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Motor vehicle drivers paying for the full cost of the harmful effects of fossil fuel use is the application of the ____. a. precautionary principle b. polluter-pays principle c. environmental justice principle d. human rights principle e. public access principle


Natural and anthropogenic sources of ____ contaminated groundwater are a global problem that results in hundreds of thousands of premature deaths. a. lead b. arsenic c. cadmium d. manganese e. magnesium


Oil sand is made up of all of the following except ____. a. sand b. natural gas c. bitumen d. clay e. water


Oil shale and tar sand as energy sources have some disadvantages. What is not one of these? a. releases carbon dioxide and other air pollutants when produced and burned b. low potential supplies c. low net energy yield d. severe land disruption e. high water use


One advantage of bioremediation over physical and chemical methods of cleaning up hazardous wastes is that ____. a. it doesn't create any byproducts b. it is cheaper c. it doesn't require permitting d. it is faster e. the plants create natural habitats for organisms


One of the most important and effective ways to reduce flooding is to ____. a. build floodwalls b. preserve and restore wetlands c. straighten and deepen streams d. build dams e. encourage people to build on floodplains


The slowest of the earth's cyclic processes is the ____. a. phosphorus cycle b. rock cycle c. hydrological cycle d. nutrient cycle e. carbon cycle


The underground system of caves and porous rock that result from water dissolving limestone is a form of geology known as a. Basin and range b. Karst c. Gneiss d. Igneous e. Metamorphic


The world's largest collection of freshwater spring is located where? a. Netherlands b. Florida c. American Northeast d. South Africa e. American Southwest


A complex network of glands that release tiny amounts of hormones into the bloodstream of humans and other vertebrate animals is the ____. a. endocrine system b. immune system c. digestive system d. excretory system e. circulatory system


A complex network of glands that release tiny amounts of hormones into the bloodstream of humans and other vertebrate animals is the ____. a. endocrine system b. immune system c. circulatory system d. excretory system e. digestive system


Almost 72% of the world's reserves of oil shale are found in ____. a. the United States b. Russia c. Iraq d. Ukraine e. Canada


Which of the following ecosystems is least likely to suffer disruption and species loss from climate change? a. temperate oak-pine and oak-hickory forests b. high elevation mountaintops c. coral reefs d. coastal wetlands e. alpine and Arctic tundra


Which of the following is a non point source of water pollution? a. a logged forest b. a factory c. a sewage treatment plant d. an active or inactive coal mine e. an electric power plant


Which of the following is a transmissible disease? a. tuberculosis b. heart disease c. asthma d. malnutrition e. cancer


Which of the following is an effect of urbanization? a. The concentration of people helps to preserve biodiversity. b. Birth rates are higher in the overall population. c. Infant mortality rates are higher in urban areas. d. Recycling is less economically feasible. e. More emissions are produced from the use of mass transportation.


A geographic region that contributes all of its surface water to a river system in known as a. A river valley b. A basin c. A hydo-land unit d. A waterpark e. A basket


A global outbreak of an infectious disease is called a(n) ____. a. epidemic b. pandemic c. parademic d. threat e. outbreak


A social institution through which goods and services are produced, distributed, and consumed to satisfy people's needs and wants, ideally in the most efficient way possible is a(n) ____. a. network b. economy c. capitalistic system d. market e. socialistic system


A warmer world is least likely to result in ____. a. decreased food production b. increased moderate weather c. spread of tropical diseases d. a rise in sea level e. reductions in biodiversity


Acid deposition is best classified as a(n) ____. a. national problem b. regional problem c. state problem d. international problem e. local problem


Research indicates that the BPA in plastics can leach into water or food when the plastic is ____. a. older than five years b. at room temperature c. heated to high temperatures d. exposed to basic solutions e. chilled below freezing temperatures


Tectonic plates can move in opposite but parallel directions along a fracture or fault at a boundary called a ____. a. convergent plate boundary b. divergent plate boundary c. transform fault d. subduction zone e. mantle fault


Teratogens ____. a. cause allergic reactions b. cause infections c. cause harm or birth defects to a fetus or embryo d. are fatal to humans in low doses e. are harmful because they are irritating to skin or lungs


What do scientists use to show the locations and sizes of various rock formations that may contain oil? a. satellite maps b. topographic maps c. 3-D seismic maps d. geologic maps e. tables of drilling information


Which of the following is not a good solution for water waste? a. Irrigate with treated urban waste water. b. Avoid growing water-thirsty crops in dry areas. c. Discourage organic farming. d. Line canals bringing water to irrigation ditches. e. Use night irrigation.


Which of the following is not a primary goal of a dam and reservoir? a. To supply water for irrigation b. To produce electricity c. To clean the water supply d. To provide recreational activities e. To reduce downstream flooding


Which of the following is not true of heating a house with passive or active solar energy? a. very low carbon dioxide emissions b. moderate to high net energy c. low installation and maintenance costs for active systems d. very low land disturbance e. moderate cost for passive systems


Which of the following is the primary gas in natural gas? a. ethane b. butane c. methane d. hydrogen sulfide e. propane


Research going back three decades shows that ____ causes people to overestimate risks and to worry more about unusual risks than they do about common everyday risks. a. degree of optimism b. evaluation c. optimism bias d. fear e. instant gratification


Reusing items over and over provides several advantages. What is not one of these? a. saving money b. cutting greenhouse gases c. creating local jobs d. reducing bacterial infections e. cutting waste


Satellites can be used by scientists to detect changes in ____. a. water quality b. irrigation efficiency c. water demand d. groundwater supplies e. aquifer density


Although Portland's population increased by 38% between 1980 and 2011, its urban area expanded by only 2%. This illustrates the use of ____. a. permitting restrictions b. regressive taxes c. strict zoning laws d. mixed use neighborhoods e. urban growth boundaries


At a certain depth, the area where the spaces in soil and rock are completely filled with water. What is this depth called? a. an aquifer b. the bedrock c. the water table d. surface water e. the zone of saturation


Because of the rising prices of many metals, there is now particular interest in pursuing mining in what location? a. Antarctica b. The Arctic Circle c. China d. Under volcanoes e. The ocean floor


Burning coal, along with removing pollutants from the emissions, results in the accumulation of several substances. What is not one of these? a. lead b. arsenic c. radioactive radon d. mercury e. uranium


Putting in a well near a stream can reduce the amount of water in a that stream due to a. Surface water underuse b. Surface water overuse c. The "cone of hydrology" d. Injection pressure e. The "cone of depression"


Radioactive ____ is a product of uranium decay. a. lead b. plutonium c. radium d. hydrogen e. radon


Some people believe the sun has become hotter and is responsible for global warming. Data about which of the following disputes that claim? a. projected surface temperature of the sun b. air currents at low altitude c. air currents at high altitude d. ocean currents e. the stratosphere being cooler than the troposphere


A characteristic of exponential growth is that the growth ____. a. starts off slowly, but at some point, increases at a very rapid rate b. starts at a very high rate and gradually declines over time c. increases very rapidly at first and then plateaus d. increases very rapidly at first and then slowly continues to climb e. increases at a steady rate over time


Tuberculosis is caused by ____. a. bacteria b. viruses c. protozoa d. flies e. mosquitoes


A body of water can be depleted of its oxygen by ____. a. organic wastes b. organic compounds such as oil, plastics, solvents, and detergents c. viruses and parasitic worms d. inorganic wastes e. sediments and suspended matter


Photochemical smog is formed when primary pollutants interact with ____. a. sunlight b. sulfur dioxide c. carbon d. water vapor e. oxygen


Carbon dioxide (CO2) levels are closely correlated with temperatures. How does the timing of CO2 changes correspond to temperature changes? a. CO2 levels change first, and temperatures lag behind. b. Temperatures change first, and CO2 levels lag behind. c. As CO2 levels decrease, temperatures increase. d. CO2 levels and temperatures always change at exactly the same time. e. Temperatures are relatively stable despite fluctuating CO2 levels.


Cities generate large amounts of heat because of factories, cars, lights, air conditioning, and dark roofs. This creates a phenomenon called ____. a. urban heat island b. heat stroke c. light pollution d. heat pump e. greenhouse effect


Dead zones are characterized by a lack of ____. a. oxygen b. chlorine c. phosphorus d. nitrogen e. fecal material


Desalination has a number of problems. What is not one of these? a. reduces soil salinization on irrigated lands b. has a high energy cost c. requires massive amounts of energy to pump seawater through pipes d. requires disposal of resulting salty wastewater e. kills marine organisms through water sterilization chemicals


Developing countries use many low-tech methods for irrigation. Which of the following is not one of these? a. using monoculture instead of polyculture farming b. planting deep-rooted perennial crop varieties c. rainwater harvesting d. mulching fields e. harvest fog with fog catcher nets


Experts suggest in the next few decades, we will probably shift from our current model of producing electricity to which of the following? a. de-centralized micropower system b. a highly de-centralized macropower system c. a highly centralized macropower system d. a central, megasystem e. some new, unforeseen system


Garbologists have discovered that trash in landfills is slow to decompose. Why is this? a. Trash is compacted so tightly that sunlight, water, and air are unable to reach it. b. Methods of determining this are faulty; waste in landfills does decompose quickly. c. Trash is compacted so tightly that the warm temperatures foster the growth of mold. d. Measures enacted to prevent landfill pollution slow decomposition. e. Trash is constantly mixed and turned over by bulldozers.


