APES Chapter 6

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Which country has the highest death rates?


Replacement-level fertility

Is always two children per couple, to replace themselves, in order to achieve zero population growth

Educational and clinical services that help couples choose how many children to have and when to have them is referred to as

family planning

During this stage of the demographic transition population growth levels off and then declines as birth rates equal and then fall below death rates.


During the state of demographic transition population growth is slow because both death and birth rate are high.


Population change is calculated by: 1- Birth rate - death rate 2- Total fertility rate - life expectancy 3- Immigration - emigration

1 and 3 only

Which of the following are characteristics of countries that have high TFR's ? 1- Women marry at a young age 2- There are high literacy rates for women. 3- The society is mostly urban.

1 only

Although it has declined steadily since 1900, the infant mortality rate in the United States is still higher than most developed countries. Reasons for this include: 1- Inadequate health care for poor women 2- Drug addiction among pregnant women 3- High birth rate among teenage population

1, 2, and 3

Since 1980, China has moved 300 million people out of poverty. This has caused: 1- A sharp rise in the crude death rate 2- An increase in the ecological footprint of China 3- A decline in natural resource degradation

2 only

Which of these is a predicted outcome as the baby boomer generation reaches age 65? 1- The retirement of baby boomers will lead to a shortage of workers. 2- Retiring baby boomers will vote to increase taxes to pay for Social Security 3- Baby boom individuals will find work in geriatrics

2 only

Which country do you think has the best health care?


Which country has the highest life expectancy?


Many sub-Saharan African countries have populations that have been impacted by the AIDS epidemic. Which of the following statements best describes the age structure diagram of these countries?

A large percent of the population in the pre-reproductive age group with a sharp decline in the number of people in the 15-49 year old age group.

A characteristic of stage 3 of the demographic transition shows

Declining birth and death rates

A county with an age structure that has a high proportion of postreprodoctive individuals is

Declining slowly

Some individuals argue that one way to reduce the environmental impact of the United States would be to

Decrease legal immigration

The three key factors that lead women to have fewer and healthier children are

Education, employment our of the home, rights for women

A country with an age structure that has a high proportion of prereproductive individuals is

Expanding rapidly

Experiences in Japan, Iran, Thailand, and South Korea have found that the best way to slow population growth is through a combination of

Family planning, reducing poverty, and elevating the status of women.

In 1798, Thomas Malthus hypothesized the collapse of the human population. What factor proved Malthus wrong and led to the continued increases in the human population?

Food production increased at an exponential rate

Why has the human population experienced exponential growth in the last 200 years?

Human developed the ability to expand into diverse new habitats

Demographer use many values to rank the overall health of a population. The two most useful indicators of the overall health of people in a country or region are

Life expectancy and infant mortality rate

Which correctly describes the term demographic transition?

The transition from high birth rates and death rates to low birth rates and death rates as a country develops.

The average number of children a woman typically has during her reproductive years is her

Total fertility rate (TFR)

Which two countries had the largest number of people in 2008?

china and india

The name of the people that could live on the planet in reasonable comfort and freedom without impairing the ability of the planet to sustain future generations is the

cultural carrying capacity

This pyramid would be typical of a...

developing country

Which has NOT been a major cause of the population explosion?

increase in birth rates

Name that population pyramid?


In 2006, the population growth rate of developed nations was 0.1% and the rate in developing nations was


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