in 1867.

Suez Canal

Europeans dreamed of shortening route to Asia by cuilding canal connecting Red Sea and Mediterranean. Accmpolished with this in 1869 by French company using Egyptian corvee laborers. 1.5 million unpaid workers forced on project. In 1882, Britian took control of Egypt, still part of Ottoman bc unrest there threatening Birtish commercial intersests.

hanseatic League

Formed with cities in Germany and Scandanavia. Controlled North and Baltic Sea. Drove out pirates and monopolized some items. Lasted until 1600's.

Global War

Fought in Europe, Asia, and Africa, and in Pacific and Atlnatic Ocean. First of these sicne Seven Eyar's War. Combatants ruled olonie in Asia, Africa, Americas, and Pacific. Japan entered war to take German Colonies in Pacific. Britis seized Germany's colonis in Afria. Took Suez anal from Ottmans. Australian and New Zealand troops known as ANZAC fought year-long campaign at Gallipoli, in northwestern Turkeyh, resulting in heavy loss. Africans and Indians drafted to Great Britian. Countreis used colonies for troops Arabs fought with British.


Foundation of advanced cilizations. Language, beliefs, art, and atheltic influecenced Mayans and Aztecs. Flourished in MExico from 1200-400BC. Agricultural grwoign corn, beans, squash, and avacados. Near water w small rivers. Traded w regions 250 mi away obtainign jade and obsidian. Made jewlery, sculpture, and religious half-human, half-animal figures. Famous for carvin enormous baslat monuments of human heads. 17 found largest being 10 feet and 1000 pounds Thousands of slaves drag and float haby basalt blocks from sites 50 mi away. Largest ertehn pyramids which burried w jewlry sculptures, mirrors, and mosaics Built arenas for ball game. Developed calender, number system inc zero, and first writing system. It was glyps, pictures and smbols of objects. These influenced later cultures of Mesoamerica


Founded by plateau of present day Ehtopians in 100CE. Agriculture economy. Cultivated wheat, balrey, and millet. Trading colony on Red sea known as Adulis. Some converted to Christianity bc of connection to Romans, officail religion in 330. Defeated Kushites in 340. In 500, expanded to Yemen. Borowed script for written language. Decline in 600, reamined strong conerting to Islam but Christianity dominant religion.

Southeast Asia

Funan introduced to Hinduism and Buddhism. ramayana and Mahabharata epics popular. Parts of Vietnam, Cambodia, and thailand in empire. Hinduism came to be accepted and worshiped. Profited off India-China trade by controlling land that mercahnts used as shortcut between two countries. Developed irrigation system but destroyed by Khmers. khmers, or Angkor Kingdom controlled camodia. Idnian cultural influences. Angkor Wat, Buddhist temple constructed. Thais invaded area. Sufis also came to this area and preached islam. Muslim city-state Melaka became welathy by building navy and imposing fees on ships passing thorugh strait of Melakka. Became powerful but sultanate ended when portuguese invaded.

Aftermath of WWII

GB, US, and USSR known as Big Three. Beginning in 1943 met at many confrences to discuss strateg for winning the war and shaping world. Tehran Conference led Allies to agree with USSR freeing Eastern Europe and US and GB on Western Europe. At Yalta Conference, Stalin revealed distrust of his allies. Stalin demanded influence in Eastern Europe as buffer between USSR and WEstern Europe. Rossevelt wanted them to be free. Wanted Soveit support in war of Japn. Stalin asked for concessions in reutrn to fight Japn including possesion of Sakhalina nd Kuril Islands. Rossevelt thought agreeing would lead to self-determinaiton in Europe. Ended with vague assurances. But, Stalin and Churchill did support vision of internaitonal organization to solve future disputes known as united Nations


Gained independence in 1960. Civil war in 1967 when Igbos tried to secede. Secession failed. Established a federation of 3 states. Still problems

The spark of WWI

Gavrilo Princip's assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdiand and his wife Sophie on June 28, 1914. Princip, Serbian nationalist, was a member of the Balck Hand, an organzation devoted to ending Austro-Hungarian precence from the Balkans. The Austro-Gunagarians thought of the Balck Hand as terrorists. The Austro-Hungarians sent an ultimatum to Servians demanding that it work to end anti-Austrian agitation. They rejected it. Austro-Hungrain looked to ally Germany, a stronger nation, to punish Serbia militarily. Serbia, populated with ethnic Slavs looked to Russia for help. Russia and Germany's entrance made a minor issue turn into a large war in Ausgust 1914.

Mansa Musa

Grand nephew of Sundiata, mroe fame to region. Religous leader. Devout Muslim and made pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324. Brought cravan of 100 camels and thousands of slaves and soldiers. Distributed gold to all people along his journey. Showed Mali's welath. Established religous schools in Timbuktu, mosques in cities, and sponsored those who watned to continuje religous studies. Less than 100 years after his death, Mali kingdom decliend.


Grandson of Babur who created mughal India. This man was mos capable ruler. Defeated Hindus and extended empire form capital of Dehli. Efficient govt and system of fair laws. Strong centralized govt with effective civil service. Paid officials were zaminders who had grants of land rather than salary. Kept portion of taxes. Peasants contributed one/third of produce to gob't. Tolerant of all religions. Gae hindus positions in gov't. Encouraged learning and growth of art, architecture, and literature. Mughal empire was one of richest and best governed states under this man. peaceful period. Vastes cerated in India. Overseas trade flourished.