Greenland's glaciers contain what percentage of the world's freshwater? a. 10% b. 12% c. 5% d. 2% e. 3%


Groundwater is primarily stored in underground ____. a. aquifers b. wells c. basins d. water tables e. rivers


In Europe, more than half of all cars run on diesel, primarily because ____. a. diesel engines are 40% more efficient b. it bums more slowly c. diesel engines are less heavy d. diesel is less expensive e. it produces less smoke


In Florida the largest user of freshwater is a. Agriculture b. Public water supply c. Industry d. Hydroelectric Energy e. Recreation water use


In the U.S., drinking water quality is primarily regulated under the ____. a. Safe Drinking Water Act b. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act c. Groundwater Purification Act d. Water Quality Act e. Clean Water Act


It would be ineffective to prevent lead poisoning by ____. a. banning the use of lead pencils in schools b. banning the use of lead solder c. banning lead glazing on ceramic ware used to serve food d. phasing out waste incineration e. banning candles with lead cores


Major climate models predict ____. a. a 2- to 4.5-degree centigrade rise in earth's mean surface temperature by 2100 b. the falling of global sea levels c. humans do not play a role in the changes in global temperature d. sea level rise of 10 meters is most likely e. lower temperature rises are only possible with drastic greenhouse gas increases


Making the shift to more sustainable economies will require governments, schools, and industries to a. develop business schools that include sustainable business planning b. greatly decrease spending on research and development c. decrease spending on scientific and engineering education d. give all students a basic economic education e. include neoclassical economic concepts in educational curricula


Many energy analysts argue that one of the most important steps that governments can take to level the economic playing field for energy resources is to ____. a. phase out subsidies and tax breaks for fossil fuels and nuclear power b. keep prices low on fossil fuels until they run out c. provide no subsidies for any energy resources d. pass regulations making it more difficult to use fossil fuels e. require the use of solar powered water heaters


Markets do well in the production and distribution of private goods, but are not so good at ____. a. public services b. accumulating resources c. developing strategies d. distribution of resources e. protecting sources of information


Materials that are recycled into products of the same type are undergoing ____. a. primary recycling b. open loop recycling c. industrial recycling d. post-consumer recycling e. secondary recycling


Most of earth's climate occurs in the ____. a. troposphere b. tropopause c. mesosphere d. thermosphere e. stratosphere


One effect of zoning in cities is that it can ____. a. be influenced by developers b. encourage high density development along mass transit c. reduce air pollution d. reduce automobile use e. control population growth


Outputs of hazardous waste can be reduced by relying less on ____ and more on ____. a. fossil fuels; renewable energy b. fossil fuels; nuclear energy c. governments; citizens d. citizens; governments e. preventative strategies; renewable energy


Part of the environmental wisdom worldview proposes that success involves ____. a. learning how nature sustains itself and integrating this into our actions b. understanding nature to dominate, change, and manage it c. economic growth, development, better management, and technology d. managing the earth by dominating, changing, and managing the earth for everyone e. managing the earth's systems for ourselves


Permanent damage to the ears begins after prolonged exposure to ____ decibels. a. 85 b. 105 c. 66 d. 142 e. 120


Policy expert Lester Brown argued that security goals can be most effectively achieved by ___. a. making environmental security a major focus of diplomacy and government policy b. limiting immigration c. investing more money in education and healthcare d. providing for effective defense forces e. encouraging investment by foreign companies


Respiratory illnesses in developing countries are most likely to be caused by ____. a. particulate matter b. formaldehyde c. asbestos d. cigarette smoke e. chloroform


Sanitary landfills typically have problems with ____. a. traffic, noise, and dust b. open, uncovered garbage c. spread of disease d. rodents and insects e. odor


Sick Building Syndrome is not correlated with ____. a. lung cancer b. depression c. chronic fatigue d. headaches e. coughing and sneezing


Since 1980, Arctic Sea Ice has ____. a. decreased in volume and surface area b. decreased in volume, but increased in surface area c. not changed in volume or surface area d. not changed in volume, but decreased in surface area e. decreased in volume but not changed in surface area.


Solar cells have many advantages. What is not one of these? a. electricity storage systems readily available b. little or no direct emissions of carbon dioxide c. moderate net energy yield d. easy to install and expand as needed e. competitive costs for newer cells


Some economists warn that, even if the population stabilizes, the environmental impact per person is likely to increase. Which is the best explanation for why would that happen? a. The middle class will continue to grow and per person consumption will increase. b. Historic use of natural resources has created a tipping point that will necessitate higher consumption to maintain current living standards. c. Governments will seek to maintain growth by encouraging ecologically risky strategies. d. The working class will be essentially excluded from the economy and will be forced into less advanced methods of production. e. The upper class will increase its consumption to preserve its advantages.


Studying the earth's living systems to find out what works and what lasts, and then looking at how we might copy such earth wisdom, is a pioneering science called ____. a. biomimicry b. biosimulation c. bioimitation d. biofascimile e. bioreplication


Surface mining, when compared to subsurface mining, ____. a. disturbs more land b. causes subsidence c. produces less waste material d. is more expensive e. is more dangerous.


The Clean Water Act could be strengthened by ____. a. allowing citizens to bring lawsuits to ensure that water pollution laws are enforced b. giving responsibility of monitoring and enforcing water pollution laws to private companies c. establishing national pollutant standards d. focusing on end-of-pipe pollution removal e. requiring septic tank permits


The Grameen Bank specializes in providing ____. a. microfinancing at very low interest rates b. financing for ecologically related large projects c. loans to corporations that help the poor d. grants to not-for-profit organizations e. loans to governments to help the poor


The Lyme disease bacterium is passed onto humans directly from ____. a. ticks b. foxes c. deer d. white mice e. field mice


The Northern Aral Sea has partially recovered due to ____. a. a dike that blocks the flow out of the Northern Aral Sea b. increased rainfall in the northern region c. a restriction on withdrawing any water from the Northern Aral Sea d. rainwater harvesting e. recharging the Sea with groundwater


The U.N. International Seabed Authority began issuing seabed mining permits in what year? a. 2011 b. 2001 c. 2010 d. 1990 e. 1999


The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that the wind farms in North Dakota, Kansas, and Texas could meet the electricity needs of ____ a. the population of the lower 48 states b. the populations of their states c. the population of the western United States d. the population of all the United States e. 50% of their populations


The biggest air pollution threat to poor people is ____. a. indoor air pollution b. badly maintained automobiles c. dust blown into the air d. smoke from burning forests e. pollutants from industry


The minimum period of time for measuring climate, rather than weather, is which of the following? a. 30 years b. 2 weeks c. 6 months d. 1 year e. 10 years


The most populous city in the world is ____. a. Tokyo-Yokohama b. New York City c. Mexico City d. Sao Paulo e. Mumbai


The primary aim of the Clean Air Acts is to ____. a. set standards for pollution levels b. set aside or protect certain species, resources, and ecosystems c. encourage resource conservation d. require evaluation of the environmental impact of an activity proposed by a federal agency e. require screening of new products for safety and setting standards


The primary aim of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act is to ____. a. encourage resource conservation b. require screening of new products for safety and setting standards c. set aside or protect certain species, resources, and ecosystems d. require evaluation of the environmental impact of an activity proposed by a federal agency e. set standards for pollution levels


The traditional measurement of the annual economic value of all goods and services within a country is called the ____. a. GDP b. GNH c. GNP d. HPI e. NIH


The weakness of electric cars is their ____. a. batteries b. price c. maintenance cost d. slow acceleration e. noise level


There are four major problems associated with the use of the Colorado River's water. Which one of the following is not one of those problems? a. The river gets most of its water from mountain snow melt. b. The river does not have much of a flow considering its size. c. Water seldom makes it to the mouth of the river. d. The Colorado River basin includes some of the driest areas in the U.S. e. Mexico and the U.S. have agreed to take more water than is in the river


Water vapor is a greenhouse gas and has higher concentrations in the atmosphere than CO2. Why then is CO2 considered to be the primary greenhouse gas? a. Additions of CO2 increase the amount of water vapor the atmosphere can hold which amplifies warming. b. Lower levels of water vapor drive increases in CO2 concentrations. c. Water vapor has a much longer residence time in the atmosphere than CO2. d. Additions of CO2 decrease the amount of water vapor the atmosphere can hold which amplifies warming. e. Water vapor concentrations are decreasing while CO2 concentrations rise.


Wetlands, estuaries, mangrove swamps, and coral reefs are examples of ____. a. coastal environments b. pelagic zones c. deltaic deposits. d. ocean habitats e. groundwater reservoirs


What are a series of large waves generated in the ocean by an earthquake, landslide, or volcanic activity? a. tsunamis b. seismic waves c. quake waves d. rollers e. pipe waves


What environmental worldview is seen by critics as focused on short-term economic benefits with little regard for long term harmful consequences? a. free-market school b. planetary management c. environmental wisdom d. human centered school e. no-problem school


What is a strategy recommended by environmental economists to help make the transition away from unsustainable economic growth? a. Fine tune existing economic systems and tools. b. Provide tax supports to fossil fuel processors. c. Substitute ethanol or natural gas for oil. d. Provide businesses with profits even though unsustainable. e. Continue economic growth for the jobs.


What is an advantage of deep-well disposal of liquid hazardous wastes? a. Wastes can often be retrieved. b. Waste production is discouraged. c. A large number of safe sites are available. d. Well casings are non-corrosive. e. Carbon dioxide and other air pollutants are not emitted.


What is an example of reducing our ecological footprints? a. sharing tools and other consumer goods b. incorporating adequate ventilation in houses c. increasing meat consumption d. decreasing mass transit use e. buying inorganic foods


What is gray water? a. used water from showers, sinks, dishwashers, and tubs b. water that has been used for irrigation c. water that is not needed d. water that can never be used again e. water that comes from the faucet


What is one breakthrough material in the materials revolution that is being used for bridges and buildings? a. graphene b. limestone c. plastics d. zinc e. potash


What is the most efficient means of water delivery to crops? a. trickle or drip irrigation b. diagonal-pivot systems c. low-energy precision-application (LEPA) sprinkler systems d. center-pivot sprinkler systems e. gravity-flow canal systems


What is the zone of hot, partly melted rock that flows and that can be deformed? a. asthenosphere b. core c. lithosphere d. mantle e. crust


What percentage of e-waste components contain materials that could be recycled or reused? a. 80 b. 60 c. 40 d. 15 e. 20


What percentage of the world's water supply is liquid freshwater that is available to living organisms? a. 0.024% b. 20% c. 24% d. 0.000024% e. 10%


What proportion of Grameen Bank loans have been repaid? a. 95% b. 15% c. 55% d. 35% e. 75%


What term refers to harmful chemicals emitted directly into the air from natural processes and human activities? a. primary pollutants b. secondary pollutants c. tertiary pollutants d. direct smog e. photochemical smog


What type of rock is formed from the weathered remains of other rocks? a. sedimentary b. metamorphic c. organic d. igneous e. mineral


What water pollutant is measured, and has been measured for decades, in well water from northern Florida? a. Nitrates b. CFCs c. Phosphates d. Mercury e. DDT


When an oceanic plate collides with a continental plate, the continental plate usually slides up and over the denser oceanic plate, pushing it down into the mantle, a process called ____. a. subduction b. trenching c. convection d. production e. induction


When compared to burning coal directly, producing synfuels has several disadvantages. What is not one of these? a. Supplies are quite low. b. Synfuels have lower net energy yield than conventional coal. c. Production and burning of synfuels could release 50% more carbon dioxide. d. Synfuels require greatly increased use of water. e. Producing synfuels requires mining 50% more coal.


