APA format- 1st quiz

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true or false, for the main body text, the title should be centered and not bolded.

false, should be bolded

does a student paper require an abstract page?

Student papers typically do not require an abstract (see p. 30 APA 7th manual). Check your assignment or clarify with your professor

what are the 4 major sections your essay should have?

Title page abstract main body reference

true or false, in a hyphenated compounded word, the second word in a hyphenated word should be capitalized


true or false, if you are citing a work with two or more authors- in a parenthetical citation- the authors citation is at the beginning.

false, at the end EX: When examining potential climate threats, "Understanding the occurrence and impacts of historical climatic hazards is critical to better interpret current hazard trends" (Depietri & McPhearson, 2018, p. 96).

difference between parenthetical and narrative-style citation-- when direct quoting?

parenthetical citation, include the author, date of publication, and page number at the end of the quotation narrative-style citation, include the author's last name in the signal phrase, with the page number at the end of the quote.

difference between parenthetical and narrative-style citation-- when paraphrasing?

parenthetical citation- author name and year at the end. Narrative- include author and year at beginning of paraphrase

true or false, The proper use of APA style also shows the credibility of writers; such writers show accountability to their source material


true or false, in regards to the abstract page in a professional page, the abstract should be 150 - 200 words and should be an accurate and concise


true ot false, in regards to the main body portion, text should be double spaced, identify sources iin the paper, narrative citations or parenthetical , format tables and figures


true or false, if you are citing a work with two or more authors- in a narrative citation- the authors citation is at the beginning.

true EX: According to scientists Depietri and McPhearson (2018), "Understanding the occurrence and impacts of historical climatic hazards is critical to better interpret current hazard trends" (p. 96).

true or false, if a parenthetical citation inculded two or more works- you should order them in the same way they appear in the refrence list

true EX: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet (Adams, 2018; Collins, 2017).

What does APA regulate?

-Stylistics -In-text citations -References

your essay should include what? Select all that apply: A. Tears B. Sweat C. typed D. double space, 1-inch margins E. 13 pt font F. 10-12 pt font G. printed H. be written onto stone

Answer --> A <-- •Be typed • Double-spaced • Have 1" margins • Use 10-12pt. Standard font (ex. Times New Roman) • Be printed on standard-sized paper (8.5"x 11")

when citing an unknown author using the title, when do you use quotation marks and when do you italicize ?

Articles and Chapters = " " Books and Reports = italicize

in regards to the reference page, when should you capitalize the first letter in a reference page?

Capitalize only the first letter of the first word of a - title and subtitle, - the first word after a colon or a dash in the title - proper nouns.

when making a reference of authors, what is the correct way the authors names should be written?

Invert authors' names (last name first followed by initials)

in regards to the reference page, what should be italicized?

Italicize titles of longer works such as books and journals (refers to where your journal came from) * not the title of the paper*

language in a APA paper should be what?

clear, concise, plain

for in text citations, what is the difference between a parenthetical citation and a narrative citation

parenthetical citation: the page number follows the year of publication, separated by a comma, and with a lowercase p and a period. (Atkins, 2018, p. 12). narrative citation: the page number comes at the end of the sentence, once again preceded by a lowercase p and a period Atkins (2018) suggests that the Purdue OWL is a good resource for students (p. 12).

when are you able to you et al?

three or more authors

difference between professional and student papers?

Professional papers are those intended for academic/commercial publication, while student papers are those written for credit in a course

what is the biggest diffrence between Qualitative and Quantitative?

Qual: scientific practices Quan: empirical and numerical information

difference between quantitative and qualitative articles?

Quantitative Articles: • Report quantitative research, which uses empirical and numerical information often analyzed through statistical means. Qualitative Articles: • Report qualitative research, which uses scientific practices to learn more about human experiences that cannot be numerically quantified.

true or false, APA format prefers the use of third person pronouns over first person pronouns

false, it is first person. APA prefers this

true or false, the use of APA style is used to protect the reader from purposeful or accidental use of source material by other readers without giving appropriate credit.

false, the use of APA style can protect writers from plagiarism—the purposeful or accidental use of source material by other writers without giving appropriate credit.

true or false, Student papers require running headers

false, they do not

true or false, the reference titled should not be bold and centered, double spaced, flushed left, alphabetically

false, title should be bold.

when citing personal communication, how should citation occur?

•Include the communicator's name, the fact that it was personal communication, and the date of the communication. •Narrative citation: EX: B. E. Anderson (personal communication, January 8, 2020) also claimed that many of her students had difficulties with APA style. •Parenthetical citation: EX: One teacher mentioned that many of her students had difficulties with APA style (Anderson, personal communication, January 8, 2020).

When citing two or more works by the same author and published in the same year- how should this be distinguished?

•Use lower-case letters (a, b, c) after the year of publication to order the references.

how should you cite a work with an unknown author?

•Use the source's full title in the narrative citation. •Cite the first word of the title followed by the year of publication in the parenthetical citation.

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