Great Britain established penal colony here. Sent convicts from England, Scotland, Ireland, and other coloneis here. Performed hard labor and had harsh treatment. Attracted settlers after gold discovered here. 50,000 chinese came during gold rush. Performed labor done by free settlers, worrked for gov't in record keeping or on gov't projects. Convicts rarely imprisoned. They earned freedom thorugh service. Diseases spread to indigenous Aborgines of here. Whites took over more land. 75% of native Maori lost to disease and warland. White (name) Policy from 1901-1973 restricted immigration of nonwhites


Group of thinkers and writers exploring social, political, and economic theories in new ways. Included Thomas Jerfferson, Benjamin Frankein, Adam Smith, and Mary Wollstonecraft. Mary wrote a vidnication of the rights of women. French thinkers, Baron Montesquieu, Voltaire, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau wrote to one another, with monarchs, and with public. Montesquie's Spirits of Laws parised British gov't and its use of checks on power. Influenced American gob't. Coltaire used his Cnadide to advocate for civil liberties. He was exiled. Found ideas in england and bought them to France. Used diederot's encylopedia. Rosseauexpanded on social contract ideas. Created the general will of populationa nd obligation of gov't to carry this out.

Crimean War

In 1853, Ottomans and Russians fought after long-running rivalry for power fo Balck Sea Regions. French and British supported Ottomasn. Devastating defeat for Russia. All of its problems, poverty, lack of skilled soldiers, etc. come from root of serfdom. Tsar Alexander II issued Emancipation act ending serfdom. Seen with many aboltiion movements thorughout late 19th century.


In 1875, King Leopold II of Belgium invaded this country and owned it personally. He kept all the profits amde. Visitors reported terrible brutla conditions for laborers forced to harvest ivory and ruvver. Severed hands of workers to terrorize others into submission. Those not meeting quota were beaten or killed. Mnay worked to death. No payment for their owrk. Spouses held captive so workers wouldn't run away 3-8 million died during this. In 1908, became regular colony and conditoins improved.

Bantu societies

In 2000 BC, tracing ancestry through mothers. X thse people got to Lake Bictoria and met nomadic people and adopted practice of raising sheep and cattle. Moved south. Societies were matilineal or ancestry thorugh mothers. Becmae nomads and hunter-foragers. Believed single god created world and spirits. No worship, sent messages thorugh spirits. Belief in spirits inspried creation of masks and figures. Many instruments.

Islam in Spain

In 711, muslims took parts of spain from the south. Designated Cordoba as capital for Spain. Went to france but turned back in 732 when it lost Battle fo Tours. Ruled spain for next 7 centuries. Toleration in Spain and promoted trade. Spain known as al-Adalus became center fo learning. Cordoba had largegst library.

US imperialism

In Latin America and Pacific. Not to scale of Britain and France. Second industrial revolution borught prosperity to republic. Naitonalism, econmic considerations, and cultural superiority drove desire for territorial conquest. Monroe used Monroe Doctrine which stated European nations whouldn't intervene in affiars of countries in Western Hemisphere. Masked US desire to be imperial power of AMerica. American-Mexican war eld to gaining vast territories. Victory of Spanish-American War in 1898 led to control of Guam, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Phillipenes. Theodore Rossavelt, Social Darwinism believer, wanted to expand inlfujence through Western Hemisphere. 1904's Roosevelet Corollary to Monroe Doctrine stated if Latin America demonstrated instabilty, US would feel free to intervene. In 1904, US sent troops to occupy Dominican Republic until it repaid its foreign debts.

Catal Hayuk

In Present day Turkey. Founded in 7500 BC. Along river that has dried up. Existed for 2000 yearsbut well preserved remains helped modern people understand life long ago.

Culture changes in America

Indigenous peoples of America lost a lto of their culture because of conquerors. Burned native books. Most of information from them comes from books by Spanish conquistaodres. Languages had to be taught to native people. catholic religious orders were established. Misionaries successful and most Latin Americans are Catholics. Cult developed with Birgin of Guadalupe. Social pyrimid in new world with poeple from iberian peninsula on the top. Next were creoles, than mestizos, Euorpean and indigenous, mulattoes, European adn African, and Zambos, idigenous and African.

Classical Liberalism

Influence of Fabains created peiod of revolutin and reaction called this. Believed in natural rights, constitutional gov't, laissez-faire economics, and less spending on armies and churches. Britain created reform bills of 1832, 1867, and 1884. Romanticism a lso spread from fascination in nature, exotic, and emotion. Focused on gothic, bizzare, dark, and mideval. Started with poet Samuel Colridge's Kubla khan. Oppoistion of Napleon.

Opium War

Infuriated Britain after seizure of opium. British went to war to rpotect ability to sell opium. Chinese lacking navy quickly lost and negotiateed Treaty of Nanking. Extended old Canton trading[port rights to four mroe CHinese prots. Hong Kiong became British colony. China became under sphere of influence from Britain and other European nations.

American Revolution

Inspired by European enlightement. No taxation without representation was from English fighting for Magna Carta. Economic ideas of physicocrats played part of this. Colonists were politically independent and had more economic and political desires. Decleration of Indpendence expressed their philosophy. British-U.S. treaty of 1783 established indpendence. Articles of Confederation didn't work in 1783 and Constitution was ratified in 1788. Brought in seperation of powers and checks and balances. Bill of Rights also created.

Zhou culture

Internal trade expanded w some foreign trade. Development of iron in 600BC changing agriculture. Built dikes, resovoirs, and irrigatin canals. Plows drawn oxen allowing more farming land and more food. Peasant farmers didn't own land they lived on. Worked on roads, canals, and local projects. Urbban areas expanded with trade expansion. Merchants set up shops and cities selling goods from arroudn China. Cities were seats of national or regional pwoer attracted administrators, soldiers, and scribes. Invention of corssbow, iron swords, and mounted calvary during golden age. Plows developed and irrigation improved. Roads also blostered trade.