When measuring the water table depth as it relates to how well the plants use that water, there are three critical points. What is the name of the point below which if the water table drops, the plant will expire a. Extinction depth b. Drowning point c. Most efficient point d. Minimum depth point e. Expiration depth


Which branch of government is responsible for overseeing the agencies that carry out government policies? a. executive b. legislative c. military d. judicial e. administrative


Which environmental NGO worked with McDonald's to redesign its packaging system to eliminate its plastic hamburger containers? a. The Environmental Defense Fund b. Greenpeace c. Friends of the Earth d. Natural Resources Defense Council e. The Audubon Society


Which environmental NGO worked with a German manufacturer to build a refrigerator that does not use the potent greenhouse gases called HFCs as coolants? a. Greenpeace b. Friends of the Earth c. The Environmental Defense Fund d. The Audubon Society e. Natural Resources Defense Council


Which of the following could be an agent of change that contributes to more sustainable living? a. environmental literacy b. increased product consumption c. proliferate use of natural capital d. less stringent pollution controls e. diminished dependency on wind energy


Which of the following countries intends to become the first carbon neutral country by cutting its net carbon emissions to zero by 2030? a. Costa Rica b. Canada c. Mexico d. United States e. Nicaragua


Which of the following is an important principle of inquiry and debate in science? a. Scientists can never establish absolute proof about anything, but rather, a high degree of certainty. b. Scientists pick and choose facts to support their own claims with little fear of repercussion. c. Scientists find it essential to base their arguments on facts as well as intuition and preference. d. Scientists often test rival theories by planting disinformation as a strategic approach. e. Scientists use backroom deals and often-changing unwritten rules to exert influence.


Which of the following is considered to be a success? a. 1992 Copenhagen Ozone Protocol b. 2012 Rio+20 Earth Summit c. 1992 Rio Earth Summit d. many international environmental treaties e. many climate change conferences


Which of the following is not a means to cool a building naturally? a. building orientation to catch the sun b. light-colored roof c. open windows to catch the breeze d. awnings, window overhangs e. a living roof


Which of the following is true about green taxes? a. Seventy percent of voters support green taxes when they are explained. b. U.S. Congress has introduced and passed green taxes because of lobbyists. c. Green taxes cost jobs. d. Green taxes reduce economic competitiveness. e. Green taxes fail reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.


Which of the following is true of natural gas? a. It emits less carbon dioxide than other fossil fuels. b. It is pumped into pressurized tanks at deep sea oil rigs. c. It is easy to transport. d. It is found more in the U.S. than in Russia. e. It has a high net energy ratio.


Which of the following is true of nuclear powered electricity generation? a. low CO2 emissions b. higher land disruption than coal c. requires no subsidies d. reduced supplies of uranium e. low net energy yield


Which of the following refers to tools and materials such as machinery, materials, and factories? a. manufactured capital b. natural capital c. artificial capital d. development capital e. human capital


Which school of economics views the earth's natural capital as a subset, or part, of a human economic system? a. neoclassical b. capitalistic c. socialistic d. ecological e. classical


Which statement about ozone thinning is true? a. Ozone levels fluctuate seasonally, with the lowest levels occurring in September and October. b. Ozone thinning was addressed by countries around the world at the 2010 Montreal Accords. c. Ozone thinning is irreversible since there are no substitutes for CFCs. d. Ozone thinning only affects organisms living in polar regions. e. Ozone thinning is confined to the atmosphere over Antarctica.


Which toxic substance is often used to extract gold and results in harmful environmental effects? a. cyanide b. sulfur dioxide c. carbon dioxide d. fluoride e. acid mine drainage


Which worldview is based on a belief that the best way to manage the planet for human benefit involves minimal government interference and regulation? a. free-market school b. no-problem school c. spaceship-earth school d. stewardship e. ecocentrism


Which worldview is exemplified by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in the management of refuges protecting habitats and breeding areas for waterfowl and big game? a. stewardship b. environmental wisdom c. planetary management d. free-market school e. no-problem school


Which worldview proposes that when we use the earth's natural capital, we are borrowing from the earth and from future generations? a. stewardship b. planetary management c. free-market school d. spaceship-earth school e. environmental wisdom


What percentage of the commercial energy used in the United States is wasted? a. 64% b. 74% c. 94% d. 84% e. 54%


Any energy resource with a low or negative net energy yield cannot compete in the open marketplace with other energy alternatives with high net energy yields unless it is ____. a. the only source of energy b. subsidized by the government or some other funding source c. advertised through the appropriate channels d. valued by long-term customers e. stamped for approval under federal regulations


Approximately 75% of the world's tar sand resources are located in which country? a. The United States b. Canada c. Ukraine d. Russia e. Iraq


Before the 1980s, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) were primarily used as ____. a. buoyancy gas in blimps b. coolants in air conditioners and propellants in aerosol cans c. ingredients in fire extinguishers and propellants in aerosol cans d. ingredients in bleach and propellants in aerosol cans e. coolants in air conditioners and industrial solvents


Burning coal will produce pollutants such as ____. a. carbon monoxide, ozone and water vapor b. carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and soot c. carbon dioxide, soot and ozone d. carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and water vapor e. sulfur dioxide, soot and water vapor.


By promoting mass transit, biking, and walking, the city of Portland has saved its residents how much in transportation costs? a. $100 million b. $1 billion c. $1 million d. $10 billion e. $10 million


By the year 2025, how many of the world's people are likely to lack access to clean water? a. 4 billion b. 3 billion c. 2 billion d. 1 billion e. 7.9 billion


Chlorofluorocarbon (CFCs) molecules can stay in the stratosphere for ____. a. 1-5 years b. 65-385 years c. 500-1,000 years d. 50-75 years e. 10-20 years


Consumers of recycled products are most effective when they maximize the amount of ____ waste in the products they buy. a. post-producer b. post-consumer c. producer d. pre-producer e. pre-consumer


Conventional natural gas is often found in deposits above what other resource? a. coal b. oil c. peat d. water e. uranium


For recycling to be successful, three steps must be applied consistently. The three steps, in order of application, are ____. a. collecting recyclables, buying/selling recyclables, and storing recyclables b. collecting recyclables, converting recyclables, and buying/selling recyclables c. buying/selling recyclables, converting recyclables, and collecting recyclables d. collecting recyclables, converting recyclables, and storing recyclables e. buying/selling recyclables, storing recyclables, and converting recyclables


Fuel efficiency for all types of cars would nearly double if ____. a. all cars were shared b. all cars were made from ultrastrong, ultralight composite materials c. all cars used wind power d. all cars had smaller engines e. all cars were diesels


Governments can promote solutions to climate disruption by ____. a. strictly regulating water vapor and sulfur dioxide as air pollutants b. placing a cap on total human-generated carbon dioxide and methane emissions c. increasing taxes on businesses that encourage energy efficient technologies d. curbing economic growth e. phasing in carbon subsidies


How is coal formed? a. from one million year old marine deposits b. from 300 to 400 million year old plant remains c. from hydrothermal deposits d. from igneous intrusions e. from oil deposits that have solidified


Hypercities and megacities are merging into vast urban ____. a. mini-cities b. megaregions c. marked d. neighborhoods e. ultracities


In 2012, there were ____ megacities, cities with more than 10 million inhabitants. a. 6 b. 26 c. 16 d. 36 e. 46


In less-developed countries, poverty is a way of life for how many people at the present time? a. 2.75 billion b. 1 billion c. 50 million d. 4 billion e. 500 million


In order to get high-quality energy, you must use high-quality energy. This rule is the result of which of the following? a. the law of diminishing returns b. the second law of thermodynamics c. the first law of thermodynamics d. the law of gravity e. the universal law of energy


In the sewage treatment process, the purpose of chlorination involves ____. a. reacting with organic materials to form chlorinated hydrocarbons b. removing discoloration and kill bacteria c. helping large particles settle d. preserving pipes in the sewage facility e. adding essential nutrients to drinking water


Indirectly used water, that is, water consumed to produce food and other products, is called ____ a. surface runoff b. virtual water c. non-renewal aquifers d. water table e. groundwater


Innovation-friendly regulation does which of the following? a. Decrease international market competitiveness. b. Motivate companies to develop green products. c. Create a paperwork nightmare. d. Eliminate jobs. e. Decrease company profits.


Large sections of the earth's crust, called ____, slowly separate, collide, or grind along against each other at the earth's surface a. low-grade ore b. tectonic plates c. tailings d. mantle e. oceanic ridges


Major air pollutants include ____. a. nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and dioxide, argon, excess water vapor, and suspended particulate matter b. nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and dioxide, sulfur compounds, VOCs, and suspended particulate matter c. nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and dioxide, excess water vapor, VOCs, and suspended particulate matter d. nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and dioxide, argon, VOCs, and suspended particulate matter e. nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and dioxide, sulfur compounds, excess water vapor, and suspended particulate matter


Many proposals have been put forth for improving desalinization. Which of the following is not one of these? a. using ocean wave energy for desalination plants b. letting natural evaporation remove the water in large shallow basins c. building desalination plants next to coastal energy plants to use their cooling water d. operating ships that carry desalination equipment offshore e. operating desalination plants by solar energy


Outdoor air pollution is increased when ____. a. particles that are heavier than air settle out of the atmosphere b. temperature inversions form over cities surrounded by mountains c. winds sweep pollutants away d. chemical reactions form acid precipitation that falls out of the atmosphere e. rain and snow wash pollutants out of the atmosphere


Radon-222 is a colorless, odorless gas that forms ____. a. from contaminated groundwater seeping through fractures in rocks b. from underground rock and mineral deposits of uranium, shale, and granite c. when smokers don't open windows d. from coal-burning power plants e. when primary pollutants interact with ozone


Rainwater harvesting ____. a. involves pumping water from shallow aquifers that are recharged quickly by rain b. collects rainwater from rooftops and stores it c. cannot be used in urban settings d. is only useful in areas where it rains all year round e. is expensive and technically difficult


Scientists have attempted to measure historical temperatures by collecting data from various means. What is not one of these? a. tree rings b. photos of glaciers c. radioisotopes in rocks and sediments d. pollen grains e. air bubbles in ice cores


Scientists studying climate change estimate the average global sea level rise by the year 2100 may be as much as ____ or higher. a. 6 inches b. 39 inches c. 3 inches d. 24 inches e. 50 inches


Storing drinking water in a reservoir is beneficial because it ____. a. increases populations of healthy coliform bacteria. b. allows suspended matter to settle. c. reduces the dissolved oxygen level. d. allows the water to be ionized by the atmosphere. e. makes water treatment unnecessary.


