AP World History Study Guide: Unit 4

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Give examples of how state expansion and centralization led to resistance from groups on a local level.

Ana Nzinga's Resistance, Metacomb's War, Fronde

What factors caused the Columbian Exchange?

-Advanced technologies -Universalization of Christianity -The finding of the New World -Knowledge of currents and monsoon patterns and the great dying

What were the impacts of the trans-Atlantic slave trade on the Americas?

-Chattel slavery -Immense size of the traffic in slaves -Largely based on plantation agriculture -Treated enslaved people as a form of dehumanized property -Enslaved people lacked any rights in society Status was inherited across generations -Atlantic slavery was identified wholly with Africa and race for the first time ever

Describe mercantilism.

-Economic gain for the mother country -Encouraged exports -Accumulation of silver and gold -Raw materials extracted from colonies -Finished goods and services are sold/traded to colonies

How did joint-stock companies allow European states to consolidate and maintain power in their colonies?

-Encouraged investments by making it safer and less risky -Charters with their government allowed them to buy, sell, build trading posts, and make war in the company's' best interests

What factors drove the demand for chattel slavery?

-Expansion -Need for labor -expanding Western economy

Describe the impact of the Columbian Exchange on the Eastern Hemisphere (Old World). Include both positive and negative outcomes.

-No immunity to old world diseases -Slave rebellion -Environmental issues from new technologies and foods

Describe the Columbian Exchange.

-The columbian exchange was started by Christopher ---Traded luxury items -Places involved: Europe, Africa and Asia → North America -Americas → Europe, Africa, and Asia -The Great Dying (caused labor shortages) -Colonization, universalization of Christianity

Describe cultural syncretism that occurred as a result of the Atlantic trading system.

-The lady of guadalupe: She was viewed as a native and spanish -Vodun/Vodou: viewed as catholics dancing around and making sacrifices. Was mainly practiced and originated in West and Central Africa

What is the encomienda?

-a Spanish encomendero was granted a number of native laborers who would pay tributes to him in exchange for his protection. -enslave Native Americans and the purpose was to use the slaves as a labor source. -as encomenderos ignored the laws and revolted against any attempt to weaken their power of their laborers.

What were the impacts the trans-Atlantic slave trade on West Africa?

-Trade -Goods

What is a hacienda?

-working on the land in debt in some way or another so that they could not leave the land that they were working. -The hacienda system was established to keep people that were in debt working on a piece of land -workers revolted against the landlords and started defending their rights.

What continuities in economic and labor systems existed in the 1450 to 1750 time period?

Economic and labor systems that existed during the -1450 to 1750 time period were -Encomienda -Chattel Slavery -Russian Serfdom -Inca Mita -Indentured Servitude -Hacienda

How was the use of slavery in this time period different from slavery in previous periods of history?

In the past Europeans would use indiginous people as slaves, but because of the Great Dying and other diseases, indigenous people were soon killed off. As times grew, slavery also began to be associated with race.

Describe the difference between the trading-post empire established by the Portuguese in the Indian Ocean and the colonies they established in the New World.

Indian Ocean: based on manufactured goods, there were many people who made a living there, more industrialized/urban Colonies: plantations - with slaves, communities were sprinkled out, priests and Jesuits prioritizing conversion of the natives

Describe the isolationist policies of China and Japan. Why did they enact these policies? What were the long-term outcomes?

Japan: Shoguns and the government viewed the Europeans as a threat. Excelled christian missionaries, executed missionaries who didn't give up their beliefs, ban western books, shoguns forbade japanese to travel abroad, only the dutch could trade (only at one port), ban european travelers and merchants

Give an example of a society that gave differential treatment to a group or groups within their empire.

Jesuits, white farmers in North America

What continuities in networks of exchange existed in relation to the 1200 to 1450 time period?

Mediterranean network (was navigated by currents), Trans-Saharan network

What were some of the economic outcomes of European maritime exploration (positive and negative).

Negative- disease, environmental issues = more money spent towards fixing problems Positive- new products were traded, more wealth was put into joint stock companies, plantation farming was more popular, new alliances were forged

Describe the impact of the Columbian Exchange on the Western Hemisphere (New World). Include both positive and negative outcomes.

Negative: disease, environmental issues, slave rebellion, silver was taken from the Europeans (nothing as valuable was returned) Positive: increase in population, food supply increases, live stock altered environment (providing meat, milk, hides, and wool, etc)

What were the economic factors that drove maritime exploration by Europeans?

New world silver and gold, plantation farming, joint stock companies, Columbian Exchange

Explain the first global economy embodied by the trade in silver.

North and South America, Afroeurasia: The Columbian Exchange really started the widespread demand on New World silver. It was a source of currency and a luxury material that was used for jewelry and even some weapons.

What specific states supported maritime exploration in this time period? Give specific examples of states and what they did to support exploration.

Portugal (agricultural products), Spain (agricultural products), Netherlands (animal products), France (animal products and manufactured products), England (manufactured products), 13 colonies (manufactured products), coast of Africa (slave trade) - All empires supported slave trade and the Columbian Exchange

What is the mit'a system and how was it exploited by the Spanish empire?

The mit'a system was a system established in order to construct buildings or create roads throughout the incan empire

How did the Ottoman and Mughal Empires attempt to accommodate the ethnic and religious diversity of their empires?

The sultan and the government administered the diverse population by using millets. Millets were administrative groups used to organize religious groups.

What changes in networks of exchange existed in relation to the 1200 to 1450 time period?

Trans-Atlantic slave trade (slavery based on race and hierarchy), joint stock companies, more knowledge on current patterns

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