African Civilizations

Introduction of bananas brought poplation gorwth. Muslim spread. Songhay poeple were main ethnig group in city of Gao. Gao propsered on trans saharan trade but conquered by Mali Empire. Regained indpendence and Sunni Ali bcame ruler. Conquest on timbuktu. Buit empire bigger than Mali. Nephew took bower and became Askia the Great. Conquerred by Morrocans.

Japan's imperialism

Invaded Manchurai in northern China in 1931. Claimed Chinese attacked railway enar Mukden in japan. The Mukden Incident in contraersial. Carried out by Chinese dissidents or agents of Japanese military. Japan gave up membership in League of Nations to acquire Manchuria. Nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shek allied with Communists against Japan. Japn took control of Nanjing and over six-weeks had the Nanjing Massacre or Rape of Nanjing. Japan looked to expand into Siveria but looked elsewhere after nonagression apct. Wanted SE Asia but after economic sanctions by US, Us threatened to stangle its economy and undercut its military expansion.

Victory in Japan

Invading Japanese homealnd would have come at enormous causalties. Truman's advisors split on wheather to use atomic weapons. Truman decidd for it dropping first atomic vomv on Hiroshima leading to death of more than 100,00 civilizans and dropped second bomb on Nagasaki killing another 40,000. Japan unconditionally surrendurred on August 14th. V-J day on September 2nd.


Invasion of Central Asia and Middle East by this man set stage for rise of Turkic empires. This man moved out of Samarkand to make conquests in Persia and India. Euraisan steppes were birthplace of ghazi ideal, model of warrior life blended with cooperative values of nomadic culture with willingness to serve as fighter for Islam. Massacred 100,000 indus. Brought encouragement of learning and the arts. Empire fell, except for descendent Babur to take over Mughal dynasty, invasions showed significance to gunpowder. However, didn't leave effective political structure in conquered areas.

Advancements of Chinese

Invented paper in 2nd century CE and used wood-block printi9ng. Carves block of wood so that carved parts of wood reappear as blank spaces on page. Artists coats remaining parts with ink. Increased literature with rpivlaged classes. First "Renaissance Men." and many poets. Landscape painting also popualar.

Safavid Empire

Ismail, mliitary hero of 14 or 15, conquered Iran and was first shah in 1501. Shia Islam was unifying force and denied legitamacy to Sunnis. Hostilities with Ottomans. Fighting between them kept both from beocming threat to Europe. Shah Abbas I was shah at its hieght. Imported weapons from Europe and Europeans advised troops aout mlitary technology. Beautified capital of Isfahan. Traded with Portguese at Stait of Hormuz. Gained control of strait with help of British. Weak economy bc of ineffectual leaders after him. rebellion in 1722 which sacked Isfahan and the leader, Mahmud became Shah of Persia. ottomans and Russians took land and replaced by Zand dynasty in 1760.


Isolated from outside influences. Traded with Chinese carried out by regional lords. Maintained isolation with shogunates. Finally allowed to trade with US when faced with naval pressure. japan opened itself to Western technology and avoided interference that Chiense and Ottomans experienced. Modernized rapidly. Had antiforeign feeling. emperor was just figurehead as oguns, military dictators ruled. However, they became unable to govern with conflict in Euorpe and critics. Lords of provinces adopted western military tech and forced resignation of shogun with last abdicating in 1867. Set up empire including parts of China, Korea, SE Asia, and islands from 1890s until end of WWII. Used to get more natural resources

Kublia Khan

Last grandson of Khan. Set sight on China ruled by Song. More formidle opponent. Armies spent years of 1235-1271, trying to conquer china. In 1260, this man became Great Khan and defeated chinese 11 years later. Established the Yuan dynasty there. Very skilled at governing large diverse territory and religously tolerant. Most chiense enjoyed rule of Great Khan and brought prosperity to China.

Second Industrial revolution

Late nienteenth and early twentieth centuries. Develpoments in steel, chemicals, precision machinery, and electronics. harnessing of electrical power led to electrification of street lighting and electric speed trains. Other tech were telephone and wireless communication and radio


Many African independence movemnts including this country. Negotiated independence with GB. First sub-saharan country to gain independence in 20th cenutry. President Kwame Nkrumah took office and responsible for public works and development project.s Promoter of Pan-Africanism. Founded organization of African Unity in 1963. Gov;t overthrown in 1966. OAU repalced by African Union with 53 nations.

Chinese religion.

Many bleiefs in Daoism and Confucianism as well as Buddhism. Buddhism introduced through Xuanzang. Buddhism crossed with Taoism in many awys. Created Chan Buddhism or Zen Buddhism. Popularity spread with monastaries everywhere. Tang ordered shut down of buddhist monastaries bc it took away from state religion. Song more friendly to it though. Neo Confucianism came with ideaas of Buddhism.

Great Depression

Many citizens died after war even with victory and lost a lot of money. Central powers had even greater losses with Germany unable to payback money causing inflation. Fracne and Britain couldn't repay wartime loans from US. Soveits refused to pay Russia's prevelutionary debts. This ended stability with Agricultural overproduction and US stock market crash in 1929. Investors who put money in Germany's banks removed it. Germany had bank failures. Colonies failed bc they depnded on thier imperial nations. Japan suffered bc it depended on foreign trade. Exports cut in half. New ideas came from John Maynard Keynes. COncluded that intentional gov't action could improve economy. Governments used deficit spending to stimuate economy. By cutting taxes and increasing spending, gov't would spur economic growth. In 1932, 30 million people out of work. Unemployment increased, international trade declined, more tarrifs. Japan got itself out of it quickly by lowering value of money to foreign countries. Japanese made products becaem less than imports. Expansionionsim increased need for military goods stimulating the economy.