Surface mining is used to extract what percentage of nonfuel resources in the U.S.? a. 50 b. 90 c. 80 d. 70 e. 60


Tapping deep aquifers for water sources creates several concerns. Which of the following is not one of these? a. Many cross country borders without international agreements. b. Most are heavily polluted. c. The costs of tapping these are unknown. d. They are nonrenewable on a human time scale. e. Little is known about their geological or ecological impacts.


Teratogens ____. a. cause infections b. cause harm or birth defects to a fetus or embryo c. cause allergic reactions d. are harmful because they are irritating to skin or lungs e. are fatal to humans in low doses


The National Environmental Policy Act requires that ____. a. federal projects cannot cause more than minimal harm to the environment b. an environmental impact statement (EIS) must be developed for every major federal project likely to have an effect on environmental quality c. all companies with more than 50 employees must have an environmental impact minimization policy and demonstrate its effectiveness d. state and local agencies can bar federal projects if they are believed to adversely impact the environment e. companies with stringent environmental protection policies will receive substantial tax breaks


The UV filtering effect of the ozone layer is beneficial because it ____. a. prevents the formation of photochemical ozone in the stratosphere b. allows humans and other forms of life to exist on land c. counteracts global warming d. reduces the amount of water vapor in the troposphere e. prevents low energy radiation from reaching the earth's surface


The United States has about 4.4% of the world's people. What percentage of the world's motor vehicles does the United States have? a. 10% b. 25% c. 20% d. 30% e. 15%


The West Nile virus is transmitted to humans by ____. a. physical contact b. mosquitoes c. coughing and sneezing d. birds e. houseflies


The ____ is used in the U.S. to regulate hazardous waste. a. Clean Water Act b. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act c. Superfund Act d. Solid Waste Disposal Act e. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Recovery, Compensation, and Liability Act


The biggest threat to water quality in the Great Lakes is from ____. a. poor air quality b. increased runoff caused by urban sprawl c. industrial pollution d. the presence of toxic hot spots e. the introduction of invasive species


The oil company responsible for the oil spill of the Valdez was ____. a. Texaco b. Exxon c. Gulf d. Alaska e. Sunoco


The predicted rise in sea levels during the 21st Century is least likely to cause ____. a. flooding of low-lying barrier islands and gently sloping coastlines b. replenishment of many coastal fisheries c. saltwater contamination of coastal freshwater aquifers d. destruction of many coastal estuaries, wetlands, and coral reefs e. flooding of some of the world's largest coastal cities, including New York


The primary aim of the Endangered Species Act is to ____. a. require evaluation of the environmental impact of an activity proposed by a federal agency b. set aside or protect certain species, resources, and ecosystems c. encourage resource conservation d. set standards for pollution levels e. require screening of new products for safety and setting standards


The primary aim of the National Environmental Policy Act is to ____. a. set aside or protect certain species, resources, and ecosystems b. require evaluation of the environmental impact of an activity proposed by a federal agency c. require screening of new products for safety and setting standards d. set standards for pollution levels e. encourage resource conservation


The probability of suffering harm from a hazard that can cause injury, disease, death, economic loss, or damage is referred to as ____. a. negligence b. risk c. exposure d. dangerous e. peril


The process in which water vapor is lost from land plants to the atmosphere is known as a. Precipitation b. Transpiration c. Condensation d. Perspiration e. Evaporation


The rate that the tectonic plates move is comparable to ____. a. the rate that the moon is moving away from the earth b. the rate that fingernails grow c. the rate erosion of a mountain d. the rate that the earth rotates e. how fast a snail moves


To address the water supply problems in the Colorado River basin, experts call for the seven states using the river water to take several actions. What is not one of these? a. Slow growth and development of urban populations. b. Lower the price of water taken from the river. c. Switch water thirst crops to less arid areas. d. Prohibit the use of water on golf courses and lawns. e. Eliminate subsidies for agriculture in this region.


U.S. coal companies and coal-burning utilities have suggested that there is something called clean coal. Which statement is false about this product? a. Climate scientist James Hansen calls coal the single greatest threat to civilization. b. One type of coal is significantly cleaner than other types. c. Stricter pollution controls will not stop the release of some carbon dioxide. d. Air pollutants will always be released by burning coal. e. Burning coal will always result in production of hazardous ash.


Urban rooftop greenhouses use as little as ____ of the water and ____ of the area occupied by conventional farms to produce similar yields. a. 15%; 10% b. 10%; 5% c. 25%; 20% d. 30%; 25% e. 20%; 15%


Waste from the production of nuclear weapons must be stored for how long before it is safe? a. 25 years b. 240,000 years c. 100 years d. 1,000 years e. 150,000 years


What is an immediate or rapid harmful reaction to exposure to a chemical, ranging from dizziness to death? a. chronic response b. acute response c. dose d. persistence e. bioaccumulation


What is the effect of Mexico City's warm, sunny climate on its pollution problems? a. decreased risk of parasites and vermin b. increased smog c. less risk of the spread of infections d. lower levels of air pollutants e. faster dispersion of pollutants


What is the land from which surface water drains into a particular lake, river, or other body of water? a. the bedrock b. watershed c. the zone of saturation d. an aquifer e. surface water


What is the pattern of development in which houses, town houses, condominiums, and two- to six-story apartments are built on parts of the tract and the rest, typically 30-50% of the area, is left as open space for wildlife preserves, parks, and walking and biking paths? a. urban growth boundaries b. cluster development c. greenbelting d. mixed use zoning e. traditional development


What is the total amount of high-quality energy available after the energy needed to make it available is subtracted? a. total energy b. net energy c. gross energy d. entropy e. useful energy


What percent of the earth's freshwater is readily available for consumption? a. 97% b. Less than 1% c. 3-5% d. 10% e. 7%


What percentage of the earth's surface is covered by water? a. 67% b. 71% c. 58% d. 86% e. 52%


What term that is given to the health damage that occurs from exposure to a chemical or other agent? a. biomagnification b. response c. toxicity d. dose e. persistence


When did the Superfund law establish a fund for cleaning up hazardous waste dumps while holding polluters responsible? a. 1975 b. 1980 c. 1970 d. 1985 e. 1965


Which action would contribute to increased global warming? a. Slow population growth. b. Increase beef production to strengthen public health. c. Shift from coal to natural gas d. Reduce deforestation e. Improve energy efficiency.


Which country has the largest portion of the world's light oil reserves? a. China b. Venezuela c. United States d. Russia e. Ukraine


Which greenhouse gases are found in the earth's lower atmosphere? a. water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, argon b. water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide c. ozone, water vapor, methane, nitrous oxide d. ozone, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide e. ozone, carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane


Which of the following is a non-transmissible disease? a. tuberculosis b. diabetes c. hepatitis B d. HIV e. influenza


Which of the following is a nonpoint source of water pollution? a. a sewage treatment plant b. a logged forest c. a factory d. an active or inactive coal mine e. an electric power plant


Which of the following refers to people's physical and mental talents that provide labor, organizational and management skills, and innovation? a. natural capital b. human capital c. artificial capital d. manufactured capital e. development capital


Which statement describes an advantage of carbon capture and storage (CCS) techniques? a. CCS promotes continued use of coal. b. CCS operates on the precautionary principle. c. CCS requires stored CO2 to remain sealed away from the atmosphere forever. d. CCS requires large inputs of energy to accomplish. e. CCS does nothing to reduce greenhouse gases coming from motor vehicles.


Which statement is true? a. Synthetic chemicals are deadly, and natural chemicals are safe. b. Some chemicals, whether synthetic or natural, are safe and others are deadly. c. All chemicals are safe except those that cause cancer. d. All chemicals are unsafe. e. Natural chemicals are safe, and synthetic chemicals are deadly.


Why is cutting down trees in the riparian zone to reduce water loss from transpiration counterproductive? a. Fewer trees result in more urban development b. Fewer trees result in higher water loss from evaporation (likely due to loss of shading) in surface water c. Fewer trees result in loss of deep roots which can transport water to aquifers d. Fewer trees result in more erosion so the rivers and streams fill up with sediment e. Fewer trees result in more animals being able to access and drink the water


______water is found in lakes, rivers and streams, while _________ water is found beneath the earth's surface in small pores or fractures. a. Top; bottom b. Surface; ground c. Ground; surface d. Bottom; top e. Hydro; subhydro


Although temperatures have fluctuated throughout the earth's history, scientists are greatly concerned about the current warming because ____. a. wildfires are more severe and occur with greater frequency b. the Sun is getting warmer which amplifies warming on the earth c. it is occurring at a more rapid rate than in the past d. clouds are not reflecting as much radiation now as in the past e. the ozone hole is allowing more radiation to enter the atmosphere


An interglacial period is characterized by ____. a. falling levels of CO2 b. long periods of colder climate c. periods of warmer, stable climate d. rapidly fluctuating temperatures e. extensive glaciation


By the end of 2016 there were ____ megacities, cities with more than 10 million inhabitants a. 16 b. 36 c. 46 d. 56 e. 26


Climate models predict that global warming will be most severe in which regions? a. Euro-Asia b. Australia c. Polar regions d. North America e. Africa


Development of public policy follows a four-stage policy life cycle. Which of the following is the first of those stages? a. simplification b. implementation c. recognition d. control e. formulation


E-waste can be recycled to extract ____. a. personal identification information b. carbon compounds c. high quality plastics d. organic solids e. enriched uranium


In the Netherlands, bicycles account for ____ of urban trips. a. 50% b. 25% c. 33% d. 66% e. 10%


In what location would you most expect to find methane hydrate gas? a. high mountain glaciers b. Arctic ice sheet c. Tundra permafrost d. Greenland ice sheet e. permanent snow pack


Large dam and reservoir projects ____. a. can last forever b. keeps dirty silt from polluting rivers c. disrupt the migration and spawning of fish d. can create new farmland e. have no real benefits other than water supply


Levying taxes on each unit of pollution discharged into the air or water is an example of ____. a. charging user fees b. tradable pollution rights c. green taxes d. regulation e. subsidies for beneficial actions


