APA Exam

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On reference page, centered at the top should be the word

"References" (continue pagination)

Starting at the title page, what should be in the upper left hand corner?

"running head: abbreviation of title"

Elements of a book reference

Author(s) last name, initial, initial, period (commas between authors names until last author and insert &) Date of publication of the book Title of the book in italics Location of the publisher: name of the publisher

For a book Example

Fink, L. D. (2003). Creating significant learning experiences. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

If you happen to have more than 6 authors

IN TEXT CITE THIS ARTICLE WITH Wasserstein et al. (2005). Do not list all 6 authors in-text.

The first line of the reference is to the ________ margin, and subsequent lines are ____________

The first line of the reference is to the left margin, and subsequent lines are indented

All papers written in APA format have

a title page in-text citations reference page

Where should your name appear?

after the title

Header should be on second page, flush left in _______ ________. Title of document is ________ _________ on this page, centered

all caps first line

On reference page, author's names should be

as listed on the journal. Do not alphabetize names w/in reference. Should be listed in same order as article. Last name, initial, initial, period. When you reach the last author, insert an "&" before their name

What do you capitalize in the journal title

capitalize the first letter of each word in journal title with 3 or more letters.

All characters in running head are


^ following the authors(s), insert the

date of publication for article following the date, insert the title of the article. Only the first letter of the first word of the title is in capital letters (unless there is a subtitle) Ex: Cavanagh, S. J., Hogan, K., & Ramgopal, T. (1995). The assessment of student nurse learning styles using the Kolb learning styles inventory. Nurse Education Today,15, 177-183.

Do not include a _______ with the "retrieved from" information.

date. The date is the date of the publication, NOT when you retrieved it

Entire document should be

double spaced

If you have taken a direct quote from the source, you must cite the

exact page number from the source and the quote must be in parentheses Ex: Kolb defined learning as "the process whereby knowledge is created through a transformation of experience" (Kolb, 1984, p. 38).

If included, where should the abstract be?

follows the title page

Page numbering should be in

header, flush right

Journal title should be

in italics Ex: DeCoux, V. M. (1990). Kolb's learning style inventory: A review of its applications in nursing research. Journal of Nursing Education, 29, 202-207.

If citing three or more authors

include all names the first time it is used in text (up to 5 authors) and date Subsquent times, use the first author's name followed by et al. Ex:First time: (Cavanagh, Hogan, & Ramgopal, 1995) Second time (and throughout rest of paper): (Cavanagh et al., 1995)

Every paragraph should be


After the volume number, insert

insert the page numbers for that article

Following the journal name, insert

insert the volume number. Only use the issue number if each issue of the journal begins with page 1

With subtitle

just capitalize first letter of subtitle.

If you have two or more sources to support an idea in your paper in-text,

list them alphabetically, separated by semicolons Ex: (Cavanagh, Hogan, & Ramgopal, 1995; Hawks, 1992; Kolb & Kolb, 2008).

after your name should appear the

name of the institution where you are when writing

If no abstract, the first page following your title should

start the text of your document.

Pagination starts on which page and on which side?

starts on the title page, flush right

Do not split one page of references,

the full reference should start on the next page

After the authors name, date, and title of article is

the name of the journal

If you access an online source, the

the retrieved from information should be included Ex: National League for Nursing. (2003). Innovation in nursing education: A call to reform. Retrieved from http://www.nln.org/aboutnln/ PositionStatements/innovation082203.pdf

Where are these 3 elements (title, name, institute) placed on page?

they are centered about halfway down the first page

If you list _______ or more items in a sentence, place a comma before the "and"


Insert _________ spaces at the end of each sentence after the period


Do not include "retrieved from" unless

unless this is an online only source

If your citation is not for a direct quote, the author's ______ and _______ are needed

Author's name and the year of publication

Margins should be

1 inch all around

The title should be no more than ________ words


If your direct quote contains _____ words or more, it must be set off in a block


Running head should be no more than ______ characters


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