Chinese republic

Many united behind empress in 1899, but Qing fell in 1911 when overthrown by revolutionary movement. Republic estalbsied with Sun Yat-sen as first leader. Wanted principles of democracy, naitonalism, and livelihood. Wanted soverignty for those who were able. Nationalism meant patriotoism and loyalty. Livelihood meant an end to unequal distribution of wealth and economic exploitation. He never ruled and warlords controlle dmajority of country However, ideas formed naitonalit party. Kuomintang ruled much of China for decades. Many Chinese emigrated for colonies looking for labors. Became indentruad servants in Mexico and Australia. Us had many chinese creating Chinatowns but Congress baned futher immigration with Chinese Exclusion acts.

Mexican Revolution

Mexico ruled by dicator Porfirio Diaz allowing resources udner control of foreign investors. 97% of land was ruled by wealthy 1%. Diaz jailed his oppoistion Francisco Madero who escaped and set up revolutionary offices. Under control of Villa, defeated Mexican troops sending Diaz to exile. Mexican consitution made in 1917 to help land redistribution, universal suffrage, and public education. Naitonalized oil industry under Lazaro Cardenas in 1938.

Causes of War

Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, nationalism. Militarism celbrates war and military. European powers competed for dominance and GB and Geramny bult up their militaries heavily. Influeced by public view of waras a festive competition. Nations also had secret alliances who secretly agreed to protect ne another when attacked. WHen one attacekd, others stood up in protection. Triple Entente of Germany, Britian, and Russia created. Triple Alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy(who would switch illegiances). Imperialism was naions asserting power and generating wealth in other colonies. Driving force behind tensions of assassination. Scrambled for any oversea countries.

Zheng He

Ming Emperor Yongle sent this Muslim admiral on fist of 7 voyages in 1405. Traveled to Indonesia, Ceylon and areas on Indian Ocean, to Arabai and to east coast of Arica. Displayed might of Ming dynasty to rest of the world. 300 ships with 28,000 people. Opened new markets for Chinese goods. Brought exotic treasures back to China with first giraffe in China. Brought new understanding of outside world. Controversy with voyages. Confucianism promoted stable agrarian lifestyle and scholars worried greater interaction and trade threatened China's social order. yongle's son Zhu Gaozhi thought expeditions were too expensive. Ended this mans travels and discouraged Chinese from sailing away form Chiana. Voyages stoped pirate activities off coast of China.

Kiev and Christianity

Missionaries came. Conversion succeeded in 989 when Prince Vladimir the great married sister of Byzantine empeor and converted to Orthodox. Accepted idea of imperial control of Church. Peasants still pagan. During 10th/11th century, golden age. Vladimir expanded borders and son Yaruslav was also great. Promoted education and codified legal system of Russian Justice. Traded with Baghadad and byzantine. Princes demanded mroe and more peasants. Created expeditions for slaves.

Ottoman Empire

Modern day turkey to Balkan areas and parts of N Africa and SE asia. Largest Islamic empire. Warior aristocracy. Advisors to king, Viziers, were influential. Merchants and artisans formed small middle calss. Poor peasants beneath them. Slaves captured by barbary pirates in Mediterranean and people were impressed, or forced into service. Tolerance toward Jews and Christains. Invitaiton from Mehmed II for jews kicked out of Spain in 1492. Jews and Christians could worship only with taxes. Spaniards and Venetiasn defeated ottomans at Battle of Lepanato. Weak sultans and strong neighbors followed. Became "sick man of Europe."

Homo Sapiens sapiens

Modern humans who first appeared in East Africa between 200,000-100,000 years ago. Survived by hunt9ng animals and gathering seeds, nuts, fruits, and edible roots. Kown as hunter-foragers or hunter-gatherers. Migrated for food. When encountering new enviorments, people developed new cultural patterns or technology. Climate change also forced migration. By 10,000 BCE, humans on every contient.

Capetian France

Monarchies developed in Late middle ages including this in France. Nobles chose Hugh Capet as king. Area was called gaul by Romans and part of Charlemagne's empire. Hugh Capet's land became "Kingdom of France." Capet had little power though and Phillip II would be first to have bureaaucracy. Philip IV created Estates-General with clergy, nobility, and commoners. But they had little power too.

Enlightened Despots

Monarchs who were enlightened in ideas of serving in interest of subjectss. Tolerant toward all religions but suppressed dissent using secret police forces to spy on critics. Ruled wihtout legislature. Included Fredrick the Great of Prussia, Maria Theresa of Austria, Napoleon, and Catherine the Great of russia. Gunpowder empires were became less progressive and more despotic. Despots were tyrants.

Social structure of China

Most lived in rural areas. Urban areas grew though. Most urbanized land in world. New social class called scholar gentry who outnumbered aristocracy. Theese people were educated in Confucian philosophy and became most influential social class. Below them were artisns, farmers, craftsmans, and merchants. Merchants lowest because they didn't produce anything nwew. WOman were subordinates. Practiced foot binding.

Han Dynasty

Most significant emperor was Han Wudi (141-87BC) Supposted confuianism, created national university. Silk roads, paper, calendar, and farming. (Iron plow and rice). Decline happened from Yellow Turban rebellion and overthrown in 220 CE.