Malaria is spread by ____. a. snails b. flies c. certain types of mosquitoes d. contaminated feces e. bacteria


Most of the water in the Colorado River comes from which of the following sources? a. lakes in Montana b. Great Salt Lake c. snow melt in the Rocky Mountains d. glaciers in Canada e. aquifers in Wyoming


Nuclear power advocates contend that increased use of nuclear power decreases what type of emission that contributes to climate change? a. nitrous oxides b. sulfur dioxide c. carbon dioxide d. water vapor e. carbon monoxide


Of the following methods of dealing with hazardous wastes, the most desirable is ____. a. perpetual storage b. conversion to less hazardous materials c. recycling and reusing hazardous wastes d. incineration e. deposit in ocean trenches


Of the following organisms, what is the group that is least likely to cause disease? a. bacteria b. protozoa c. algae d. viruses e. parasitic worms


One approach to preserving open space, used in cities such as Toronto and Vancouver, is to surround a city with a(n) ____. a. an area of cropland b. highway c. greenbelt d. mass transportation system e. a series of open malls


One key component to a successful strategy to reduce the threat of projected climate disruption involves which of the following? a. increasing use of nitrogen fertilizers b. scattering iron particles in the oceans c. starting a global energy efficiency revolution d. reducing cattle belching e. harnessing the power of nuclear fission


One way to deal with the creation of solid wastes is to reduce the environmental impact without trying to reduce the amount of waste produced. This is called ____. a. secondary pollution prevention b. waste recycling c. waste management d. waste reduction e. primary pollution prevention


Oxygen sag curves occur when ____. a. when water is cool or cold b. water levels are high c. bacteria break down biodegradable wastes d. when water flows quickly e. salt and fresh water mix


Photochemical smog is characteristic of urban areas with many vehicles and a climate that is ____. a. cool, dry, and sunny b. warm, wet, and cloudy c. warm, dry, and sunny d. cool, wet, and cloudy e. warm, wet, and sunny


Plastic is made from ____. a. byproducts of coal mining b. extraction of inorganic solids oil and natural gas c. organic molecules derived from oil and natural gas d. melted silica sand grains e. leachates produced by bioenzymes


Precipitation that does not infiltrate the ground or evaporate is called ____. a. perspiration b. condensation c. run off d. transpiration e. run in


The "No-Regrets strategy" calls for ____. a. focusing on reducing the burning of fossils fuels to eliminate climate change b. maintaining the status quo until more data is gathered c. implementing preventative measures immediately that will benefit society regardless of climate change d. ignoring the effects of climate change since they will not immediately impact daily life e. building consensus among world nation's to address climate change


The 1997 Kyoto Protocol went into effect in 2005 with only seven of the world's 194 nations not ratifying the agreement. Which of the following countries did not ratify it? a. Netherlands b. Germany c. United States d. Switzerland e. Canada


The United States government heavily subsidizes ethanol production from corn because ____. a. of lower carbon dioxide emissions b. farmers demand it c. of a very low net energy yield d. there is too much corn in the U.S. e. of higher gas mileage


The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates how many people on the earth do not have access to clean drinking water? a. 1 out of 10 b. 1 out of 50 c. 1 out of 7 d. 1 out of 100 e. 1 out of 20


The court hearing the case may order the defendant to stop whatever action is causing concern. This is called a(n) ____. a. ruling b. appeal c. injunction d. subpoena e. preliminary decision


The delta for the Colorado River was destroyed by ____. a. flooding b. a hurricane c. damming the river d. pollution e. overfishing


The grasshopper effect is a result of ____. a. the mixing of warm and cold air b. warm air sitting on top of cool, stagnant air c. air pollutants being transferred from warmer areas to polar areas by evaporation and wind d. pollutants being transferred from warmer areas to polar areas by ocean currents e. precipitation exceeding evaporation


The interaction of physical and chemical processes that change rocks from one type to another type is known as ____. a. petrography b. consolidation c. the rock cycle d. hydrogeology e. metamorphism


The major accident at the nuclear power plant in 2011 in Japan was caused by a. human error b. a cyclone c. a tsunami d. coastal erosion e. a hurricane


The majority of the earth's rare earth minerals are found in ____. a. Russia b. Canada c. China d. United States e. Saudi Arabia


The majority of the oil pollution of the ocean comes from ____. a. tanker accidents b. blowouts (rupture of a borehole of an oil rig in the ocean) c. runoff from land d. normal operation of offshore wells e. environmental terrorism


The most dangerous activity that individuals might do on a regular basis is to ____. a. fly on airplanes b. smoke cigarettes c. drive or ride in cars d. drink coffee e. drink alcohol


The place where an earthquake begins is called its ____. a. start b. epicenter c. focus d. magnitude e. fault


The primary aim of the Safe Drinking Water Act is to ____. a. set aside or protect certain species, resources, and ecosystems b. set standards for pollution levels c. require screening of new products for safety and setting standards d. require evaluation of the environmental impact of an activity proposed by a federal agency e. encourage resource conservation


The primary cause of BP's Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico was ____. a. the oil rig crashing into a underwater reef b. a lack of federal oversight c. faulty equipment and poor decision-making d. leakage from old, rusty pipes e. an explosion on the oil rig


The second law of thermodynamics dictates that ____. a. low-quality energy is required to get high-quality energy b. the amount of energy in the universe is constantly changing c. some high-quality energy is always degraded d. high-quality energy does not degrade e. low-quality energy be es static


The time it takes to use up 80% of the reserves of a mineral at a given rate is referred to as the ____. a. life cycle b. long term estimate c. depletion time d. strategic reserve e. depletion curve


The underground system of caves and porous rock that result from water dissolving limestone is a form of geology known as a. Metamorphic b. Gneiss c. Karst d. Basin and range e. Igneous


There are several possible climate change tipping points. Which one of the following is not one of these points? a. massive release of methane from Arctic permafrost b. atmospheric level of 350 ppm c. expansion of Amazon rainforest d. collapse and melting of Greenland ice sheet e. sharp drop in the ability of oceans to absorb CO2


Urban populations occupy about ____ of the planet's land area, but consume about ____ of the earth's resources. a. 20%; 73% b. 44%; 88% c. 3%; 75% d. 40%; 50% e. 4%; 33%


Using a mixture of water, sand, and chemicals under high pressure to free tightly held oil and natural gas is known as ____. a. rotary drilling b. hacking c. fracking d. high density pumping e. mud drilling


Vibrations caused when energy accumulated over time is released are called ____. a. tsunamis b. drift c. seismic waves d. glaciations e. fractures


Wastes produced by mines, farms, and industry is called ____. a. municipal solid waste b. e-waste c. industrial solid waste d. hazardous waste e. toxic solid waste


What are chemicals used to soften polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic found in a variety of products, such as detergents, cosmetics, body lotions, soft vinyl toys, and shower curtains? a. carcinogens b. androgens c. phthalates d. estrogens e. BPAs


What do all volatile organic compounds have in common? a. All are colorless, odorless reactive gases. b. All are produced from manmade sources. c. All are gasses in the atmosphere. d. All are emitted for processing and/or burning fossil fuels. e. All are naturally occurring colorless and odorless gases found in rocks and vegetation


What is a civil suit filed by a group, often a public interest, consumer, or environmental group, on behalf of a larger number of citizens, all of whom claim to have experienced similar damages from a product or an action, but who need not be listed and represented individually? a. massed suit b. joint suit c. class action suit d. activist suit e. public interest suit


What is a riparian system? a. The areas of native vegetation that can be optimized for agricultural purposes using irrigation b. The areas over deep aquifers that are devoid of vegetation c. The lush area of vegetation surrounding rivers and streams d. The area near a river or stream that is devoid of vegetation e. The lush areas of vegetation that are found over deep aquifers


What is an economic decision-making tool that involves determining who/what may be affected, projecting outcomes, and then establishing who benefits or who is harmed? a. monetary value b. nonuse value c. cost benefit analysis d. existence value e. discount value


What is by far the leading cause of water pollution? a. ocean-going shipping b. factories c. agriculture activities d. sewage treatment plants e. mining


What is not a good solution for reducing water waste in industry and homes? a. Use gray water to irrigate lawns and nonedible plants. b. Raise the cost of water in water-short areas. c. Condensing water vapor from indoor air. d. Recycle water for use in industry. e. Use water-thrifty native plants in lawns.


What is not a viable method of producing hydrogen gas? a. taking off the gasoline molecule b. stripping it from methane c. removing it from the atmosphere d. passing electricity through water e. initiating a chemical reaction involving coal, oxygen, and steam


What is not an effective means of saving energy in transportation? a. taxing gasoline b. giving tax breaks on fuel efficient automobiles c. switching from electrified rail systems to diesel-powered systems d. encouraging bicycle use by building bike lanes along highways and city streets e. building accessible mass transit systems


What is not considered to be a hidden cost of a gallon of gasoline? a. cost of pollution control and cleanup b. government subsidies for oil companies c. research and development for hybrid cars d. tax breaks for car manufacturers and road builders e. costs of military protection of oil supplies in the Middle East


What is now likely to draw people to urban areas? a. famine b. war c. better health care d. lack of land to grow food e. declining agricultural jobs


What is the body of statements defining what is acceptable environmental behavior for individuals and groups, according to the larger community? a. administrative law b. civil law c. environmental law d. common law e. statutory law


What is the first phase of urbanization, as experienced in the United States? a. migration forced by economic issues from West to East b. migration from cities and suburbs to developed areas outside suburbs c. migration from rural areas to large central cities d. migration from North and East to South and West e. migration from large central cities to smaller cities and suburbs


What is the study of the harmful effects of chemicals on humans and other organisms? a. epidemiology b. toxicity c. toxicology d. biological accumulation e. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)


What is true of many industry estimates of the costs associated with pollution control regulations? a. They are usually quite similar to the estimates provided by environmental groups. b. They are typically quite similar to the governmental estimates. c. They are almost always more (and often much more) than the actual costs of complying. d. They are usually reasonably accurate. e. They typically underestimate the costs, resulting in the need for government assistance.


