APEH Chapter 16 Multiple Choice

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Before the Scientific Revolution, Europeans' view of the universe was based on the ideas of:


All of the following astronomers contributed to the destruction of the Aristotelian view of the universe except:

Bernard de Fontenelle

All of the following were causes of the Scientific Revolution except:

the active support of the papacy

In his Essay Concerning Human Understanding, John Locke claimed that:

human development is determined by education and society

In 1748, following the War of the Austrian Succession, Louis XV's finance minister created and outcry among French nobles, clergy, and wealthy town dwellers by:

imposing a 5% income tax on all Frenchmen

_________'s Progress of the Human Mind tracked nine stages of human development.


One of the few attempts to link theoretical science with applied science took place at"

Gresham College

________'s Persian Letters satirized French society.


Which of the following was published first?

On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres, 1543

Rousseau's concept of the "general will" asserts that:

authentic, long-term needs of the people can be correctly interpreted by a farseeing minority

Madame du Chatelet:

believed women's limited contribution to science was the result of unequal education

According to its editor, the fundamental goal of the Encyclopedia was to:

change the general way of thinking

Immanuel Kant argued for:

freedom of the press

The "enlightened" policies of Frederick II of Prussia included all of the following except:

freeing of the Prussian serfs

A striking feature of the salons was that:

philosophes, nobles, and members of the upper middle class intermingled

________'s Historical and Critical Dictionary displayed his skepticism.


The Enlightenment reached its highest development in France for all the following reasons except:

French scientists and universities were the most preeminent in the Scientific Revolution

According to ___________'s theory of inertia, rest is not the natural state of objects.


In general, what was Voltaire's attitude toward government?

He believed that a good monarch was the best one could hope for

Which powers participated in the partitioning of Poland in the late 18th century?

Prussia, Russia, and Austria (RAP)

The two men generally given credit for creating the modern scientific method were Francis Bacon and:

Rene Descartes

___________ reduced all substances to "matter" and "mind"

Rene Descartes

The Parlement of Paris was:

a high court

D'Holbach's System of Nature presented:

a mechanistic, atheistic philosophy

Catherine the Great of Russia came to power in 1762 through:

a military coup

Hapsburg Emperor Joseph II abolished serfdom in the Austrian Empire in 1781. What was the outcome of this reform?

after Joseph II's death in 1790 serfdom was more or less reinstated

After the death of Louis XIV, the French parlements:

effectively challenged royal absolutism

Galileo's greatest achievement was his:

elaboration and consolidation of the experimental method

The primary purpose of Fontenelle's Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds (1686) was to:

popularize the findings of the Scientific Revolution

Copernicus's theory of the universe:

postulated a sun-centered view of the universe

Mendelssohn argued that:

reason could complement and strengthen religion

To improve the rural economy and lives of the peasants, Empress Maria Theresa:

reduced nobles' power over their serfs

All of the following were important trends of Enlightenment thought except:

religion too could be analyzed using Enlightenment theories, and eventually religious truth could be known

The accomplishments of Frederick II included all of the following except:

restructuring the Prussian social system

The illegal book trade in France featured all of the following types of literature except:

technical journals on agriculture and industry

Empiricism emphasized:

the actual observation of phenomena

In his Spirit of Laws, Montesquieu argued for:

the separation of governmental powers

The concept of the "reading revolution" refers to:

the shift from reading out loud texts perceived as authoritative to reading many different texts rapidly, silently, and individually

Before 1500, science was primarily a branch of:


All of the following played a role in the erosion of French absolutism except the:

theories of Charles Montesquieu

The key feature of Newton's system was the law of:

universal gravitation

Joseph II's conversion of labor obligations to cash payments:

was opposed by both nobles and peasants

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