Effects on Colonial Lands

Movements brewing for decades in South Asia and West Africa. Imperial powers shown as not invincible. Principle of self-determination in Fourteen points gave hope that they would be closer to self-rule. Would earn respet from Europe to begin decolonization. Big Three of George, Wilson, and Celmenceau not interested in freeing colonies. Wilson refused to speak with Ho Chi Minh which fueled strong nationalists movements.

Other effects of WWI

Movements in Korea. 2 out of 17 million people in Korea protested. Protested for Japan to leave. Japanese killed several thousand in March First Movement. Japan claimed right of infleunce in Shandong PEninsula in NE China. Shina supported ALies and wanted Shandong. GB and France sided with Japans. Chinese staged anti-Japanese demonstations with May Fourth Movement symbolized China's naitonalism and demand for democrach. Chinese rejected WEstern-governent and sided with Marxist movement. Protests in Korea and China led to growth of nationalism. They were part of trend including breakup of empires in Europe and success of Communism.

German Unification

Movements strengtheend bc of oppostion to French occupation of German states under Napoleon. Revoltuions of 1848 bc of nationalism and liberalism. Prussian leader Otto von bismark used nationalist feelings to engineer three wars to bring this unification. Manipualted Austria to participate in war of Prussia agaisnt Denmark, and Prussia against Austria. Manipualted France to declare war against Prussia. Beat French easily and gained territory Bismark created new empire of many territories in war including Alsace-Lorraine. Kaiser Wilhelm I wasw head of new empire but Bismark, as chancellor, had great influnce over gov't. Created first social insurance law with pensions, compensation for injuries and illinesses to undercut unions. Forced to resign after kaiser Wilhelm II inherited thone.

Catherine the Great

Or the II. Married to Peter III and took throne after death. Had to learn Russia and join orthodox Church to become ruler. Used ideas from Western European philosophes to codify Russian laws and end torture. Resistance from boyars. Exempted boyars from taxes and state service. Allowed landwoners to exert more cntrol on movement of serfs after failed rebllions of peasants. Expansion thorughout Russian Empire. thorugh Russo-Turkish ars, Russia gained territory along Black Sea and annexed Crimean peninsula from ottomans. Expanded beyond Ural mountains into Capsian Sea. joined Prussia and Austria in Partition of Poland to divde poland amongst themselves. Political struggle with ottomans with expansion.

Ivan IV

Or the terrible. Expanded borders eastward taking over Kazan, Astrakahn, and Siberia. Relied on gunpowder. Built St. Basil's Cathedral. Stroganovs, landowners, allowed to hire peasants, cossacks, to fight local tribes. Gained control of Volga and Caspain Sea. After his reign, they made it to Pacific, then to Alaska, and to California. This man established Oprichnina, paramilitary force loyal to him. Helped control boyars. Killed his son and left Russia wihtout heir. Killed all inhabitants of city.

Social Structures of Africa

Organization of kinship, age, and gender. Dominated by men, women engaged in agriculture and gathering food. Some female empowerment. No hijab even with Muslim community. Slavery from prisoners of war, debtors, and criminals. WOman worked with slaves. More slaves with trading. many sugar plantations. Some slaves revolts like one by Ali bin Muhammad and Zanj Rebellion. Culture showed thorugh art and music.

roman Expansion

Organized armies made. Citzenship given as reward to suppplying troops and triute to Rome. Captured city states from Etruscans and entire Italian peninsula in 275 BC. Extended into Greek colonies. In four wars from 215-148, Rome defeated Macedonia and took remains of Alexander's empire. Moved and conquered gual(France). Bigg conflict with Carthage and fought in 3 Punic Wars. Both Wanted control to Mediterranean Trade. Captured Carthage in 146 destroying city, enslavign population, and salitng land to make infertile. Ending war with complete destruction today is Cathagianina peace. Victory gave big empire for Rome.

Egyptian religion

POlytheistic. Had Ra, Osiris, and Isis. gods represented by statues and idols. Gods present in object,s offerings made to win protection and facor. Believed in life after death. First only to pharaohs and then to people and animals. People mummified by removing organs, drying body with slats, and wrapped in cloth. Then put in cofin. Culture developed during Old, Middle, and New Kingdoms. Largely inact when ruled by outsiders


Paloelithic people developed system of religious belifs around worhsip of gods associated with forces of nature. Beief of animals rivers and other elements of nature embody sprits called these.

Iron Curtain countries

Polish workers demonstrated against USSR for better living conditions. Wladyslaw Gomulka came to power and pursued indepndent domestic policy in Polan but ocntinnue to be loyal to USSR. Hungary had protestors wanting to declar freedom from USSR. Leader Imre agy supported them and wanted to become uetural. USSr responded by invading hungary and gaining control. Czech reached peak in Prague SPring when Alex Dubcek increased freedom of speech and press. Wanted more democracy. Armies of USSR crushed this and said it threateaned them as socialist countries.


Political centralization not common in South Asia. After Gupta collapsed in 550 CE, disunity in next 1,000 years. Southern more stable then northern. Succeded in overcoming political regionalism and fragmentation for periods after Gupta

Science in Egypt

Pyramids .and temples were enginering marvels. Cut massive stone blocks using construction in disticnt quarries in desert and tranported hem to cnostruction site. Put blocks on ramps ot their place. Math/engineering allowed them to create these pyramids. Number system of 10. Fractions made. Knowledge of geometries helped build pyrmids, restore boundaries of fields after flooding. Claender of 365 days. Created to track stars for religious purposes and monitor flooding. Mummifcation gave them knowledge of human body. Physicians able tos et broken bones, amputate limbs, and stich wounds. Soaked cloth in hoeny to prevent infection. Plants and herbs relieved pain to treat asthma. Average life span 35 years, 1/3 died in infancy.