What term refers to a substance's resistance to breakdown? a. dose b. toxicity c. persistence d. biomagnification e. response


When was the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) established? a. 1950 b. 1990 c. 1970 d. 1980 e. 1960


Which country has taken the strongest stand against urban sprawl? a. United States b. Netherlands c. China d. India e. Canada


Which environmental NGO helped U.S. citizens organize massive opposition to a proposed government policy that would have allowed sewer operators to routinely dump virtually untreated sewage into the nation's lakes, rivers, and streams? a. The Audubon Society b. Greenpeace c. Natural Resources Defense Council d. Friends of the Earth e. The Environmental Defense Fund


Which material should not be dumped in the compost pile? a. egg shells b. leaves c. chicken bones d. vegetable peelings e. small twigs


Which method is not used to detoxify hazardous and toxic wastes? a. phytoremediation b. chemical treatment c. crushing and grinding d. bioremediation e. nanomagnetism


Which of the following cannot (at least currently) be used to generate electricity directly? a. flowing river water b. ocean tides c. heavy rains d. water behind dams e. ocean waves


Which of the following countries has the largest proven reserves of natural gas? a. United States b. Iran c. Russia d. Qatar e. Saudi Arabia


Which of the following includes services and resources produced by the earth's natural processes? a. artificial capital b. manufactured capital c. natural capital d. human capital e. development capital


Which of the following is a disadvantage of hydroelectric plants? a. high-cost electricity b. high emissions of carbon dioxide c. large land disturbance d. little untapped potential e. low net energy


Which of the following is least likely to waste large amounts of energy and money when used? a. coal-fired power plants b. incandescent light bulbs c. mass transit d. internal combustion engine e. nuclear power plants


Which of the following statements does not apply to burning coal? a. Burning coal produces a highly toxic ash b. Burning coal emits trace amounts of radioactive materials c. Burning coal has led to very limited reserves. d. Burning coal releases large amounts of black carbon particulates e. Burning coal is the dirtiest of all fossil fuels


Which school of economics views human economic systems as subsystems of the biosphere that depend heavily on the earth's irreplaceable natural resources and ecosystem services? a. socialistic b. neoclassical c. ecological d. classical e. capitalistic


Which statement about acid deposition is false? a. Mountaintop forests are the hardest hit regions. b. Crops are harmed by low pH. c. Low pH increases plant nutrients in forest soils. d. Several thousand lakes in Norway and Sweden contain few fish. e. Forty-five U.S. states have issued warnings to not eat fish.


Which statement about lakes is true? a. Stratification increases levels of dissolved oxygen, especially in the bottom layer. b. Changing of water in lakes takes days to weeks. c. Lakes are more vulnerable than streams to contamination by plant nutrients, and toxic substances d. Stratified layers of lakes are characterized by vertical mixing. e. Lakes have more flushing than streams.


"Methane time bombs" is a phrase associated with which of the following? a. methane released from glaciers b. methane released by cattle c. methane released by decaying manure d. methane released from permafrost e. methane released from sewage treatment plants


About one-third of the toxic metal, mercury (Hg), is released into the air from natural sources, such as rocks, soil, volcanoes, and the ocean. The remaining two-thirds comes from ____. a. airplane exhaust b. automobile exhaust c. mercury-rich plants d. human activities e. waste from livestock


According to the EPA, what are the four most dangerous indoor air pollutants? a. tobacco smoke, formaldehyde, radon-222, and methane b. tobacco smoke, formaldehyde, sulfur dioxide, and methane c. tobacco smoke, formaldehyde, sulfur dioxide, and ultrafine particles d. tobacco smoke, formaldehyde, radon-222, and ultrafine particles e. tobacco smoke, formaldehyde, radon-222, and sulfur dioxide


Acidic rain, snow, fog, and cloud vapor typically has a pH of ____ or less. a. 7.6 b. 4.6 c. 6.6 d. 5.6 e. 3.6


Approximately how much of the air we breathe is composed of nitrogen and oxygen? a. 77% b. 63% c. 33% d. 99% e. 54%


By 2050, what proportion of the world's population is expected to live in urban areas? a. one-fourth b. one-half c. one-third d. two-thirds e. three-quarters


China has lower costs for the mining of rare earth minerals because of ____. a. their larger deposits b. the accessibility of their minerals without subsurface mining c. the proximity of their deposits to the earth's surface d. their fewer environmental regulations e. their low labor costs


Coal can be converted to liquid fuels such as methanol and synthetic gasoline through a process called ____. a. coal synthesis b. coal fusion c. synfuel hydrolysis d. coal liquefaction e. coal gasification


Ecological medicine is a new interdisciplinary field devoted to ____. a. wildlife disease connections b. finding ecologically based medicines for diseases c. tracking down disease connections between insects d. tracking down disease connections between animals and humans e. tracking down disease connections between animals and insects


Farmers could not grow lettuce in the arid interior of California without ____. a. El Nino southern oscillation b. cheap prices for lettuce seeds c. desalinization d. government subsidies e. winds coming off the Pacific Ocean


Hazardous waste includes radioactive wastes, which need to be stored safely for as long as ____. a. 1,000,000 years b. 15,000 years c. 50,000 years d. 240,000 years e. 100,000 years


Human inputs of outdoor air pollutants occur mostly ____. a. in rural areas b. along the oceans c. in the deserts d. in urban areas e. in the mountains


Identified deposits from which we can extract the minerals profitably at current prices are referred to as ____. a. deposits b. estimates c. resources d. reserves e. placers


If the earth were an apple, the lower layer of the atmosphere would be the thickness of ____. a. the core b. a seed c. the whole apple d. the skin e. the part of the apple we eat


In China air pollution causes as many as ____ deaths per year. a. 1,000,000 b. 200,000 c. 1,000 d. 650,000 e. 35,000


In a septic tank system, which of the following is false? a. Wastewater is pumped into a settling tank. b. Solids are decomposed by bacteria. c. Bacteria-treated waste is discharged in an absorption field. d. After leaving the absorption field, wastewater is cleaned and can be used again for human consumption e. Grease and oil rise to the top in the tank.


In sustainable community development, the "triple bottom line" refers to ____. a. health, wealth, and growth b. earth, air, and water c. urban, suburban, and rural d. people, the planet, and profits e. the present, the short-term future, and the long-term future


In the United States since 1920, many situations have changed because of the move to urban areas. What is one of these changes? a. increased incidence of infectious diseases b. poorer air quality c. substandard housing d. better working conditions e. increased water quality problems


In the United States, most hazardous waste is produced which industries? a. hospitals, mining, and the chemical industry b. hospitals, mining, and the military c. the military, mining, and sewage treatment d. the military, mining, and the chemical industry e. mining, the chemical industry and sewage treatment


Mining causes long-term harm to the environment in a number of ways. What is not one detrimental effect of a. toxic chemical releases into the atmosphere b. scarring and disruption of the land surface c. large amounts of solid waste d. large amounts of radioactivity e. subsidence


Most local government services (schools, roads, police and fire protection, welfare, and so on) depend on ____. a. fees and licenses b. sales tax c. gifts d. property taxes e. income taxes


Motor vehicles are the world's largest source of out-door air pollution, which causes ____ premature deaths per year in the United States. a. 20,000 to 30,000 b. 5,000 to 10,000 c. 60,000 to 90,000 d. 30,000 to 60,000 e. 10,000 to 20,000


Natural and synthetic chemicals in the environment that can harm the human nervous system are called ____. a. chemotoxins b. herbicides c. antibodies d. neurotoxins e. insecticides


Nitrous oxide (N20) levels are rising. Each nitrous oxide molecule has how much stronger a warming potential than does a molecule of carbon dioxide? a. 56 b. 25 c. 83 d. 300 e. 118


One major human activity that has contributed to flooding is ____. a. urbanization b. directing stream flow c. constructing dams d. destroying vegetation e. irrigation


One method of biomimicry, in which the wastes produced by one manufacturer become the raw materials for another manufacturer, is called ____. a. waste transference b. ecoindustrialism c. a resource exchange web d. the reusability web e. the precautionary principle


Outdoor air pollution is reduced when ____. a. high temperatures promote formation of photochemical smog b. hills and mountains reduce the flow of air in valleys c. buildings slow wind speed and reduce dilution of pollutants d. chemical reactions form acid precipitation which falls out of the atmosphere e. temperature inversions form over cities surrounded by mountains


Since 1970, the occurrence of malaria has come roaring back in prevalence. Why? a. Swamplands and marshes have been drained. b. More vaccines exist. c. The use of insecticides in most countries has declined. d. Malaria-carrying species of mosquitoes have become resistant to insecticides. e. Fewer vaccines exist.


Sound can kill when it is at ____. a. 100 dbA b. 160 dbA c. 140 dbA d. 180 dbA e. 120 dbA


Taking a refillable coffee cup to the office and using it instead of throwaway cups is an example of ____. a. refusing b. recycling c. repurposing d. reusing e. reducing


Tapping just 2% of the hot, dry rock geothermal energy in the U.S. could produce how much of the energy needed by the U.S.? a. all the energy necessary for electricity b. 50% of the energy for electricity c. three-fourths of all energy d. 2,000 times the current annual use of electricity e. 10 times the energy needed from coal burning power plants


The Asian Brown Cloud is approximately the size of ____. a. China and India b. Tibet c. Shanghai d. the Continental U.S. e. India


The U.S. population is shifting to the ____. a. north and west b. north and south c. south and east d. south and west e. north and east


The concentration of carbon dioxide in the troposphere at the start of the Industrial Revolution was approximately ____. a. 300 ppm b. 320 ppm c. 310 ppm d. 280 ppm e. 290 ppm


The geological layer, consisting of underground caverns and porous layers of sand, gravel, or bedrock, where groundwater flows, is called ____. a. the zone of saturation b. the bedrock c. the water table d. an aquifer e. surface water


The life cycle of a metal product ends with ____. a. melting the metal b. recycling of the product c. separation of the ore from waste material d. discarding of the product e. converting the metal to a product


The majority of carbon dioxide enters the atmosphere via ____. a. deforestation b. plant respiration c. volcanic outgassing d. burning fossil fuels e. wildfires


The materials revolution ____. a. is focused on creating new minerals in a lab setting b. involves the use of renewable resources instead of nonrenewable resources c. uses recycled material exclusively d. substitutes silicon and other materials for metals e. relies on only low-grade ores


The most effective way to protect groundwater is to ____. a. use advanced sewage treatment b. cover all wells carefully c. use monitoring wells d. prevent contamination e. treat all water from underground sources


The optimum level of pollution control is reached when ____. a. technologies become affordable to clean up pollution b. demand for pollution clean-up exceeds the capacity to clean pollution c. marginal costs of pollution control begins to exceed what the public will pay for control d. the marginal cost of pollution control intersects with the marginal cost of pollution e. marginal costs of pollution begins to exceed the marginal costs of pollution control