Chola Kingdom

Reigned over Southern India. 850-1267. Rule expanded to Ceylon/Sri Lanka. Ships traveled in South China Sea.


Religion included Chavin cult. Father of the Moche, they were located in present day Peru in the Andes mountains. 900-300 B.C. Disorganized and not very advanced.


Resistance against white and Mau Mau carried terro campaigns against GB. Mau Mau gained support and GB gave indepndence in 1963. Progress was slow. Had one politiccal party, (name) Africna National Union. Daneil Moi took control. IMF threatened to withddraw loans if corruption continued. Still many attacks today.


Revolution ended in 1917 with emerging Institutional Revolutionary Party. Uprisings of students in 1960s. Political system is corporatists sicne ruling PRI claimed favors. Improvement in econeomy and gov't nationalized oil industry beocming 2nd larges state owned company in the world. Porverty still hgih, large-scale immigaration, NAFTA encouraged industries to build factories, economy effected by fluctuating price of oil, majority of Mexicans were Roman atholics, and there is a lot of drug cartels and drug trafficking

Minamato Clan

Rose to power in 12th-16th century. Noble families battled over estates and recruited samari. Feudal society ruled Japan for hundreds of yearss. Daimayo had more power than nobility in Europe did though.


Rose to power in 1804. Created popualr changes of equla taxation, Code Napoleon allowing equal rights, trail by jury, fredom of religion, public school system, archaelogical expeditions in Egypt, French legion of honor, promoted gov't and military officials on merit, made peace wiht pope in 1801. Was despotic. Defeated armies of Russia, Prussia, and Austria. Occupied northern Italy. Ended Austrian dominated Holy ROman Empire. German states became Confederation of Rhine. made relatives rulers in satellite natons like Spain. Downfall from insitutating Contientnal system, internaitonal embargo of British trade.

Incan Culture

Royal ancestor veneration. Dead rulers mummified. The name of this means people of the sun. Each god had own temples and priests. Priests consulted before important actions. Sacrafices were offered. Serious tragedies called for human sacrafices. Some element of animism. Developed quipa, system of knotted strings for numerical information. Developed terrace system for crops. good road builders.

Zhou Dynasty

Ruled for 900 years. First 200 were Golden Age, or period of relative peace, propserity, and innoveation. Sucess resulted from kings' abilties to centralized and hold pwoer bringing stability to reigion. Expanded territory under control, making reach of dynasty much larger than Shang's. Introduction of Mandate fo HEven, idea of rulers power from gods Kings were sons of heavens. Invasions showed they weren't madte of Heaven. Expansion so big could not be contorlled directly. Regions created under control of relatives or lyal friends. Like city-states. Rulers governed as they wished, payed tasxes to kings, and provides soldiers. Allainces w other kings to protect kincdom. Feudalism created based on mutual defense agreements. Broke down as regional authorities asserted themselves. Some stopped sending taxes and soldiers forming their own armies. Iron weapons allowed regional rulers to go against rulers. By 800 BC, kings lost control. Uprisings and invaions weakened control. By 400, kings had little power outside own city state. Other states also fought for control of themselves

Social Japan

Samaruai decline with many unemployed. Some became ronin, samurai without masters. Warrior class included daimyo, samurai, and ronin at top of pyramid. Below warrior were peasants and farmers, then aritsans and merchants. Merchants seen as parasites because of Confucian ideas because they made profit off of work of others. Merchants were wealthy, however. bottom rung of society was Eta, class comparable to untouchables in India. Silk production flourished. Art and literature prospered. Europeans came with missionaries who converted many. New christians destroyed Buddhist chiriens and regent Hideyoshi banned Christian worship. People couldn't travel abroud. Europeans would return in 1800's.

Babylonian Empire

Several centuries after Sumer, new weapon in Mesopotamia called bow.Bow had wood with animal bone or honr to amke stronger and deadly. Gave first users advantage. In 1900 BC, Persians from IRan took control of Mesopotamia called these. Controlled large territory called empire

kinship group

Several related families that moved together in search of food. May inc. 20-40 people. Nearly slef-sufficient. Traveled on thier own. Often part of larger group of relatives called clan. SOmetimes clans formed tribes. Tribes may not be related. People tied through trade in tribes. Through trades in goods and peoples, ideas spread. People learn new mthods for making tools, thoughts on religion, and new infor about world.

Bolivar Revolutions

Simon Bolivar was born in 1783 in Venezuela. Got wealth from revolutionary causes and fought agaisnt Spanish successful Achieved formation of large area called Gran Columbia. Was president of modernday Columbia, Venezuela, Ecuador and parts of PEru, Guyana, and Brazil. Then split up after his death. Jose de San Martin got Chile and Volivia free. Was liverator of Argentina and Protector of Peru. Many new republics all around Latin America. Brazillians became ree bcause King John VI's son Dom Pedro sided wih Brazillians and let it become indepndent. He was there emperor. Many of these nations that were idnependent became monarchies however.

Decline in Empire

Size and strenth fell. Population went from over 1 million to 100,000. Silk road brought epidemics like smallpox and measles and other plagues. . Kileld one quarter of population in cities. Would spread again later too. Decline in trade too and slower economic activity. Armies mutinied and trading was less safe. Increasing demand for lumber led to deforestation and demand for food led to overgrazing. Visgoths setled in Rome. However, Huns led by Atilla moved into Gau. Bisgoths sacked rome in 410. Last roman empire replaced by Germanic ruler Odovacer in 476. Remains of empire stayed in Constantinople.


Sleeping giant of Latin America. Ruled by Getulio Vargas and industrial policies. Grew at rapid pace but Vargas stipped indicidual freedoms. Sided with Allies in WWII. Made it look less like a dictatorship than it actually was.


Smaller less centralized states developed in early middle ages including these. Were Germanic. King Clovis was first to unite all of these tries and first catholic ruler of frnaks. Heirs unstable. Charles Martel lader ruled them and defeated Muslims at Battle of Tours. Founded Carolingian Dynasty and ruled from 731-741. Son Pepin consolidated power with help from pope. His son Chalamagne ruled kingdom from 768-814. Named emperor ofRomans by pope in 800. Foreshadowed coming of Holy Roman Empires.


Social gatherings of European intellectuals in homes of rich. Also met in coffeehouses.

Utopian Socialism

Socialism System of public ownership or direct worker ownership of means of production like mills. Those who followed this thought they could seet yp ideal communities. These people included Claude Henri de Saint Simon who advocated for public works and had idea to build Suez Canal, Charles Fournier who made work more enjoyable and workers less tired, Roert owens hwho se thtese up at NEw Lanark and new Harmony, and Louis Blanc who worked to get France to make naitonal workshops. Socialists called Fabian Soceity formed in england.

Technological innovations

Soieties advanced as people adopted new tools and skills. Some advances frm another place or made indpendently. People learned of new technology thorugh trade, war, or forms of contact. To store food and water, invention of waterproof clay pots and improved rilling stick by creating plow which coud by pulled by oxen or other animals which cultivated crops esier. Development of wheel with axle revolutionized transportation and trade. Whelled cart transport load with 3% EFFORT NEEDED TO DRAG IT. Added wheels to plow making planting corps easier. Textiles made, items of cloth. People learned metallurgy, science of study of metals. Metals replaced stone tools and weapons with ones form metal, first used copper, then bronze. Bronze age would come form 3300-2300 BC>


Some h. unter-forager culture learned how to grow crops by putting seeds into ground. Gave up nomadic way to stay in one place and take up this, pratice of raising crops. Learned to plant, tend, and harvest crops. Had surplus. Developments in this occured first in lands east of Mediterrranean Sea. Diets less diversified. People in area would grow just one or two crops and would eat foods prepared with those crops at every meal. People still hunted and gatered

After Muhammad

Some wanted father in law or son-in-law to rule. AbuBakr, fathe rin law won and became caliph or head of state. Guided islam and dictated Quran. Son-in-law, Ali, became 4th caliph. Abu Bakr supportes became Sunnis and Ali supportrs became Shiites who consider Ali first caliph. Sunni most popular. Shia also popular in Iran and Iraq. Caliphs conquered Arabian penisnula, spread culture, and seized land from Byzantine and Sassanids. Some religous conversion but tolerance. Ali ruled form 656 until assassination in 661

Hitler's demise

Spent final days of war in undergound shelter in Belrin. Lived in delusion that Germany would win. Hitler commited suicid on April 30th, 1945. Mussolini had been killed by Italian resistance two days before. Germany surrendured and May 8, 1945 marked official end of war in Europe known as Victory in Europe day or V-E day.


Spread beyond Europe for identity under one go't which hadn't existed before. magellan calimed 7,000 islands off of southeast caost called Phillipenes. Filipinos had strong national identity to become free of Spain. Freed slaves from US and from slave ships settled in LIveria. People began indentifying as Lierians lading to calsh between descendents of native Africans and decendent of slaves. Shapes how people view themselves and their political allegiances

Truman doctrine

Statement that US would do what it had tto do to stop spread of Communism. Pledged support to countries the USSR wanted to convert to communism. Marshall plan spent 12 billion on providing relief and to rebuild infrastructure in Europe. USSr would aid Eastern Europe in COMECON. Germany was divided into main allied antions and the 3 capitalist countries made it into one country. Soveits set up blockade in Berlin to prevent supplies from entering city. Allied created west germany and societs made east germany

Civil Wars in Rome

Strong roman military leaders competed for rule of Rome. First happened with Gaius marius, Pompey, and Ceaser who were all powerful and sucessful generals with loyal truths. Next generation would be Mark Antony and Octavian or Agustus. Conflict reached decisive point in first century BC. Ceaser, nephew of Marisus, drove Sulla from city. Caesar was popularis, strength form common people nad armies to powerful. Defeated pompey at battle of Pharlusus. Became dictator in 46 BC. Accomplished major reforms, added to conquets, but killed on Ides of March shen Brutus killed him. Caesars adoptive son, Octavian defeatd antony at Battle of Actium


Struggled to maintain idenity and culture. Fought off attempted invasion of Japan with help of Ming. Manchu took over in 1630s. Except for links with china, isolated from rest of the world earning title of hermit Kingdom. Kept langugae to keep form becoming completely absorbed by China. However, adapted Chinese characters for writing. Adaptations hard to learn and write. king of Korea in 1444 ordered scholars to create an alphabet. New writing symobls creating making its system of of the easierst to learn.


Student of Socrates, kept teacher's ideas alive. Opened Academy where students taught to question nature of ideas like good, evil, justice, and beauty. Wrote dialogues, teachigngs of socrates and puupils. The rebultic published y him where he describes ideal society. Plato didn't advocate democracy.

Other rulers of Ottomans

Sultan Selim III was a reformist. Wanted to reform army and beaurecracy. However Isalmic scholars and Janissaries resisted reforms. Selim's limited his new military of only 10,000 men. Used European formations, weapons, and tactics. Was excecuted. Muhmad II abolished corps of Janissries who opposed him. Abolished feudal systems. Military officers couldn't collect taxes. Built more roads.