The point at which pressure in a well begins to drop and production begins to decline is called the ____. a. dropping point b. reduction point c. end point d. peak production e. decline point


The point at which the marginal cost of resource production meets the marginal benefit of resource use is called the ____. a. optimum level of resource production b. tipping point c. benefit maximization point d. optimum level of resource use e. break-even point


There are many advantages to using microorganisms for mining. Which of the following is not one of these? a. reduced water pollution b. reduced land disturbance c. reduced air pollution d. faster removal of the mineral e. reduced use of hazardous chemicals


Waste that includes paper, food wastes, cans, bottles, yard waste, glass, wood, and similar items is called ____. a. e-waste b. hazardous waste c. toxic solid waste d. municipal solid waste e. industrial solid waste


Water in the spaces between soil, rock, and gravel is called what ____. a. soil moisture b. soil aquifer c. capillary fringe water d. groundwater e. perched water table


What is a riparian system? a. The area near a river or stream that is devoid of vegetation b. The lush areas of vegetation that are found over deep aquifers c. The areas over deep aquifers that are devoid of vegetation d. The lush area of vegetation surrounding rivers and streams e. The areas of native vegetation that can be optimized for agricultural purposes using irrigation


What is not an effective means of improving the energy efficiency of buildings? a. use energy-efficient windows b. use of energy-efficient compact fluorescent light bulbs c. use of energy-efficient appliances d. building big windows into the northern side of new housing e. plugging leaks


What is the ability of a substance to cause injury, illness, or death to a living system? a. response b. dose c. persistent d. toxicity e. biomagnification


What is the world's fastest growing way to produce electricity? a. geothermal energy b. nuclear energy c. hydroelectric energy d. solar cells e. hydrogen cells


What is the world's leading renewable energy source used to produce electricity? a. coal b. biomass c. hydrogen d. hydropower e. ethanol


What is true of water and water supplies associated with urban areas? a. Flooding is extremely rare. b. Water supplies typically have shallow wells. c. Excess urban water irrigates many agricultural areas. d. Urban development has destroyed or degraded wetlands. e. Runoff is well-handled by storm sewer systems.


What percent, approximately, of the winter vegetables sold in the United States are grown in southern Florida a. 25% b. 90% c. 75% d. 50% e. 10%


What percentage of the U.S. population strongly supports environmental laws and regulations, and does not want them weakened? a. 25% b. 66% c. 33% d. 80% e. 50%


What strategy would increase the threat of climate change? a. Shift from fossil fuels to a mix of carbon-free energy resources. b. Improve energy efficiency. c. Stop cutting down tropical forests. d. Continue with current practices. e. Capture and store as much carbon dioxide as possible.


What term refers to the amount of a substance a person ingests, inhales, or absorbs through the skin? a. biomagnification b. toxicity c. response d. dose e. persistence


When did the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act give EPA power to manage all toxic wastes? a. 1982 b. 1967 c. 1962 d. 1977 e. 1972


Which activity is the least desirable from an environmental standpoint? a. reusing b. repurposing c. refusing d. recycling e. reducing


Which country currently gets almost half of its electricity by burning wood and agricultural waste for cogeneration? a. Germany b. China c. Austria d. Denmark e. Brazil


Which of the following countries has the largest proven reserves of coal? a. Russia b. India c. Australia d. U.S. e. China


Which of the following is an environmental indicator? a. HPI b. NIH c. GNH d. GPI e. GDP


Which of the following is considered a cultural hazard? a. earthquakes b. having unsafe sex c. smoking cigarettes d. unsafe working conditions e. contagious viruses


Which of the following is considered a natural hazard? a. poverty b. poor nutrition c. driving d. earthquakes e. infectious diseases


Which of the following is not considered biomass? a. animal manure b. crop residues c. wood d. coal e. charcoal


Which one of the following is one of the top five toxic substances in terms of human and environmental health? a. nitrous acid b. tobacco smoke c. formaldehyde d. lead e. DDT


Which procedure would most likely be used to mine coal on hilly terrain? a. area strip mining b. open-pit ruining c. mountain-top removal d. contour mining e. strip mining


Which viral disease is the biggest killer? a. West Nile b. hepatitis B c. tuberculosis d. influenza e. AIDS


"Fecal snow" has been observed in ____. a. Sao Paulo b. Mumbai c. Rio de Janeiro d. Calcutta e. Mexico City


A 2009 U.S. Department of the Interior study indicates that wind farms off the Atlantic and Gulf coasts could generation enough electricity to eliminate all ____. a. solar energy b. hydroelectric power c. geothermal plants d. nuclear power plants e. coal-burning power plants


A drawback to implementing environmental taxes and fees is that it ____. a. encourages businesses to develop environmentally beneficial goods b. introduces environmentally beneficial technologies c. helps bring about full-cost pricing d. is easily administered by existing tax agencies e. penalizes low-income groups unless safety nets are provided


A lawsuit filed by a corporation or developer against citizens who publicly criticize a business for an activity is called a(n) ____. a. regulatory suit b. frivolous lawsuit c. criminal suit d. common law suit e. SLAPP


A rise in sea level is least likely to ____. a. contaminate coastal aquifers b. accelerate coastal erosion c. flood areas where one-third of the world's human population lives d. disrupt coastal fisheries e. save the coral reefs


About half of the people with active tuberculosis will die from destruction of their ____. a. nervous system b. brain c. heart d. lymph nodes e. lung tissue


According to environmental scientists, U.S. air pollution control laws would be weakened if ____. a. stricter air pollution regulations on airports and ocean going ships were enacted b. there was a greater emphasis on preventing air pollution. c. fuel efficiency standards on motor vehicles were improved d. emissions from older coal-burning power plants were sharply reduced e. controls on petroleum refineries were relaxed


According to the USGS, each person in the United States uses an average of how many metric tons of mineral resources each year? a. 2 b. 12 c. 32 d. 42 e. 22


Acid mine drainage occurs when ____. a. mines use acid to clean equipment b. acid is used to detect low grade mineral ores c. naturally-occurring acids are uncovered during the mining process d. acid is used to remove rare earth minerals from mines e. rainwater seeps through spoils piles and produces sulfuric acid


Contaminated groundwater cannot cleanse itself. Why? a. Groundwater does not move at all and cold temperatures usually slow down reactions. b. Contaminants are diluted easily, but not dispersed effectively. c. Groundwater does not move at all and lower concentrations of dissolved oxygen exist for decomposition. d. Groundwater does not move at all and contaminants are not dispersed effectively. e. Contaminants are not dispersed effectively and lower concentrations of dissolved oxygen exist for decomposition.


DDT, PCBs, atrazine, bisphenol-A, and phthalates are all examples of ____. a. plastic additives b. estrogens c. androgens d. insecticides e. hormonally active agents


Drinking water for about ____ of the U.S. population and ____ of the rural populations comes from groundwater. a. 50%; 50% b. 10%; 95% c. 10%; 50% d. 75%; 75% e. 50%; 95%


Dry cell batteries and household pesticides are classified as ____. a. municipal solid waste b. toxic solid waste c. e-waste d. industrial solid waste e. hazardous waste


Experts have concluded that the best way to make the transition to using mostly renewable energy resources during this century is a combination of improved energy efficiency and the carefully regulated use of ____. a. coal b. nuclear power c. petroleum d. fuel oil e. natural gas


Filtration and distillation are ____ methods for detoxifying hazardous waste. a. inexpensive b. chemical c. natural d. biological e. physical


Future reliance on energy technologies such as tar sands, shale oil, and nuclear power, would be a violation of which of the following? a. precautionary principle b. humility principle c. prevention principle d. reversibility principle e. net energy principle


Geoengineering methods to control global warming are criticized because ____. a. geoengineering protects only affect a local area b. they are vulnerable to cheating c. taxes on energy consumption are not popular d. they don't go far enough in reducing CO2 levels e. the results are unpredictable and could have negative impacts on the climate and atmosphere


In 2003, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed that in determining any risk, regulators should assume children have ____ times the exposure risk of adults to cancer-causing chemicals. a. 100 b. 5 c. 15 d. 25 e. 10


In 2012, economist Gemot Wagner estimated that the benefits of the U.S. Clean Air Act exceeded the costs of complying with the law by a. 10 to 1 b. 20 to 1 c. 2 to 1 d. 5 to 1 e. 30 to 1


In 2012, what percentage of its total electricity did Germany generate using wind farms? a. 10% b. 5% c. 15% d. 25% e. 20%


In an integrated waste management approach to solid waste, which action would be given last priority? a. reduce packaging b. recycle c. reuse d. compost e. bury


In cultural eutrophication, fish die from ____. a. increased sediment reducing habitats b. loss of space c. acid deposition d. toxic substances in the water e. depletion of oxygen


In terms of number of premature deaths per year and reduced life span, what is by far the greatest risk? a. malaria b. smoking c. AIDS d. industrial chemicals e. poverty


In the United States, local and national elections are held as often as every two years. An important implication of this is that ____. a. program administrators often must operate without direction or oversight during and after election b. resolution of difficult, high impact problems are the typical focus during and after election c. development of policies are left in the hands of experts d. solutions to complex problems are often rapidly implemented after election e. politicians spend much of their time on re-election and deal only with simple, isolated problems


In the United States, the three branches of government aim to act collectively. What is their primary goal? a. maintain oversight regulations b. implement detailed budgets c. establish future priorities d. encourage free enterprise e. curb rapid and destabilizing change


Individuals add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere directly and indirectly based on their lifestyle choices. This is called ____. a. carbon trail b. carbon stamp c. carbon track d. carbon fingerprint e. carbon footprint


Most environmental lawsuits are ____. a. administrative suits b. statutory suits c. criminal suits d. regulatory suits e. civil suits


Of the 80,000 registered synthetic chemicals in commercial use, only ____ have been adequately tested to determine whether they are carcinogens, teratogens, or mutagens. a. 12% b. 10% c. 15% d. 4% e. 2%


Of the 80,000 registered synthetic chemicals in commercial use, only ____ have been adequately tested to determine whether they are carcinogens, teratogens, or mutagens. a. 10% b. 12% c. 4% d. 15% e. 2%


One characteristic of waste-to-energy incineration is that it ____. a. discourages waste production b. is inexpensive to build c. produces no air pollution d. produces no hazardous waste e. concentrates hazardous substances into ash


One method of desalination uses high pressure to force saltwater through a membrane filter. This method is called ____. a. active transport b. distillation c. passive transport d. diffusion e. reverse osmosis


One way to deal with the creation of solid wastes begins with the question "How can we avoid producing so much solid waste?" This approach is called ____. a. integrated waste management b. primary pollution prevention c. waste recycling d. secondary pollution prevention e. waste reduction


Ozone depletion is caused by ____. a. chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in the troposphere b. global warming c. the greenhouse effect d. cold air in the polar regions e. chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in the stratosphere


Putting in a well near a stream can reduce the amount of water in a that stream due to a. Injection pressure b. Surface water overuse c. The "cone of hydrology" d. Surface water underuse e. The "cone of depression"


The Asian Brown Cloud is a(n) ____. a. area of pollution that only affects Asia b. cloud of dust, smoke, and toxic metals that is unable to be cleaned up c. data storage system in China d. slow moving cloud of dust, smoke, and toxic metals in the stratosphere e. large thick cloud of dust, smoke, and toxic metals in the troposphere


The Great Lakes possess ____% of all the surface fresh water in the United States. a. 75 b. 35 c. 55 d. 95 e. 45


The Gulf of Mexico's "Dead Zone" is caused by high levels of ____ in the Mississippi River. a. cyanobacteria b. coliform bacteria c. algae d. phytoplankton e. plant fertilizers


The WHO and the World Bank call indoor air pollution ____. a. an important air pollution problem b. a serious problem only for poor people c. a serious problem only for developed nations d. not a serious air pollution problem e. the world's most serious air pollution problem


The atmospheric layer containing 75% of the mass of earth's air is the ____. a. mesosphere b. tropopause c. stratosphere d. thermosphere e. troposphere


The best way to reduce our unnecessary waste of energy is to improve ____. a. coal mining techniques b. solar cells c. hydroelectric power d. hydrogen cells e. energy efficiency


The chief ingredient of most solar cells is ____. a. sodium b. calcium c. arsenic d. chromium e. silicon


The earth's climate will not change in response to ____. a. plate tectonics b. shifting ocean currents c. increases and decreases in volcanic emissions d. variations in atmospheric gas concentrations e. magnetic pole reversals


The greenhouse effect is ____. a. a blanket of warm air in the troposphere that makes the earth habitable b. accelerating the warming of the earth's atmosphere c. caused by solar radiation warming the earth's atmosphere d. the primary cause of global warming e. when energy absorbed by the earth radiates into the atmosphere to cause warming


The natural nutrient enrichment of a shallow lake, estuary, or slow moving stream is called ____. a. upwellings b. oligotrophy c. spring/fall overturn d. red tides e. eutrophication


The oceans absorb CO2 from the lower atmosphere, which in turn creates carbonic acid. Should humans be concerned about greater ocean acidification? a. No. The carbonic acid gets consumed by organisms in the ocean before it can do harm. b. No. The oceans have such a large volume, that increases in carbonic acid don't have a major affect. c. Yes. The increasing acidification means oceans will be unsafe for humans to swim in. d. No. Carbonic acid is an ingredient in soft drinks. It's not dangerous. e. Yes. Carbonic acid inhibits the growth of shelled organisms and decreases phytoplankton populations.


The oceans absorb between 25-30% of the CO2 in the lower atmosphere. As the oceans heat up, this absorption ____. a. increases dramatically b. stops c. increases somewhat d. stays relatively stable e. decreases


The plant or tree vascular tissue that transports water from roots to leaves is known as a. Tributaries b. Arteries c. Veins d. Phloem e. Xylem


The point at which the supplier's price matches what buyers are willing to pay for some quantity of a good or service is called the ____. a. price line b. demand curve c. supply curve d. market cost e. market price equilibrium point


The primary drawback of waterless, odorless composting toilet systems is that they ____. a. become clogged very easily b. save large amounts of water c. are not feasible for large-scale projects d. convert human fecal material to soil-like fertilizer supplement e. involve expensive upfront installation costs


The removal of mangrove forests in coastal areas has resulted in ____. a. a reduction in storm surges b. more beaches along which water can collect c. a reduction in mangrove related deaths d. less seawater being held near the shore e. increased flooding


The stratosphere ____. a. has more water vapor than the troposphere b. is where the Asian Brown Cloud forms c. is where weather occurs d. is characterized by temperatures that decrease with altitude e. contains the ozone layer


The term. subsidence refers to ____. a. money paid by the government to farmers b. failure of the groundwater supply c. intrusion of salt water into a freshwater aquifer d. living on very little money e. sinking of ground when water has been withdrawn


The two major obstacles facing the Suwannee River Basin in Florida in the future are a. Reduced demand and introduced species b. Increased demand and saltwater intrusion c. Saltwater intrusion and increased pollution d. Saltwater intrusion and introduced species e. Increased demand and increased pollution


The worst nuclear power accident in the United States occurred in 1979 in what state? a. Connecticut b. New York c. Washington d. California e. Pennsylvania


There are several advantages of withdrawing groundwater. Which of the following is not one of these a. exists almost anywhere b. can be used for drinking and irrigation c. cheaper to extract than most surface waters d. renewable if not overpumped e. pollution is quickly removed


Upcycling is an example of ____. a. redistributing b. regulating c. refusing d. reducing e. reusing


Waste soil and rock removed during surface mining is called ____. a. gangue b. hazardous waste c. smelt d. tailings e. spoil


What is a direct cost of driving a domestic car? a. non-renewable resource use b. release of greenhouse gases c. air and water pollution d. disturbing land e. cost to manufacture


What is a transmissible disease? a. A disease caused by something other than a living organism b. A disease that does not spread from one person to another c. A disease caused by cancer d. A disease that will always lead to death e. A disease that can be passed from one person to another


What is an argument against the use of full-cost pricing? a. Environmental costs are minimally important. b. Some businesses use political and economic power to retain government assistance. c. The difference between market- and full-cost pricing is minimal. d. This method has consistently failed in the past. e. Producers of harmful products would have to charge more.


What is an indirect cost of car ownership? a. maintenance and repair b. gasoline c. dealer mark-up d. raw materials and labor e. pollution from production and use


What moves large volumes of rock and heat within the mantle, much like gigantic conveyor belts? a. divergent plates b. magma chambers c. concurrent cells d. convergent plates e. convection cells


What percent of the earth's freshwater is readily available for consumption? a. 10% b. 7% c. 97% d. 3-5% e. Less than 1%


What percent of the earth's water is in the oceans? a. 85% b. 90% c. 82% d. 50% e. 97%


What proportion of Grameen Bank loans have been used by women? a. 37% b. 17% c. 57% d. 77% e. 97%


What proportion of the world's CO2 emissions come from motor vehicles and industrial facilities in urban areas? a. one-half b. one-quarter c. one-tenth d. one-third e. two-thirds


What proportion of the world's population lives in extreme poverty? a. about one-quarter b. less than one-tenth c. nearly half d. about one-third e. about one-fifth


What proportion of urban Americans live in the suburbs? a. one-tenth b. one-quarter c. two-thirds d. one-third e. one-half


What type of rock is granite? a. mineral b. organic c. metamorphic d. sedimentary e. igneous


When did Congress restrict the use of lead-based paint in homes? a. 1966 b. 1956 c. 1961 d. 1976 e. 1971


Which is least characteristic of hazardous waste? a. flammability b. corrosivity c. chemical reactivity d. toxicity e. conductivity


Which material takes the longest to break down? a. aluminum cans b. plastic six-pack holders c. plastic bags d. newspapers e. plastic bottles


Which of the following countries is a member of OPEC? a. The United States b. Ukraine c. Canada d. Russia e. Iraq


Which of the following is a nonuse value? a. monetary cost b. willingness-to-pay value c. mitigation cost d. utilitarian value e. existence value


Which of the following is a point source of water pollution? a. urban lands b. croplands c. parking lots d. livestock feedlots e. offshore oil wells


Which of the following is experienced by residents of Mexico City? a. Highly efficient public transportation b. Barrio life for more than two-thirds of the population c. Subsidence by two or more feet per year due to withdrawals from aquifers d. Lack of access to sewage facilities for one million residents e. Widespread salmonella and hepatitis infections


Which of the following is not an advantage of using conventional crude oil as an energy source? a. efficient distribution system b. ample supply for several decades c. low land disruption d. high net energy yield e. environmental costs included in market price


Which of the following is not true of the disaster that befell the Aral Sea? a. Shrinkage of the Ara1 Sea has altered local climate. b. Surface level of the sea has dropped by 22 meters. c. Salt and sand from the dry sea bottom spread as far as 300 kilometers. d. The cause of the disaster was a water diversion project. e. Populations of local animal species have remained stable.


Which statement about "bottle bills" is true? a. They tax bottle manufacturers. b. They have been adopted in over 25 states. c. They tax consumers who don't carry reusable containers. d. They discourage theft. e. They require a deposit for every bottle purchased, and refund the deposit when the bottle is returned.


Which statement best describes the current state of environmental laws in the United States? a. Because they have failed so often, legislative attempts to halt environmental damage have been abandoned. b. There is strong support for strengthening existing laws and implementing new ones. c. Politicians are willing to work across party lines to protect the environment even when they will not do so to address other issues. d. Environmental laws are well accepted by most of the corporations that are regulated by them. e. There has been a growing effort to weaken laws designed to protect the environment since 2000.


Which type of method uses natural or genetically engineered plants to absorb, filter, and remove contaminants from soil and water? a. physical methods b. bioremediation c. chemical methods d. nanomagnets e. phytoremediation


Why do markets often fail at environmental protection? a. There is little agreement as to what environmental protection involves. b. They should bear no responsibility for protecting the environment. c. There is no profit to be made in protecting the environmet. d. They are focused on making profits for their investors. e. They do not assign a monetary value to the benefits provided by natural capital.


Withdrawing too much water from an aquifer can cause several issues. Which of the following is not one of these? a. sinkholes b. freshwater contaminated with saltwater c. land subsidence d. making aquifers impossible to recharge e. droughts


____ are lined ponds, pits, or lagoons where liquid hazardous wastes are stored. a. Sludge ponds b. Surficial waste installations c. Dead zones d. Hazardous waste basins e. Surface impoundments


______water is found in lakes, rivers and streams, while _________ water is found beneath the earth's surface in small pores or fractures. a. Hydro; subhydro b. Top; bottom c. Ground; surface d. Bottom; top e. Surface; ground


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