Surplus of food led to creation of these institutions. People led to work together to clear land and provide irrigation to crops. If community provided suprlus, powerful leaders required to supervise how it was used, soldiers need to protect t from other groups. Priest needed to supervise religiosu ceremonies and to explain how behavior and rulings of leaders were based onr eligious doctrines. Leaders of farming communities/towns developed earlies froms of this. WElathies were most powerful.

Jahan and Aurangzeb

Taj Mahal built by former as tomb for wife. Combined arts of Islam with local arts for structure distinguished by decorative geometric designs. Ladeer is former's son. Inherited empire weakened by corruption and weak military compared to competitors. Hoped to incr size and bring all of India under Muslim rule. With expansion, treasury drained and unable to put down peasant uprisings. British took political power away in 1800's.


Taming wild animals called domestification. Used these animals to provide food or labor. People then kept hereds of animals for grazing. This is a way of life based on epople moving herds of animals from pasture to pasture. These people were mobile and had controlled food supply. Moved regularly. Helped spread ideas and traded goods

Mehmed II

The conqueror. Established empire's capital in Constantinople after ending Byzantine Empire. Changed name to Istanbul. Controlled Bosporous Strait. Grew even more beautiful and expanded both across both sides of strait. Bosporous connected Agean and Black Sea. Topkapi Palace began construciton under this man. Strengthened the navy and attacked areas of italy. While mamluk dynasty declined, Istabul became center of Islam. Used system of devshrime where chritian boys had to serve under Ottoman gov't. After converting to Islam, taught various skills. Provided path of upward mobility in empire.

Ivan III

The prince of Muscow thre off "Mongol yoke" by not paying tribute to them. Mongols couldn't enforce collection and he became the first tsar. Ivan married neice, Zoe, of Byzantine emperor which gave him legitimacy over Orthodox Church. Gained control of many city-states. Moscow became major trading center for furs and timber. Kiev decreased with importance. Noble landowning class, boyars, were at top of social pyramid. Below were merchants than peasants, and then serfs who received plot of land and protection form nobles. Serf was bound to land. Used feudalism

Joseph Stalin

Took control of Politburo, Communist;s central organzationa dn became dictator. Remained in power for 30 years. Instituted Five Year Plan to transform USSR into industrail powers and catch up with the West. Collectivized agriculture, taken from landowners and given to groups of peasants to work on. Each year gov't seized food to sned to cities. Many peasants starved to death but ehavy industry grew temendously. This man punished political opponents by killing them. Rapidly industrailized and increased military power. Some experimentation in literature. In 1930s, gov't promoted socialist relaism. Done to show advantages of socialism.

French Revolution

Wanted liverty, equlaity, and fraternity. Ideas popular though writings of philosophes. France was in major debt from wars agaisnt Britain. Estates-General met in 1789. First estate, clergy, and second, nobility paid no tax. Taxation on common people, third estate. Louis XVI couldnt raise oney to finance large and inefficeint gov't. Hadn't met for years. First and Second outvoted the htird and thrd withdrew to declare intention to remain apart of national assembly. took tennis court oath calling for constitution to limit kings power. A crowd stomred bastille when they were thretened. July 14th of 1789 brought adoption of decleration of Rights of Man declaring basic human rights. Civil constitution of Clergy abolished special privliges for clergy. With nobility and Louis XVI rejecting it, reign of tterror followed

Russian serfdom

Wars weakened gov't and increased power of nobles. Harsh condition for these. Heavy taxation on peasants which caused them to become this. Kept peasants under control. Expanded with Russian territory. While Europe's serfs were free, Russians were tied to land.

Japan's mistakes

With rapid victories in pacific, they took a surpise attack on Perl Harbour. Many losses were big and Japan took Phillipenes from US and many other foreign colonies. US declared war. Thought its attack would prompt US to negoitate a settlement. Instead, isolationism vnaished overnight and public wanted retaliation with Japan. GB and China joined in their fight. Hitler than declared war on US. Colonial powers joined allies with an increase from 200,000 to 2.5 million soldiers. WWII was a total war. US mobilized very well. Had more production of resources. Enlistment at an unprecedented rate. Germany was less sucessful.


With scientific Revolution and humanims, thinking was optimistic. Used application of reason to natural laws and rights wresulting in infinite project. Emphasized man's accomplisments in discovering laws of natural world. Religion less used. Deism emerged. God as clockmaker. New ideas of socialism, conservatism, and liberalism. Clash of these ideas led to revolutions for indepndence or to break up empires. This developed form antionallism.


With weak persia and divided greece, new poer arose hear with Phillip II uniting Greek city=states and conquering Asia Minor. Conquered all city-states but Sparta. Assassinated in 336 by son Alexander.


Won independence, fell under control of strong leader and became single party state. War for indpendence began in 1954, and National LIveration Front used guerilla techniques to expel French. War broke out again in 1962, first president of this republic overthrown by millitary. FLN continued power under different leadership. Civil war in 1991, and Abdulaziz Bouteflika became president. More inclusive of insurgents.

Alexander the Great

son of Phillip II. Had a 13 year campaign, extending greek influence to india. Cemented relaitons in area by marying Persian women and urging enerals to do the same. Founded Alexandria, the center of Hellenistic culture and major seaport. Ptolemy dynasty would build largest library in aincient world there. Greek culture became widespread with his conquests. Alexander died in 323 at age of 32 ushering a time of chaos. central adminsitration of emprie collapsed wiht lack of heir. Generals battled and establishe donw kingdom. Selucids in Asia, Ptolemies in Egypt, and smaller ones in Asia minor, Sparta, and Athens. Eventually fell to Romans.

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